Foundry is a smart contract development toolchain.

Foundry manages your dependencies, compiles your project, runs tests, deploys, and lets you interact with the chain from the command-line and via Solidity scripts.

📖 Contributing

You can contribute to this book on GitHub.


Getting Started

To get started with Foundry, install Foundry and set up your first project.


This section will give you an overview of how to create and work with existing projects.

Forge Overview

The overview will give you all you need to know about how to use forge to develop, test, and deploy smart contracts.

Cast Overview

Learn how to use cast to interact with smart contracts, send transactions, and get chain data from the command-line.

Anvil Overview

Learn about anvil, Foundry’s local node.

Chisel Overview

Learn how to use chisel, Foundry’s integrated Solidity REPL.


Guides on configuring Foundry.


Tutorials on building smart contracts with Foundry.


Help us improve Foundry: Contributing


References, troubleshooting, and more.

You can also check out Awesome Foundry, a curated list of awesome Foundry resources, tutorials, tools, and libraries!


If you encounter any issues during installation, refer to the FAQ for assistance.

Precompiled Binaries

Precompiled binaries can be downloaded from the GitHub releases page. For easier management, we recommend using Foundryup.

Using Foundryup

Foundryup is the official installer for the Foundry toolchain. You can learn more about it here.

To install Foundryup, open your terminal and run the following command:

curl -L | bash

This will install Foundryup. Simply follow the on-screen instructions, and the foundryup command will become available in your CLI.

Running foundryup will automatically install the latest (nightly) versions of the precompiled binaries: forge, cast, anvil, and chisel. For additional options, such as installing a specific version or commit, run foundryup --help.

ℹ️ Note
If you’re using Windows, you’ll need to install and use Git BASH or WSL as your terminal, since Foundryup currently doesn’t support Powershell or Command Prompt (Cmd).

Building from Source


You’ll need the Rust compiler and Cargo, Rust’s package manager. The easiest way to install both is by using

Foundry generally supports building only with the latest stable version of Rust. If you’re using an older version of Rust, you can update it with rustup:

rustup update stable

For Windows users, you’ll also need a recent version of Visual Studio, with the “Desktop Development With C++” workload installed.


You can either use the various flags provided by Foundryup:

foundryup --branch master
foundryup --path path/to/foundry

Alternatively, you can install via Cargo with the following command:

cargo install --git --profile release --locked forge cast chisel anvil

You can also manually build from a local copy of the Foundry repository:

# clone the repository
git clone
cd foundry
# install Forge
cargo install --path ./crates/forge --profile release --force --locked
# install Cast
cargo install --path ./crates/cast --profile release --force --locked
# install Anvil
cargo install --path ./crates/anvil --profile release --force --locked
# install Chisel
cargo install --path ./crates/chisel --profile release --force --locked

CI Installation with GitHub Actions

For instructions on setting up Foundry in a CI pipeline, refer to the foundry-rs/foundry-toolchain GitHub Action.

Using Foundry with Docker

Foundry can also be run inside a Docker container. If you don’t have Docker installed, you can download it from Docker’s website.

Once Docker is installed, you can pull the latest Foundry release by running:

docker pull

You can also build the Docker image locally by running the following command from the Foundry repository:

docker build -t foundry .

For examples and guides on using this image, refer to the Docker tutorial section.

ℹ️ Note
Some systems, including those with M1 chips, may experience issues when building the Docker image locally. This is a known issue.

First Steps with Foundry

This section provides an overview of the forge command line tool. We demonstrate how to create a new project, compile, and test it.

To start a new project with Foundry, use forge init:

$ forge init hello_foundry

Let’s check out what forge generated for us:

$ cd hello_foundry
$ tree . -d -L 1
├── lib
├── script
├── src
└── test

4 directories

We can build the project with forge build:

$ forge build
Compiling 27 files with Solc 0.8.19
Solc 0.8.19 finished in 1.13s
Compiler run successful!

And run the tests with forge test:

$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 2 tests for test/Counter.t.sol:CounterTest
[PASS] testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 31288, ~: 31288)
[PASS] test_Increment() (gas: 31303)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.74ms (5.33ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 6.65ms (5.74ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)

💡 Tip

You can always print help for any subcommand (or their subcommands) by adding --help at the end.

You can watch these beginner tutorials if you are a visual learner.

Creating a New Project

To start a new project with Foundry, use forge init:

$ forge init hello_foundry

This creates a new directory hello_foundry from the default template. This also initializes a new git repository.

If you want to create a new project using a different template, you would pass the --template flag, like so:

$ forge init --template hello_template

For now, let’s check what the default template looks like:

$ cd hello_foundry
$ tree . -d -L 1
├── lib
├── script
├── src
└── test

4 directories

The default template comes with one dependency installed: Forge Standard Library. This is the preferred testing library used for Foundry projects. Additionally, the template also comes with an empty starter contract and a simple test.

Let’s build the project:

$ forge build
Compiling 27 files with Solc 0.8.19
Solc 0.8.19 finished in 1.13s
Compiler run successful!

And run the tests:

$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 2 tests for test/Counter.t.sol:CounterTest
[PASS] testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 31288, ~: 31288)
[PASS] test_Increment() (gas: 31303)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.74ms (5.33ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 6.65ms (5.74ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)

You’ll notice that two new directories have popped up: out and cache.

The out directory contains your contract artifact, such as the ABI, while the cache is used by forge to only recompile what is necessary.

Working on an Existing Project

Foundry makes developing with existing projects have no overhead.

For this example, we will use PaulRBerg’s foundry-template.

First, clone the project and run forge install inside the project directory.

$ git clone
$ cd foundry-template 
$ forge install
$ bun install # install Solhint, Prettier, and other Node.js deps

We run forge install to install the submodule dependencies that are in the project.

To build, use forge build:

$ forge build
Compiling 28 files with Solc 0.8.25
Solc 0.8.25 finished in 1.35s
Compiler run successful!

And to test, use forge test:

$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 3 tests for test/Foo.t.sol:FooTest
[PASS] testFork_Example() (gas: 3779)
[PASS] testFuzz_Example(uint256) (runs: 1000, μ: 9111, ~: 9111)
[PASS] test_Example() (gas: 11861)
Suite result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 21.39ms (21.15ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 22.80ms (21.39ms CPU time): 3 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (3 total tests)

Clone a Verified Contract on Chain

To clone an on-chain verified contract as a Forge project, use forge clone, say WETH9 on Ethereum mainnet:

$ forge clone 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 WETH9

This creates a new directory WETH9, configures it as a foundry project and clones all the source code of the contract into it. This also initializes a new git repository.

Downloading the source code of 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 from Etherscan...
Initializing /home/zhan4987/WETH9...
Installing forge-std in /home/zhan4987/WETH9/lib/forge-std (url: Some(""), tag: None)
Cloning into '/home/zhan4987/WETH9/lib/forge-std'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2243, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2238/2238), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (778/778), done.
remote: Total 2243 (delta 1489), reused 2097 (delta 1391), pack-reused 5
Receiving objects: 100% (2243/2243), 649.07 KiB | 8.89 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1489/1489), done.
    Installed forge-std v1.8.1
    Initialized forge project
Collecting the creation information of 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 from Etherscan...
Waiting for 5 seconds to avoid rate limit...
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠒] Compiling 1 files with 0.4.19
[⠢] Solc 0.4.19 finished in 9.50ms
Compiler run successful!

The cloned Forge project comes with an additional .clone.meta metadata file besides those ordinary files that a normal Forge project has.

Let’s see what the .clone.meta file looks like:

  "path": "src/Contract.sol",
  "targetContract": "WETH9",
  "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
  "chainId": 1,
  "creationTransaction": "0xb95343413e459a0f97461812111254163ae53467855c0d73e0f1e7c5b8442fa3",
  "deployer": "0x4f26ffbe5f04ed43630fdc30a87638d53d0b0876",
  "constructorArguments": "0x",
  "storageLayout": {
    "storage": [],
    "types": {}

clone.meta is a compact JSON data file that contains the information of the on-chain contract instance, e.g., contract address, constructor arguments, etc. More details of the metadata can be found in the reference.


Forge manages dependencies using git submodules by default, which means that it works with any GitHub repository that contains smart contracts.

Adding a dependency

To add a dependency, run forge install:

$ forge install transmissions11/solmate
Installing solmate in /tmp/tmp.ujUfkrt2cm/deps/lib/solmate (url: Some(""), tag: None)
    Installed solmate

This pulls the solmate library, stages the .gitmodules file in git and makes a commit with the message “Installed solmate”.

If we now check the lib folder:

$ tree lib
├── forge-std
├── solmate
└── weird-erc20

3 directories, 0 files

We can see that Forge installed solmate!

By default, forge install installs the latest master branch version. If you want to install a specific tag or commit, you can do it like so:

$ forge install transmissions11/solmate@v7

Remapping dependencies

Forge can remap dependencies to make them easier to import. Forge will automatically try to deduce some remappings for you:

$ forge remappings

These remappings mean:

  • To import from forge-std we would write: import "forge-std/Contract.sol";
  • To import from ds-test we would write: import "ds-test/Contract.sol";
  • To import from solmate we would write: import "solmate/Contract.sol";
  • To import from weird-erc20 we would write: import "weird-erc20/Contract.sol";

You can customize these remappings by creating a remappings.txt file in the root of your project.

Let’s create a remapping called solmate-utils that points to the utils folder in the solmate repository!


You can also set remappings in foundry.toml.

remappings = [

Now we can import any of the contracts in src/utils of the solmate repository like so:

import {LibString} from "@solmate-utils/LibString.sol";

Updating dependencies

You can update a specific dependency to the latest commit on the version you have specified using forge update <dep>. For example, if we wanted to pull the latest commit from our previously installed master-version of solmate, we would run:

$ forge update lib/solmate

Alternatively, you can do this for all dependencies at once by just running forge update.

Removing dependencies

You can remove dependencies using forge remove <deps>..., where <deps> is either the full path to the dependency or just the name. For example, to remove solmate both of these commands are equivalent:

$ forge remove solmate
# ... is equivalent to ...
$ forge remove lib/solmate

Hardhat compatibility

Forge also supports Hardhat-style projects where dependencies are npm packages (stored in node_modules) and contracts are stored in contracts as opposed to src.

To enable Hardhat compatibility mode pass the --hh flag.

Soldeer as a Package Manager

As explained here, Foundry has been using git submodules to handle dependencies up until now.

The need for a native package manager started to emerge as projects became more complex.

A new approach has been in the making,, which is a Solidity native dependency manager built in Rust and open sourced (check the repository

Initialize a new project

If you’re using Soldeer for the first time in a new Foundry project, you can use the init command to install a fresh instance of Soldeer, complete with the necessary configurations and the latest version of forge-std.

forge soldeer init

Adding a Dependency

Add a Dependency Stored in the Central Repository

To add a dependency, you can visit and search for the dependency you want to add (e.g., openzeppelin 5.0.2).


Then just run the forge command:

forge soldeer install @openzeppelin-contracts~5.0.2

This will download the dependency from the central repository and install it into a dependencies directory.

Soldeer can manage two types of dependency configuration: using soldeer.toml or embedded in the foundry.toml. In order to work with Foundry, you have to define the [dependencies] config in the foundry.toml. This will tell the soldeer CLI to define the installed dependencies there. E.g.

# Full reference

auto_detect_solc = false 
bytecode_hash = "none" 
fuzz = { runs = 1_000 } 
libs = ["dependencies"] # <= This is important to be added
gas_reports = ["*"] 

[dependencies] # <= Dependencies will be added under this config
"@openzeppelin-contracts" = { version = "5.0.2" }
"@uniswap-universal-router" = { version = "1.6.0" }
"@prb-math" = { version = "4.0.2" }
forge-std = { version = "1.8.1" }

If the central repository does not have a certain dependency, you can install it by providing a zip archive link.


forge soldeer install @custom-dependency~1.0.0

The above command will try to download the dependency from the provided link and install it as a normal dependency. For this, you will see in the config an additional field called path.


"@custom-dependency" = { version = "1.0.0", path = "" }

Add a Dependency Stored in GIT

If you choose to use Git as a source for your dependencies — though we generally discourage this, since Git isn’t designed to be a dependency manager — you can provide the Git repository link as an additional argument. Soldeer will then automatically handle the installation using a Git subprocess. For example:

forge soldeer install forge-std~1.9.2

If you want to use a specific revision, branch, or tag, you can do so by appending the following arguments to the command: --rev/--tag/--branch


forge soldeer install forge-std~1.9.2 --rev 4695fac44b2934aaa6d7150e2eaf0256fdc566a7

Updating Dependencies

Because Soldeer specifies the dependencies in a config file (foundry or soldeer toml), sharing a dependency configuration within the team is much easier.

For example, having this Foundry config file in a git repository, one can pull the repository and then run forge soldeer update. This command will automatically install all the dependencies specified under the [dependencies] tag.

# Full reference

auto_detect_solc = false 
bytecode_hash = "none" 
fuzz = { runs = 1_000 } 
libs = ["dependencies"] # <= This is important to be added
gas_reports = ["*"]

[dependencies] # <= Dependencies will be added under this config
"@openzeppelin-contracts" = { version = "5.0.2" }
"@uniswap-universal-router" = { version = "1.6.0" }
"@prb-math" = { version = "4.0.2" }
forge-std = { version = "1.8.1" }

Removing Dependencies

You can use forge soldeer uninstall DEPENDENCY.

Example: forge soldeer uninstall @openzeppelin-contracts. This will action will remove:

  • the config entry
  • the dependencies artifacts
  • the soldeer.lock entry
  • the remappings entry (txt or config remapping)

Additionally you can manually remove a dependency by just removing the artifacts: dependency files, config entry, remappings entry.


The remappings are now fully configurable, the config TOML file (foundry.toml) accepts a [soldeer] field with the following options

# whether soldeer manages remappings
remappings_generate = true

# whether soldeer re-generates all remappings when installing, updating or uninstalling deps
remappings_regenerate = false

# whether to suffix the remapping with the version: `name-a.b.c`
remappings_version = true

# a prefix to add to the remappings ("@" would give `@name`)
remappings_prefix = ""

# where to store the remappings ("txt" for `remappings.txt` or "config" for `foundry.toml`)
# ignored when `soldeer.toml` is used as config (uses `remappings.txt`)
remappings_location = "txt"

Installing dependencies of dependencies aka sub-dependencies

Whenever you install a dependency, that dependency might have other dependencies that need to be installed as well. Currently, you can handle this by either specifying the recursive_deps field as a configuration entry in the config file or by passing the --recursive-deps argument when running the install or update command. This will ensure that all necessary sub-dependencies are automatically pulled in. e.g.

recursive_deps = true

Pushing a New Version to the Central Repository

Soldeer acts like npmjs/, encouraging all developers to publish their projects to the central repository.

To do that, you have to go to, create an account, verify it, then


Just add a new project


After the project is created, you can go into your project source and:

  • Create a .soldeerignore file that acts as a .gitignore to exclude files that aren’t needed. The .gitignore file is also respected.
  • Run forge soldeer login to log into your account.
  • Run forge soldeer push my-project~1.0.0 in your terminal in the directory that you want to push to the central repository associated with the project my-project at version 1.0.0.

If you want to push a specific directory and not the current directory your terminal is in, you can use forge soldeer push my-project~1.0.0 /path/to/directory.

Warning ⚠️

You are at risk to push sensitive files to the central repository that then can be seen by everyone. Make sure to exclude sensitive files in the .soldeerignore file. Furthermore, we’ve implemented a warning that it will be triggered if you try to push a project that contains any .dot files/directories. If you want to skip this warning, you can just use

forge soldeer push my-project~1.0.0 --skip-warnings true


In case you want to simulate what would happen if you push a version, you can use the --dry-run flag. This will create a zip file that you can inspect before pushing it to the central repository.

forge soldeer push my-project~1.0.0 --dry-run true

Login Data

By default, Soldeer saves the login token in the ~/.soldeer/.soldeer_login file. If you want to save that token to another location, you need to set the environment variable SOLDEER_LOGIN_FILE.

Warning ⚠️

  • Once a project is created, it cannot be deleted.
  • Once a version is pushed, it cannot be deleted.
  • You cannot push the same version twice.
  • The project name in the command that you run in the terminal must match the project name that you created on the Soldeer website.
  • We encourage everyone to use version pinning when importing them into the contracts, this will help with securing your code by knowing exactly what version of a dependency you are using. Furthermore, it will help security researchers in their work.
  • Make sure you delete this zip file before pushing the version if you run dry-run. e.g. instead of using import '@openzeppelin-contracts/token/ERC20.sol' you should do import '@openzeppelin-contracts-5.0.2/token/ERC20.sol'

What happens if a certain package is not present in the central repository?

  • If a certain package is not present in the central repository, you can open an issue in the Soldeer Repository and the team will look into adding it.
  • If you have a package that you want to use and it is not present in the central repository, you can push it to the central repository by following the steps above.

Project Layout

Forge is flexible on how you structure your project. By default, the structure is:

├── foundry.toml
├── lib
│   └── forge-std
│       ├── LICENSE-APACHE
│       ├── LICENSE-MIT
│       ├──
│       ├── foundry.toml
│       ├── package.json
│       ├── scripts
│       ├── src
│       └── test
├── script
│   └── Counter.s.sol
├── src
│   └── Counter.sol
└── test
    └── Counter.t.sol

8 directories, 10 files
  • You can configure Foundry’s behavior using foundry.toml.
  • Remappings are specified in remappings.txt.
  • The default directory for contracts is src/.
  • The default directory for tests is test/, where any contract with a function that starts with test is considered to be a test.
  • Dependencies are stored as git submodules in lib/.

You can configure where Forge looks for both dependencies and contracts using the --lib-paths and --contracts flags respectively. Alternatively you can configure it in foundry.toml.

Combined with remappings, this gives you the flexibility needed to support the project structure of other toolchains such as Hardhat and Truffle.

For automatic Hardhat support you can also pass the --hh flag, which sets the following flags: --lib-paths node_modules --contracts contracts.

Overview of Forge

Forge is a command-line tool that ships with Foundry. Forge tests, builds, and deploys your smart contracts.


Forge can run your tests with the forge test command. All tests are written in Solidity.

Forge will look for the tests anywhere in your source directory. Any contract with a function that starts with test is considered to be a test. Usually, tests will be placed in test/ by convention and end with .t.sol.

Here’s an example of running forge test in a freshly created project, that only has the default test:

$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 2 tests for test/Counter.t.sol:CounterTest
[PASS] testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 31288, ~: 31288)
[PASS] test_Increment() (gas: 31303)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.74ms (5.33ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 6.65ms (5.74ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)

You can also run specific tests by passing a filter:

$ forge test --match-contract ComplicatedContractTest --match-test test_Deposit
Compiling 24 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 1.10s
Compiler run successful!

Ran 2 tests for test/ComplicatedContract.t.sol:ComplicatedContractTest
[PASS] test_DepositERC20() (gas: 102193)
[PASS] test_DepositETH() (gas: 61414)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.56ms (1.33ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.53ms (1.56ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)

This will run the tests in the ComplicatedContractTest test contract with testDeposit in the name. Inverse versions of these flags also exist (--no-match-contract and --no-match-test).

You can run tests in filenames that match a glob pattern with --match-path.

$ forge test --match-path test/ContractB.t.sol
Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 1.05s
Compiler run successful!

Ran 1 test for test/ContractB.t.sol:ContractBTest
[PASS] testExample() (gas: 257)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 385.29µs (56.10µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.12ms (385.29µs CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

The inverse of the --match-path flag is --no-match-path.

Logs and traces

The default behavior for forge test is to only display a summary of passing and failing tests. You can control this behavior by increasing the verbosity (using the -v flag). Each level of verbosity adds more information:

  • Level 2 (-vv): Logs emitted during tests are also displayed. That includes assertion errors from tests, showing information such as expected vs actual.
  • Level 3 (-vvv): Stack traces for failing tests are also displayed.
  • Level 4 (-vvvv): Stack traces for all tests are displayed, and setup traces for failing tests are displayed.
  • Level 5 (-vvvvv): Stack traces and setup traces are always displayed.

Watch mode

Forge can re-run your tests when you make changes to your files using forge test --watch.

By default, only changed test files are re-run. If you want to re-run all tests on a change, you can use forge test --watch --run-all.

Writing Tests

Tests are written in Solidity. If the test function reverts, the test fails, otherwise it passes.

Let’s go over the most common way of writing tests, using the Forge Standard Library’s Test contract, which is the preferred way of writing tests with Forge.

In this section, we’ll go over the basics using the functions from the Forge Std’s Test contract, which is itself a superset of DSTest. You will learn how to use more advanced stuff from the Forge Standard Library soon.

DSTest provides basic logging and assertion functionality. To get access to the functions, import forge-std/Test.sol and inherit from Test in your test contract:

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

Let’s examine a basic test:

pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract ContractBTest is Test {
    uint256 testNumber;

    function setUp() public {
        testNumber = 42;

    function test_NumberIs42() public {
        assertEq(testNumber, 42);

    function testFail_Subtract43() public {
        testNumber -= 43;

Forge uses the following keywords in tests:

  • setUp: An optional function invoked before each test case is run.
    function setUp() public {
        testNumber = 42;
  • test: Functions prefixed with test are run as a test case.
    function test_NumberIs42() public {
        assertEq(testNumber, 42);
  • testFail: The inverse of the test prefix - if the function does not revert, the test fails.
    function testFail_Subtract43() public {
        testNumber -= 43;

A good practice is to use the pattern test_Revert[If|When]_Condition in combination with the expectRevert cheatcode (cheatcodes are explained in greater detail in the following section). Also, other testing practices can be found in the Tutorials section. Now, instead of using testFail, you know exactly what reverted and with which error:

    function test_CannotSubtract43() public {
        testNumber -= 43;

Tests are deployed to 0xb4c79daB8f259C7Aee6E5b2Aa729821864227e84. If you deploy a contract within your test, then 0xb4c...7e84 will be its deployer. If the contract deployed within a test gives special permissions to its deployer, such as Ownable.sol’s onlyOwner modifier, then the test contract 0xb4c...7e84 will have those permissions.

⚠️ Note

Test functions must have either external or public visibility. Functions declared as internal or private won’t be picked up by Forge, even if they are prefixed with test.

Before test setups

Unit and fuzz tests are stateless and are executed as single transactions, meaning that the state modified by a test won’t be available for a different one (instead, they’ll use the same state created by setUp call). It is possible to simulate multiple transactions in a single test, with a dependency tree, by implementing the beforeTestSetup function.

  • beforeTestSetup: Optional function that configures a set of transactions to be executed before test.
function beforeTestSetup(
    bytes4 testSelector
public returns (bytes[] memory beforeTestCalldata)


  • bytes4 testSelector is the selector of the test for which transactions are applied
  • bytes[] memory beforeTestCalldata is an array of arbitrary calldata applied before test execution

💡 Tip

This setup can be used for chaining tests or for scenarios when a test needs certain transactions committed before test run (e.g. when using selfdestruct). The test fails if any of the configured transaction reverts.

For example, in contract below, testC is configured to use state modified by testA and setB(uint256) functions:

contract ContractTest is Test {
    uint256 a;
    uint256 b;

    function beforeTestSetup(
        bytes4 testSelector
    ) public pure returns (bytes[] memory beforeTestCalldata) {
        if (testSelector == this.testC.selector) {
            beforeTestCalldata = new bytes[](2);
            beforeTestCalldata[0] = abi.encodePacked(this.testA.selector);
            beforeTestCalldata[1] = abi.encodeWithSignature("setB(uint256)", 1);

    function testA() public {
        require(a == 0);
        a += 1;

    function setB(uint256 value) public {
        b = value;

    function testC() public {
        assertEq(a, 1);
        assertEq(b, 1);

Shared setups

It is possible to use shared setups by creating helper abstract contracts and inheriting them in your test contracts:

abstract contract HelperContract {
    address constant IMPORTANT_ADDRESS = 0x543d...;
    SomeContract someContract;
    constructor() {...}

contract MyContractTest is Test, HelperContract {
    function setUp() public {
        someContract = new SomeContract(0, IMPORTANT_ADDRESS);

contract MyOtherContractTest is Test, HelperContract {
    function setUp() public {
        someContract = new SomeContract(1000, IMPORTANT_ADDRESS);

💡 Tip

Use the getCode cheatcode to deploy contracts with incompatible Solidity versions.


Most of the time, simply testing your smart contracts outputs isn’t enough. To manipulate the state of the blockchain, as well as test for specific reverts and events, Foundry is shipped with a set of cheatcodes.

Cheatcodes allow you to change the block number, your identity, and more. They are invoked by calling specific functions on a specially designated address: 0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D.

You can access cheatcodes easily via the vm instance available in Forge Standard Library’s Test contract. Forge Standard Library is explained in greater detail in the following section.

Let’s write a test for a smart contract that is only callable by its owner.

pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

error Unauthorized();

contract OwnerUpOnly {
    address public immutable owner;
    uint256 public count;

    constructor() {
        owner = msg.sender;

    function increment() external {
        if (msg.sender != owner) {
            revert Unauthorized();

contract OwnerUpOnlyTest is Test {
    OwnerUpOnly upOnly;

    function setUp() public {
        upOnly = new OwnerUpOnly();

    function test_IncrementAsOwner() public {
        assertEq(upOnly.count(), 0);
        assertEq(upOnly.count(), 1);

If we run forge test now, we will see that the test passes, since OwnerUpOnlyTest is the owner of OwnerUpOnly.

$ forge test
Compiling 24 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 1.14s
Compiler run successful!

Ran 1 test for test/OwnerUpOnly.t.sol:OwnerUpOnlyTest
[PASS] test_IncrementAsOwner() (gas: 29161)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 502.64µs (76.22µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.39ms (502.64µs CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Let’s make sure that someone who is definitely not the owner can’t increment the count:

contract OwnerUpOnlyTest is Test {
    OwnerUpOnly upOnly;

    // ...

    function testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner() public {

If we run forge test now, we will see that all the test pass.

$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 2 tests for test/OwnerUpOnly.t.sol:OwnerUpOnlyTest
[PASS] testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner() (gas: 8314)
[PASS] test_IncrementAsOwner() (gas: 29161)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 664.58µs (394.64µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.56ms (664.58µs CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)

The test passed because the prank cheatcode changed our identity to the zero address for the next call (upOnly.increment()). The test case passed since we used the testFail prefix, however, using testFail is considered an anti-pattern since it does not tell us anything about why upOnly.increment() reverted.

If we run the tests again with traces turned on, we can see that we reverted with the correct error message.

$ forge test -vvvv --match-test testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 1 test for test/OwnerUpOnly.t.sol:OwnerUpOnlyTest
[PASS] testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner() (gas: 8314)
  [8314] OwnerUpOnlyTest::testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner()
    ├─ [0] VM::prank(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
    │   └─ ← [Return] 
    ├─ [247] OwnerUpOnly::increment()
    │   └─ ← [Revert] Unauthorized()
    └─ ← [Revert] Unauthorized()

Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 472.94µs (85.28µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 6.85ms (472.94µs CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

To be sure in the future, let’s make sure that we reverted because we are not the owner using the expectRevert cheatcode:

contract OwnerUpOnlyTest is Test {
    OwnerUpOnly upOnly;

    // ...

    // Notice that we replaced `testFail` with `test`
    function test_RevertWhen_CallerIsNotOwner() public {

If we run forge test one last time, we see that the test still passes, but this time we are sure that it will always fail if we revert for any other reason.

$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 1 test for test/OwnerUpOnly.t.sol:OwnerUpOnlyTest
[PASS] test_IncrementAsOwner() (gas: 29161)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 432.83µs (73.34µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.24ms (432.83µs CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Another cheatcode that is perhaps not so intuitive is the expectEmit function. Before looking at expectEmit, we need to understand what an event is.

Events are inheritable members of contracts. When you emit an event, the arguments are stored on the blockchain. The indexed attribute can be added to a maximum of three parameters of an event to form a data structure known as a “topic.” Topics allow users to search for events on the blockchain.

pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract EmitContractTest is Test {
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

    function test_ExpectEmit() public {
        ExpectEmit emitter = new ExpectEmit();
        // Check that topic 1, topic 2, and data are the same as the following emitted event.
        // Checking topic 3 here doesn't matter, because `Transfer` only has 2 indexed topics.
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true);
        // The event we expect
        emit Transfer(address(this), address(1337), 1337);
        // The event we get

    function test_ExpectEmit_DoNotCheckData() public {
        ExpectEmit emitter = new ExpectEmit();
        // Check topic 1 and topic 2, but do not check data
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, false);
        // The event we expect
        emit Transfer(address(this), address(1337), 1338);
        // The event we get

contract ExpectEmit {
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

    function t() public {
        emit Transfer(msg.sender, address(1337), 1337);

When we call vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true);, we want to check the 1st and 2nd indexed topic for the next event.

The expected Transfer event in test_ExpectEmit() means we are expecting that from is address(this), and to is address(1337). This is compared against the event emitted from emitter.t().

In other words, we are checking that the first topic from emitter.t() is equal to address(this). The 3rd argument in expectEmit is set to false because there is no need to check the third topic in the Transfer event, since there are only two. It does not matter even if we set to true.

The 4th argument in expectEmit is set to true, which means that we want to check “non-indexed topics”, also known as data.

For example, we want the data from the expected event in test_ExpectEmit - which is amount - to equal to the data in the actual emitted event. In other words, we are asserting that amount emitted by emitter.t() is equal to 1337. If the fourth argument in expectEmit was set to false, we would not check amount.

In other words, test_ExpectEmit_DoNotCheckData is a valid test case, even though the amounts differ, since we do not check the data.

📚 Reference

See the Cheatcodes Reference for a complete overview of all the available cheatcodes.

Forge Standard Library Overview

Forge Standard Library (Forge Std for short) is a collection of helpful contracts that make writing tests easier, faster, and more user-friendly.

Using Forge Std is the preferred way of writing tests with Foundry.

It provides all the essential functionality you need to get started writing tests:

  • Vm.sol: Up-to-date cheatcodes interface
  • console.sol and console2.sol: Hardhat-style logging functionality
  • Script.sol: Basic utilities for Solidity scripting
  • Test.sol: A superset of DSTest containing standard libraries, a cheatcodes instance (vm), and Hardhat console

Simply import Test.sol and inherit from Test in your test contract:

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract ContractTest is Test { ...

Now, you can:

// Access Hevm via the `vm` instance

// Assert and log using Dappsys Test
assertEq(dai.balanceOf(alice), 10000e18);

// Log with the Hardhat `console` (`console2`)

// Use anything from the Forge Std std-libraries
deal(address(dai), alice, 10000e18);

To import the Vm interface or the console library individually:

import {Vm} from "forge-std/Vm.sol";
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";

Note: console2.sol contains patches to console.sol that allows Forge to decode traces for calls to the console, but it is not compatible with Hardhat.

import {console2} from "forge-std/console2.sol";

Standard libraries

Forge Std currently consists of six standard libraries.

Std Logs

Std Logs expand upon the logging events from the DSTest library.

Std Assertions

Std Assertions expand upon the assertion functions from the DSTest library.

Std Cheats

Std Cheats are wrappers around Forge cheatcodes that make them safer to use and improve the DX.

You can access Std Cheats by simply calling them inside your test contract, as you would any other internal function:

// set up a prank as Alice with 100 ETH balance
hoax(alice, 100 ether);

Std Errors

Std Errors provide wrappers around common internal Solidity errors and reverts.

Std Errors are most useful in combination with the expectRevert cheatcode, as you do not need to remember the internal Solidity panic codes yourself. Note that you have to access them through stdError, as this is a library.

// expect an arithmetic error on the next call (e.g. underflow)

Std Storage

Std Storage makes manipulating contract storage easy. It can find and write to the storage slot(s) associated with a particular variable.

The Test contract already provides a StdStorage instance stdstore through which you can access any std-storage functionality. Note that you must add using stdStorage for StdStorage in your test contract first.

// find the variable `score` in the contract `game`
// and change its value to 10

Std Math

Std Math is a library with useful mathematical functions that are not provided in Solidity.

Note that you have to access them through stdMath, as this is a library.

// get the absolute value of -10
uint256 ten = stdMath.abs(-10)

📚 Reference

See the Forge Standard Library Reference for a complete overview of Forge Standard Library.

Understanding Traces

Forge can produce traces either for failing tests (-vvv) or all tests (-vvvv).

Traces follow the same general format:

  [<Gas Usage>] <Contract>::<Function>(<Parameters>)
    ├─ [<Gas Usage>] <Contract>::<Function>(<Parameters>)
    │   └─ ← <Return Value>
    └─ ← <Return Value>

Each trace can have many more subtraces, each denoting a call to a contract and a return value.

If your terminal supports color, the traces will also come with a variety of colors:

  • Green: For calls that do not revert
  • Red: For reverting calls
  • Blue: For calls to cheat codes
  • Cyan: For emitted logs
  • Yellow: For contract deployments

The gas usage (marked in square brackets) is for the entirety of the function call. You may notice, however, that sometimes the gas usage of one trace does not exactly match the gas usage of all its subtraces:

  [24661] OwnerUpOnlyTest::testIncrementAsOwner()
    ├─ [2262] OwnerUpOnly::count()
    │   └─ ← 0
    ├─ [20398] OwnerUpOnly::increment()
    │   └─ ← ()
    ├─ [262] OwnerUpOnly::count()
    │   └─ ← 1
    └─ ← ()

The gas unaccounted for is due to some extra operations happening between calls, such as arithmetic and store reads/writes.

Forge will try to decode as many signatures and values as possible, but sometimes this is not possible. In these cases, the traces will appear like so:

  [<Gas Usage>] <Address>::<Calldata>
    └─ ← <Return Data>

Some traces might be harder to grasp at first glance. These include:

  • The OOG shorthand stands for “Out Of Gas”.
  • The acronym EOF stands for “Ethereum Object Format”, which introduces an extensible and versioned container format for EVM bytecode. For more information, read here.
  • NotActivated means the feature or opcode is not activated. Some versions of the EVM only support certain opcodes. You may need to use a more recent version usign the --evm_version flag. For example, the PUSH0 opcode is only available since the Shanghai hardfork.
  • InvalidFEOpcode means that an undefined bytecode value has been encountered during execution. The EVM catches the unknown bytecode and returns the INVALID opcode instead, of value 0xFE. You can find out more here.

For a deeper insight into the various traces, you can explore the revm source code.

Fork Testing

Forge supports testing in a forked environment with two different approaches:

Which approach to use? Forking mode affords running an entire test suite against a specific forked environment, while forking cheatcodes provide more flexibility and expressiveness to work with multiple forks in your tests. Your particular use case and testing strategy will help inform which approach to use.

Forking Mode

To run all tests in a forked environment, such as a forked Ethereum mainnet, pass an RPC URL via the --fork-url flag:

forge test --fork-url <your_rpc_url>

The following values are changed to reflect those of the chain at the moment of forking:

It is possible to specify a block from which to fork with --fork-block-number:

forge test --fork-url <your_rpc_url> --fork-block-number 1

Forking is especially useful when you need to interact with existing contracts. You may choose to do integration testing this way, as if you were on an actual network.


If both --fork-url and --fork-block-number are specified, then data for that block is cached for future test runs.

The data is cached in ~/.foundry/cache/rpc/<chain name>/<block number>. To clear the cache, simply remove the directory or run forge clean (removes all build artifacts and cache directories).

It is also possible to ignore the cache entirely by passing --no-storage-caching, or with foundry.toml by configuring no_storage_caching and rpc_storage_caching.

Improved traces

Forge supports identifying contracts in a forked environment with Etherscan.

To use this feature, pass the Etherscan API key via the --etherscan-api-key flag:

forge test --fork-url <your_rpc_url> --etherscan-api-key <your_etherscan_api_key>

Alternatively, you can set the ETHERSCAN_API_KEY environment variable.

Forking Cheatcodes

Forking cheatcodes allow you to enter forking mode programmatically in your Solidity test code. Instead of configuring forking mode via forge CLI arguments, these cheatcodes allow you to use forking mode on a test-by-test basis and work with multiple forks in your tests. Each fork is identified via its own unique uint256 identifier.


Important to keep in mind that all test functions are isolated, meaning each test function is executed with a copy of the state after setUp and is executed in its own stand-alone EVM.

Therefore forks created during setUp are available in tests. The code example below uses createFork to create two forks, but does not select one initially. Each fork is identified with a unique identifier (uint256 forkId), which is assigned when it is first created.

Enabling a specific fork is done via passing that forkId to selectFork.

createSelectFork is a one-liner for createFork plus selectFork.

There can only be one fork active at a time, and the identifier for the currently active fork can be retrieved via activeFork.

Similar to roll, you can set block.number of a fork with rollFork.

To understand what happens when a fork is selected, it is important to know how the forking mode works in general:

Each fork is a standalone EVM, i.e. all forks use completely independent storage. The only exception is the state of the msg.sender and the test contract itself, which are persistent across fork swaps. In other words all changes that are made while fork A is active (selectFork(A)) are only recorded in fork A’s storage and are not available if another fork is selected. However, changes recorded in the test contract itself (variables) are still available because the test contract is a persistent account.

The selectFork cheatcode sets the remote section with the fork’s data source, however the local memory remains persistent across fork swaps. This also means selectFork can be called at all times with any fork, to set the remote data source. However, it is important to keep in mind the above rules for read/write access always apply, meaning writes are persistent across fork swaps.


Create and Select Forks
contract ForkTest is Test {
    // the identifiers of the forks
    uint256 mainnetFork;
    uint256 optimismFork;

    //Access variables from .env file via vm.envString("varname")
    //Replace ALCHEMY_KEY by your alchemy key or Etherscan key, change RPC url if need
    //inside your .env file e.g:
    //MAINNET_RPC_URL = ''
    //string MAINNET_RPC_URL = vm.envString("MAINNET_RPC_URL");
    //string OPTIMISM_RPC_URL = vm.envString("OPTIMISM_RPC_URL");

    // create two _different_ forks during setup
    function setUp() public {
        mainnetFork = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);
        optimismFork = vm.createFork(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL);

    // demonstrate fork ids are unique
    function testForkIdDiffer() public {
        assert(mainnetFork != optimismFork);

    // select a specific fork
    function testCanSelectFork() public {
        // select the fork
        assertEq(vm.activeFork(), mainnetFork);

        // from here on data is fetched from the `mainnetFork` if the EVM requests it and written to the storage of `mainnetFork`

    // manage multiple forks in the same test
    function testCanSwitchForks() public {
        assertEq(vm.activeFork(), mainnetFork);

        assertEq(vm.activeFork(), optimismFork);

    // forks can be created at all times
    function testCanCreateAndSelectForkInOneStep() public {
        // creates a new fork and also selects it
        uint256 anotherFork = vm.createSelectFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);
        assertEq(vm.activeFork(), anotherFork);

    // set `block.number` of a fork
    function testCanSetForkBlockNumber() public {

        assertEq(block.number, 1_337_000);
Separated and persistent storage

As mentioned each fork is essentially an independent EVM with separated storage.

Only the accounts of msg.sender and the test contract (ForkTest) are persistent when forks are selected. But any account can be turned into a persistent account: makePersistent.

An account that is persistent is unique, i.e. it exists on all forks

contract ForkTest is Test {
    // the identifiers of the forks
    uint256 mainnetFork;
    uint256 optimismFork;

    //Access variables from .env file via vm.envString("varname")
    //Replace ALCHEMY_KEY by your alchemy key or Etherscan key, change RPC url if need
    //inside your .env file e.g:
    //MAINNET_RPC_URL = ''
    //string MAINNET_RPC_URL = vm.envString("MAINNET_RPC_URL");
    //string OPTIMISM_RPC_URL = vm.envString("OPTIMISM_RPC_URL");

    // create two _different_ forks during setup
    function setUp() public {
        mainnetFork = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);
        optimismFork = vm.createFork(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL);

    // creates a new contract while a fork is active
    function testCreateContract() public {
        assertEq(vm.activeFork(), mainnetFork);

        // the new contract is written to `mainnetFork`'s storage
        SimpleStorageContract simple = new SimpleStorageContract();

        // and can be used as normal
        assertEq(simple.value(), 100);

        // after switching to another contract we still know `address(simple)` but the contract only lives in `mainnetFork`

        /* this call will therefore revert because `simple` now points to a contract that does not exist on the active fork
        * it will produce following revert message:
        * "Contract 0xCe71065D4017F316EC606Fe4422e11eB2c47c246 does not exist on active fork with id `1`
        *       But exists on non active forks: `[0]`"

     // creates a new _persistent_ contract while a fork is active
     function testCreatePersistentContract() public {
        SimpleStorageContract simple = new SimpleStorageContract();
        assertEq(simple.value(), 100);

        // mark the contract as persistent so it is also available when other forks are active


        // This will succeed because the contract is now also available on the `optimismFork`
        assertEq(simple.value(), 100);

contract SimpleStorageContract {
    uint256 public value;

    function set(uint256 _value) public {
        value = _value;

For more details and examples, see the forking cheatcodes reference.

Replaying Failures

Forge supports incrementally replaying last test run failures by persisting them on the disk.

Rerun failures

The --rerun option can be used to omit successful tests and replay recorded failures only:

forge test --rerun

The failed tests are written in ~/.foundry/cache/test-failures file. This file is updated each time forge test is performed, so it reflects failures from the last run.

Fuzz tests failures

Forge saves all fuzz tests counterexamples and replays them before new test campaigns are started (This is done in order to ensure there is no regression introduced). Fuzz tests failures encountered in several runs are by default persisted in ~/.foundry/cache/fuzz/failures file. The file content is not replaced by subsequent test runs, but new records are added to existing entries.

The default file used to persist and rerun fuzz test failures from can be changed in foundry.toml:


or by using inline config

/// forge-config: default.fuzz.failure-persist-file = /tests/failures.txt

Invariant tests failures

Failures from invariant tests are saved and replayed before new test campaigns are started, similar with fuzz tests. The difference is that the failed sequences are persisted in individual files, with specific ~/.foundry/cache/invariant/failures/{TEST_SUITE_NAME}/{INVARIANT_NAME} default path. Content of this file is replaced only when a different counterexample is found.

The default directory to persist invariant test failures can be changed in foundry.toml:


or by using inline config

/// forge-config: default.invariant.failure-persist-dir = /tests/dir

Remove persisted failures

To ignore saved failures and start a clean test campaign, simply remove the persisted files or run forge clean (removes all build artifacts and cache directories).

Advanced Testing

Forge comes with a number of advanced testing methods:

In the future, Forge will also support these:

Each chapter dives into what problem the testing methods solve, and how to apply them to your own project.

Fuzz Testing

Forge supports property based testing.

Property-based testing is a way of testing general behaviors as opposed to isolated scenarios.

Let’s examine what that means by writing a unit test, finding the general property we are testing for, and converting it to a property-based test instead:

pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract Safe {
    receive() external payable {}

    function withdraw() external {

contract SafeTest is Test {
    Safe safe;

    // Needed so the test contract itself can receive ether
    // when withdrawing
    receive() external payable {}

    function setUp() public {
        safe = new Safe();

    function test_Withdraw() public {
        payable(address(safe)).transfer(1 ether);
        uint256 preBalance = address(this).balance;
        uint256 postBalance = address(this).balance;
        assertEq(preBalance + 1 ether, postBalance);

Running the test, we see it passes:

$ forge test
Compiling 24 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 1.12s
Compiler run successful!

Ran 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[PASS] test_Withdraw() (gas: 19463)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 450.98µs (64.92µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.26ms (450.98µs CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

This unit test does test that we can withdraw ether from our safe. However, who is to say that it works for all amounts, not just 1 ether?

The general property here is: given a safe balance, when we withdraw, we should get whatever is in the safe.

Forge will run any test that takes at least one parameter as a property-based test, so let’s rewrite:

contract SafeTest is Test {
    // ...

    function testFuzz_Withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
        uint256 preBalance = address(this).balance;
        uint256 postBalance = address(this).balance;
        assertEq(preBalance + amount, postBalance);

If we run the test now, we can see that Forge runs the property-based test, but it fails for high values of amount:

$ forge test
Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 1.11s
Compiler run successful!

Ran 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[FAIL: EvmError: Revert; counterexample: calldata=0x29facca7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd args=[115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639933 [1.157e77]]] testFuzz_Withdraw(uint256) (runs: 0, μ: 0, ~: 0)
Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 813.07µs (371.85µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.55ms (813.07µs CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

The default amount of ether that the test contract is given is 2**96 wei (as in DappTools), so we have to restrict the type of amount to uint96 to make sure we don’t try to send more than we have:

    function testFuzz_Withdraw(uint96 amount) public {

And now it passes:

$ forge test
Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 1.08s
Compiler run successful!

Ran 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[PASS] testFuzz_Withdraw(uint96) (runs: 257, μ: 19318, ~: 19631)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.00ms (4.63ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 6.25ms (5.00ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

You may want to exclude certain cases using the assume cheatcode. In those cases, fuzzer will discard the inputs and start a new fuzz run:

function testFuzz_Withdraw(uint96 amount) public {
    vm.assume(amount > 0.1 ether);
    // snip

There are different ways to run property-based tests, notably parametric testing and fuzzing. Forge only supports fuzzing.

Interpreting results

You might have noticed that fuzz tests are summarized a bit differently compared to unit tests:

  • “runs” refers to the amount of scenarios the fuzzer tested. By default, the fuzzer will generate 256 scenarios, but this and other test execution parameters can be setup by the user. Fuzzer configuration details are provided here.
  • “μ” (Greek letter mu) is the mean gas used across all fuzz runs
  • “~” (tilde) is the median gas used across all fuzz runs

Configuring fuzz test execution

Fuzz tests execution is governed by parameters that can be controlled by users via Forge configuration primitives. Configs can be applied globally or on a per-test basis. For details on this topic please refer to 📚 Global config and 📚 In-line config.

Fuzz test fixtures

Fuzz test fixtures can be defined when you want to make sure a certain set of values is used as inputs for fuzzed parameters. These fixtures can be declared in tests as:

  • storage arrays prefixed with fixture and followed by param name to be fuzzed. For example, fixtures to be used when fuzzing parameter amount of type uint32 can be defined as
uint32[] public fixtureAmount = [1, 5, 555];
  • functions named with fixture prefix, followed by param name to be fuzzed. Function should return an (fixed size or dynamic) array of values to be used for fuzzing. For example, fixtures to be used when fuzzing parameter named owner of type address can be defined in a function with signature
function fixtureOwner() public returns (address[] memory)

If the type of value provided as a fixture is not the same type as the named parameter to be fuzzed then it is rejected and an error is raised.

An example where fixture could be used is to reproduce the DSChief vulnerability. Consider the 2 functions

    function etch(address yay) public returns (bytes32 slate) {
        bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(yay));

        slates[hash] = yay;

        return hash;

    function voteSlate(bytes32 slate) public {
        uint weight = deposits[msg.sender];
        subWeight(weight, votes[msg.sender]);
        votes[msg.sender] = slate;
        addWeight(weight, votes[msg.sender]);

where the vulnerability can be reproduced by calling voteSlate before etch, with slate value being a hash of yay address. To make sure fuzzer includes in the same run a slate value derived from a yay address, following fixtures can be defined:

    address[] public fixtureYay = [

    bytes32[] public fixtureSlate = [

Following image shows how fuzzer generates values with and without fixtures being declared: Fuzzer

Invariant Testing


Invariant testing allows for a set of invariant expressions to be tested against randomized sequences of pre-defined function calls from pre-defined contracts. After each function call is performed, all defined invariants are asserted.

Invariant testing is a powerful tool to expose incorrect logic in protocols. Due to the fact that function call sequences are randomized and have fuzzed inputs, invariant testing can expose false assumptions and incorrect logic in edge cases and highly complex protocol states.

Invariant testing campaigns have two dimensions, runs and depth:

  • runs: Number of times that a sequence of function calls is generated and run.
  • depth: Number of function calls made in a given run. Invariants are asserted after each function call is made. If a function call reverts, the depth counter still increments.

ℹ️ Note

When implementing invariant tests is important to be aware that for each invariant_* function a different EVM executor is created, therefore invariants are not asserted against same EVM state. This means that if invariant_A() and invariant_B() functions are defined then invariant_B() won’t be asserted against EVM state of invariant_A() (and the other way around).

If you want to assert all invariants at the same time then they can be grouped and run on multiple jobs. For example, assert all invariants using two jobs can be implemented as:

function invariant_job1() public {

function invariant_job2() public {

function assertInvariants() internal {
   assertEq(val1, val2);
   assertEq(val3, val4);

These and other invariant configuration aspects are explained here.

Similar to how standard tests are run in Foundry by prefixing a function name with test, invariant tests are denoted by prefixing the function name with invariant (e.g., function invariant_A()).

afterInvariant() function is called at the end of each invariant run (if declared), allowing post campaign processing. This function can be used for logging campaign metrics (e.g. how many times a selector was called) and post fuzz campaign testing (e.g. close out all positions and assert all funds are able to exit the system).

Configuring invariant test execution

Invariant tests execution is governed by parameters that can be controlled by users via Forge configuration primitives. Configs can be applied globally or on a per-test basis. For details on this topic please refer to 📚 Global config and 📚 In-line config.

Defining Invariants

Invariants are conditions expressions that should always hold true over the course of a fuzzing campaign. A good invariant testing suite should have as many invariants as possible, and can have different testing suites for different protocol states.

Examples of invariants are:

  • “The xy=k formula always holds” for Uniswap
  • “The sum of all user balances is equal to the total supply” for an ERC-20 token.

There are different ways to assert invariants, as outlined in the table below:

Direct assertions Query a protocol smart contract and assert values are as expected.
Ghost variable assertions Query a protocol smart contract and compare it against a value that has been persisted in the test environment (ghost variable).
Deoptimizing (Naive implementation assertions) Query a protocol smart contract and compare it against a naive and typically highly gas-inefficient implementation of the same desired logic.

Conditional Invariants

Invariants must hold over the course of a given fuzzing campaign, but that doesn’t mean they must hold true in every situation. There is the possibility for certain invariants to be introduced/removed in a given scenario (e.g., during a liquidation).

It is not recommended to introduce conditional logic into invariant assertions because they have the possibility of introducing false positives because of an incorrect code path. For example:

function invariant_example() external {
    if (protocolCondition) return;

    assertEq(val1, val2);

In this situation, if protocolCondition == true, the invariant is not asserted at all. Sometimes this can be desired behavior, but it can cause issues if the protocolCondition is true for the whole fuzzing campaign unexpectedly, or there is a logic error in the condition itself. For this reason its better to try and define an alternative invariant for that condition as well, for example:

function invariant_example() external {
    if (protocolCondition) {
        assertLe(val1, val2);

    assertEq(val1, val2);

Another approach to handle different invariants across protocol states is to utilize dedicated invariant testing contracts for different scenarios. These scenarios can be bootstrapped using the setUp function, but it is more powerful to leverage invariant targets to govern the fuzzer to behave in a way that will only yield certain results (e.g., avoid liquidations).

Invariant Targets

Target Contracts: The set of contracts that will be called over the course of a given invariant test fuzzing campaign. This set of contracts defaults to all contracts that were deployed in the setUp function, but can be customized to allow for more advanced invariant testing.

Target Senders: The invariant test fuzzer picks values for msg.sender at random when performing fuzz campaigns to simulate multiple actors in a system by default. If desired, the set of senders can be customized in the setUp function.

Target Interfaces: The set of addresses and their project identifiers that are not deployed during setUp but fuzzed in a forked environment (E.g. [(0x1, ["IERC20"]), (0x2, ("IOwnable"))]). This enables targeting of delegate proxies and contracts deployed with create or create2.

Target Selectors: The set of function selectors that are used by the fuzzer for invariant testing. These can be used to use a subset of functions within a given target contract.

Target Artifacts: The desired ABI to be used for a given contract. These can be used for proxy contract configurations.

Target Artifact Selectors: The desired subset of function selectors to be used within a given ABI to be used for a given contract. These can be used for proxy contract configurations.

Priorities for the invariant fuzzer in the cases of target clashes are:

targetInterfaces | targetSelectors > excludeSelectors | targetArtifactSelectors > excludeContracts | excludeArtifacts > targetContracts | targetArtifacts

Function Call Probability Distribution

Functions from these contracts will be called at random (with a uniformly distributed probability) with fuzzed inputs.

For example:

├─ function1: 20%
└─ function2: 20%

├─ function1: 20%
├─ function2: 20%
└─ function3: 20%

This is something to be mindful of when designing target contracts, as target contracts with less functions will have each function called more often due to this probability distribution.

Invariant Test Helper Functions

Invariant test helper functions are included in forge-std to allow for configurable invariant test setup. The helper functions are outlined below:

excludeContract(address newExcludedContract_)Adds a given address to the _excludedContracts array. This set of contracts is explicitly excluded from the target contracts.
excludeSelector(FuzzSelector memory newExcludedSelector_)Adds a given FuzzSelector to the _excludedSelectors array. This set of FuzzSelectors is explicitly excluded from the target contract selectors.
excludeSender(address newExcludedSender_)Adds a given address to the _excludedSenders array. This set of addresses is explicitly excluded from the target senders.
excludeArtifact(string memory newExcludedArtifact_)Adds a given string to the _excludedArtifacts array. This set of strings is explicitly excluded from the target artifacts.
targetArtifact(string memory newTargetedArtifact_)Adds a given string to the _targetedArtifacts array. This set of strings is used for the target artifacts.
targetArtifactSelector(FuzzArtifactSelector memory newTargetedArtifactSelector_)Adds a given FuzzArtifactSelector to the _targetedArtifactSelectors array. This set of FuzzArtifactSelectors is used for the target artifact selectors.
targetContract(address newTargetedContract_)Adds a given address to the _targetedContracts array. This set of addresses is used for the target contracts. This array overwrites the set of contracts that was deployed during the setUp.
targetSelector(FuzzSelector memory newTargetedSelector_)Adds a given FuzzSelector to the _targetedSelectors array. This set of FuzzSelectors is used for the target contract selectors.
targetSender(address newTargetedSender_)Adds a given address to the _targetedSenders array. This set of addresses is used for the target senders.
targetInterface(FuzzInterface memory newTargetedInterface_)Adds a given FuzzInterface to the _targetedInterfaces array. This set of FuzzInterface extends the contracts and selectors to fuzz and enables targeting of addresses that are not deployed during setUp such as when fuzzing in a forked environment. Also enables targeting of delegate proxies and contracts deployed with create or create2.

Target Contract Setup

Target contracts can be set up using the following three methods:

  1. Contracts that are manually added to the targetContracts array are added to the set of target contracts.
  2. Contracts that are deployed in the setUp function are automatically added to the set of target contracts (only works if no contracts have been manually added using option 1).
  3. Contracts that are deployed in the setUp can be removed from the target contracts if they are added to the excludeContracts array.

Open Testing

The default configuration for target contracts is set to all contracts that are deployed during the setup. For smaller modules and more arithmetic contracts, this works well. For example:

contract ExampleContract1 {

    uint256 public val1;
    uint256 public val2;
    uint256 public val3;

    function addToA(uint256 amount) external {
        val1 += amount;
        val3 += amount;

    function addToB(uint256 amount) external {
        val2 += amount;
        val3 += amount;


This contract could be deployed and tested using the default target contract pattern:

contract InvariantExample1 is Test {

    ExampleContract1 foo;

    function setUp() external {
        foo = new ExampleContract1();

    function invariant_A() external {
        assertEq(foo.val1() + foo.val2(), foo.val3());

    function invariant_B() external {
        assertGe(foo.val1() + foo.val2(), foo.val3());


This setup will call foo.addToA() and foo.addToB() with a 50%-50% probability distribution with fuzzed inputs. Inevitably, the inputs will start to cause overflows and the function calls will start reverting. Since the default configuration in invariant testing is fail_on_revert = false, this will not cause the tests to fail. The invariants will hold throughout the rest of the fuzzing campaign and the result is that the test will pass. The output will look something like this:

[PASS] invariant_A() (runs: 50, calls: 10000, reverts: 5533)
[PASS] invariant_B() (runs: 50, calls: 10000, reverts: 5533)

Handler-Based Testing

For more complex and integrated protocols, more sophisticated target contract usage is required to achieve the desired results. To illustrate how Handlers can be leveraged, the following contract will be used (an ERC-4626 based contract that accepts deposits of another ERC-20 token):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

interface IERC20Like {

    function balanceOf(address owner_) external view returns (uint256 balance_);

    function transferFrom(
        address owner_,
        address recipient_,
        uint256 amount_
    ) external returns (bool success_);


contract Basic4626Deposit {

    /*** Storage                                                                                ***/

    address public immutable asset;

    string public name;
    string public symbol;

    uint8 public immutable decimals;

    uint256 public totalSupply;

    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;

    /*** Constructor                                                                            ***/

    constructor(address asset_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_) {
        asset    = asset_;
        name     = name_;
        symbol   = symbol_;
        decimals = decimals_;

    /*** External Functions                                                                     ***/

    function deposit(uint256 assets_, address receiver_) external returns (uint256 shares_) {
        shares_ = convertToShares(assets_);

        require(receiver_ != address(0), "ZERO_RECEIVER");
        require(shares_   != uint256(0), "ZERO_SHARES");
        require(assets_   != uint256(0), "ZERO_ASSETS");

        totalSupply += shares_;

        // Cannot overflow because totalSupply would first overflow in the statement above.
        unchecked { balanceOf[receiver_] += shares_; }

            IERC20Like(asset).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), assets_),

    function transfer(address recipient_, uint256 amount_) external returns (bool success_) {
        balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount_;

        // Cannot overflow because minting prevents overflow of totalSupply,
        // and sum of user balances == totalSupply.
        unchecked { balanceOf[recipient_] += amount_; }

        return true;

    /*** Public View Functions                                                                  ***/

    function convertToShares(uint256 assets_) public view returns (uint256 shares_) {
        uint256 supply_ = totalSupply;  // Cache to stack.

        shares_ = supply_ == 0 ? assets_ : (assets_ * supply_) / totalAssets();

    function totalAssets() public view returns (uint256 assets_) {
        assets_ = IERC20Like(asset).balanceOf(address(this));


Handler Functions

This contract’s deposit function requires that the caller has a non-zero balance of the ERC-20 asset. In the Open invariant testing approach, deposit() and transfer() would be called with a 50-50% distribution, but they would revert on every call. This would cause the invariant tests to “pass”, but in reality no state was manipulated in the desired contract at all. This is where target contracts can be leveraged. When a contract requires some additional logic in order to function properly, it can be added in a dedicated contract called a Handler.

function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {, assets);

    asset.approve(address(token), assets);

    uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));

This contract will provide the necessary setup before a function call is made in order to ensure it is successful.

Building on this concept, Handlers can be used to develop more sophisticated invariant tests. With Open invariant testing, the tests run as shown in the diagram below, with random sequences of function calls being made to the protocol contracts directly with fuzzed parameters. This will cause reverts for more complex systems as outlined above.

Blank diagram

By manually adding all Handler contracts to the targetContracts array, all function calls made to protocol contracts can be made in a way that is governed by the Handler to ensure successful calls. This is outlined in the diagram below.

Invariant Diagrams - Page 2

With this layer between the fuzzer and the protocol, more powerful testing can be achieved.

Handler Ghost Variables

Within Handlers, “ghost variables” can be tracked across multiple function calls to add additional information for invariant tests. A good example of this is summing all of the shares that each LP owns after depositing into the ERC-4626 token as shown above, and using that in the invariant (totalSupply == sumBalanceOf).

function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {, assets);

    asset.approve(address(token), assets);

    uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));

    sumBalanceOf += shares;

Function-Level Assertions

Another benefit is the ability to perform assertions on function calls as they are happening. An example is asserting the ERC-20 balance of the LP has decremented by assets during the deposit function call, as well as their LP token balance incrementing by shares. In this way, handler functions are similar to fuzz tests because they can take in fuzzed inputs, perform state changes, and assert before/after state.

function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {, assets);

    asset.approve(address(token), assets);

    uint256 beforeBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));

    uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));

    assertEq(asset.balanceOf(address(this)), beforeBalance - assets);

    sumBalanceOf += shares;

Bounded/Unbounded Functions

In addition, with Handlers, input parameters can be bounded to reasonable expected values such that fail_on_revert in foundry.toml can be set to true. This can be accomplished using the bound() helper function from forge-std. This ensures that every function call that is being made by the fuzzer must be successful against the protocol in order to get tests to pass. This is very useful for visibility and confidence that the protocol is being tested in the desired way.

function deposit(uint256 assets) external {
    assets = bound(assets, 0, 1e30);, assets);

    asset.approve(address(token), assets);

    uint256 beforeBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));

    uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));

    assertEq(asset.balanceOf(address(this)), beforeBalance - assets);

    sumBalanceOf += shares;

This can also be accomplished by inheriting non-bounded functions from dedicated “unbounded” Handler contracts that can be used for fail_on_revert = false testing. This type of testing is also useful since it can expose issues in assumptions made with bound function usage.

// Unbounded
function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {, assets);

    asset.approve(address(token), assets);

    uint256 beforeBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));

    uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));

    assertEq(asset.balanceOf(address(this)), beforeBalance - assets);

    sumBalanceOf += shares;
// Bounded
function deposit(uint256 assets) external {
    assets = bound(assets, 0, 1e30);


Actor Management

In the function calls above, it can be seen that address(this) is the sole depositor in the ERC-4626 contract, which is not a realistic representation of its intended use. By leveraging the prank cheatcodes in forge-std, each Handler can manage a set of actors and use them to perform the same function call from different msg.sender addresses. This can be accomplished using the following modifier:

address[] public actors;

address internal currentActor;

modifier useActor(uint256 actorIndexSeed) {
    currentActor = actors[bound(actorIndexSeed, 0, actors.length - 1)];

Using multiple actors allows for more granular ghost variable usage as well. This is demonstrated in the functions below:

// Unbounded
function deposit(
    uint256 assets,
    uint256 actorIndexSeed
) public virtual useActor(actorIndexSeed) {, assets);

    asset.approve(address(token), assets);

    uint256 beforeBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));

    uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));

    assertEq(asset.balanceOf(address(this)), beforeBalance - assets);

    sumBalanceOf += shares;

    sumDeposits[currentActor] += assets
// Bounded
function deposit(uint256 assets, uint256 actorIndexSeed) external {
    assets = bound(assets, 0, 1e30);

    super.deposit(assets, actorIndexSeed);

Differential Testing

Forge can be used for differential testing and differential fuzzing. You can even test against non-EVM executables using the ffi cheatcode.


Differential testing cross references multiple implementations of the same function by comparing each one’s output. Imagine we have a function specification F(X), and two implementations of that specification: f1(X) and f2(X). We expect f1(x) == f2(x) for all x that exist in an appropriate input space. If f1(x) != f2(x), we know that at least one function is incorrectly implementing F(X). This process of testing for equality and identifying discrepancies is the core of differential testing.

Differential fuzzing is an extension of differential testing. Differential fuzzing programmatically generates many values of x to find discrepancies and edge cases that manually chosen inputs might not reveal.

Note: the == operator in this case can be a custom definition of equality. For example, if testing floating point implementations, you might use approximate equality with a certain tolerance.

Some real life uses of this type of testing include:

  • Comparing upgraded implementations to their predecessors
  • Testing code against known reference implementations
  • Confirming compatibility with third party tools and dependencies

Below are some examples of how Forge is used for differential testing.

Primer: The ffi cheatcode

ffi allows you to execute an arbitrary shell command and capture the output. Here’s a mock example:

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract TestContract is Test {

    function testMyFFI () public {
        string[] memory cmds = new string[](2);
        cmds[0] = "cat";
        cmds[1] = "address.txt"; // assume contains abi-encoded address.
        bytes memory result = vm.ffi(cmds);
        address loadedAddress = abi.decode(result, (address));
        // Do something with the address
        // ...

An address has previously been written to address.txt, and we read it in using the FFI cheatcode. This data can now be used throughout your test contract.

Example: Differential Testing Merkle Tree Implementations

Merkle Trees are a cryptographic commitment scheme frequently used in blockchain applications. Their popularity has led to a number of different implementations of Merkle Tree generators, provers, and verifiers. Merkle roots and proofs are often generated using a language like JavaScript or Python, while proof verification usually occurs on-chain in Solidity.

Murky is a complete implementation of Merkle roots, proofs, and verification in Solidity. Its test suite includes differential tests against OpenZeppelin’s Merkle proof library, as well as root generation tests against a reference JavaScript implementation. These tests are powered by Foundry’s fuzzing and ffi capabilities.

Differential fuzzing against a reference TypeScript implementation

Using the ffi cheatcode, Murky tests its own Merkle root implementation against a TypeScript implementation using data provided by Forge’s fuzzer:

function testMerkleRootMatchesJSImplementationFuzzed(bytes32[] memory leaves) public {
    vm.assume(leaves.length > 1);
    bytes memory packed = abi.encodePacked(leaves);
    string[] memory runJsInputs = new string[](8);

    // Build ffi command string
    runJsInputs[0] = 'npm';
    runJsInputs[1] = '--prefix';
    runJsInputs[2] = 'differential_testing/scripts/';
    runJsInputs[3] = '--silent';
    runJsInputs[4] = 'run';
    runJsInputs[5] = 'generate-root-cli';
    runJsInputs[6] = leaves.length.toString();
    runJsInputs[7] = packed.toHexString();

    // Run command and capture output
    bytes memory jsResult = vm.ffi(runJsInputs);
    bytes32 jsGeneratedRoot = abi.decode(jsResult, (bytes32));

    // Calculate root using Murky
    bytes32 murkyGeneratedRoot = m.getRoot(leaves);
    assertEq(murkyGeneratedRoot, jsGeneratedRoot);

Note: see Strings2.sol in the Murky Repo for the library that enables (bytes memory).toHexString()

Forge runs npm --prefix differential_testing/scripts/ --silent run generate-root-cli {numLeaves} {hexEncodedLeaves}. This calculates the Merkle root for the input data using the reference JavaScript implementation. The script prints the root to stdout, and that printout is captured as bytes in the return value of vm.ffi().

The test then calculates the root using the Solidity implementation.

Finally, the test asserts that the both roots are exactly equal. If they are not equal, the test fails.

Differential fuzzing against OpenZeppelin’s Merkle Proof Library

You may want to use differential testing against another Solidity implementation. In that case, ffi is not needed. Instead, the reference implementation is imported directly into the test.

import {MerkleProof} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.sol";
function testCompatibilityOpenZeppelinProver(bytes32[] memory _data, uint256 node) public {
    vm.assume(_data.length > 1);
    vm.assume(node < _data.length);
    bytes32 root = m.getRoot(_data);
    bytes32[] memory proof = m.getProof(_data, node);
    bytes32 valueToProve = _data[node];
    bool murkyVerified = m.verifyProof(root, proof, valueToProve);
    bool ozVerified = MerkleProof.verify(proof, root, valueToProve);
    assertTrue(murkyVerified == ozVerified);

Differential testing against a known edge case

Differential tests are not always fuzzed – they are also useful for testing known edge cases. In the case of the Murky codebase, the initial implementation of the log2ceil function did not work for certain arrays whose lengths were close to a power of 2 (like 129). As a safety check, a test is always run against an array of this length and compared to the TypeScript implementation. You can see the full test here.

Standardized Testing against reference data

FFI is also useful for injecting reproducible, standardized data into the testing environment. In the Murky library, this is used as a benchmark for gas snapshotting (see forge snapshot).

bytes32[100] data;
uint256[8] leaves = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 69, 88];

function setUp() public {
    string[] memory inputs = new string[](2);
    inputs[0] = "cat";
    inputs[1] = "src/test/standard_data/StandardInput.txt";
    bytes memory result =  vm.ffi(inputs);
    data = abi.decode(result, (bytes32[100]));
    m = new Merkle();

function testMerkleGenerateProofStandard() public view {
    bytes32[] memory _data = _getData();
    for (uint i = 0; i < leaves.length; ++i) {
        m.getProof(_data, leaves[i]);

src/test/standard_data/StandardInput.txt is a text file that contains an encoded bytes32[100] array. It’s generated outside of the test and can be used in any language’s Web3 SDK. It looks something like:


The standardized testing contract reads in the file using ffi. It decodes the data into an array and then, in this example, generates proofs for 8 different leaves. Because the data is constant and standard, we can meaningfully measure gas and performance improvements using this test.

Of course, one could just hardcode the array into the test! But that makes it much harder to do consistent testing across contracts, implementations, etc.

Example: Differential Testing Gradual Dutch Auctions

The reference implementation for Paradigm’s Gradual Dutch Auction mechanism contains a number of differential, fuzzed tests. It is an excellent repository to further explore differential testing using ffi.

Reference Repositories

If you have another repository that would serve as a reference, please contribute it!


Forge can deploy smart contracts to a given network with the forge create command.

Forge CLI can deploy only one contract at a time.

For deploying and verifying multiple smart contracts in one go, Forge’s Solidity scripting would be the more efficient approach.

To deploy a contract, you must provide a RPC URL (env: ETH_RPC_URL) and the private key of the account that will deploy the contract.

To deploy MyContract to a network:

$ forge create --rpc-url <your_rpc_url> --private-key <your_private_key> src/MyContract.sol:MyContract
Deployer: 0xa735b3c25f...
Deployed to: 0x4054415432...
Transaction hash: 0x6b4e0ff93a...

Solidity files may contain multiple contracts. :MyContract above specifies which contract to deploy from the src/MyContract.sol file.

Use the --constructor-args flag to pass arguments to the constructor:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {ERC20} from "solmate/tokens/ERC20.sol";

contract MyToken is ERC20 {
        string memory name,
        string memory symbol,
        uint8 decimals,
        uint256 initialSupply
    ) ERC20(name, symbol, decimals) {
        _mint(msg.sender, initialSupply);

Additionally, we can tell Forge to verify our contract on Etherscan, Sourcify or Blockscout, if the network is supported, by passing --verify.

$ forge create --rpc-url <your_rpc_url> \
    --constructor-args "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000 \
    --private-key <your_private_key> \
    --etherscan-api-key <your_etherscan_api_key> \
    --verify \

Verifying a pre-existing contract

It is recommended to use the --verify flag with forge create to automatically verify the contract on explorer after a deployment. Note that for Etherscan ETHERSCAN_API_KEY must be set.

If you are verifying an already deployed contract, read on.

You can verify a contract on Etherscan, Sourcify, oklink or Blockscout with the forge verify-contract command.

You must provide:

  • the contract address
  • the contract name or the path to the contract <path>:<contractname>
  • your Etherscan API key (env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY) (if verifying on Etherscan).

Moreover, you may need to provide:

  • the constructor arguments in the ABI-encoded format, if there are any
  • compiler version used for build, with 8 hex digits from the commit version prefix (the commit will usually not be a nightly build). It is auto-detected if not specified.
  • the number of optimizations, if the Solidity optimizer was activated. It is auto-detected if not specified.
  • the chain ID, if the contract is not on Ethereum Mainnet

Let’s say you want to verify MyToken (see above). You set the number of optimizations to 1 million, compiled it with v0.8.10, and deployed it, as shown above, to the Sepolia testnet (chain ID: 11155111). Note that --num-of-optimizations will default to 0 if not set on verification, while it defaults to 200 if not set on deployment, so make sure you pass --num-of-optimizations 200 if you left the default compilation settings.

Here’s how to verify it:

forge verify-contract \
    --chain-id 11155111 \
    --num-of-optimizations 1000000 \
    --watch \
    --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(string,string,uint256,uint256)" "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000) \
    --etherscan-api-key <your_etherscan_api_key> \
    --compiler-version v0.8.10+commit.fc410830 \
    <the_contract_address> \

Submitted contract for verification:
                Response: `OK`
                GUID: `a6yrbjp5prvakia6bqp5qdacczyfhkyi5j1r6qbds1js41ak1a`

It is recommended to use the --watch flag along with verify-contract command in order to poll for the verification result.

If the --watch flag was not supplied, you can check the verification status with the forge verify-check command:

$ forge verify-check --chain-id 11155111 <GUID> <your_etherscan_api_key>
Contract successfully verified.

💡 Tip

Use Cast’s abi-encode to ABI-encode arguments.

In this example, we ran cast abi-encode "constructor(string,string,uint8,uint256)" "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000 to ABI-encode the arguments.


missing hex prefix ("0x") for hex string

Make sure the private key string begins with 0x.

EIP-1559 not activated

EIP-1559 is not supported or not activated on the RPC server. Pass the --legacy flag to use legacy transactions instead of the EIP-1559 ones. If you do development in a local environment, you can use Hardhat instead of Ganache.

Failed to parse tokens

Make sure the passed arguments are of correct type.

Signature error

Make sure the private key is correct.

Compiler version commit for verify

If you want to check the exact commit you are running locally, try: ~/.svm/0.x.y/solc-0.x.y --version where x and y are major and minor version numbers respectively. The output of this will be something like:

solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
Version: 0.8.12+commit.f00d7308.Darwin.appleclang

Note: You cannot just paste the entire string “0.8.12+commit.f00d7308.Darwin.appleclang” as the argument for the compiler-version. But you can use the 8 hex digits of the commit to look up exactly what you should copy and paste from compiler version.

Known Issues

Verifying Contracts With Ambiguous Import Paths

Forge passes source directories (src, lib, test etc) as --include-path arguments to the compiler. This means that given the following project tree

|- src
|-- folder
|--- Contract.sol
|--- IContract.sol

it is possible to import IContract inside the Contract.sol using folder/IContract.sol import path.

Etherscan is not able to recompile such sources. Consider changing the imports to use relative import path.

Verifying Contracts With No Bytecode Hash

Currently, it’s not possible to verify contracts on Etherscan with bytecode_hash set to none. Click here to learn more about how metadata hash is used for source code verification.

Gas Tracking

Forge can help you estimate how much gas your contract will consume.

Currently, Forge ships with two different tools for this job, but they may be merged in the future:

  • Gas reports: Gas reports give you an overview of how much Forge thinks the individual functions in your contracts will consume in gas.
  • Gas snapshots: Gas snapshots give you an overview of how much each test consumes in gas.

Gas reports and gas snapshots differ in some ways:

  • Gas reports use tracing to figure out gas costs for individual contract calls.
    This gives more granular insight, at the cost of speed.
  • Gas snapshots have more built-in tools, such as diffs and exporting the results to a file.
    Snapshots are not as granular as gas reports, but they are faster to generate.

Gas Reports

Forge can produce gas reports for your contracts. You can configure which contracts output gas reports via the gas_reports field in foundry.toml.

To produce reports for specific contracts:

gas_reports = ["MyContract", "MyContractFactory"]

To produce reports for all contracts:

gas_reports = ["*"]

To generate gas reports, run forge test --gas-report.

You can also use it in combination with other subcommands, such as forge test --match-test testBurn --gas-report, to generate only a gas report relevant to this test.

Example output:

│ MockERC1155 contract  ┆                 ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost       ┆ Deployment Size ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ 1082720               ┆ 5440            ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Function Name         ┆ min             ┆ avg    ┆ median ┆ max    ┆ # calls │
│ balanceOf             ┆ 596             ┆ 596    ┆ 596    ┆ 596    ┆ 44      │
│ balanceOfBatch        ┆ 2363            ┆ 4005   ┆ 4005   ┆ 5647   ┆ 2       │
│ batchBurn             ┆ 2126            ┆ 5560   ┆ 2584   ┆ 11970  ┆ 3       │
│ batchMint             ┆ 2444            ┆ 135299 ┆ 125081 ┆ 438531 ┆ 18      │
│ burn                  ┆ 814             ┆ 2117   ┆ 2117   ┆ 3421   ┆ 2       │
│ isApprovedForAll      ┆ 749             ┆ 749    ┆ 749    ┆ 749    ┆ 1       │
│ mint                  ┆ 26039           ┆ 31943  ┆ 27685  ┆ 118859 ┆ 22      │
│ safeBatchTransferFrom ┆ 2561            ┆ 137750 ┆ 126910 ┆ 461304 ┆ 8       │
│ safeTransferFrom      ┆ 1335            ┆ 34505  ┆ 28103  ┆ 139557 ┆ 9       │
│ setApprovalForAll     ┆ 24485           ┆ 24485  ┆ 24485  ┆ 24485  ┆ 12      │

│ Example contract      ┆                 ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost       ┆ Deployment Size ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ 1082720               ┆ 5440            ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Function Name         ┆ min             ┆ avg    ┆ median ┆ max    ┆ # calls │
│ foo                   ┆ 596             ┆ 596    ┆ 596    ┆ 596    ┆ 44      │
│ bar                   ┆ 2363            ┆ 4005   ┆ 4005   ┆ 5647   ┆ 2       │
│ baz                   ┆ 2126            ┆ 5560   ┆ 2584   ┆ 11970  ┆ 3       │

You can also ignore contracts via the gas_reports_ignore field in foundry.toml:

gas_reports_ignore = ["Example"]

This would change the output to:

│ MockERC1155 contract  ┆                 ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost       ┆ Deployment Size ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ 1082720               ┆ 5440            ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Function Name         ┆ min             ┆ avg    ┆ median ┆ max    ┆ # calls │
│ balanceOf             ┆ 596             ┆ 596    ┆ 596    ┆ 596    ┆ 44      │
│ balanceOfBatch        ┆ 2363            ┆ 4005   ┆ 4005   ┆ 5647   ┆ 2       │
│ batchBurn             ┆ 2126            ┆ 5560   ┆ 2584   ┆ 11970  ┆ 3       │
│ batchMint             ┆ 2444            ┆ 135299 ┆ 125081 ┆ 438531 ┆ 18      │
│ burn                  ┆ 814             ┆ 2117   ┆ 2117   ┆ 3421   ┆ 2       │
│ isApprovedForAll      ┆ 749             ┆ 749    ┆ 749    ┆ 749    ┆ 1       │
│ mint                  ┆ 26039           ┆ 31943  ┆ 27685  ┆ 118859 ┆ 22      │
│ safeBatchTransferFrom ┆ 2561            ┆ 137750 ┆ 126910 ┆ 461304 ┆ 8       │
│ safeTransferFrom      ┆ 1335            ┆ 34505  ┆ 28103  ┆ 139557 ┆ 9       │
│ setApprovalForAll     ┆ 24485           ┆ 24485  ┆ 24485  ┆ 24485  ┆ 12      │

Gas Snapshots

Forge can generate gas snapshots for all your test functions. This can be useful to get a general feel for how much gas your contract will consume, or to compare gas usage before and after various optimizations.

To generate the gas snapshot, run forge snapshot.

This will generate a file called .gas-snapshot by default with all your tests and their respective gas usage.

$ forge snapshot
$ cat .gas-snapshot

ERC20Test:testApprove() (gas: 31162)
ERC20Test:testBurn() (gas: 59875)
ERC20Test:testFailTransferFromInsufficientAllowance() (gas: 81034)
ERC20Test:testFailTransferFromInsufficientBalance() (gas: 81662)
ERC20Test:testFailTransferInsufficientBalance() (gas: 52882)
ERC20Test:testInfiniteApproveTransferFrom() (gas: 90167)
ERC20Test:testMetadata() (gas: 14606)
ERC20Test:testMint() (gas: 53830)
ERC20Test:testTransfer() (gas: 60473)
ERC20Test:testTransferFrom() (gas: 84152)


If you would like to specify a different output file, run forge snapshot --snap <FILE_NAME>.

You can also sort the results by gas usage. Use the --asc option to sort the results in ascending order and --desc to sort the results in descending order.

Finally, you can also specify a min/max gas threshold for all your tests. To only include results above a threshold, you can use the --min <VALUE> option. In the same way, to only include results under a threshold, you can use the --max <VALUE> option.

Keep in mind that the changes will be made in the snapshot file, and not in the snapshot being displayed on your screen.

You can also use it in combination with the filters for forge test, such as forge snapshot --match-path contracts/test/ERC721.t.sol to generate a gas snapshot relevant to this test contract.

Comparing gas usage

If you would like to compare the current snapshot file with your latest changes, you can use the --diff or --check options.

--diff will compare against the snapshot and display changes from the snapshot.

It can also optionally take a file name (--diff <FILE_NAME>), with the default being .gas-snapshot.

For example:

$ forge snapshot --diff .gas-snapshot2

Running 10 tests for src/test/ERC20.t.sol:ERC20Test
[PASS] testApprove() (gas: 31162)
[PASS] testBurn() (gas: 59875)
[PASS] testFailTransferFromInsufficientAllowance() (gas: 81034)
[PASS] testFailTransferFromInsufficientBalance() (gas: 81662)
[PASS] testFailTransferInsufficientBalance() (gas: 52882)
[PASS] testInfiniteApproveTransferFrom() (gas: 90167)
[PASS] testMetadata() (gas: 14606)
[PASS] testMint() (gas: 53830)
[PASS] testTransfer() (gas: 60473)
[PASS] testTransferFrom() (gas: 84152)
Test result: ok. 10 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.86ms
testBurn() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testFailTransferFromInsufficientAllowance() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testFailTransferFromInsufficientBalance() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testFailTransferInsufficientBalance() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testInfiniteApproveTransferFrom() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testMetadata() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testMint() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testTransfer() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testTransferFrom() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testApprove() (gas: -8 (-0.000%))
Overall gas change: -8 (-0.000%)

--check will compare a snapshot with an existing snapshot file and display all the differences, if any. You can change the file to compare against by providing a different file name: --check <FILE_NAME>.

For example:

$ forge snapshot --check .gas-snapshot2

Running 10 tests for src/test/ERC20.t.sol:ERC20Test
[PASS] testApprove() (gas: 31162)
[PASS] testBurn() (gas: 59875)
[PASS] testFailTransferFromInsufficientAllowance() (gas: 81034)
[PASS] testFailTransferFromInsufficientBalance() (gas: 81662)
[PASS] testFailTransferInsufficientBalance() (gas: 52882)
[PASS] testInfiniteApproveTransferFrom() (gas: 90167)
[PASS] testMetadata() (gas: 14606)
[PASS] testMint() (gas: 53830)
[PASS] testTransfer() (gas: 60473)
[PASS] testTransferFrom() (gas: 84152)
Test result: ok. 10 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.47ms
Diff in "ERC20Test::testApprove()": consumed "(gas: 31162)" gas, expected "(gas: 31170)" gas 


Forge ships with an interactive debugger.

The debugger is accessible on forge debug and on forge test.

Using forge test:

$ forge test --debug $FUNC

Where $FUNC is the signature of the function you want to debug. For example:

$ forge test --debug "testSomething()"

If you have multiple contracts with the same function name, you need to limit the matching functions down to only one case using --match-path and --match-contract.

If the matching test is a fuzz test, the debugger will open the first failing fuzz scenario, or the last successful one, whichever comes first.

Using forge debug:

$ forge debug --debug $FILE --sig $FUNC

Where $FILE is the path to the contract you want to debug, and $FUNC is the signature of the function you want to debug. For example:

$ forge debug --debug src/SomeContract.sol --sig "myFunc(uint256,string)" 123 "hello"

You can also specify raw calldata using --sig instead of a function signature.

If your source file contains more than one contract, specify the contract you want to debug using the --target-contract flag.

Debugger layout

An image of the debugger UI

When the debugger is run, you are presented with a terminal divided into four quadrants:

  • Quadrant 1: The opcodes in the debugging session, with the current opcode highlighted. Additionally, the address of the current account, the program counter and the accumulated gas usage is also displayed
  • Quadrant 2: The current stack, as well as the size of the stack
  • Quadrant 3: The source view
  • Quadrant 4: The current memory of the EVM

As you step through your code, you will notice that the words in the stack and memory sometimes change color.

For the memory:

  • Red words are about to be written to by the current opcode
  • Green words were written to by the previous opcode
  • Cyan words are being read by the current opcode

For the stack, cyan words are either being read or popped by the current opcode.

⚠️ Note

In most test frameworks, the first test assertion to fail is the one reported. In foundry, the last test assertion to fail (that comes from DSTest or cheatcodes) is the one to be reported.


  • q: Quit the debugger
  • h: Show help
  • 0-9 + k: Step a number of times backwards (alternatively scroll up with your mouse)
  • 0-9 + j: Step a number of times forwards (alternatively scroll down with your mouse)
  • g: Move to the beginning of the transaction
  • G: Move to the end of the transaction
  • c: Move to the previous call-type instruction (i.e. CALL, STATICCALL, DELEGATECALL, and CALLCODE).
  • C: Move to the next call-type instruction
  • a: Move to the previous JUMP or JUMPI instruction
  • s: Move to the next JUMPDEST instruction
  • + a-z: Move to <char> breakpoint set by a vm.breakpoint cheatcode
  • Ctrl + j: Scroll the memory view down
  • Ctrl + k: Scroll the memory view up
  • m: Show memory as UTF8
  • J: Scroll the stack view down
  • K: Scroll the stack view up
  • t: Show labels on the stack to see what items the current op will consume

Overview of Cast

Cast is Foundry’s command-line tool for performing Ethereum RPC calls. You can make smart contract calls, send transactions, or retrieve any type of chain data - all from your command-line!

How to use Cast

To use Cast, run the cast command followed by a subcommand:

$ cast <subcommand>


Let’s use cast to retrieve the total supply of the DAI token:

$ cast call 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f "totalSupply()(uint256)" --rpc-url
3174399289401489504386774821 [3.174e27]

cast also provides many convenient subcommands, such as for decoding calldata:

$ cast 4byte-decode 0x1F1F897F676d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e7
1) "fulfillRandomness(bytes32,uint256)"

You can also use cast to send arbitrary messages. Here’s an example of sending a message between two Anvil accounts.

$ cast send --private-key <Your Private Key> 0x3c44cdddb6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12fa4293bc $(cast from-utf8 "hello world") --rpc-url

📚 Reference

See the cast Reference for a complete overview of all the available subcommands.

Overview of Anvil

Anvil is a local testnet node shipped with Foundry. You can use it for testing your contracts from frontends or for interacting over RPC.

Anvil is part of the Foundry suite and is installed alongside forge, cast, and chisel. If you haven’t installed Foundry yet, see Foundry installation.

Note: If you have an older version of Foundry installed, you’ll need to re-install foundryup in order for Anvil to be downloaded.

How to use Anvil

To use Anvil, simply type anvil. You should see a list of accounts and private keys available for use, as well as the address and port that the node is listening on.

Anvil is highly configurable. You can run anvil -h to see all the configuration options.

Some basic options are:

#  Number of dev accounts to generate and configure. [default: 10]
anvil -a, --accounts <ACCOUNTS>

# The EVM hardfork to use. [default: latest]
anvil --hardfork <HARDFORK>

# Port number to listen on. [default: 8545]
anvil  -p, --port <PORT>

📚 Reference

See the anvil Reference for in depth information on Anvil and its capabilities.

Overview of Chisel

Chisel is an advanced Solidity REPL shipped with Foundry. It can be used to quickly test the behavior of Solidity snippets on a local or forked network.

Chisel is part of the Foundry suite and is installed alongside forge, cast, and anvil. If you haven’t installed Foundry yet, see Foundry installation.

Note: If you have an older version of Foundry installed, you’ll need to re-install foundryup in order for Chisel to be downloaded.

How to use Chisel

To use Chisel, simply type chisel. From there, start writing Solidity code! Chisel will offer verbose feedback on each input.

Chisel can be used both within and outside of a foundry project. If the binary is executed in a Foundry project root, Chisel will inherit the project’s configuration options.

To see available commands, type !help within the REPL.

📚 Reference

See the chisel Reference for in depth information on Chisel and its capabilities.

Configuring with foundry.toml

Forge can be configured using a configuration file called foundry.toml, which is placed in the root of your project.

Configuration can be namespaced by profiles. The default profile is named default, from which all other profiles inherit. You are free to customize the default profile, and add as many new profiles as you need.

Additionally, you can create a global foundry.toml in your home directory.

Let’s take a look at a configuration file that contains two profiles: the default profile, which always enables the optimizer, as well as a CI profile, that always displays traces:

optimizer = true
optimizer_runs = 20_000

verbosity = 4

When running forge, you can specify the profile to use using the FOUNDRY_PROFILE environment variable.

Standalone sections

Besides the profile sections, the configuration file can also contain standalone sections ([fmt], [fuzz], [invariant] etc). By default, each standalone section belongs to the default profile. i.e. [fmt] is equivalent to [profile.default.fmt].

To configure the standalone section for different profiles other than default, use syntax [profile.<profile name>.<standalone>]. i.e. [].

📚 Reference

See the foundry.toml Reference for a complete overview of what you can configure.

Continuous Integration

GitHub Actions

To test your project using GitHub Actions, here is a sample workflow:

on: [push]

name: test

    name: Foundry project
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: recursive

      - name: Install Foundry
        uses: foundry-rs/foundry-toolchain@v1
          version: nightly

      - name: Run tests
        run: forge test -vvv

Travis CI

To test your project using Travis CI, here is a sample workflow:

language: rust
  cargo: true
    - $HOME/.foundry

  - curl -L | bash
  - export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.foundry/bin
  - foundryup -b master

  - forge test -vvv

GitLab CI

To test your project using GitLab CI, here is a sample workflow: Note: check out Policy to fetch the remote image


    - forge install
    - forge test -vvv

Integrating with VSCode

You can get Solidity support for Visual Studio Code by installing the VSCode Solidity extension.

To make the extension play nicely with Foundry, you may have to tweak a couple of things.

1. Remappings

You may want to place your remappings in remappings.txt.

If they are already in foundry.toml, copy them over and use remappings.txt instead. If you just use the autogenerated remappings that Foundry provides, run forge remappings > remappings.txt.

2. Dependencies

You may have to add the following to your .vscode/settings.json for the extension to find your dependencies:

  "solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesContractsDirectory": "src",
  "solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesDirectory": "lib"

Where src is the source code directory and lib is your dependency directory.

3. Formatter

To enable the built-in formatter that comes with Foundry to automatically format your code on save, you can add the following settings to your .vscode/settings.json:

  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "[solidity]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "JuanBlanco.solidity" 
  "solidity.formatter": "forge",

To configure the formatter settings, refer to the Formatter reference.

4. Solc Version

Finally, it is recommended to specify a Solidity compiler version:

"solidity.compileUsingRemoteVersion": "v0.8.17"

To get Foundry in line with the chosen version, add the following to your default profile in foundry.toml.

solc = "0.8.17"

Example of using OpenZeppelin contracts and non-standard project layout.

└── project
    └── contracts
        ├── lib
        │   ├── forge-std
        │   └── openzeppelin-contracts
        ├── script
        ├── src
        └── test

Add line to remappings.txt file (forge remapping):


Add line to .vscode/settings.json file (solidity extension settings):

  "solidity.remappings": [

Now all contracts from the OpenZeppelin documentation can be used.

import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

Shell Autocompletion

You can generate autocompletion shell scripts for bash, elvish, fish, powershell, and zsh.


First, ensure that the following is present somewhere in your ~/.zshrc file (if not, add it):

autoload -U compinit
compinit -i

Then run:

forge completions zsh | sudo tee /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_forge
cast completions zsh | sudo tee /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_cast
anvil completions zsh | sudo tee /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_anvil

For macOS:

forge completions zsh > /opt/homebrew/completions/zsh/_forge
cast completions zsh > /opt/homebrew/completions/zsh/_cast
anvil completions zsh > /opt/homebrew/completions/zsh/_anvil


mkdir -p $HOME/.config/fish/completions
forge completions fish > $HOME/.config/fish/completions/
cast completions fish > $HOME/.config/fish/completions/
anvil completions fish > $HOME/.config/fish/completions/
source $HOME/.config/fish/


mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/bash-completion/completions
forge completions bash > $HOME/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/forge
cast completions bash > $HOME/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/cast
anvil completions bash > $HOME/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/anvil
exec bash

Static Analyzers


To test your project using slither, here is a sample slither.config.json:

  "filter_paths": "lib"

To run Slither on the entire project, use this command in the root of the project:

slither .

By default (as of version 0.10.0), this will skip tests and scripts. To force inclusion of the tests and scripts, add the --foundry-compile-all flag.

To run Slither on a single file, use this command:

slither src/Contract.sol

Note, this requires configuring the solc version in the foundry config file.

You do not need to provide remappings via the solc_remaps option as Slither will automatically detect remappings in a Foundry project. Slither will invoke forge to perform the build.

See the Slither wiki for more information.

In order to use a custom configuration, such as the sample slither.config.json mentioned above, the following command is used as mentioned in the slither-wiki. By default slither looks for the slither.config.json but you can define the path and any other json file of your choice:

slither --config-file <path>/file.config.json .

Example output (Raw):

Pragma version^0.8.13 (Counter.sol#2) necessitates a version too recent to be trusted. Consider deploying with 0.6.12/0.7.6/0.8.7
solc-0.8.13 is not recommended for deployment

setNumber(uint256) should be declared external:
        - Counter.setNumber(uint256) (Counter.sol#7-9)
increment() should be declared external:
        - Counter.increment() (Counter.sol#11-13)
Counter.sol analyzed (1 contracts with 78 detectors), 4 result(s) found

Slither also has a GitHub Action for CI/CD.


To test your project using mythril, here is a sample mythril.config.json:

  "remappings": [
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 200

Note, you need switch rustc to nightly to install mythril:

rustup default nightly
pip3 install mythril
myth analyze src/Contract.sol --solc-json mythril.config.json

See the mythril docs for more information.

You can pass custom Solc compiler output to Mythril using the --solc-json flag. For example:

$ myth analyze src/Counter.sol --solc-json mythril.config.json
mythril.laser.plugin.loader [INFO]: Loading laser plugin: coverage
mythril.laser.plugin.loader [INFO]: Loading laser plugin: mutation-pruner
Achieved 11.56% coverage for code: 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
mythril.laser.plugin.plugins.coverage.coverage_plugin [INFO]: Achieved 90.13% coverage for code: 6080604052348015600f57600080fd5b5060043610603c5760003560e01c80633fb5c1cb1460415780638381f58a146053578063d09de08a14606d575b600080fd5b6051604c3660046083565b600055565b005b605b60005481565b60405190815260200160405180910390f35b6051600080549080607c83609b565b9190505550565b600060208284031215609457600080fd5b5035919050565b60006001820160ba57634e487b7160e01b600052601160045260246000fd5b506001019056fea2646970667358221220659fce8aadca285da9206b61f95de294d3958c409cc3011ded856f421885867464736f6c63430008100033
mythril.laser.plugin.plugins.instruction_profiler [INFO]: Total: 1.0892839431762695 s
[ADD         ]   0.9974 %,  nr      9,  total   0.0109 s,  avg   0.0012 s,  min   0.0011 s,  max   0.0013 s
[SWAP1       ]   1.8446 %,  nr     18,  total   0.0201 s,  avg   0.0011 s,  min   0.0010 s,  max   0.0013 s
[SWAP2       ]   0.8858 %,  nr      9,  total   0.0096 s,  avg   0.0011 s,  min   0.0010 s,  max   0.0011 s [INFO]: Starting analysis
mythril.mythril.mythril_analyzer [INFO]: Solver statistics: 
Query count: 61 
Solver time: 3.6820807456970215
The analysis was completed successfully. No issues were detected.

The findings will be listed at the end of this output if any. Since the default Counter.sol doesn’t have any logic, mythx reports that no issues were found.

Integrating with Hardhat

It’s possible to have your Foundry project work alongside Hardhat. This article assumes that you have Foundry and node installed in your system. This article also assumes familiarity with both Foundry and Hardhat.

Why does this not work out of the box?

Hardhat by default expects libraries to be installed in node_modules, the default folder for all NodeJS dependencies. Foundry expects them to be in lib. Of course we can configure Foundry but not easily to the directory structure of node_modules.

For this reason, the recommended setup is to use hardhat-foundry. When hardhat-foundry is installed and used correctly, Hardhat will use the same contracts directory that is used by Foundry, and it will be able to use dependencies installed with forge install.

In this article we will cover both scenarios:

  1. Adding Hardhat to a Foundry project, and,
  2. Adding Foundry to a Hardhat project.

Just show me the example repo!


If you want to adapt this to a Foundry project you already have or learn how it works, read below:

Adding Hardhat to a Foundry project

Inside your Foundry project working directory:

  1. npm init -y - This will set up a package.json file.
  2. npm i --save-dev hardhat - Install Hardhat as a dev dependency into your project.
  3. npx hardhat init - Initialize your Hardhat project inside the same directory and choose the “Create an empty hardhat.config.js” option. This will create a basic hardhat.config.js file.
  4. npm i --save-dev @nomicfoundation/hardhat-foundry @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox - This will install the hardhat-foundry plugin and the Hardhat toolbox plugin which is a combination of all the basic dependencies you need to run Hardhat tests.

Your hardhat.config.js file should look like this to make the plugins work:

/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.19",
  1. By default, a Foundry project ships with a simple Counter.sol contract and a couple of tests. Create a file named Counter.t.js inside the test directory parallel to the default Counter.t.sol file.
  2. Add the following code to the Counter.t.js file:
const { expect } = require("chai");
const hre = require("hardhat");
const { loadFixture } = require("@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox/network-helpers");

describe("Counter contract", function () {
  async function CounterLockFixture() {
    const counter = await ethers.deployContract("Counter");
    await counter.setNumber(0);

    return { counter };

  it("Should increment the number correctly", async function () {
    const { counter } = await loadFixture(CounterLockFixture);
    await counter.increment();
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(1);

  // This is not a fuzz test because Hardhat does not support fuzzing yet.
  it("Should set the number correctly", async function () {
    const { counter } = await loadFixture(CounterLockFixture);
    await counter.setNumber(100);
    expect(await counter.number()).to.equal(100);

This piece of code will execute the same tests as the default Counter.t.sol file.

And this is it! You can create Hardhat and Foundry tests in the same test directory and run them with npx hardhat test and forge test respectively. Check out Hardhat’s documentation to learn more.

Adding Foundry to a Hardhat project

Inside your Hardhat project working directory:

  1. npm i --save-dev @nomicfoundation/hardhat-foundry- Install the hardhat-foundry plugin.
  2. Add require("@nomicfoundation/hardhat-foundry"); to the top of your hardhat.config.js file.

ℹ️ Note Step number 3 will only work if your directory is an initialized git repository. Run git init if you haven’t already.

  1. Run npx hardhat init-foundry in your terminal. This will generate a foundry.toml file based on your Hardhat project’s existing configuration, and will install the forge-std library.

Hardhat will now set up a basic Foundry project inside the same directory with a few configurations inside the foundry.toml file to make sure that Foundry knows where to look for your contracts, tests and dependencies. You can always change these configurations later by editing the foundry.toml file.

Vyper support

Foundry supports compiling and testing Vyper contracts.

1. Compilation

You can install Vyper by following the instructions here. If you have vyper available in your PATH, foundry will automatically use it.

Otherwise, you can set the path to vyper in your foundry.toml by adding the following:

path = "/path/to/vyper"

2. Solidity tests

Let’s write a test for this simple Counter contract:

number: public(uint256)

def __init__(initial_number: uint256):
    self.number = initial_number

def set_number(new_number: uint256):
    self.number = new_number

def increment():
    self.number += 1

We can deploy it by using the deployCode cheatcode from forge-std and test it with the following Solidity test:

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

interface ICounter {
    function increment() external;
    function number() external view returns (uint256);
    function set_number(uint256 newNumber) external;

contract CounterTest is Test {
    ICounter public counter;
    uint256 initialNumber = 5;

    function setUp() public {
        counter = ICounter(deployCode("Counter", abi.encode(initialNumber)));
        assertEq(counter.number(), initialNumber);

    function test_Increment() public {
        assertEq(counter.number(), initialNumber + 1);

    function testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256 x) public {
        assertEq(counter.number(), x);

3. Deploying

You can deploy Vyper contracts via forge create command:

forge create Counter --constructor-args '1' --rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

And with deployCode you can deploy Vyper contracts in your scripts as well:

import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";

contract CounterScript is Script {
    function run() public {
        deployCode("src/Counter.vy", abi.encode(1));

4. Vyper scripts

You can write Vyper scripts in the same way as Solidity scripts:

interface Vm:
    def startBroadcast(): nonpayable

interface ICounter:
    def increment(): nonpayable
    def number() -> uint256: view

vm: constant(Vm) = Vm(0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D)

def run(counter: address):
    number_before: uint256 = staticcall ICounter(counter).number()

    extcall vm.startBroadcast()
    extcall ICounter(counter).increment()

    number_after: uint256 = staticcall ICounter(counter).number()

    assert number_after == number_before + 1

Such script can be run with the following command:

forge script script/Increment.s.vy  --sig 'run' '<counter address>' --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast  --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

5. Limitations

  • While you can write and run tests and scripts in Vyper, there is no new keyword in Vyper allowing you to deploy contracts. This will be addressed in the future with new cheatcodes.
  • Vyper does not allow overloads with the same names but different parameter types. Thus some cheatcode combinations might require workarounds to be used. (e.g. startBroadcast(address sender)) and startBroadcast(uint256 pk))
  • forge coverage currently does not support Vyper contracts.

Best Practices

This guide documents the suggested best practices when developing with Foundry. In general, it’s recommended to handle as much as possible with forge fmt, and anything this doesn’t handle is below.

General Contract Guidance

  1. Always use named import syntax, don’t import full files. This restricts what is being imported to just the named items, not everything in the file. Importing full files can result in solc complaining about duplicate definitions and slither erroring, especially as repos grow and have more dependencies with overlapping names.

    • Good: import {MyContract} from "src/MyContract.sol" to only import MyContract.
    • Bad: import "src/MyContract.sol" imports everything in MyContract.sol. (Importing forge-std/Test or Script can be an exception here, so you get the console library, etc).
  2. Note the tradeoffs between absolute and relative paths for imports (where absolute paths are relative to the repo root, e.g. "src/interfaces/IERC20.sol"), and choose the best approach for your project:

    • Absolute paths make it easier to see where files are from and reduce churn when moving files around.
    • Relative paths make it more likely your editor can provide features like linting and autocomplete, since editors/extensions may not understand your remappings.
  3. If copying a library from a dependency (instead of importing it), use the ignore = [] option in the config file to avoid formatting that file. This makes diffing it against the original simpler for reviewers and auditors.

  4. Similarly, feel free to use the // forgefmt: disable-* comment directives to ignore lines/sections of code that look better with manual formatting. Supported values for * are:

    • disable-line
    • disable-next-line
    • disable-next-item
    • disable-start
    • disable-end

Additional best practices from samsczun’s How Do You Even Write Secure Code Anyways talk:

  • Use descriptive variable names.
  • Limit the number of active variables.
  • No redundant logic.
  • Early exit as much as possible to reduce mental load when seeing the code.
  • Related code should be placed near each other.
  • Delete unused code.


General Test Guidance

  1. For testing MyContract.sol, the test file should be MyContract.t.sol. For testing MyScript.s.sol, the test file should be MyScript.t.sol.

    • If the contract is big and you want to split it over multiple files, group them logically like MyContract.owner.t.sol, MyContract.deposits.t.sol, etc.
  2. Never make assertions in the setUp function, instead use a dedicated test like test_SetUpState() if you need to ensure your setUp function does what you expected. More info on why in foundry-rs/foundry#1291

  3. For unit tests, there are two major ways to organize the tests:

    1. Treat contracts as describe blocks:

      • contract Add holds all unit tests for the add method of MyContract.
      • contract Supply holds all tests for the supply method.
      • contract Constructor hold all tests for the constructor.
      • A benefit of this approach is that smaller contracts should compile faster than large ones, so this approach of many small contracts should save time as test suites get large.
    2. Have a Test contract per contract-under-test, with as many utilities and fixtures as you want:

      • contract MyContractTest holds all unit tests for MyContract.
      • function test_add_AddsTwoNumbers() lives within MyContractTest to test the add method.
      • function test_supply_UsersCanSupplyTokens() also lives within MyContractTest to test the supply method.
      • A benefit of this approach is that test output is grouped by contract-under-test, which makes it easier to quickly see where failures are.
  4. Some general guidance for all tests:

    • Test contracts/functions should be written in the same order as the original functions in the contract-under-test.
    • All unit tests that test the same function should live serially in the test file.
    • Test contracts can inherit from any helper contracts you want. For example contract MyContractTest tests MyContract, but may inherit from forge-std’s Test, as well as e.g. your own TestUtilities helper contract.
  5. Integration tests should live in the same test directory, with a clear naming convention. These may be in dedicated files, or they may live next to related unit tests in existing test files.

  6. Be consistent with test naming, as it’s helpful for filtering tests (e.g. for gas reports you might want to filter out revert tests). When combining naming conventions, keep them alphabetical. Below is a sample of valid names. A comprehensive list of valid and invalid examples can be found here.

    • test_Description for standard tests.
    • testFuzz_Description for fuzz tests.
    • test_Revert[If|When]_Condition for tests expecting a revert.
    • testFork_Description for tests that fork from a network.
    • testForkFuzz_Revert[If|When]_Condition for a fuzz test that forks and expects a revert.
  7. Name your constants and immutables using ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES, to make it easier to distinguish them from variables and functions.

  8. When using assertions like assertEq, consider leveraging the last string param to make it easier to identify failures. These can be kept brief, or even just be numbers—they basically serve as a replacement for showing line numbers of the revert, e.g. assertEq(x, y, "1") or assertEq(x, y, "sum1"). (Note: foundry-rs/foundry#2328 tracks integrating this natively).

  9. When testing events, prefer setting all expectEmit arguments to true, i.e. vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true) or vm.expectEmit(). Benefits:

    • This ensures you test everything in your event.
    • If you add a topic (i.e. a new indexed parameter), it’s now tested by default.
    • Even if you only have 1 topic, the extra true arguments don’t hurt.
  10. Remember to write invariant tests! For the assertion string, use a verbose english description of the invariant: assertEq(x + y, z, "Invariant violated: the sum of x and y must always equal z"). For more info on this, check out the Invariant Testing tutorial.

Fork Tests

  1. Don’t feel like you need to give forks tests special treatment, and use them liberally:

    • Mocks are required in closed-source web2 development—you have to mock API responses because the code for that API isn’t open source so you cannot just run it locally. But for blockchains that’s not true: any code you’re interacting with that’s already deployed can be locally executed and even modified for free. So why introduce the risk of a wrong mock if you don’t need to?
    • A common reason to avoid fork tests and prefer mocks is that fork tests are slow. But this is not always true. By pinning to a block number, forge caches RPC responses so only the first run is slower, and subsequent runs are significantly faster. See this benchmark, where it took forge 7 minutes for the first run with a remote RPC, but only half a second once data was cached. Alchemy, Infura and Tenderly offer free archive data, so pinning to a block shouldn’t be problematic.
    • Note that the foundry-toolchain GitHub Action will cache RPC responses in CI by default, and it will also update the cache when you update your fork tests.
  2. Be careful with fuzz tests on a fork to avoid burning through RPC requests with non-deterministic fuzzing. If the input to your fork fuzz test is some parameter which is used in an RPC call to fetch data (e.g. querying the token balance of an address), each run of a fuzz test uses at least 1 RPC request, so you’ll quickly hit rate limits or usage limits. Solutions to consider:

    • Replace multiple RPC calls with a single multicall.
    • Specify a fuzz/invariant seed: this makes sure each forge test invocation uses the same fuzz inputs. RPC results are cached locally, so you’ll only query the node the first time.
    • In CI, consider setting the fuzz seed using a computed environment variable so it changes every day or every week. This gives flexibility on the tradeoff between increasing randomness to find more bugs vs. using a seed to reduce RPC requests.
    • Structure your tests so the data you are fuzzing over is computed locally by your contract, and not data that is used in an RPC call (may or may not be feasible based on what you’re doing).
    • Lastly, you can of course always run a local node or bump your RPC plan.
  3. When writing fork tests, do not use the --fork-url flag. Instead, prefer the following approach for its improved flexibility:

    • Define [rpc_endpoints] in the foundry.toml config file and use the forking cheatcodes.
    • Access the RPC URL endpoint in your test with forge-std’s stdChains.ChainName.rpcUrl. See the list of supported chains and expected config file aliases here.
    • Always pin to a block so tests are deterministic and RPC responses are cached.
    • More info on this fork test approach can be found here (this predates StdChains so that aspect is a bit out of date).

Test Harnesses

Internal Functions

To test internal functions, write a harness contract that inherits from the contract under test (CuT). Harness contracts that inherit from the CuT expose the internal functions as external ones.

Each internal function that is tested should be exposed via an external one with a name that follows the pattern exposed_<function_name>. For example:

// file: src/MyContract.sol
contract MyContract {
  function myInternalMethod() internal returns (uint) {
    return 42;

// file: test/MyContract.t.sol
import {MyContract} from "src/MyContract.sol";

contract MyContractHarness is MyContract {
  // Deploy this contract then call this method to test `myInternalMethod`.
  function exposed_myInternalMethod() external returns (uint) {
    return myInternalMethod();

Private Functions

Unfortunately there is currently no good way to unit test private methods since they cannot be accessed by any other contracts. Options include:

  • Converting private functions to internal.
  • Copy/pasting the logic into your test contract and writing a script that runs in CI check to ensure both functions are identical.

Workaround Functions

Harnesses can also be used to expose functionality or information otherwise unavailable in the original smart contract. The most straightforward example is when we want to test the length of a public array. The functions should follow the pattern: workaround_<function_name>, such as workaround_queueLength().

Another use case for this is tracking data that you would not track in production to help test invariants. For example, you might store a list of all token holders to simplify validation of the invariant “sum of all balances must equal total supply”. These are often known as “ghost variables”. You can learn more about this in Rikard Hjort’s Formal Methods for the Working DeFi Dev talk.

Best practices

Thanks to @samsczun’s How Do You Even Write Secure Code Anyways talk for the tips in this section and the following section.

  • Don’t optimize for coverage, optimize for well thought-out tests.
  • Write positive and negative unit tests.
    • Write positive unit tests for things that the code should handle. Validate all state that changes from these tests.
    • Write negative unit tests for things that the code should not handle. It’s helpful to follow up (as an adjacent test) with the positive test and make the change that it needs to pass.
    • Each code path should have its own unit test.
  • Write integration tests to test entire features.
  • Write fork tests to verify the correct behavior with existing deployed contract.

Taint Analysis

When testing, you should prioritize functions that an attacker can affect, that means functions that accept some kind of user input. These are called sources.

Consider that input data as tainted until it has been checked by the code, at which point it’s considered clean.

A sink is a part of the code where some important operation is happening. For example, in MakerDAO that would be vat.sol.

You should ensure that no tainted data ever reaches a sink. That means that all data that find themselves in the sink, should, at some point, have been checked by you. So, you need to define what the data should be and then make sure your checks ensure that the data will be how you expect it to be.


  1. Stick with run as the default function name for clarity.

  2. Any methods that are not intended to be called directly in the script should be internal or private. Generally the only public method should be run, as it’s easier to read/understand when each script file just does one thing.

  3. Consider prefixing scripts with a number based on the order they’re intended to be run over the protocol’s lifecycle. For example, 01_Deploy.s.sol, 02_TransferOwnership.s.sol. This makes things more self-documenting. This may not always apply depending on your project.

  4. Test your scripts.

    • Unit test them like you would test normal contracts, by writing tests that assert on the state changes made from running the script.
    • Write your deploy script and scaffold tests by running that script. Then, run all tests against the state resulting from your production deployment script. This is a great way to gain confidence in a deploy script.
    • Within your script itself, use require statements (or the if (condition) revert() pattern if you prefer) to stop execution of your script if something is wrong. For example, require(computedAddress == deployedAddress, "address mismatch"). Using the assertEq helpers instead will not stop execution.
  5. Carefully audit which transactions are broadcast. Transactions not broadcast are still executed in the context of a test, so missing broadcasts or extra broadcasts are easy sources of error in the previous step.

  6. Watch out for frontrunning. Forge simulates your script, generates transaction data from the simulation results, then broadcasts the transactions. Make sure your script is robust against chain-state changing between the simulation and broadcast. A sample script vulnerable to this is below:

    // Pseudo-code, may not compile.
    contract VulnerableScript is Script {
       function run() public {
          // Transaction 1: Deploy a new Gnosis Safe with CREATE.
          // Because we're using CREATE instead of CREATE2, the address of the new
          // Safe is a function of the nonce of the gnosisSafeProxyFactory.
          address mySafe = gnosisSafeProxyFactory.createProxy(singleton, data);
          // Transaction 2: Send tokens to the new Safe.
          // We know the address of mySafe is a function of the nonce of the
          // gnosisSafeProxyFactory. If someone else deploys a Gnosis Safe between
          // the simulation and broadcast, the address of mySafe will be different,
          // and this script will send 1000 DAI to the other person's Safe. In this
          // case, we can protect ourselves from this by using CREATE2 instead of
          // CREATE, but every situation may have different solutions.
          dai.transfer(mySafe, 1000e18);
  7. For scripts that read from JSON input files, put the input files in script/input/<chainID>/<description>.json. Then have run(string memory input) (or take multiple string inputs if you need to read from multiple files) as the script’s signature, and use the below method to read the JSON file.

    function readInput(string memory input) internal returns (string memory) {
      string memory inputDir = string.concat(vm.projectRoot(), "/script/input/");
      string memory chainDir = string.concat(vm.toString(block.chainid), "/");
      string memory file = string.concat(input, ".json");
      return vm.readFile(string.concat(inputDir, chainDir, file));

Private Key Management

Script execution requires a private key to send transactions. This key controls all funds in the account, so it must be protected carefully. There are a few options for securely broadcasting transactions through a script:

  1. Use a hardware wallet. Hardware wallets such as Ledger and Trezor store seed phrases in a secure enclave. Forge can send a raw transaction to the wallet, and the wallet will sign the transaction. The signed transaction is returned to forge and broadcaster. This way, private keys never leave the hardware wallet, making this a very secure approach. To use a hardware wallet with scripts, see the --ledger and --trezor flags.

  2. Use a private key directly. With this approach you expose a private key on your machine, making it riskier than the above option. Therefore the suggested way to directly use a private key is to generate a new wallet for executing the script, and only send that wallet enough funds to run the script. Then, stop using the key after the script is complete. This way, if the key is compromised, only the funds on this throwaway key are lost, as opposed to losing everything in your wallet.

    1. With this approach, it’s very important that your scripts or contracts don’t rely on msg.sender since the sender will not be an account that’s meant to be used again. For example, if a deploy script configures a contract owner, ensure the owner a constructor argument and not set to msg.sender.
    2. To use this approach, you can either store the private key in an environment variable and use cheat codes to read it in, or use the --private-key flag to directly provide the key.
  3. Use a keystore. This can be thought of as a middle ground between the above two approaches. With cast wallet import you import a private key and encrypt it with a password. This still temporarily exposes your private key on your machine, but it becomes encrypted and you’ll provide the password to decrypt it to run a script.

Additional security precautions when using scripts:

  1. Use a separate wallet for testing and development, instead of using your main wallet with real funds. Diversifying minimizes the risk of losing funds if your development wallet is compromised.
  2. If you accidentally push a private key or seed phrase to GitHub, or expose it online via other means—even momentarily—treat it as compromised. Act immediately to transfer your funds to a safer destination.
  3. When in doubt about whether a wallet contains real funds or not, assume it does. Always be certain about a wallet’s balances and status when using it for development purposes. Use blockscan to easily check many chains to see where the address has been used.
  4. Remember that adding an account in wallets like Metamask generates a new private key. However, that private key is derived from the same mnemonic as the other accounts generated in that wallet. Therefore, never expose the mnemonic as it may compromise all of your accounts.

This was section was inspired by The Pledge from Patrick Collins.


  1. For public or external methods and variables, use NatSpec comments.

    • forge doc will parse these to autogenerate documentation.
    • Etherscan will display them in the contract UI.
  2. For simple NatSpec comments, consider just documenting params in the docstring, such as /// @notice Returns the sum of `x` and `y`., instead of using @param tags.

  3. For complex NatSpec comments, consider using a tool like PlantUML to generate ASCII art diagrams to help explain complex aspects of the codebase.

  4. Any markdown in your comments will carry over properly when generating docs with forge doc, so structure comments with markdown when useful.

    • Good: /// @notice Returns the sum of `x` and `y`.
    • Bad: /// @notice Returns the sum of x and y.


Write more secure code and better tests:

Foundry in Action:

  • awesome-foundry: A curated list of awesome of the Foundry development framework.
  • Nomad Monorepo: All the contracts-* packages. Good example of using many Foundry features including fuzzing, ffi and various cheatcodes.
  • Sablier V2 Core: Another good example of many Foundry features. Also a pioneer of the state tree testing approach, see the *.tree files.
  • Uniswap Periphery: Good example of using inheritance to isolate test fixtures.
  • PRBMath: A library for fixed-point arithmetic in Solidity, with many parameterized tests that harness Foundry.

Creating an NFT with Solmate

This tutorial will walk you through creating an OpenSea compatible NFT with Foundry and Solmate. A full implementation of this tutorial can be found here.

This tutorial is for illustrative purposes only and provided on an as-is basis. The tutorial is not audited nor fully tested. No code in this tutorial should be used in a production environment.

Create project and install dependencies

Start by setting up a Foundry project following the steps outlined in the Getting started section. We will also install Solmate for their ERC721 implementation, as well as some OpenZeppelin utility libraries. Install the dependencies by running the following commands from the root of your project:

forge install transmissions11/solmate Openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts

These dependencies will be added as git submodules to your project.

If you have followed the instructions correctly your project should be structured like this:

Project structure

Implement a basic NFT

We are then going to rename the boilerplate contract in src/Contract.sol to src/NFT.sol and replace the code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import {ERC721} from "solmate/tokens/ERC721.sol";
import {Strings} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";

contract NFT is ERC721 {
    uint256 public currentTokenId;

        string memory _name,
        string memory _symbol
    ) ERC721(_name, _symbol) {}

    function mintTo(address recipient) public payable returns (uint256) {
        uint256 newItemId = ++currentTokenId;
        _safeMint(recipient, newItemId);
        return newItemId;

    function tokenURI(uint256 id) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
        return Strings.toString(id);

Let’s take a look at this very basic implementation of an NFT. We start by importing two contracts from our git submodules. We import solmate’s gas optimized implementation of the ERC721 standard which our NFT contract will inherit from. Our constructor takes the _name and _symbol arguments for our NFT and passes them on to the constructor of the parent ERC721 implementation. Lastly we implement the mintTo function which allows anyone to mint an NFT. This function increments the currentTokenId and makes use of the _safeMint function of our parent contract.

Compile & deploy with forge

To compile the NFT contract run forge build. You might experience a build failure due to wrong mapping:

Compiler run failed
error[6275]: ParserError: Source "lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol" not found: File not found. Searched the following locations: "/PATH/TO/REPO".
 --> src/NFT.sol:5:1:
5 | import {Strings} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

this can be fixed by setting up the correct remapping. Create a file remappings.txt in your project and add the line


(You can find out more on remappings in the dependencies documentation.

By default the compiler output will be in the out directory. To deploy our compiled contract with Forge we have to set environment variables for the RPC endpoint and the private key we want to use to deploy.

Set your environment variables by running:

export RPC_URL=<Your RPC endpoint>
export PRIVATE_KEY=<Your wallets private key>

Once set, you can deploy your NFT with Forge by running the below command while adding the relevant constructor arguments to the NFT contract:

forge create NFT --rpc-url=$RPC_URL --private-key=$PRIVATE_KEY --constructor-args <name> <symbol>

If successfully deployed, you will see the deploying wallet’s address, the contract’s address as well as the transaction hash printed to your terminal.

Minting NFTs from your contract

Calling functions on your NFT contract is made simple with Cast, Foundry’s command-line tool for interacting with smart contracts, sending transactions, and getting chain data. Let’s have a look at how we can use it to mint NFTs from our NFT contract.

Given that you already set your RPC and private key env variables during deployment, mint an NFT from your contract by running:

cast send --rpc-url=$RPC_URL <contractAddress>  "mintTo(address)" <arg> --private-key=$PRIVATE_KEY

Well done! You just minted your first NFT from your contract. You can sanity check the owner of the NFT with currentTokenId equal to 1 by running the below cast call command. The address you provided above should be returned as the owner.

cast call --rpc-url=$RPC_URL --private-key=$PRIVATE_KEY <contractAddress> "ownerOf(uint256)" 1

Extending our NFT contract functionality and testing

Let’s extend our NFT by adding metadata to represent the content of our NFTs, as well as set a minting price, a maximum supply and the possibility to withdraw the collected proceeds from minting. To follow along you can replace your current NFT contract with the code snippet below:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity >=0.8.10;

import {ERC721} from "solmate/tokens/ERC721.sol";
import {Ownable} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import {Strings} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";

error MintPriceNotPaid();
error MaxSupply();
error NonExistentTokenURI();
error WithdrawTransfer();

contract NFT is ERC721, Ownable {
    using Strings for uint256;

    string public baseURI;
    uint256 public currentTokenId;
    uint256 public constant TOTAL_SUPPLY = 10_000;
    uint256 public constant MINT_PRICE = 0.08 ether;

        string memory _name,
        string memory _symbol,
        string memory _baseURI
    ) ERC721(_name, _symbol) Ownable(msg.sender) {
        baseURI = _baseURI;

    function mintTo(address recipient) public payable returns (uint256) {
        if (msg.value != MINT_PRICE) {
            revert MintPriceNotPaid();
        uint256 newTokenId = currentTokenId + 1;
        if (newTokenId > TOTAL_SUPPLY) {
            revert MaxSupply();
        currentTokenId = newTokenId;
        _safeMint(recipient, newTokenId);
        return newTokenId;

    function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
        returns (string memory)
        if (ownerOf(tokenId) == address(0)) {
            revert NonExistentTokenURI();
            bytes(baseURI).length > 0
                ? string(abi.encodePacked(baseURI, tokenId.toString()))
                : "";

    function withdrawPayments(address payable payee) external onlyOwner {
        if (address(this).balance == 0) {
            revert WithdrawTransfer();

    function _checkOwner() internal view override {
        require(msg.sender == owner(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");

Among other things, we have added metadata that can be queried from any front-end application like OpenSea, by calling the tokenURI method on our NFT contract.

Note: If you want to provide a real URL to the constructor at deployment, and host the metadata of this NFT contract please follow the steps outlined here.

Let’s test some of this added functionality to make sure it works as intended. Foundry offers an extremely fast EVM native testing framework through Forge.

Within your test folder rename the current Contract.t.sol test file to NFT.t.sol. This file will contain all tests regarding the NFT’s mintTo method. Next, replace the existing boilerplate code with the below:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {NFT} from "../src/NFT.sol";

contract NFTTest is Test {
    using stdStorage for StdStorage;

    NFT private nft;

    function setUp() public {
        // Deploy NFT contract
        nft = new NFT("NFT_tutorial", "TUT", "baseUri");

    function test_RevertMintWithoutValue() public {

    function test_MintPricePaid() public {
        nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(1));

    function test_RevertMintMaxSupplyReached() public {
        uint256 slot = stdstore
        bytes32 loc = bytes32(slot);
        bytes32 mockedCurrentTokenId = bytes32(abi.encode(10000));, loc, mockedCurrentTokenId);
        nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(1));

    function test_RevertMintToZeroAddress() public {
        nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(0));

    function test_NewMintOwnerRegistered() public {
        nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(1));
        uint256 slotOfNewOwner = stdstore

        uint160 ownerOfTokenIdOne = uint160(
                (vm.load(address(nft), bytes32(abi.encode(slotOfNewOwner))))
        assertEq(address(ownerOfTokenIdOne), address(1));

    function test_BalanceIncremented() public {
        nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(1));
        uint256 slotBalance = stdstore

        uint256 balanceFirstMint = uint256(
            vm.load(address(nft), bytes32(slotBalance))
        assertEq(balanceFirstMint, 1);

        nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(1));
        uint256 balanceSecondMint = uint256(
            vm.load(address(nft), bytes32(slotBalance))
        assertEq(balanceSecondMint, 2);

    function test_SafeContractReceiver() public {
        Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
        nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(receiver));
        uint256 slotBalance = stdstore

        uint256 balance = uint256(vm.load(address(nft), bytes32(slotBalance)));
        assertEq(balance, 1);

    function test_RevertUnSafeContractReceiver() public {
        // Adress set to 11, because first 10 addresses are restricted for precompiles
        vm.etch(address(11), bytes("mock code"));
        nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(11));

    function test_WithdrawalWorksAsOwner() public {
        // Mint an NFT, sending eth to the contract
        Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
        address payable payee = payable(address(0x1337));
        uint256 priorPayeeBalance = payee.balance;
        nft.mintTo{value: nft.MINT_PRICE()}(address(receiver));
        // Check that the balance of the contract is correct
        assertEq(address(nft).balance, nft.MINT_PRICE());
        uint256 nftBalance = address(nft).balance;
        // Withdraw the balance and assert it was transferred
        assertEq(payee.balance, priorPayeeBalance + nftBalance);

    function test_WithdrawalFailsAsNotOwner() public {
        // Mint an NFT, sending eth to the contract
        Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
        nft.mintTo{value: nft.MINT_PRICE()}(address(receiver));
        // Check that the balance of the contract is correct
        assertEq(address(nft).balance, nft.MINT_PRICE());
        // Confirm that a non-owner cannot withdraw
        vm.expectRevert("Ownable: caller is not the owner");

contract Receiver is ERC721TokenReceiver {
    function onERC721Received(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256 id,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external override returns (bytes4) {
        return this.onERC721Received.selector;

The test suite is set up as a contract with a setUp method which runs before every individual test.

As you can see, Forge offers a number of cheatcodes to manipulate state to accommodate your testing scenario.

For example, our testFailMaxSupplyReached test checks that an attempt to mint fails when the max supply of NFT is reached. Thus, the currentTokenId of the NFT contract needs to be set to the max supply by using the store cheatcode which allows you to write data to your contracts storage slots. The storage slots you wish to write to can easily be found using the forge-std helper library. You can run the test with the following command:

forge test

If you want to put your Forge skills to practice, write tests for the remaining methods of our NFT contract. Feel free to PR them to nft-tutorial, where you will find the full implementation of this tutorial.

Gas reports for your function calls

Foundry provides comprehensive gas reports about your contracts. For every function called within your tests, it returns the minimum, average, median and max gas cost. To print the gas report simply run:

forge test --gas-report

This comes in handy when looking at various gas optimizations within your contracts.

Let’s have a look at the gas savings we made by substituting OpenZeppelin with Solmate for our ERC721 implementation. You can find the NFT implementation using both libraries here. Below are the resulting gas reports when running forge test --gas-report on that repository.

As you can see, our implementation using Solmate saves around 500 gas on a successful mint (the max gas cost of the mintTo function calls).

Gas report solmate NFT

Gas report OZ NFT

That’s it, I hope this will give you a good practical basis of how to get started with foundry. We think there is no better way to deeply understand solidity than writing your tests in solidity. You will also experience less context switching between javascript and solidity. Happy coding!

Note: Follow this tutorial to learn how to deploy the NFT contract used here with solidity scripting.

Dockerizing a Foundry project

This tutorial shows you how to build, test, and deploy a smart contract using Foundry’s Docker image. It adapts code from the solmate nft tutorial. If you haven’t completed that tutorial yet, and are new to solidity, you may want to start with it first. Alternatively, if you have some familiarity with Docker and Solidity, you can use your own existing project and adjust accordingly. The full source code for both the NFT and the Docker stuff is available here.

This tutorial is for illustrative purposes only and provided on an as-is basis. The tutorial is not audited nor fully tested. No code in this tutorial should be used in a production environment.

Installation and Setup

The only installation required to run this tutorial is Docker, and optionally, an IDE of your choice. Follow the Docker installation instructions.

To keep future commands succinct, let’s re-tag the image:
docker tag foundry:latest

Having Foundry installed locally is not strictly required, but it may be helpful for debugging. You can install it using foundryup.

Finally, to use any of the cast or forge create portions of this tutorial, you will need access to an Ethereum node. If you don’t have your own node running (likely), you can use a 3rd party node service. We won’t recommend a specific provider in this tutorial. A good place to start learning about Nodes-as-a-Service is Ethereum’s article on the subject.

For the rest of this tutorial, it is assumed that the RPC endpoint of your ethereum node is set like this: export RPC_URL=<YOUR_RPC_URL>

A tour around the Foundry docker image

The docker image can be used in two primary ways:

  1. As an interface directly to forge and cast
  2. As a base image for building your own containerized test, build, and deployment tooling

We will cover both, but let’s start by taking a look at interfacing with foundry using docker. This is also a good test that your local installation worked!

We can run any of the cast commands against our docker image. Let’s fetch the latest block information:

$ docker run foundry "cast block --rpc-url $RPC_URL latest"
baseFeePerGas        "0xb634241e3"
difficulty           "0x2e482bdf51572b"
extraData            "0x486976656f6e20686b"
gasLimit             "0x1c9c380"
gasUsed              "0x652993"
hash                 "0x181748772da2f968bcc91940c8523bb6218a7d57669ded06648c9a9fb6839db5"
logsBloom            "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"
miner                "0x1ad91ee08f21be3de0ba2ba6918e714da6b45836"
mixHash              "0xb920857687476c1bcb21557c5f6196762a46038924c5f82dc66300347a1cfc01"
nonce                "0x1ce6929033fbba90"
number               "0xdd3309"
parentHash           "0x39c6e1aa997d18a655c6317131589fd327ae814ef84e784f5eb1ab54b9941212"
receiptsRoot         "0x4724f3b270dcc970f141e493d8dc46aeba6fffe57688210051580ac960fe0037"
sealFields           []
sha3Uncles           "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347"
size                 "0x1d6bb"
stateRoot            "0x0d4b714990132cf0f21801e2931b78454b26aad706fc6dc16b64e04f0c14737a"
timestamp            "0x6246259b"
totalDifficulty      "0x9923da68627095fd2e7"
transactions         [...]
uncles               []

If we’re in a directory with some Solidity source code, we can mount that directory into docker and use forge however we wish. For example:

$ docker run -v $PWD:/app foundry "forge test --root /app --watch"
No files changed, compilation skipped

Ran 8 tests for test/OpenZeppelinNft.t.sol:OpenZeppelinNftTests
[PASS] testBalanceIncremented() (gas: 217829)
[PASS] testFailMaxSupplyReached() (gas: 134524)
[PASS] testFailMintToZeroAddress() (gas: 34577)
[PASS] testFailNoMintPricePaid() (gas: 5568)
[PASS] testFailUnSafeContractReceiver() (gas: 3524)
[PASS] testMintPricePaid() (gas: 81554)
[PASS] testNewMintOwnerRegistered() (gas: 190956)
[PASS] testSafeContractReceiver() (gas: 273132)
Suite result: ok. 8 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.68ms (1.29ms CPU time)

Ran 8 tests for test/SolmateNft.sol:SolmateNftTests
[PASS] testBalanceIncremented() (gas: 217400)
[PASS] testFailMaxSupplyReached() (gas: 134524)
[PASS] testFailMintToZeroAddress() (gas: 34521)
[PASS] testFailNoMintPricePaid() (gas: 5568)
[PASS] testFailUnSafeContractReceiver() (gas: 3524)
[PASS] testMintPricePaid() (gas: 81321)
[PASS] testNewMintOwnerRegistered() (gas: 190741)
[PASS] testSafeContractReceiver() (gas: 272636)
Suite result: ok. 8 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.68ms (1.45ms CPU time)

Ran 2 test suites in 5.79ms (3.37ms CPU time): 16 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (16 total tests)

You can see our code was compiled and tested entirely within the container. Also, since we passed the --watch option, the container will recompile the code whenever a change is detected.

Note: The Foundry docker image is built on alpine and designed to be as slim as possible. For this reason, it does not currently include development resources like git. If you are planning to manage your entire development lifecycle within the container, you should build a custom development image on top of Foundry’s image.

Creating a “build and test” image

Let’s use the Foundry docker image as a base for using our own Docker image. We’ll use the image to:

  1. Build our solidity code
  2. Run our solidity tests

A simple Dockerfile can accomplish these two goals:

# Use the latest foundry image

# Copy our source code into the container

# Build and test the source code
COPY . .
RUN forge build
RUN forge test

You can build this docker image and watch forge build/run the tests within the container:

$ docker build --no-cache --progress=plain .

Now, what happens if one of our tests fails? Modify src/test/NFT.t.sol as you please to make one of the tests fails. Try to build image again.

$ docker build --no-cache --progress=plain .
#9 0.522 Failed tests:
#9 0.522 [FAIL. Reason: Ownable: caller is not the owner] testWithdrawalFailsAsNotOwner() (gas: 193917)
#9 0.522
#9 0.522 Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 9 tests succeeded
error: failed to solve: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c forge test]: exit code: 1

Our image failed to build because our tests failed! This is actually a nice property, because it means if we have a Docker image that successfully built (and therefore is available for use), we know the code inside the image passed the tests.*

*Of course, chain of custody of your docker images is very important. Docker layer hashes can be very useful for verification. In a production environment, consider signing your docker images.

Creating a deployer image

Now, we’ll move on to a bit more of an advanced Dockerfile. Let’s add an entrypoint that allows us to deploy our code by using the built (and tested!) image. We can target the Rinkeby testnet first.

# Use the latest foundry image

# Copy our source code into the container

# Build and test the source code
COPY . .
RUN forge build
RUN forge test

# Set the entrypoint to the forge deployment command
ENTRYPOINT ["forge", "create"]

Let’s build the image, this time giving it a name:

$ docker build --no-cache --progress=plain -t nft-deployer .

Here’s how we can use our docker image to deploy:

$ docker run nft-deployer --rpc-url $RPC_URL --constructor-args "ForgeNFT" "FNFT" "" --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY ./src/NFT.sol:NFT
No files changed, compilation skipped
Deployer: 0x496e09fcb240c33b8fda3b4b74d81697c03b6b3d
Deployed to: 0x23d465eaa80ad2e5cdb1a2345e4b54edd12560d3
Transaction hash: 0xf88c68c4a03a86b0e7ecb05cae8dea36f2896cd342a6af978cab11101c6224a9

We’ve just built, tested, and deployed our contract entirely within a docker container! This tutorial was intended for testnet, but you can run the exact same Docker image targeting mainnet and be confident that the same code is being deployed by the same tooling.

Why is this useful?

Docker is about portability, reproducibility, and environment invariance. This means you can be less concerned about unexpected changes when you switch between environments, networks, developers, etc. Here are a few basic examples of why I like to use Docker images for smart contract deployment:

  • Reduces overhead of ensuring system level dependencies match between deployment environments (e.g. does your production runner always have the same version of forge as your dev runner?)
  • Increases confidence that code has been tested prior to deployment and has not been altered (e.g. if, in the above image, your code re-compiles on deployment, that’s a major red flag).
  • Eases pain points around segregation of duties: people with your mainnet credentials do not need to ensure they have the latest compiler, codebase, etc. It’s easy to ensure that the docker deploy image someone ran in testnet is identical to the one targeting mainnet.
  • At the risk of sounding web2, Docker is an accepted standard on virtually all public cloud providers. It makes it easy to schedule jobs, tasks, etc that need to interact with the blockchain.


As noted above, the Foundry image does not include git by default. This can cause certain commands to fail without a clear cause. For example:

$ docker run foundry "forge init --no-git /test"
Initializing /test...
Installing ds-test in "/test/lib/ds-test", (url:, tag: None)
   0: No such file or directory (os error 2)


In this case, the failure is still caused by a missing git installation. The recommended fix is to build off the existing Foundry image and install any additional development dependencies you need.

Testing EIP-712 Signatures


EIP-712 introduced the ability to sign transactions off-chain which other users can later execute on-chain. A common example is EIP-2612 gasless token approvals.

Traditionally, setting a user or contract allowance to transfer ERC-20 tokens from an owner’s balance required the owner to submit an approval on-chain. As this proved to be poor UX, DAI introduced ERC-20 permit (later standardized as EIP-2612) allowing the owner to sign the approval off-chain which the spender (or anyone else!) can submit on-chain prior to the transferFrom.

This guide will cover testing this pattern in Solidity using Foundry.

Diving In

First we’ll cover a basic token transfer:

  • Owner signs approval off-chain
  • Spender calls permit and transferFrom on-chain

We’ll use Solmate’s ERC-20, as EIP-712 and EIP-2612 batteries come included. Take a glance over the full contract if you haven’t already - here is permit implemented:

                             EIP-2612 LOGIC

    function permit(
        address owner,
        address spender,
        uint256 value,
        uint256 deadline,
        uint8 v,
        bytes32 r,
        bytes32 s
    ) public virtual {
        require(deadline >= block.timestamp, "PERMIT_DEADLINE_EXPIRED");

        // Unchecked because the only math done is incrementing
        // the owner's nonce which cannot realistically overflow.
        unchecked {
            address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(
                                    "Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"

            require(recoveredAddress != address(0) && recoveredAddress == owner, "INVALID_SIGNER");

            allowance[recoveredAddress][spender] = value;

        emit Approval(owner, spender, value);

We’ll also be using a custom SigUtils contract to help create, hash, and sign the approvals off-chain.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.20;

contract SigUtils {
    bytes32 internal DOMAIN_SEPARATOR;

    constructor(bytes32 _DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) {

    // keccak256("Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)");
    bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH =

    struct Permit {
        address owner;
        address spender;
        uint256 value;
        uint256 nonce;
        uint256 deadline;

    // computes the hash of a permit
    function getStructHash(Permit memory _permit)
        returns (bytes32)

    // computes the hash of the fully encoded EIP-712 message for the domain, which can be used to recover the signer
    function getTypedDataHash(Permit memory _permit)
        returns (bytes32)

Handling Dynamic Values

While the Permit struct passed in the getStructHash() function above doesn’t contain any dynamic value types, if you’re using them it’s important to remember that ‘bytes’ and ‘string’ types must be encoded as a ‘keccak256’ hash of their contents. More on this aspect of the EIP 712 Spec here.


  • Deploy a mock ERC-20 token and SigUtils helper with the token’s EIP-712 domain separator
  • Create private keys to mock the owner and spender
  • Derive their addresses using the vm.addr cheatcode
  • Mint the owner a test token

contract Token_ERC20 is MockERC20 {
    constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol, uint8 decimals) {
        initialize(name, symbol, decimals);

    function mint(address to, uint256 value) public virtual {
        _mint(to, value);

    function burn(address from, uint256 value) public virtual {
        _burn(from, value);

contract ERC20Test is Test {
    Token_ERC20 internal token;
    SigUtils internal sigUtils;

    uint256 internal ownerPrivateKey;
    uint256 internal spenderPrivateKey;

    address internal owner;
    address internal spender;

    function setUp() public {
        token = new Token_ERC20("Token", "TKN", 18);
        sigUtils = new SigUtils(token.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR());

        ownerPrivateKey = 0xA11CE;
        spenderPrivateKey = 0xB0B;

        owner = vm.addr(ownerPrivateKey);
        spender = vm.addr(spenderPrivateKey);, 1e18);

Testing: permit

  • Create an approval for the spender
  • Compute its digest using sigUtils.getTypedDataHash
  • Sign the digest using the vm.sign cheatcode with the owner’s private key
  • Store the uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s of the signature
  • Call permit with the signed permit and signature to execute the approval on-chain
    function test_Permit() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: 1e18,
            nonce: 0,
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);


        assertEq(token.allowance(owner, spender), 1e18);
        assertEq(token.nonces(owner), 1);
  • Ensure failure for calls with an expired deadline, invalid signer, invalid nonce, and signature replay
    function testRevert_ExpiredPermit() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: 1e18,
            nonce: token.nonces(owner),
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);

        vm.warp(1 days + 1 seconds); // fast forward one second past the deadline


    function testRevert_InvalidSigner() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: 1e18,
            nonce: token.nonces(owner),
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(spenderPrivateKey, digest); // spender signs owner's approval


    function testRevert_InvalidNonce() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: 1e18,
            nonce: 1, // owner nonce stored on-chain is 0
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);


    function testRevert_SignatureReplay() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: 1e18,
            nonce: 0,
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);



Testing: transferFrom

  • Create, sign, and execute an approval for the spender
  • Call tokenTransfer as the spender using the vm.prank cheatcode to execute the transfer
    function test_TransferFromLimitedPermit() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: 1e18,
            nonce: 0,
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);


        token.transferFrom(owner, spender, 1e18);

        assertEq(token.balanceOf(owner), 0);
        assertEq(token.balanceOf(spender), 1e18);
        assertEq(token.allowance(owner, spender), 0);

    function test_TransferFromMaxPermit() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: type(uint256).max,
            nonce: 0,
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);


        token.transferFrom(owner, spender, 1e18);

        assertEq(token.balanceOf(owner), 0);
        assertEq(token.balanceOf(spender), 1e18);
        assertEq(token.allowance(owner, spender), type(uint256).max);
  • Ensure failure for calls with an invalid allowance and invalid balance
    function testFail_InvalidAllowance() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: 5e17, // approve only 0.5 tokens
            nonce: 0,
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);


        token.transferFrom(owner, spender, 1e18); // attempt to transfer 1 token

    function testFail_InvalidBalance() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: spender,
            value: 2e18, // approve 2 tokens
            nonce: 0,
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);


        token.transferFrom(owner, spender, 2e18); // attempt to transfer 2 tokens (owner only owns 1)

Bundled Example

Here is a section of a mock contract that just deposits ERC-20 tokens. Note how deposit requires a preliminary approve or permit tx in order to transfer tokens, while depositWithPermit sets the allowance and transfers the tokens in a single tx.

    ///                                                          ///
    ///                           DEPOSIT                        ///
    ///                                                          ///

    /// @notice Deposits ERC-20 tokens (requires pre-approval)
    /// @param _tokenContract The ERC-20 token address
    /// @param _amount The number of tokens
    function deposit(address _tokenContract, uint256 _amount) external {
        ERC20(_tokenContract).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);

        userDeposits[msg.sender][_tokenContract] += _amount;

        emit TokenDeposit(msg.sender, _tokenContract, _amount);

    ///                                                          ///
    ///                      DEPOSIT w/ PERMIT                   ///
    ///                                                          ///

    /// @notice Deposits ERC-20 tokens with a signed approval
    /// @param _tokenContract The ERC-20 token address
    /// @param _amount The number of tokens to transfer
    /// @param _owner The user signing the approval
    /// @param _spender The user to transfer the tokens (ie this contract)
    /// @param _value The number of tokens to approve the spender
    /// @param _deadline The timestamp the permit expires
    /// @param _v The 129th byte and chain id of the signature
    /// @param _r The first 64 bytes of the signature
    /// @param _s Bytes 64-128 of the signature
    function depositWithPermit(
        address _tokenContract,
        uint256 _amount,
        address _owner,
        address _spender,
        uint256 _value,
        uint256 _deadline,
        uint8 _v,
        bytes32 _r,
        bytes32 _s
    ) external {

        ERC20(_tokenContract).transferFrom(_owner, address(this), _amount);

        userDeposits[_owner][_tokenContract] += _amount;

        emit TokenDeposit(_owner, _tokenContract, _amount);


  • Deploy the Deposit contract, a mock ERC-20 token, and SigUtils helper with the token’s EIP-712 domain separator
  • Create a private key to mock the owner (the spender is now the Deposit address)
  • Derive the owner address using the vm.addr cheatcode
  • Mint the owner a test token
contract DepositTest is Test {
    Deposit internal deposit;
    MockERC20 internal token;
    SigUtils internal sigUtils;

    uint256 internal ownerPrivateKey;
    address internal owner;

    function setUp() public {
        deposit = new Deposit();
        token = new MockERC20();
        sigUtils = new SigUtils(token.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR());

        ownerPrivateKey = 0xA11CE;
        owner = vm.addr(ownerPrivateKey);, 1e18);

Testing: depositWithPermit

  • Create an approval for the Deposit contract
  • Compute its digest using sigUtils.getTypedDataHash
  • Sign the digest using the vm.sign cheatcode with the owner’s private key
  • Store the uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s of the signature
    • Note: can convert to bytes via bytes signature = abi.encodePacked(r, s, v)
  • Call depositWithPermit with the signed approval and signature to transfer the tokens into the contract
    function test_DepositWithLimitedPermit() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: address(deposit),
            value: 1e18,
            nonce: token.nonces(owner),
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);


        assertEq(token.balanceOf(owner), 0);
        assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(deposit)), 1e18);

        assertEq(token.allowance(owner, address(deposit)), 0);
        assertEq(token.nonces(owner), 1);

        assertEq(deposit.userDeposits(owner, address(token)), 1e18);

    function test_DepositWithMaxPermit() public {
        SigUtils.Permit memory permit = SigUtils.Permit({
            owner: owner,
            spender: address(deposit),
            value: type(uint256).max,
            nonce: token.nonces(owner),
            deadline: 1 days

        bytes32 digest = sigUtils.getTypedDataHash(permit);

        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(ownerPrivateKey, digest);


        assertEq(token.balanceOf(owner), 0);
        assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(deposit)), 1e18);

        assertEq(token.allowance(owner, address(deposit)), type(uint256).max);
        assertEq(token.nonces(owner), 1);

        assertEq(deposit.userDeposits(owner, address(token)), 1e18);
  • Ensure failure for invalid permit and transferFrom calls as previously shown


Use Foundry cheatcodes addr, sign, and prank to test EIP-712 signatures in Foundry.

All source code can be found here.

Solidity Scripting


Solidity scripting is a way to declaratively deploy contracts using Solidity, instead of using the more limiting and less user friendly forge create.

Solidity scripts are like the scripts you write when working with tools like Hardhat; what makes Solidity scripting different is that they are written in Solidity instead of JavaScript, and they are run on the fast Foundry EVM backend, which provides dry-run capabilities.

High Level Overview

forge script does not work in a sync manner. First, it collects all transactions from the script, and only then does it broadcast them all. It can essentially be split into 4 phases:

  1. Local Simulation - The contract script is run in a local evm. If a rpc/fork url has been provided, it will execute the script in that context. Any external call (not static, not internal) from a vm.broadcast and/or vm.startBroadcast will be appended to a list.
  2. Onchain Simulation - Optional. If a rpc/fork url has been provided, then it will sequentially execute all the collected transactions from the previous phase here.
  3. Broadcasting - Optional. If the --broadcast flag is provided and the previous phases have succeeded, it will broadcast the transactions collected at step 1. and simulated at step 2.
  4. Verification - Optional. If the --verify flag is provided, there’s an API key, and the previous phases have succeeded it will attempt to verify the contract. (eg. etherscan).

Given this flow, it’s important to be aware that transactions whose behaviour can be influenced by external state/actors might have a different result than what was simulated on step 2. Eg. frontrunning.

Set Up

Let’s try to deploy the NFT contract made in the solmate tutorial with solidity scripting. First of all, we would need to create a new Foundry project via:

forge init solidity-scripting

Since the NFT contract from the solmate tutorial inherits both solmate and OpenZeppelin contracts, we’ll have to install them as dependencies by running:

# Enter the project
cd solidity-scripting

# Install Solmate and OpenZeppelin contracts as dependencies
forge install transmissions11/solmate Openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@v5.0.1

Next, we have to delete the Counter.sol file in the src folder and create another file called NFT.sol. You can do this by running:

rm src/Counter.sol test/Counter.t.sol && touch src/NFT.sol && ls src

set up commands

Once that’s done, you should open up your preferred code editor and copy the code below into the NFT.sol file.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity >=0.8.10;

import {ERC721} from "solmate/tokens/ERC721.sol";
import {Ownable} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import {Strings} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";

error MintPriceNotPaid();
error MaxSupply();
error NonExistentTokenURI();
error WithdrawTransfer();

contract NFT is ERC721, Ownable {
    using Strings for uint256;

    string public baseURI;
    uint256 public currentTokenId;
    uint256 public constant TOTAL_SUPPLY = 10_000;
    uint256 public constant MINT_PRICE = 0.08 ether;

        string memory _name,
        string memory _symbol,
        string memory _baseURI
    ) ERC721(_name, _symbol) Ownable(msg.sender) {
        baseURI = _baseURI;

    function mintTo(address recipient) public payable returns (uint256) {
        if (msg.value != MINT_PRICE) {
            revert MintPriceNotPaid();
        uint256 newTokenId = ++currentTokenId;
        if (newTokenId > TOTAL_SUPPLY) {
            revert MaxSupply();
        _safeMint(recipient, newTokenId);
        return newTokenId;

    function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
        returns (string memory)
        if (ownerOf(tokenId) == address(0)) {
            revert NonExistentTokenURI();
            bytes(baseURI).length > 0
                ? string(abi.encodePacked(baseURI, tokenId.toString()))
                : "";

    function withdrawPayments(address payable payee) external onlyOwner {
        uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
        (bool transferTx, ) ={value: balance}("");
        if (!transferTx) {
            revert WithdrawTransfer();

Now, let’s try compiling our contract to make sure everything is in order.

forge build

If your output looks like this, the contracts successfully compiled. compile successful

Deploying our contract

We’re going to deploy the NFT contract to the Sepolia testnet, but to do this we’ll need to configure Foundry a bit, by setting things like a Sepolia RPC URL, the private key of an account that’s funded with Sepolia Eth, and an Etherscan key for the verification of the NFT contract.

💡 Note: You can get some Sepolia testnet ETH here .

Environment Configuration

Once you have all that create a .env file and add the variables. Foundry automatically loads in a .env file present in your project directory.

The .env file should follow this format:


We now need to edit the foundry.toml file. There should already be one in the root of the project.

Add the following lines to the end of the file:

sepolia = "${SEPOLIA_RPC_URL}"

sepolia = { key = "${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}" }

This creates a RPC alias for Sepolia and loads the Etherscan API key.

Writing the Script

Next, we have to create a folder and name it script and create a file in it called NFT.s.sol. This is where we will create the deployment script itself.

The contents of NFT.s.sol should look like this:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {NFT} from "../src/NFT.sol";

contract MyScript is Script {
    function run() external {
        uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");

        NFT nft = new NFT("NFT_tutorial", "TUT", "baseUri");


Now let’s read through the code and figure out what it actually means and does.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

Remember even if it’s a script it still works like a smart contract, but is never deployed, so just like any other smart contract written in Solidity the pragma version has to be specified.

import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {NFT} from "../src/NFT.sol";

Just like we may import Forge Std to get testing utilities when writing tests, Forge Std also provides some scripting utilities that we import here.

The next line just imports the NFT contract.

contract MyScript is Script {

We have created a contract called MyScript and it inherits Script from Forge Std.

function run() external {

By default, scripts are executed by calling the function named run, our entrypoint.

uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");

This loads in the private key from our .env file. Note: you must be careful when exposing private keys in a .env file and loading them into programs. This is only recommended for use with non-privileged deployers or for local / test setups. For production setups please review the various wallet options that Foundry supports.


This is a special cheatcode that records calls and contract creations made by our main script contract. We pass the deployerPrivateKey in order to instruct it to use that key for signing the transactions. Later, we will broadcast these transactions to deploy our NFT contract.

NFT nft = new NFT("NFT_tutorial", "TUT", "baseUri");

Here we have just created our NFT contract. Because we called vm.startBroadcast() before this line, the contract creation will be recorded by Forge, and as mentioned previously, we can broadcast the transaction to deploy the contract on-chain. The broadcast transaction logs will be stored in the broadcast directory by default. You can change the logs location by setting broadcast in your foundry.toml file.

Now that you’re up to speed about what the script smart contract does, let’s run it.

You should have added the variables we mentioned earlier to the .env for this next part to work.

At the root of the project run:

# To load the variables in the .env file
source .env

# To deploy and verify our contract
forge script --chain sepolia script/NFT.s.sol:MyScript --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv

Forge is going to run our script and broadcast the transactions for us - this can take a little while, since Forge will also wait for the transaction receipts. You should see something like this after a minute or so:

contract verified

This confirms that you have successfully deployed the NFT contract to the Sepolia testnet and have also verified it on Etherscan, all with one command.

Deploying locally

You can deploy to Anvil, the local testnet, by configuring the port as the fork-url.

Here, we have two options in terms of accounts. We can either start anvil without any flags and use one of the private keys provided. Or, we can pass a mnemonic to anvil to use.

Using Anvil’s Default Accounts

First, start Anvil:


Update your .env file with a private key given to you by Anvil.

Then run the following script:

forge script script/NFT.s.sol:MyScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast

Using a Custom Mnemonic

Add the following line to your .env file and complete it with your mnemonic:


It is expected that the PRIVATE_KEY environment variable we set earlier is one of the first 10 accounts in this mnemonic.

Start Anvil with the custom mnemonic:

source .env

anvil -m $MNEMONIC

Then run the following script:

forge script script/NFT.s.sol:MyScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast

💡 Note: A full implementation of this tutorial can be found here and for further reading about solidity scripting, you can check out the forge script reference.

Deterministic deployment using CREATE2


Enshrined into the EVM as part of the Constantinople fork of 2019, CREATE2 is an opcode that started its journey as EIP-1014. CREATE2 allows you to deploy smart contracts to deterministic addresses, based on parameters controlled by the deployer. As a result, it’s often mentioned as enabling “counterfactual” deployments, where you can interact with an addresses that haven’t been created yet because CREATE2 guarantees known code can be placed at that address. This is in contrast to the CREATE opcode, where the address of the deployed contract is a function of the deployer’s nonce. With CREATE2, you can use the same deployer account to deploy contracts to the same address across multiple networks, even if the address has varying nonces.

ℹ️ Note This guide is intended to help understand CREATE2. In most use cases, you won’t need to write and use your own deployer, and can use an existing deterministic deployer. In forge scripts, using new MyContract{salt: salt}() will use the deterministic deployer at 0x4e59b44847b379578588920ca78fbf26c0b4956c.

In this tutorial, we will:

  1. Look at a CREATE2 factory implementation.
  2. Deploy the factory using the traditional deployment methods.
  3. Use this deployed factory to in turn deploy a simple counter contract at a deterministic address.
  4. Simulate this set of events by writing a simple test in Foundry.


  1. Some familiarity with Solidity and Foundry is required, and some familiarity with the inline assembly is recommended. Refer to the official Solidity docs for a primer on inline assembly.
  2. Make sure you have Foundry installed on your system.
  3. Initialize a new Foundry project.

CREATE2 Factory

Create a file named Create2.sol Inside the src directory. Initialize a contract named Create2 like this:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

contract Create2 {

    error Create2EmptyBytecode();

    error Create2FailedDeployment();

These errors are meant to enforce some sanity checks on the factory deployment, and revert the whole transaction when triggered. The Create2EmptyBytecode() error triggers if the bytecode passed to the deploy function is empty, and the Create2FailedDeployment() error triggers if the deployment fails for any reason.

ℹ️ Note

Please note that a CREATE2 deployment may fail due to a number of reasons. For example, if the bytecode is invalid, or if a contract is already deployed at the computed address. Your deployment may also fail if your constructor reverts for any reason.

Next, create a function named deploy:

function deploy(bytes32 salt, bytes memory creationCode) external payable returns (address addr) {

This function takes 2 inputs:

  1. The salt used to calculate the final address. This can basically be any random value we want it to be.
  2. The creation code of the contract that we want to deploy.

The address of the newly deployed contract is the returned after a successful deploy.

ℹ️ Note

You can send ETH to a contract that is being deployed using CREATE2, but only if it has a payable constructor. If you try to send ETH to it without a payable constructor, the transaction will revert.

Add this revert statement at the top of the deploy function. We want our function to reject the deploy request if the following conditions are not met:

    if (creationCode.length == 0) {
        revert Create2EmptyBytecode();

Next, we will call the CREATE2 opcode using inline assembly, which can be done using the assembly keyword:

To call the CREATE2 opcode from inline assembly, we need to pass in 4 parameters:

    assembly {
        addr := create2(callvalue(), add(creationCode, 0x20), mload(creationCode), salt)
  1. The amount of ETH that we want to send to the new address as part of the deployment. Here we just pass in the callvalue(), which is the amount of ETH sent to the factory contract as part of the transaction. Think of it as a lower level version of msg.value.
  2. The second and third parameters refer to the range of memory our bytecode is located in. add(bytecode, 0x20) takes in a reference to the location of the bytes variable bytecode in memory, and skips 32 bytes (0x20 in hex) to point to the actual bytecode.

ℹ️ Note

The bytes type in Solidity is a dynamically sized byte array, where the first 32 bytes of memory represent the length of the array, and the remaining bytes represent the actual data. Therefore, when we pass in a reference to bytes variable, we need to skip the first 32 bytes to point to the actual data. Read more about the add and mload opcodes at

Finally, we will revert the whole transaction if the deployment fails for any reason, in which case the CREATE2 opcode will return a 0 address:

        if (addr == address(0)) {
            revert Create2FailedDeployment();

Lastly, let us create a view function named computeAddress. This function should take in the salt and creationCode as parameters, and return the address of the contract that would be deployed using the deploy function:

function computeAddress(bytes32 salt, bytes32 creationCodeHash) external view returns (address addr) {


Inside the function, paste the following code that uses inline assembly to calculate the address by performing the same calculations as the CREATE2 opcode would:

    address contractAddress = address(this);
    assembly {
        let ptr := mload(0x40)

        mstore(add(ptr, 0x40), creationCodeHash)
        mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), salt)
        mstore(ptr, contractAddress)
        let start := add(ptr, 0x0b)
        mstore8(start, 0xff)
        addr := keccak256(start, 85)

Before trying to understand the assembly code here, let us take a look at the formula that the CREATE2 opcode uses to calculate the address:

keccak256(0xff ++ address ++ salt ++ keccak256(bytecode))[12:]

0xff is a hardcoded prefix that prevents hash-collision between addresses that are deployed using CREATE and CREATE2. The address param refers to the address of the contract that is calling the CREATE2 opcode, in our case the factory contract. These 4 params are concatenated together, and keccak256 is used to generate a 32 byte hash. The first 12 bytes are truncated, and the remaining 20 bytes are used as the address of the deployed contract.

The entirety of the assembly code in the computeAddress function is an attempt at recreating the same formula, albeit without calling the CREATE2 opcode:

  1. mload(0x40) loads the free memory pointer into memory. This is the pointer that points to the next free memory slot in the memory array. Read more about this in Solidity docs.
  2. mstore(add(ptr, 0x40), bytecodeHash) stores the bytecodeHash starting at the memory location pointed to by ptr + 0x40, i.e. ptr+ 64 bytes.
  3. mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), salt) stores the salt at the memory location pointed to by ptr + 0x20.
  4. mstore(ptr, contractAddress) stores the contractAddress at the memory location pointed to by ptr.

ℹ️ Note

Recall that all the params passed to the computeAddress function are 32 bytes long, and are stored in memory as 32 byte values. However an address in Solidity is 20 bytes long, and is stored in memory as a 32 byte value, where the first 12 bytes are replaced by 0s. Therefore, when we need to skip 12 bytes to point to the actual address.

  1. let start := add(ptr, 0x0b) creates a new variable start that points to the memory location ptr + 0x0b, i.e. ptr + 11 bytes.
  2. Lastly, the mstore8 opcode can be used to store a single byte at a memory location. Here, we are storing the value 0xff at the memory location pointed to by start, which occupies the 12th byte of the memory slot.
  3. With all the values packed into their correct memory locations, we can now call keccak256 on the memory slot starting at start, and pass in the length of the memory slot as the second parameter. This will return a 32 byte hash, which we can truncate to get the final address.

ℹ️ Note

You can check out the complete code for this factory implementation here. Also check out OpenZeppelin’s CREATE2 library implementation, which has been used as inspiration for this tutorial. Finally, Forge offers some CREATE2 address computation helper functions out of the box. Check them out.

Testing our factory

Create a file named Create2.t.sol Inside the test directory. Initialize a contract named Create2Test like this:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Counter} from "../src/Counter.sol";
import {Create2} from "../src/Create2.sol";

contract Create2Test is Test {


Initialize the following state variables and the setUp() function:

    Create2 internal create2;
    Counter internal counter;

    function setUp() public {
        create2 = new Create2();
        counter = new Counter();

Create a new function named testDeterministicDeploy() that:

  1. Deploys a new instance of the Create2 contract.
  2. Deals out a 100 ETH to the specific address that we will use to impersonate as the caller for all subsequent calls using the prank cheatcode.
  3. Sets up the salt and bytecode params
  4. Uses the previously deployed Create2 contract to deploy the Counter contract at a deterministic address.
  5. Checks if the contract was deployed at the correct address, by asserting that the computed address is equal to the deployed address.
    function testDeterministicDeploy() public {, 100 ether);

        bytes32 salt = "12345";
        bytes memory creationCode = abi.encodePacked(type(Counter).creationCode);

        address computedAddress = create2.computeAddress(salt, keccak256(creationCode));
        address deployedAddress = create2.deploy(salt , creationCode);

        assertEq(computedAddress, deployedAddress);  

Save all your files, and run the test using forge test --match-path test/Create2.t.sol -vvvv. Your test should pass without any errors.

Forking Mainnet with Cast and Anvil


By combining Anvil and Cast, you can fork and test by interacting with contracts on a real network. The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to transfer Dai tokens from someone who holds Dai to an account created by Anvil.

Set Up

Let’s start by forking mainnet.

anvil --fork-url$INFURA_KEY

You will see 10 accounts are created with their public and private keys. We will work with 0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266 (Let’s call this user Alice).

Transferring Dai

Go to Etherscan and search for holders of Dai tokens (here). Let’s pick a random account. In this example we will be using 0xfc2eE3bD619B7cfb2dE2C797b96DeeCbD7F68e46. Let’s export our contracts and accounts as environment variables:

export ALICE=0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266
export DAI=0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f
export UNLUCKY_USER=0xfc2eE3bD619B7cfb2dE2C797b96DeeCbD7F68e46

We can check Alice’s balance using cast call:

$ cast call $DAI \
  "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" \

Similarly, we can also check our unlucky user’s balance using cast call:

$ cast call $DAI \
  "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" \

Let’s transfer some tokens from the unlucky user to Alice using cast send:

# This calls Anvil and lets us impersonate our unlucky user
$ cast rpc anvil_impersonateAccount $UNLUCKY_USER
$ cast send $DAI \
--from $UNLUCKY_USER \
  "transfer(address,uint256)(bool)" \
  $ALICE \
  300000000000000000000000 \
blockHash               0xbf31c45f6935a0714bb4f709b5e3850ab0cc2f8bffe895fefb653d154e0aa062
blockNumber             15052891

Let’s check that the transfer worked:

cast call $DAI \
  "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" \

$ cast call $DAI \
  "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" \

Foundry Tutorials (Unofficial) Videos

Unofficial youtube playlists of Foundry tutorials from Blockchain educators.

Blockchain Developer, Solidity, Foundry Full Course 2023 ~ Learn Solidity, Blockchain Development, & Smart Contracts Powered By AI - Full CoursePatrick Collins
Foundry ~ Playlist of beginner level videos on FoundrySmart Contract Programmer
A Complete Introduction to Smart Contract Development With FoundryAxelar
Solidity Developer - Foundry FundamentalsCyfrin Updraft
Solidity Developer - Advanced FoundryCyfrin Updraft


This is a collection of common questions and answers. If you do not find your question listed here, hop in the Telegram support channel and let us help you!

I can’t build from source!

Make sure you’re on the latest stable Rust toolchain:

rustup default stable
rustup update stable

libusb error when running forge/cast

If you are using the binaries as released, you may see the following error on MacOS:

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/libusb/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib

In order to fix this, you must install the libusb library:

brew install libusb

Out of date GLIBC

If you run into an error resembling the following after using foundryup:

forge: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by forge)

There are 2 workarounds:

  1. Building from source
  2. Using Docker

Help! I can’t see my logs!

Forge does not display logs by default. If you want to see logs from Hardhat’s console.log or from DSTest-style log_* events, you need to run forge test with verbosity 2 (-vv).

If you want to see other events your contracts emit, you need to run with traces enabled. To do that, set the verbosity to 3 (-vvv) to see traces for failing tests, or 4 (-vvvv) to see traces for all tests.

My tests are failing and I don’t know why!

To gain better insight into why your tests are failing, try using traces. To enable traces, you need to increase the verbosity on forge test to at least 3 (-vvv) but you can go as high as 5 (-vvvvv) for even more traces.

You can learn more about traces in our Understanding Traces chapter.

How do I use console.log?

To use Hardhat’s console.log you must add it to your project by copying the file over from here.

Alternatively, you can use Forge Std which comes bundled with console.log. To use console.log from Forge Std, you have to import it:

import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";

How do I run specific tests?

If you want to run only a few tests, you can use --match-test to filter test functions, --match-contract to filter test contracts, and --match-path to filter test files on forge test.

How do I use a specific Solidity compiler?

Forge will try to auto-detect what Solidity compiler works for your project.

To use a specific Solidity compiler, you can set solc in your config file, or pass --use solc:<version> to a Forge command that supports it (e.g. forge build or forge test). Paths to a solc binary are also accepted. To use a specific local solc binary, you can set solc = "<path to solc>" in your config file, or pass --use "<path to solc>". The solc version/path can also be set via the env variable FOUNDRY_SOLC=<version/path>, but the cli arg --use has priority.

For example, if you have a project that supports all 0.7.x Solidity versions, but you want to compile with solc 0.7.0, you could use forge build --use solc:0.7.0.

How do I fork from a live network?

To fork from a live network, pass --fork-url <URL> to forge test. You can also fork from a specific block using --fork-block-number <BLOCK>, which adds determinism to your test, and allows Forge to cache the chain data for that block.

For example, to fork from Ethereum mainnet at block 10,000,000 you could use: forge test --fork-url $MAINNET_RPC_URL --fork-block-number 10000000.

How do I add my own assertions?

You can add your own assertions by creating your own base test contract and having that inherit from the test framework of your choice.

For example, if you use DSTest, you could create a base test contract like this:

contract TestBase is DSTest {
    function myCustomAssertion(uint a, uint b) {
      if (a != b) {
          emit log_string("a and b did not match");

You would then inherit from TestBase in your test contracts.

contract MyContractTest is TestBase {
    function testSomething() {
        // ...

Similarly, if you use Forge Std, you can create a base test contract that inherits from Test.

For a good example of a base test contract that has helper methods and custom assertions, see Solmate’s DSTestPlus.

How do I use Forge offline?

Forge will sometimes check for newer Solidity versions that fit your project. To use Forge offline, use the --offline flag.

I’m getting Solc errors

solc-bin doesn’t offer static builds for Apple silicon. Foundry relies on svm to install native builds for Apple silicon.

All solc versions are installed under ~/.svm/ if the directory already exists. If not, it uses $XDG_DATA_HOME/svm/, commonly mapped to $HOME/.local/share/svm/ on Linux or $HOME/Library/Application Support/svm/ on MacOS. If you encounter solc related errors, such as SolcError: ... please remove the ~/.svm/ directory and try again, this will trigger a fresh install and usually resolves the issue.

If you’re on Apple silicon, please ensure the z3 theorem prover is installed: brew install z3

Note: native Apple silicon builds are only available from 0.8.5 upwards. If you need older versions, you must enable Apple silicon rosetta to run them.

Forge fails in JavaScript monorepos (pnpm)

Managers like pnpm use symlinks to manage node_modules folders.

A common layout may look like:

├── contracts
│    ├── contracts
│    ├── foundry.toml
│    ├── lib
│    ├── node_modules
│    ├── package.json
├── node_modules
│    ├── ...
├── package.json
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── pnpm-workspace.yaml

Where the Foundry workspace is in ./contracts, but packages in ./contracts/node_modules are symlinked to ./node_modules.

When running forge build in ./contracts/node_modules, this can lead to an error like:

error[6275]: ParserError: Source "node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/cryptography/draft-EIP712.sol" not found: File outside of allowed directories. The following are allowed: "<repo>/contracts", "<repo>/contracts/contracts", "<repo>/contracts/lib".
 --> node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/draft-ERC20Permit.sol:8:1:
8 | import "../../../utils/cryptography/draft-EIP712.sol";

This error happens when solc was able to resolve symlinked files, but they’re outside the Foundry workspace (./contracts).

Adding node_modules to allow_paths in foundry.toml grants solc access to that directory, and it will be able to read it:

# This translates to `solc --allow-paths ../node_modules`
allow_paths = ["../node_modules"]

Note that the path is relative to the Foundry workspace. See also solc allowed-paths

I’m getting Permission denied (os error 13)

If you see an error like

Failed to create artifact parent folder "/.../MyProject/out/IsolationModeMagic.sol": Permission denied (os error 13)

Then there’s likely a folder permission issue. Ensure user has write access in the project root’s folder.

It has been reported that on linux, canonicalizing paths can result in weird paths (/_1/...). This can be resolved by nuking the entire project folder and initializing again.

Connection refused when running forge build

If you’re unable to access github URLs called by forge build, you will see an error like

error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 61)

Connection failed because access to the URL from your location may be restricted. To solve this, you should set proxy.

You could run export http_proxy= https_proxy= first in the terminal then you will forge build successfully.


Thanks for your interest in improving Foundry!

There are multiple opportunities to contribute at any level. It doesn’t matter if you are just getting started with Rust or are the most weathered expert, we can use your help.

No contribution is too small and all contributions are valued.

This document will help you get started. Do not let the document intimidate you. It should be considered as a guide to help you navigate the process.

The dev Telegram is available for any concerns you may have that are not covered in this guide.

First check the Contribution guidelines

Some articles to walk you through the first steps:


CLI Reference

Automatically-generated CLI reference from --help output.


Build, test, fuzz, debug and deploy Solidity contracts

$ forge --help
Usage: forge <COMMAND>

  bind               Generate Rust bindings for smart contracts
  bind-json          Generate bindings for serialization/deserialization of
                     project structs via JSON cheatcodes
  build              Build the project's smart contracts [aliases: b, compile]
  cache              Manage the Foundry cache
  clean              Remove the build artifacts and cache directories [aliases:
  clone              Clone a contract from Etherscan
  completions        Generate shell completions script [aliases: com]
  config             Display the current config [aliases: co]
  coverage           Generate coverage reports
  create             Deploy a smart contract [aliases: c]
  debug              Debugs a single smart contract as a script [aliases: d]
  doc                Generate documentation for the project
  eip712             Generate EIP-712 struct encodings for structs from a given
  flatten            Flatten a source file and all of its imports into one file
                     [aliases: f]
  fmt                Format Solidity source files
  geiger             Detects usage of unsafe cheat codes in a project and its
  generate           Generate scaffold files
  generate-fig-spec  Generate Fig autocompletion spec [aliases: fig]
  help               Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
  init               Create a new Forge project
  inspect            Get specialized information about a smart contract
                     [aliases: in]
  install            Install one or multiple dependencies [aliases: i]
  remappings         Get the automatically inferred remappings for the project
                     [aliases: re]
  remove             Remove one or multiple dependencies [aliases: rm]
  script             Run a smart contract as a script, building transactions
                     that can be sent onchain
  selectors          Function selector utilities [aliases: se]
  snapshot           Create a snapshot of each test's gas usage [aliases: s]
  soldeer            Soldeer dependency manager
  test               Run the project's tests [aliases: t]
  tree               Display a tree visualization of the project's dependency
                     graph [aliases: tr]
  update             Update one or multiple dependencies [aliases: u]
  verify-bytecode    Verify the deployed bytecode against its source on
                     Etherscan [aliases: vb]
  verify-check       Check verification status on Etherscan [aliases: vc]
  verify-contract    Verify smart contracts on Etherscan [aliases: v]

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Find more information in the book:

forge bind

Generate Rust bindings for smart contracts

$ forge bind --help
Usage: forge bind [OPTIONS]

  -b, --bindings-path <PATH>
          Path to where the contract artifacts are stored

      --select <SELECT>
          Create bindings only for contracts whose names match the specified

          Explicitly generate bindings for all contracts
          By default all contracts ending with `Test` or `Script` are excluded.

      --crate-name <NAME>
          The name of the Rust crate to generate.
          This should be a valid crate name, however, this is not
          currently validated by this command.
          [default: foundry-contracts]

      --crate-version <VERSION>
          The version of the Rust crate to generate.
          This should be a standard semver version string, however, this is not
          currently validated by this command.
          [default: 0.1.0]

          Generate the bindings as a module instead of a crate

          Overwrite existing generated bindings.
          By default, the command will check that the bindings are correct, and
          then exit. If --overwrite is passed, it will instead delete and
          overwrite the bindings.

          Generate bindings as a single file

          Skip Cargo.toml consistency checks

          Skips running forge build before generating binding

          Don't add any additional derives to generated bindings

          Generate bindings for the `alloy` library, instead of `ethers`

      --alloy-version <ALLOY_VERSION>
          Specify the alloy version

          Generate bindings for the `ethers` library, instead of `alloy`
          (default, deprecated)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge bind-json

Generate bindings for serialization/deserialization of project structs via JSON

$ forge bind-json --help
Usage: forge bind-json [OPTIONS] [PATH]

          The path to write bindings to

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge build

Build the project’s smart contracts

$ forge build --help
Usage: forge build [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Build options:
          Print compiled contract names

          Print compiled contract sizes

          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

          Build source files from specified paths

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

Watch options:
  -w, --watch [<PATH>...]
          Watch the given files or directories for changes.
          If no paths are provided, the source and test directories of the
          project are watched.

          Do not restart the command while it's still running

          Explicitly re-run all tests when a change is made.
          By default, only the tests of the last modified test file are

      --watch-delay <DELAY>
          File update debounce delay.
          During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once
          the delay has passed, is an action taken. Note that this does not mean
          a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is
          already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.
          Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an
          integer with the `ms` suffix may be more convenient.
          When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk
          overloading disk I/O.

          Output the compilation errors in the json format. This is useful when
          you want to use the output in other tools

forge cache

Manage the Foundry cache

$ forge cache --help
Usage: forge cache <COMMAND>

  clean  Cleans cached data from the global foundry directory
  ls     Shows cached data from the global foundry directory
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

forge cache clean

Cleans cached data from the global foundry directory

$ forge cache clean --help
Usage: forge cache clean [OPTIONS] [CHAINS]...

          The chains to clean the cache for.
          Can also be "all" to clean all chains.
          [env: CHAIN=]
          [default: all]

  -b, --blocks <BLOCKS>...
          The blocks to clean the cache for

          Whether to clean the Etherscan cache

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge cache ls

Shows cached data from the global foundry directory

$ forge cache ls --help
Usage: forge cache ls [CHAINS]...

          The chains to list the cache for.
          Can also be "all" to list all chains.
          [env: CHAIN=]
          [default: all]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge clean

Remove the build artifacts and cache directories

$ forge clean --help
Usage: forge clean [OPTIONS]

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge clone

Clone a contract from Etherscan

$ forge clone --help
Usage: forge clone [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS> [PATH]

          The contract address to clone

          The root directory of the cloned project
          [default: .]

          Do not generate the remappings.txt file. Instead, keep the remappings
          in the configuration

          Keep the original directory structure collected from Etherscan.
          If this flag is set, the directory structure of the cloned project
          will be kept as is. By default, the directory structure is re-orgnized
          to increase the readability, but may risk some compilation failures.

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

          Perform shallow clones instead of deep ones.
          Improves performance and reduces disk usage, but prevents switching
          branches or tags.

          Install without adding the dependency as a submodule

          Do not create a commit

  -q, --quiet
          Do not print any messages

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge completions

Generate shell completions script

$ forge completions --help
Usage: forge completions <SHELL>

  <SHELL>  [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

  -h, --help  Print help

forge config

Display the current config

$ forge config --help
Usage: forge config [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

          Print only a basic set of the currently set config values

          Print currently set config values as JSON

          Attempt to fix any configuration warnings

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Build options:
          Print compiled contract names

          Print compiled contract sizes

          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

          Build source files from specified paths

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

Watch options:
  -w, --watch [<PATH>...]
          Watch the given files or directories for changes.
          If no paths are provided, the source and test directories of the
          project are watched.

          Do not restart the command while it's still running

          Explicitly re-run all tests when a change is made.
          By default, only the tests of the last modified test file are

      --watch-delay <DELAY>
          File update debounce delay.
          During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once
          the delay has passed, is an action taken. Note that this does not mean
          a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is
          already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.
          Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an
          integer with the `ms` suffix may be more convenient.
          When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk
          overloading disk I/O.

          Output the compilation errors in the json format. This is useful when
          you want to use the output in other tools

EVM options:
  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retries <RETRIES>
          Number of retries.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --initial-balance <BALANCE>
          The initial balance of deployed test contracts

      --sender <ADDRESS>
          The address which will be executing tests/scripts

          Enable the FFI cheatcode

          Use the create 2 factory in all cases including tests and
          non-broadcasting scripts

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity of the EVM.
          Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
          Verbosity levels:
          - 2: Print logs for all tests
          - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
          - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for
          failing tests
          - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rate-limit]

Executor environment config:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

      --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [aliases: chain-id]

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --tx-origin <ADDRESS>
          The transaction origin

      --block-coinbase <ADDRESS>
          The coinbase of the block

      --block-timestamp <TIMESTAMP>
          The timestamp of the block

      --block-number <BLOCK>
          The block number

      --block-difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          The block difficulty

      --block-prevrandao <PREVRANDAO>
          The block prevrandao value. NOTE: Before merge this field was mix_hash

      --block-gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes. If this limit is
          exceeded, a `MemoryLimitOOG` result is thrown.
          The default is 128MiB.

          Whether to disable the block gas limit checks
          [aliases: no-gas-limit]

          Whether to enable isolation of calls. In isolation mode all top-level
          calls are executed as a separate transaction in a separate EVM
          context, enabling more precise gas accounting and transaction state

          Whether to enable Alphanet features

forge coverage

Generate coverage reports

$ forge coverage --help
Usage: forge coverage [OPTIONS] [PATH]

      --report <REPORT>
          The report type to use for coverage.
          This flag can be used multiple times.
          [default: summary]
          [possible values: summary, lcov, debug, bytecode]

          Enable viaIR with minimum optimization
          This can fix most of the "stack too deep" errors while resulting a
          relatively accurate source map.

  -r, --report-file <PATH>
          The path to output the report.
          If not specified, the report will be stored in the root of the

          Whether to include libraries in the coverage report

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Test options:
      --debug <TEST_FUNCTION>
          Run a test in the debugger.
          The argument passed to this flag is the name of the test function you
          want to run, and it works the same as --match-test.
          If more than one test matches your specified criteria, you must add
          additional filters until only one test is found (see --match-contract
          and --match-path).
          The matching test will be opened in the debugger regardless of the
          outcome of the test.
          If the matching test is a fuzz test, then it will open the debugger on
          the first failure case. If the fuzz test does not fail, it will open
          the debugger on the last fuzz case.
          For more fine-grained control of which fuzz case is run, see forge

          Generate a flamegraph for a single test. Implies `--decode-internal`

          Generate a flamechart for a single test. Implies `--decode-internal`

      --decode-internal [<TEST_FUNCTION>]
          Whether to identify internal functions in traces.
          If no argument is passed to this flag, it will trace internal
          functions scope and decode stack parameters, but parameters stored in
          memory (such as bytes or arrays) will not be decoded.
          To decode memory parameters, you should pass an argument with a test
          function name, similarly to --debug and --match-test.
          If more than one test matches your specified criteria, you must add
          additional filters until only one test is found (see --match-contract
          and --match-path).

          Print a gas report
          [env: FORGE_GAS_REPORT=]

          Exit with code 0 even if a test fails
          [env: FORGE_ALLOW_FAILURE=]

          Stop running tests after the first failure

      --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

      --fuzz-seed <FUZZ_SEED>
          Set seed used to generate randomness during your fuzz runs

      --fuzz-runs <RUNS>
          [env: FOUNDRY_FUZZ_RUNS=]

      --fuzz-input-file <FUZZ_INPUT_FILE>
          File to rerun fuzz failures from

  -j, --threads <THREADS>
          Max concurrent threads to use. Default value is the number of
          available CPUs
          [aliases: jobs]

          Show test execution progress

          The contract file you want to test, it's a shortcut for --match-path

Display options:
          Output test results in JSON format

          Output test results as JUnit XML report

  -l, --list
          List tests instead of running them

          Print test summary table

          Print detailed test summary table

Test filtering:
      --match-test <REGEX>
          Only run test functions matching the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: mt]

      --no-match-test <REGEX>
          Only run test functions that do not match the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: nmt]

      --match-contract <REGEX>
          Only run tests in contracts matching the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: mc]

      --no-match-contract <REGEX>
          Only run tests in contracts that do not match the specified regex
          [aliases: nmc]

      --match-path <GLOB>
          Only run tests in source files matching the specified glob pattern
          [aliases: mp]

      --no-match-path <GLOB>
          Only run tests in source files that do not match the specified glob
          [aliases: nmp]

      --no-match-coverage <REGEX>
          Only show coverage for files that do not match the specified regex
          [aliases: nmco]

          Re-run recorded test failures from last run. If no failure recorded
          then regular test run is performed

EVM options:
  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retries <RETRIES>
          Number of retries.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --initial-balance <BALANCE>
          The initial balance of deployed test contracts

      --sender <ADDRESS>
          The address which will be executing tests/scripts

          Enable the FFI cheatcode

          Use the create 2 factory in all cases including tests and
          non-broadcasting scripts

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity of the EVM.
          Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
          Verbosity levels:
          - 2: Print logs for all tests
          - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
          - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for
          failing tests
          - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rate-limit]

Executor environment config:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

      --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [aliases: chain-id]

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --tx-origin <ADDRESS>
          The transaction origin

      --block-coinbase <ADDRESS>
          The coinbase of the block

      --block-timestamp <TIMESTAMP>
          The timestamp of the block

      --block-number <BLOCK>
          The block number

      --block-difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          The block difficulty

      --block-prevrandao <PREVRANDAO>
          The block prevrandao value. NOTE: Before merge this field was mix_hash

      --block-gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes. If this limit is
          exceeded, a `MemoryLimitOOG` result is thrown.
          The default is 128MiB.

          Whether to disable the block gas limit checks
          [aliases: no-gas-limit]

          Whether to enable isolation of calls. In isolation mode all top-level
          calls are executed as a separate transaction in a separate EVM
          context, enabling more precise gas accounting and transaction state

          Whether to enable Alphanet features

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

Watch options:
  -w, --watch [<PATH>...]
          Watch the given files or directories for changes.
          If no paths are provided, the source and test directories of the
          project are watched.

          Do not restart the command while it's still running

          Explicitly re-run all tests when a change is made.
          By default, only the tests of the last modified test file are

      --watch-delay <DELAY>
          File update debounce delay.
          During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once
          the delay has passed, is an action taken. Note that this does not mean
          a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is
          already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.
          Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an
          integer with the `ms` suffix may be more convenient.
          When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk
          overloading disk I/O.

forge create

Deploy a smart contract

$ forge create --help
Usage: forge create [OPTIONS] <CONTRACT>

          The contract identifier in the form `<path>:<contractname>`

      --constructor-args <ARGS>...
          The constructor arguments

      --constructor-args-path <PATH>
          The path to a file containing the constructor arguments

          Verify contract after creation

          Send via `eth_sendTransaction` using the `--from` argument or
          `$ETH_FROM` as sender

          Prints the standard json compiler input if `--verify` is provided.
          The standard json compiler input can be used to manually submit
          contract verification in the browser.

      --timeout <TIMEOUT>
          Timeout to use for broadcasting transactions
          [env: ETH_TIMEOUT=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
          Print the deployment information as JSON

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

Transaction options:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          Gas limit for the transaction
          [env: ETH_GAS_LIMIT=]

      --gas-price <PRICE>
          Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559
          transactions, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
          [env: ETH_GAS_PRICE=]

      --priority-gas-price <PRICE>
          Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
          [env: ETH_PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE=]

      --value <VALUE>
          Ether to send in the transaction, either specified in wei, or as a
          string with a unit type.
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether

      --nonce <NONCE>
          Nonce for the transaction

          Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.
          This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

          Send a EIP-4844 blob transaction

      --blob-gas-price <BLOB_PRICE>
          Gas price for EIP-4844 blob transaction
          [env: ETH_BLOB_GAS_PRICE=]

      --auth <AUTH>
          EIP-7702 authorization list.
          Can be either a hex-encoded signed authorization or an address.

Ethereum options:
  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

      --retries <RETRIES>
          Number of attempts for retrying verification
          [default: 5]

      --delay <DELAY>
          Optional delay to apply inbetween verification attempts, in seconds
          [default: 5]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

Verifier options:
      --verifier <VERIFIER>
          The contract verification provider to use
          [default: etherscan]
          [possible values: etherscan, sourcify, blockscout, oklink]

      --verifier-url <VERIFIER_URL>
          The verifier URL, if using a custom provider
          [env: VERIFIER_URL=]

forge debug

Debugs a single smart contract as a script

$ forge debug --help
Usage: forge debug [OPTIONS] <PATH> [ARGS]...

          The contract you want to run. Either the file path or contract name.
          If multiple contracts exist in the same file you must specify the
          target contract with --target-contract.

          Arguments to pass to the script function

      --target-contract <CONTRACT_NAME>
          The name of the contract you want to run
          [aliases: tc]

  -s, --sig <SIGNATURE>
          The signature of the function you want to call in the contract, or raw
          [default: run()]

          Open the script in the debugger

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

EVM options:
  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retries <RETRIES>
          Number of retries.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --initial-balance <BALANCE>
          The initial balance of deployed test contracts

      --sender <ADDRESS>
          The address which will be executing tests/scripts

          Enable the FFI cheatcode

          Use the create 2 factory in all cases including tests and
          non-broadcasting scripts

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity of the EVM.
          Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
          Verbosity levels:
          - 2: Print logs for all tests
          - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
          - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for
          failing tests
          - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rate-limit]

Executor environment config:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

      --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [aliases: chain-id]

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --tx-origin <ADDRESS>
          The transaction origin

      --block-coinbase <ADDRESS>
          The coinbase of the block

      --block-timestamp <TIMESTAMP>
          The timestamp of the block

      --block-number <BLOCK>
          The block number

      --block-difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          The block difficulty

      --block-prevrandao <PREVRANDAO>
          The block prevrandao value. NOTE: Before merge this field was mix_hash

      --block-gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes. If this limit is
          exceeded, a `MemoryLimitOOG` result is thrown.
          The default is 128MiB.

          Whether to disable the block gas limit checks
          [aliases: no-gas-limit]

          Whether to enable isolation of calls. In isolation mode all top-level
          calls are executed as a separate transaction in a separate EVM
          context, enabling more precise gas accounting and transaction state

          Whether to enable Alphanet features

forge doc

Generate documentation for the project

$ forge doc --help
Usage: forge doc [OPTIONS]

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -o, --out <PATH>
          The doc's output path.
          By default, it is the `docs/` in project root.

  -b, --build
          Build the `mdbook` from generated files

  -s, --serve
          Serve the documentation

          Open the documentation in a browser after serving

      --hostname <HOSTNAME>
          Hostname for serving documentation

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Watch options:
  -w, --watch [<PATH>...]
          Watch the given files or directories for changes.
          If no paths are provided, the source and test directories of the
          project are watched.

          Do not restart the command while it's still running

          Explicitly re-run all tests when a change is made.
          By default, only the tests of the last modified test file are

      --watch-delay <DELAY>
          File update debounce delay.
          During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once
          the delay has passed, is an action taken. Note that this does not mean
          a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is
          already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.
          Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an
          integer with the `ms` suffix may be more convenient.
          When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk
          overloading disk I/O.

  -p, --port <PORT>
          Port for serving documentation

      --deployments [<DEPLOYMENTS>]
          The relative path to the `hardhat-deploy` or `forge-deploy` artifact
          directory. Leave blank for default

  -i, --include-libraries
          Whether to create docs for external libraries

forge eip712

Generate EIP-712 struct encodings for structs from a given file

$ forge eip712 --help
Usage: forge eip712 [OPTIONS] <PATH>

          The path to the file from which to read struct definitions

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge flatten

Flatten a source file and all of its imports into one file

$ forge flatten --help
Usage: forge flatten [OPTIONS] <PATH>

          The path to the contract to flatten

  -o, --output <PATH>
          The path to output the flattened contract.
          If not specified, the flattened contract will be output to stdout.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Project options:
      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge fmt

Format Solidity source files

$ forge fmt --help
Usage: forge fmt [OPTIONS] [PATH]...

          Path to the file, directory or '-' to read from stdin

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

          Run in 'check' mode.
          Exits with 0 if input is formatted correctly. Exits with 1 if
          formatting is required.

  -r, --raw
          In 'check' and stdin modes, outputs raw formatted code instead of the

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge geiger

Detects usage of unsafe cheat codes in a project and its dependencies

$ forge geiger --help
Usage: forge geiger [OPTIONS] [PATH]...

          Paths to files or directories to detect

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

          Run in "check" mode.
          The exit code of the program will be the number of unsafe cheatcodes

      --ignore <PATH>...
          Globs to ignore

          Print a report of all files, even if no unsafe functions are found

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge generate

Generate scaffold files

$ forge generate --help
Usage: forge generate <COMMAND>

  test  Scaffolds test file for given contract
  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

forge generate test

Scaffolds test file for given contract

$ forge generate test --help
Usage: forge generate test --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME>

  -c, --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME>  Contract name for test generation
  -h, --help                           Print help

forge generate-fig-spec

Generate Fig autocompletion spec

$ forge generate-fig-spec --help
Usage: forge generate-fig-spec

  -h, --help  Print help

forge init

Create a new Forge project

$ forge init --help
Usage: forge init [OPTIONS] [PATH]

          The root directory of the new project
          [default: .]

  -t, --template <TEMPLATE>
          The template to start from

  -b, --branch <BRANCH>
          Branch argument that can only be used with template option. If not
          specified, the default branch is used

          Do not install dependencies from the network
          [aliases: no-deps]

          Create the project even if the specified root directory is not empty

          Create a .vscode/settings.json file with Solidity settings, and
          generate a remappings.txt file

          Perform shallow clones instead of deep ones.
          Improves performance and reduces disk usage, but prevents switching
          branches or tags.

          Install without adding the dependency as a submodule

          Do not create a commit

  -q, --quiet
          Do not print any messages

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge inspect

Get specialized information about a smart contract

$ forge inspect --help
Usage: forge inspect [OPTIONS] <CONTRACT> <FIELD>

          The identifier of the contract to inspect in the form

          The contract artifact field to inspect
          [possible values: abi, bytecode, deployedBytecode, assembly,
          assemblyOptimized, methodIdentifiers, gasEstimates, storageLayout,
          devdoc, ir, irOptimized, metadata, userdoc, ewasm, errors, events,
          eof, eof-init]

          Pretty print the selected field, if supported

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge install

Install one or multiple dependencies.

$ forge install --help
Usage: forge install [OPTIONS] [DEPENDENCIES]...
    forge install [OPTIONS] <github username>/<github project>@<tag>...
    forge install [OPTIONS] <alias>=<github username>/<github project>@<tag>...
    forge install [OPTIONS] <https:// git url>...

          The dependencies to install.
          A dependency can be a raw URL, or the path to a GitHub repository.
          Additionally, a ref can be provided by adding @ to the dependency
          A ref can be: - A branch: master - A tag: v1.2.3 - A commit: 8e8128
          Target installation directory can be added via `<alias>=` suffix. The
          dependency will installed to `lib/<alias>`.

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

          Perform shallow clones instead of deep ones.
          Improves performance and reduces disk usage, but prevents switching
          branches or tags.

          Install without adding the dependency as a submodule

          Do not create a commit

  -q, --quiet
          Do not print any messages

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge remappings

Get the automatically inferred remappings for the project

$ forge remappings --help
Usage: forge remappings [OPTIONS]

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

          Pretty-print the remappings, grouping each of them by context

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge remove

Remove one or multiple dependencies

$ forge remove --help
Usage: forge remove [OPTIONS] <DEPENDENCIES>...

          The dependencies you want to remove

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -f, --force
          Override the up-to-date check

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge script

Run a smart contract as a script, building transactions that can be sent onchain

$ forge script --help
Usage: forge script [OPTIONS] <PATH> [ARGS]...

          The contract you want to run. Either the file path or contract name.
          If multiple contracts exist in the same file you must specify the
          target contract with --target-contract.

          Arguments to pass to the script function

      --target-contract <CONTRACT_NAME>
          The name of the contract you want to run
          [aliases: tc]

  -s, --sig <SIG>
          The signature of the function you want to call in the contract, or raw
          [default: run()]

      --priority-gas-price <PRICE>
          Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
          [env: ETH_PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE=]

          Use legacy transactions instead of EIP1559 ones.
          This is auto-enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

          Broadcasts the transactions

      --batch-size <BATCH_SIZE>
          Batch size of transactions.
          This is ignored and set to 1 if batching is not available or `--slow`
          is enabled.
          [default: 100]

          Skips on-chain simulation

  -g, --gas-estimate-multiplier <GAS_ESTIMATE_MULTIPLIER>
          Relative percentage to multiply gas estimates by
          [default: 130]

          Send via `eth_sendTransaction` using the `--from` argument or
          `$ETH_FROM` as sender

          Resumes submitting transactions that failed or timed-out previously.
          It DOES NOT simulate the script again and it expects nonces to have
          remained the same.
          Example: If transaction N has a nonce of 22, then the account should
          have a nonce of 22, otherwise it fails.

          If present, --resume or --verify will be assumed to be a multi chain

          Open the script in the debugger.
          Takes precedence over broadcast.

          Makes sure a transaction is sent, only after its previous one has been
          confirmed and succeeded

          Disables interactive prompts that might appear when deploying big
          For more info on the contract size limit, see EIP-170:

      --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

          Verifies all the contracts found in the receipts of a script, if any

          Output results in JSON format

      --with-gas-price <PRICE>
          Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559
          transactions, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
          [env: ETH_GAS_PRICE=]

      --timeout <TIMEOUT>
          Timeout to use for broadcasting transactions
          [env: ETH_TIMEOUT=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

Wallet options - raw:
  -a, --froms [<ADDRESSES>...]
          The sender accounts
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactives <NUM>
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key.
          Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
          [default: 0]

      --private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
          Use the provided private keys

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonics <MNEMONICS>
          Use the mnemonic phrases of mnemonic files at the specified paths

      --mnemonic-passphrases <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-paths <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Can be used with --mnemonics, --ledger, --aws and --trezor.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATHS>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]
          [aliases: keystores]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAMES>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]
          [aliases: accounts]

      --password <PASSWORDS>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PATHS>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

EVM options:
  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retries <RETRIES>
          Number of retries.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --initial-balance <BALANCE>
          The initial balance of deployed test contracts

      --sender <ADDRESS>
          The address which will be executing tests/scripts

          Enable the FFI cheatcode

          Use the create 2 factory in all cases including tests and
          non-broadcasting scripts

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity of the EVM.
          Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
          Verbosity levels:
          - 2: Print logs for all tests
          - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
          - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for
          failing tests
          - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rate-limit]

Executor environment config:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

      --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [aliases: chain-id]

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --tx-origin <ADDRESS>
          The transaction origin

      --block-coinbase <ADDRESS>
          The coinbase of the block

      --block-timestamp <TIMESTAMP>
          The timestamp of the block

      --block-number <BLOCK>
          The block number

      --block-difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          The block difficulty

      --block-prevrandao <PREVRANDAO>
          The block prevrandao value. NOTE: Before merge this field was mix_hash

      --block-gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes. If this limit is
          exceeded, a `MemoryLimitOOG` result is thrown.
          The default is 128MiB.

          Whether to disable the block gas limit checks
          [aliases: no-gas-limit]

          Whether to enable isolation of calls. In isolation mode all top-level
          calls are executed as a separate transaction in a separate EVM
          context, enabling more precise gas accounting and transaction state

          Whether to enable Alphanet features

      --retries <RETRIES>
          Number of attempts for retrying verification
          [default: 5]

      --delay <DELAY>
          Optional delay to apply inbetween verification attempts, in seconds
          [default: 5]

Verifier options:
      --verifier <VERIFIER>
          The contract verification provider to use
          [default: etherscan]
          [possible values: etherscan, sourcify, blockscout, oklink]

      --verifier-url <VERIFIER_URL>
          The verifier URL, if using a custom provider
          [env: VERIFIER_URL=]

forge selectors

Function selector utilities

$ forge selectors --help
Usage: forge selectors <COMMAND>

  collision  Check for selector collisions between contracts [aliases: co]
  upload     Upload selectors to registry [aliases: up]
  list       List selectors from current workspace [aliases: ls]
  find       Find if a selector is present in the project [aliases: f]
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

forge selectors collision

Check for selector collisions between contracts

$ forge selectors collision --help
Usage: forge selectors collision [OPTIONS] <FIRST_CONTRACT> <SECOND_CONTRACT>

          The first of the two contracts for which to look selector collisions
          for, in the form `(<path>:)?<contractname>`

          The second of the two contracts for which to look selector collisions
          for, in the form `(<path>:)?<contractname>`

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge selectors upload

Upload selectors to registry

$ forge selectors upload --help
Usage: forge selectors upload [OPTIONS] [CONTRACT]

          The name of the contract to upload selectors for

          Upload selectors for all contracts in the project

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Project options:
      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge selectors list

List selectors from current workspace

$ forge selectors list --help
Usage: forge selectors list [OPTIONS] [CONTRACT]

          The name of the contract to list selectors for.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Project options:
      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge selectors find

Find if a selector is present in the project

$ forge selectors find --help
Usage: forge selectors find [OPTIONS] <SELECTOR>

          The selector to search for (with or without 0x prefix)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Project options:
      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge snapshot

Create a snapshot of each test’s gas usage

$ forge snapshot --help
Usage: forge snapshot [OPTIONS] [PATH]

      --diff [<SNAPSHOT_FILE>]
          Output a diff against a pre-existing snapshot.
          By default, the comparison is done with .gas-snapshot.

      --check [<SNAPSHOT_FILE>]
          Compare against a pre-existing snapshot, exiting with code 1 if they
          do not match.
          Outputs a diff if the snapshots do not match.
          By default, the comparison is done with .gas-snapshot.

      --snap <FILE>
          Output file for the snapshot
          [default: .gas-snapshot]

      --tolerance <SNAPSHOT_THRESHOLD>
          Tolerates gas deviations up to the specified percentage

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Test options:
      --debug <TEST_FUNCTION>
          Run a test in the debugger.
          The argument passed to this flag is the name of the test function you
          want to run, and it works the same as --match-test.
          If more than one test matches your specified criteria, you must add
          additional filters until only one test is found (see --match-contract
          and --match-path).
          The matching test will be opened in the debugger regardless of the
          outcome of the test.
          If the matching test is a fuzz test, then it will open the debugger on
          the first failure case. If the fuzz test does not fail, it will open
          the debugger on the last fuzz case.
          For more fine-grained control of which fuzz case is run, see forge

          Generate a flamegraph for a single test. Implies `--decode-internal`

          Generate a flamechart for a single test. Implies `--decode-internal`

      --decode-internal [<TEST_FUNCTION>]
          Whether to identify internal functions in traces.
          If no argument is passed to this flag, it will trace internal
          functions scope and decode stack parameters, but parameters stored in
          memory (such as bytes or arrays) will not be decoded.
          To decode memory parameters, you should pass an argument with a test
          function name, similarly to --debug and --match-test.
          If more than one test matches your specified criteria, you must add
          additional filters until only one test is found (see --match-contract
          and --match-path).

          Print a gas report
          [env: FORGE_GAS_REPORT=]

          Exit with code 0 even if a test fails
          [env: FORGE_ALLOW_FAILURE=]

          Stop running tests after the first failure

      --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

      --fuzz-seed <FUZZ_SEED>
          Set seed used to generate randomness during your fuzz runs

      --fuzz-runs <RUNS>
          [env: FOUNDRY_FUZZ_RUNS=]

      --fuzz-input-file <FUZZ_INPUT_FILE>
          File to rerun fuzz failures from

  -j, --threads <THREADS>
          Max concurrent threads to use. Default value is the number of
          available CPUs
          [aliases: jobs]

          Show test execution progress

          The contract file you want to test, it's a shortcut for --match-path

Display options:
          Output test results in JSON format

          Output test results as JUnit XML report

  -l, --list
          List tests instead of running them

          Print test summary table

          Print detailed test summary table

Test filtering:
      --match-test <REGEX>
          Only run test functions matching the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: mt]

      --no-match-test <REGEX>
          Only run test functions that do not match the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: nmt]

      --match-contract <REGEX>
          Only run tests in contracts matching the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: mc]

      --no-match-contract <REGEX>
          Only run tests in contracts that do not match the specified regex
          [aliases: nmc]

      --match-path <GLOB>
          Only run tests in source files matching the specified glob pattern
          [aliases: mp]

      --no-match-path <GLOB>
          Only run tests in source files that do not match the specified glob
          [aliases: nmp]

      --no-match-coverage <REGEX>
          Only show coverage for files that do not match the specified regex
          [aliases: nmco]

          Re-run recorded test failures from last run. If no failure recorded
          then regular test run is performed

EVM options:
  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retries <RETRIES>
          Number of retries.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --initial-balance <BALANCE>
          The initial balance of deployed test contracts

      --sender <ADDRESS>
          The address which will be executing tests/scripts

          Enable the FFI cheatcode

          Use the create 2 factory in all cases including tests and
          non-broadcasting scripts

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity of the EVM.
          Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
          Verbosity levels:
          - 2: Print logs for all tests
          - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
          - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for
          failing tests
          - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rate-limit]

Executor environment config:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

      --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [aliases: chain-id]

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --tx-origin <ADDRESS>
          The transaction origin

      --block-coinbase <ADDRESS>
          The coinbase of the block

      --block-timestamp <TIMESTAMP>
          The timestamp of the block

      --block-number <BLOCK>
          The block number

      --block-difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          The block difficulty

      --block-prevrandao <PREVRANDAO>
          The block prevrandao value. NOTE: Before merge this field was mix_hash

      --block-gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes. If this limit is
          exceeded, a `MemoryLimitOOG` result is thrown.
          The default is 128MiB.

          Whether to disable the block gas limit checks
          [aliases: no-gas-limit]

          Whether to enable isolation of calls. In isolation mode all top-level
          calls are executed as a separate transaction in a separate EVM
          context, enabling more precise gas accounting and transaction state

          Whether to enable Alphanet features

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

Watch options:
  -w, --watch [<PATH>...]
          Watch the given files or directories for changes.
          If no paths are provided, the source and test directories of the
          project are watched.

          Do not restart the command while it's still running

          Explicitly re-run all tests when a change is made.
          By default, only the tests of the last modified test file are

      --watch-delay <DELAY>
          File update debounce delay.
          During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once
          the delay has passed, is an action taken. Note that this does not mean
          a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is
          already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.
          Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an
          integer with the `ms` suffix may be more convenient.
          When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk
          overloading disk I/O.

          Sort results by gas used (ascending)

          Sort results by gas used (descending)

      --min <MIN_GAS>
          Only include tests that used more gas that the given amount

      --max <MAX_GAS>
          Only include tests that used less gas that the given amount

forge soldeer

Soldeer dependency manager

$ forge soldeer --help
Usage: Native Solidity Package Manager, `run forge soldeer [COMMAND] --help` for more details

  init       Initialize a new Soldeer project for use with Foundry
  install    Install a dependency
  update     Update dependencies by reading the config file
  login      Log into the central repository to push the dependencies
  push       Push a dependency to the repository
  uninstall  Uninstall a dependency
  version    Display the version of Soldeer
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

forge soldeer init

Initialize a new Soldeer project for use with Foundry

$ forge soldeer init --help
Usage: forge soldeer init [OPTIONS]

      --clean  Clean the Foundry project by removing .gitmodules and the lib
  -h, --help   Print help

For more information, read the

forge soldeer install

Install a dependency

$ forge soldeer install --help
Usage: forge soldeer install [OPTIONS] [DEPENDENCY~VERSION] [URL]

          The dependency name and version, separated by a tilde.
          If not present, this command will perform `soldeer update`

          The URL to the dependency zip file, if not from the Soldeer repository
          Example: https://my-domain/

      --rev <REV>
          A Git revision

      --tag <TAG>
          A Git tag

      --branch <BRANCH>
          A Git branch

  -g, --regenerate-remappings
          If set, this command will delete the existing remappings and re-create

  -d, --recursive-deps
          If set, this command will install the recursive dependencies (via
          submodules or via soldeer)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

For more information, read the

forge soldeer update

Update dependencies by reading the config file

$ forge soldeer update --help
Usage: forge soldeer update [OPTIONS]

  -g, --regenerate-remappings  If set, this command will delete the existing
                               remappings and re-create them
  -d, --recursive-deps         If set, this command will install the recursive
                               dependencies (via submodules or via soldeer)
  -h, --help                   Print help

For more information, read the

forge soldeer login

Log into the central repository to push the dependencies

$ forge soldeer login --help
Usage: forge soldeer login

  -h, --help  Print help

For more information, read the

forge soldeer push

Push a Dependency to the Repository

$ forge soldeer push --help
Usage: forge soldeer push [OPTIONS] <DEPENDENCY>~<VERSION> [PATH]

          The dependency name and version, separated by a tilde.
          This should always be used when you want to push a dependency to the
          central repository: `<>`.

          Use this if the dependency you want to push is not in the current
          Example: `soldeer push mypkg~0.1.0 /path/to/dep`.

  -d, --dry-run
          Use this if you want to run a dry run. If set, this will generate a
          zip file that you can inspect to see what will be pushed

          Use this if you want to skip the warnings that can be triggered when
          trying to push dotfiles like .env

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

For more information, read the

forge soldeer uninstall

Uninstall a dependency

$ forge soldeer uninstall --help
Usage: forge soldeer uninstall <DEPENDENCY>

  <DEPENDENCY>  The dependency name. Specifying a version is not necessary

  -h, --help  Print help

For more information, read the

forge soldeer version

Display the version of Soldeer

$ forge soldeer version --help
Usage: forge soldeer version

  -h, --help  Print help

forge test

Run the project’s tests

$ forge test --help
Usage: forge test [OPTIONS] [PATH]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Test options:
      --debug <TEST_FUNCTION>
          Run a test in the debugger.
          The argument passed to this flag is the name of the test function you
          want to run, and it works the same as --match-test.
          If more than one test matches your specified criteria, you must add
          additional filters until only one test is found (see --match-contract
          and --match-path).
          The matching test will be opened in the debugger regardless of the
          outcome of the test.
          If the matching test is a fuzz test, then it will open the debugger on
          the first failure case. If the fuzz test does not fail, it will open
          the debugger on the last fuzz case.
          For more fine-grained control of which fuzz case is run, see forge

          Generate a flamegraph for a single test. Implies `--decode-internal`

          Generate a flamechart for a single test. Implies `--decode-internal`

      --decode-internal [<TEST_FUNCTION>]
          Whether to identify internal functions in traces.
          If no argument is passed to this flag, it will trace internal
          functions scope and decode stack parameters, but parameters stored in
          memory (such as bytes or arrays) will not be decoded.
          To decode memory parameters, you should pass an argument with a test
          function name, similarly to --debug and --match-test.
          If more than one test matches your specified criteria, you must add
          additional filters until only one test is found (see --match-contract
          and --match-path).

          Print a gas report
          [env: FORGE_GAS_REPORT=]

          Exit with code 0 even if a test fails
          [env: FORGE_ALLOW_FAILURE=]

          Stop running tests after the first failure

      --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

      --fuzz-seed <FUZZ_SEED>
          Set seed used to generate randomness during your fuzz runs

      --fuzz-runs <RUNS>
          [env: FOUNDRY_FUZZ_RUNS=]

      --fuzz-input-file <FUZZ_INPUT_FILE>
          File to rerun fuzz failures from

  -j, --threads <THREADS>
          Max concurrent threads to use. Default value is the number of
          available CPUs
          [aliases: jobs]

          Show test execution progress

          The contract file you want to test, it's a shortcut for --match-path

Display options:
          Output test results in JSON format

          Output test results as JUnit XML report

  -l, --list
          List tests instead of running them

          Print test summary table

          Print detailed test summary table

Test filtering:
      --match-test <REGEX>
          Only run test functions matching the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: mt]

      --no-match-test <REGEX>
          Only run test functions that do not match the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: nmt]

      --match-contract <REGEX>
          Only run tests in contracts matching the specified regex pattern
          [aliases: mc]

      --no-match-contract <REGEX>
          Only run tests in contracts that do not match the specified regex
          [aliases: nmc]

      --match-path <GLOB>
          Only run tests in source files matching the specified glob pattern
          [aliases: mp]

      --no-match-path <GLOB>
          Only run tests in source files that do not match the specified glob
          [aliases: nmp]

      --no-match-coverage <REGEX>
          Only show coverage for files that do not match the specified regex
          [aliases: nmco]

          Re-run recorded test failures from last run. If no failure recorded
          then regular test run is performed

EVM options:
  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retries <RETRIES>
          Number of retries.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --initial-balance <BALANCE>
          The initial balance of deployed test contracts

      --sender <ADDRESS>
          The address which will be executing tests/scripts

          Enable the FFI cheatcode

          Use the create 2 factory in all cases including tests and
          non-broadcasting scripts

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity of the EVM.
          Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
          Verbosity levels:
          - 2: Print logs for all tests
          - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
          - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for
          failing tests
          - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rate-limit]

Executor environment config:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

      --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [aliases: chain-id]

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --tx-origin <ADDRESS>
          The transaction origin

      --block-coinbase <ADDRESS>
          The coinbase of the block

      --block-timestamp <TIMESTAMP>
          The timestamp of the block

      --block-number <BLOCK>
          The block number

      --block-difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          The block difficulty

      --block-prevrandao <PREVRANDAO>
          The block prevrandao value. NOTE: Before merge this field was mix_hash

      --block-gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes. If this limit is
          exceeded, a `MemoryLimitOOG` result is thrown.
          The default is 128MiB.

          Whether to disable the block gas limit checks
          [aliases: no-gas-limit]

          Whether to enable isolation of calls. In isolation mode all top-level
          calls are executed as a separate transaction in a separate EVM
          context, enabling more precise gas accounting and transaction state

          Whether to enable Alphanet features

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

Watch options:
  -w, --watch [<PATH>...]
          Watch the given files or directories for changes.
          If no paths are provided, the source and test directories of the
          project are watched.

          Do not restart the command while it's still running

          Explicitly re-run all tests when a change is made.
          By default, only the tests of the last modified test file are

      --watch-delay <DELAY>
          File update debounce delay.
          During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once
          the delay has passed, is an action taken. Note that this does not mean
          a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is
          already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.
          Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an
          integer with the `ms` suffix may be more convenient.
          When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk
          overloading disk I/O.

forge tree

Display a tree visualization of the project’s dependency graph

$ forge tree --help
Usage: forge tree [OPTIONS]

          Do not de-duplicate (repeats all shared dependencies)

      --charset <CHARSET>
          Character set to use in output.
          [possible values: utf8, ascii]
          [default: utf8]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Project options:
      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

forge update

Update one or multiple dependencies.

$ forge update --help
Usage: forge update [OPTIONS] [DEPENDENCIES]...

          The dependencies you want to update

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -f, --force
          Override the up-to-date check

  -r, --recursive
          Recursively update submodules

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

forge verify-bytecode

Verify the deployed bytecode against its source on Etherscan

$ forge verify-bytecode --help
Usage: forge verify-bytecode [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS> <CONTRACT>

          The address of the contract to verify

          The contract identifier in the form `<path>:<contractname>`

      --block <BLOCK>
          The block at which the bytecode should be verified

      --constructor-args <ARGS>...
          The constructor args to generate the creation code

      --encoded-constructor-args <HEX>
          The ABI-encoded constructor arguments

      --constructor-args-path <PATH>
          The path to a file containing the constructor arguments

  -r, --rpc-url <RPC_URL>
          The rpc url to use for verification
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

          Suppress logs and emit json results to stdout

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

      --ignore <BYTECODE_TYPE>
          Ignore verification for creation or runtime bytecode
          [possible values: creation, runtime]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Verifier options:
      --verifier <VERIFIER>
          The contract verification provider to use
          [default: etherscan]
          [possible values: etherscan, sourcify, blockscout, oklink]

      --verifier-url <VERIFIER_URL>
          The verifier URL, if using a custom provider
          [env: VERIFIER_URL=]

forge verify-check

Check verification status on Etherscan

$ forge verify-check --help
Usage: forge verify-check [OPTIONS] <ID>

          The verification ID.
          For Etherscan - Submission GUID.
          For Sourcify - Contract Address.

      --retries <RETRIES>
          Number of attempts for retrying verification
          [default: 5]

      --delay <DELAY>
          Optional delay to apply inbetween verification attempts, in seconds
          [default: 5]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Verifier options:
      --verifier <VERIFIER>
          The contract verification provider to use
          [default: etherscan]
          [possible values: etherscan, sourcify, blockscout, oklink]

      --verifier-url <VERIFIER_URL>
          The verifier URL, if using a custom provider
          [env: VERIFIER_URL=]

forge verify-contract

Verify smart contracts on Etherscan

$ forge verify-contract --help
Usage: forge verify-contract [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS> [CONTRACT]

          The address of the contract to verify

          The contract identifier in the form `<path>:<contractname>`

      --constructor-args <ARGS>
          The ABI-encoded constructor arguments
          [aliases: encoded-constructor-args]

      --constructor-args-path <PATH>
          The path to a file containing the constructor arguments

          Try to extract constructor arguments from on-chain creation code

      --compiler-version <VERSION>
          The `solc` version to use to build the smart contract

      --num-of-optimizations <NUM>
          The number of optimization runs used to build the smart contract
          [aliases: optimizer-runs]

          Flatten the source code before verifying

  -f, --force
          Do not compile the flattened smart contract before verifying (if
          --flatten is passed)

          Do not check if the contract is already verified before verifying

          Wait for verification result after submission

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

          Prints the standard json compiler input.
          The standard json compiler input can be used to manually submit
          contract verification in the browser.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

      --evm-version <EVM_VERSION>
          The EVM version to use.
          Overrides the version specified in the config.

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

      --retries <RETRIES>
          Number of attempts for retrying verification
          [default: 5]

      --delay <DELAY>
          Optional delay to apply inbetween verification attempts, in seconds
          [default: 5]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Verifier options:
      --verifier <VERIFIER>
          The contract verification provider to use
          [default: etherscan]
          [possible values: etherscan, sourcify, blockscout, oklink]

      --verifier-url <VERIFIER_URL>
          The verifier URL, if using a custom provider
          [env: VERIFIER_URL=]


Perform Ethereum RPC calls from the comfort of your command line

$ cast --help
Usage: cast <COMMAND>

  4byte                  Get the function signatures for the given selector from
                [aliases: 4, 4b]
  4byte-decode           Decode ABI-encoded calldata using
                         [aliases: 4d, 4bd]
  4byte-event            Get the event signature for a given topic 0 from
                [aliases: 4e, 4be, topic0-event,
  abi-decode             Decode ABI-encoded input or output data [aliases: ad,
  abi-encode             ABI encode the given function argument, excluding the
                         selector [aliases: ae]
  access-list            Create an access list for a transaction [aliases: ac,
  address-zero           Prints the zero address [aliases: --address-zero, az]
  admin                  Fetch the EIP-1967 admin account [aliases: adm]
  age                    Get the timestamp of a block [aliases: a]
  balance                Get the balance of an account in wei [aliases: b]
  base-fee               Get the basefee of a block [aliases: ba, fee, basefee]
  bind                   Generate a rust binding from a given ABI [aliases: bi]
  block                  Get information about a block [aliases: bl]
  block-number           Get the latest block number [aliases: bn]
  call                   Perform a call on an account without publishing a
                         transaction [aliases: c]
  calldata               ABI-encode a function with arguments [aliases: cd]
  calldata-decode        Decode ABI-encoded input data [aliases:
                         --calldata-decode, cdd]
  chain                  Get the symbolic name of the current chain
  chain-id               Get the Ethereum chain ID [aliases: ci, cid]
  client                 Get the current client version [aliases: cl]
  code                   Get the runtime bytecode of a contract [aliases: co]
  codehash               Get the codehash for an account
  codesize               Get the runtime bytecode size of a contract [aliases:
  completions            Generate shell completions script [aliases: com]
  compute-address        Compute the contract address from a given nonce and
                         deployer address [aliases: ca]
  concat-hex             Concatenate hex strings [aliases: --concat-hex, ch]
  create2                Generate a deterministic contract address using CREATE2
                         [aliases: c2]
  decode-eof             Decodes EOF container bytes
  decode-transaction     Decodes a raw signed EIP 2718 typed transaction
                         [aliases: dt, decode-tx]
  disassemble            Disassembles hex encoded bytecode into individual /
                         human readable opcodes [aliases: da]
  estimate               Estimate the gas cost of a transaction [aliases: e]
  etherscan-source       Get the source code of a contract from Etherscan
                         [aliases: et, src]
  find-block             Get the block number closest to the provided timestamp
                         [aliases: f]
  format-bytes32-string  Formats a string into bytes32 encoding [aliases:
  from-bin               Convert binary data into hex data [aliases: --from-bin,
                         from-binx, fb]
  from-fixed-point       Convert a fixed point number into an integer [aliases:
                         --from-fix, ff]
  from-rlp               Decodes RLP hex-encoded data [aliases: --from-rlp]
  from-utf8              Convert UTF8 text to hex [aliases: --from-ascii,
                         --from-utf8, from-ascii, fu, fa]
  from-wei               Convert wei into an ETH amount [aliases: --from-wei,
  gas-price              Get the current gas price [aliases: g]
  generate-fig-spec      Generate Fig autocompletion spec [aliases: fig]
  hash-message           Hash a message according to EIP-191 [aliases:
                         --hash-message, hm]
  hash-zero              Prints the zero hash [aliases: --hash-zero, hz]
  help                   Print this message or the help of the given
  implementation         Fetch the EIP-1967 implementation account [aliases:
  index                  Compute the storage slot for an entry in a mapping
                         [aliases: in]
  index-erc7201          Compute storage slots as specified by `ERC-7201:
                         Namespaced Storage Layout` [aliases: index7201, in7201]
  interface              Generate a Solidity interface from a given ABI
                         [aliases: i]
  keccak                 Hash arbitrary data using Keccak-256 [aliases: k,
  logs                   Get logs by signature or topic [aliases: l]
  lookup-address         Perform an ENS reverse lookup [aliases: la]
  max-int                Prints the maximum value of the given integer type
                         [aliases: --max-int, maxi]
  max-uint               Prints the maximum value of the given integer type
                         [aliases: --max-uint, maxu]
  min-int                Prints the minimum value of the given integer type
                         [aliases: --min-int, mini]
  mktx                   Build and sign a transaction [aliases: m]
  namehash               Calculate the ENS namehash of a name [aliases: na, nh]
  nonce                  Get the nonce for an account [aliases: n]
  parse-bytes32-address  Parses a checksummed address from bytes32 encoding.
                         [aliases: --parse-bytes32-address]
  parse-bytes32-string   Parses a string from bytes32 encoding [aliases:
  pretty-calldata        Pretty print calldata [aliases: pc]
  proof                  Generate a storage proof for a given storage slot
                         [aliases: pr]
  publish                Publish a raw transaction to the network [aliases: p]
  receipt                Get the transaction receipt for a transaction [aliases:
  resolve-name           Perform an ENS lookup [aliases: rn]
  rpc                    Perform a raw JSON-RPC request [aliases: rp]
  run                    Runs a published transaction in a local environment and
                         prints the trace [aliases: r]
  selectors              Extracts function selectors and arguments from bytecode
                         [aliases: sel]
  send                   Sign and publish a transaction [aliases: s]
  shl                    Perform a left shifting operation
  shr                    Perform a right shifting operation
  sig                    Get the selector for a function [aliases: si]
  sig-event              Generate event signatures from event string [aliases:
  storage                Get the raw value of a contract's storage slot
                         [aliases: st]
  storage-root           Get the storage root for an account [aliases: sr]
  to-ascii               Convert hex data to an ASCII string [aliases:
                         --to-ascii, tas, 2as]
  to-base                Converts a number of one base to another [aliases:
                         --to-base, --to-radix, to-radix, tr, 2r]
  to-bytes32             Right-pads hex data to 32 bytes [aliases: --to-bytes32,
                         tb, 2b]
  to-check-sum-address   Convert an address to a checksummed format (EIP-55)
                         [aliases: --to-checksum-address, --to-checksum,
                         to-checksum, ta, 2a]
  to-dec                 Converts a number of one base to decimal [aliases:
                         --to-dec, td, 2d]
  to-fixed-point         Convert an integer into a fixed point number [aliases:
                         --to-fix, tf, 2f]
  to-hex                 Converts a number of one base to another [aliases:
                         --to-hex, th, 2h]
  to-hexdata             Normalize the input to lowercase, 0x-prefixed hex
                         [aliases: --to-hexdata, thd, 2hd]
  to-int256              Convert a number to a hex-encoded int256 [aliases:
                         --to-int256, ti, 2i]
  to-rlp                 RLP encodes hex data, or an array of hex data [aliases:
  to-uint256             Convert a number to a hex-encoded uint256 [aliases:
                         --to-uint256, tu, 2u]
  to-unit                Convert an ETH amount into another unit (ether, gwei or
                         wei) [aliases: --to-unit, tun, 2un]
  to-utf8                Convert hex data to a utf-8 string [aliases: --to-utf8,
                         tu8, 2u8]
  to-wei                 Convert an ETH amount to wei [aliases: --to-wei, tw,
  tx                     Get information about a transaction [aliases: t]
  upload-signature       Upload the given signatures to
                         [aliases: ups]
  wallet                 Wallet management utilities [aliases: w]

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Find more information in the book:

cast 4byte

Get the function signatures for the given selector from

$ cast 4byte --help
Usage: cast 4byte [SELECTOR]

  [SELECTOR]  The function selector

  -h, --help  Print help

cast 4byte-decode

Decode ABI-encoded calldata using

$ cast 4byte-decode --help
Usage: cast 4byte-decode [OPTIONS] [CALLDATA]

  [CALLDATA]  The ABI-encoded calldata

  -h, --help  Print help

Display options:
  -j, --json  Print the decoded calldata as JSON

cast 4byte-event

Get the event signature for a given topic 0 from

$ cast 4byte-event --help
Usage: cast 4byte-event [TOPIC_0]

  [TOPIC_0]  Topic 0

  -h, --help  Print help

cast abi-decode

Decode ABI-encoded input or output data.

$ cast abi-decode --help
Usage: cast abi-decode [OPTIONS] <SIG> <CALLDATA>

          The function signature in the format `<name>(<in-types>)(<out-types>)`

          The ABI-encoded calldata

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Decode input data instead of output data:
  -i, --input
          Whether to decode the input or output data

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print the decoded calldata as JSON

cast abi-encode

ABI encode the given function argument, excluding the selector

$ cast abi-encode --help
Usage: cast abi-encode [OPTIONS] <SIG> [ARGS]...

  <SIG>      The function signature
  [ARGS]...  The arguments of the function

      --packed  Whether to use packed encoding
  -h, --help    Print help

cast access-list

Create an access list for a transaction

$ cast access-list --help
Usage: cast access-list [OPTIONS] [TO] [SIG] [ARGS]...

          The destination of the transaction

          The signature of the function to call

          The arguments of the function to call

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print the access list as JSON

Transaction options:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          Gas limit for the transaction
          [env: ETH_GAS_LIMIT=]

      --gas-price <PRICE>
          Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559
          transactions, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
          [env: ETH_GAS_PRICE=]

      --priority-gas-price <PRICE>
          Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
          [env: ETH_PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE=]

      --value <VALUE>
          Ether to send in the transaction, either specified in wei, or as a
          string with a unit type.
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether

      --nonce <NONCE>
          Nonce for the transaction

          Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.
          This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

          Send a EIP-4844 blob transaction

      --blob-gas-price <BLOB_PRICE>
          Gas price for EIP-4844 blob transaction
          [env: ETH_BLOB_GAS_PRICE=]

      --auth <AUTH>
          EIP-7702 authorization list.
          Can be either a hex-encoded signed authorization or an address.

Ethereum options:
  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast address-zero

Prints the zero address

$ cast address-zero --help
Usage: cast address-zero

  -h, --help  Print help

cast admin

Fetch the EIP-1967 admin account

$ cast admin --help
Usage: cast admin [OPTIONS] <WHO>

          The address to get the nonce for

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast age

Get the timestamp of a block

$ cast age --help
Usage: cast age [OPTIONS] [BLOCK]

          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast balance

Get the balance of an account in wei

$ cast balance --help
Usage: cast balance [OPTIONS] <WHO>

          The account to query

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -e, --ether
          Format the balance in ether

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

      --erc20 <ERC20>
          erc20 address to query, with the method `balanceOf(address) return
          (uint256)`, alias with '--erc721'

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast base-fee

Get the basefee of a block

$ cast base-fee --help
Usage: cast base-fee [OPTIONS] [BLOCK]

          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast bind

Generate a rust binding from a given ABI

$ cast bind --help
Usage: cast bind [OPTIONS] <PATH_OR_ADDRESS>

          The contract address, or the path to an ABI Directory
          If an address is specified, then the ABI is fetched from Etherscan.

  -o, --output-dir <PATH>
          Path to where bindings will be stored

      --crate-name <NAME>
          The name of the Rust crate to generate.
          This should be a valid crate name. However, this is
          currently not validated by this command.
          [default: foundry-contracts]

      --crate-version <VERSION>
          The version of the Rust crate to generate.
          This should be a standard semver version string. However, it is not
          currently validated by this command.
          [default: 0.0.1]

          Generate bindings as separate files

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast block

Get information about a block

$ cast block --help
Usage: cast block [OPTIONS] [BLOCK]

          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -f, --field <FIELD>
          If specified, only get the given field of the block

          [env: CAST_FULL_BLOCK=]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print the block as JSON

cast block-number

Get the latest block number

$ cast block-number --help
Usage: cast block-number [OPTIONS] [BLOCK]

          The hash or tag to query. If not specified, the latest number is

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast call

Perform a call on an account without publishing a transaction

$ cast call --help
Usage: cast call [OPTIONS] [TO] [SIG] [ARGS]... [COMMAND]

  --create  ignores the address field and simulates creating a contract
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

          The destination of the transaction

          The signature of the function to call

          The arguments of the function to call

      --data <DATA>
          Data for the transaction

          Forks the remote rpc, executes the transaction locally and prints a

          Opens an interactive debugger. Can only be used with `--trace`


      --labels <LABELS>
          Labels to apply to the traces; format: `address:label`. Can only be
          used with `--trace`

      --evm-version <EVM_VERSION>
          The EVM Version to use. Can only be used with `--trace`

  -b, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

          Enable Alphanet features

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print the decoded output as JSON

Transaction options:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          Gas limit for the transaction
          [env: ETH_GAS_LIMIT=]

      --gas-price <PRICE>
          Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559
          transactions, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
          [env: ETH_GAS_PRICE=]

      --priority-gas-price <PRICE>
          Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
          [env: ETH_PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE=]

      --value <VALUE>
          Ether to send in the transaction, either specified in wei, or as a
          string with a unit type.
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether

      --nonce <NONCE>
          Nonce for the transaction

          Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.
          This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

          Send a EIP-4844 blob transaction

      --blob-gas-price <BLOB_PRICE>
          Gas price for EIP-4844 blob transaction
          [env: ETH_BLOB_GAS_PRICE=]

      --auth <AUTH>
          EIP-7702 authorization list.
          Can be either a hex-encoded signed authorization or an address.

Ethereum options:
  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast call –create

ignores the address field and simulates creating a contract

$ cast call --create --help
Usage: cast call --create [OPTIONS] <CODE> [SIG] [ARGS]...

          Bytecode of contract

          The signature of the constructor

          The arguments of the constructor

      --value <VALUE>
          Ether to send in the transaction.
          Either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit type.
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast calldata

ABI-encode a function with arguments

$ cast calldata --help
Usage: cast calldata <SIG> [ARGS]...

  <SIG>      The function signature in the format
  [ARGS]...  The arguments to encode

  -h, --help  Print help

cast calldata-decode

Decode ABI-encoded input data.

$ cast calldata-decode --help
Usage: cast calldata-decode [OPTIONS] <SIG> <CALLDATA>

          The function signature in the format `<name>(<in-types>)(<out-types>)`

          The ABI-encoded calldata

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print the decoded calldata as JSON

cast chain

Get the symbolic name of the current chain

$ cast chain --help
Usage: cast chain [OPTIONS]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast chain-id

Get the Ethereum chain ID

$ cast chain-id --help
Usage: cast chain-id [OPTIONS]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast client

Get the current client version

$ cast client --help
Usage: cast client [OPTIONS]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast code

Get the runtime bytecode of a contract

$ cast code --help
Usage: cast code [OPTIONS] <WHO>

          The contract address

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -d, --disassemble
          Disassemble bytecodes into individual opcodes

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast codehash

Get the codehash for an account

$ cast codehash --help
Usage: cast codehash [OPTIONS] <WHO> [SLOTS]...

          The address to get the codehash for

          The storage slot numbers (hex or decimal)

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast codesize

Get the runtime bytecode size of a contract

$ cast codesize --help
Usage: cast codesize [OPTIONS] <WHO>

          The contract address

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast completions

Generate shell completions script

$ cast completions --help
Usage: cast completions <SHELL>

  <SHELL>  [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

  -h, --help  Print help

cast compute-address

Compute the contract address from a given nonce and deployer address

$ cast compute-address --help
Usage: cast compute-address [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]

          The deployer address

      --nonce <NONCE>
          The nonce of the deployer address

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast concat-hex

Concatenate hex strings

$ cast concat-hex --help
Usage: cast concat-hex [DATA]...

  [DATA]...  The data to concatenate

  -h, --help  Print help

cast create2

Generate a deterministic contract address using CREATE2

$ cast create2 --help
Usage: cast create2 [OPTIONS]

  -s, --starts-with <HEX>      Prefix for the contract address
  -e, --ends-with <HEX>        Suffix for the contract address
  -m, --matching <HEX>         Sequence that the address has to match
  -c, --case-sensitive         Case sensitive matching
  -d, --deployer <ADDRESS>     Address of the contract deployer [default:
      --salt <HEX>             Salt to be used for the contract deployment. This
                               option separate from the default salt mining with
  -i, --init-code <HEX>        Init code of the contract to be deployed
      --init-code-hash <HASH>  Init code hash of the contract to be deployed
  -j, --jobs <JOBS>            Number of threads to use. Defaults to and caps at
                               the number of logical cores
      --caller <ADDRESS>       Address of the caller. Used for the first 20
                               bytes of the salt
      --seed <HEX>             The random number generator's seed, used to
                               initialize the salt
      --no-random              Don't initialize the salt with a random value,
                               and instead use the default value of 0
  -h, --help                   Print help

cast decode-eof

Decodes EOF container bytes

$ cast decode-eof --help
Usage: cast decode-eof [EOF]


  -h, --help  Print help

cast decode-transaction

Decodes a raw signed EIP 2718 typed transaction

$ cast decode-transaction --help
Usage: cast decode-transaction [TX]


  -h, --help  Print help

cast disassemble

Disassembles hex encoded bytecode into individual / human readable opcodes

$ cast disassemble --help
Usage: cast disassemble <BYTECODE>

  <BYTECODE>  The hex encoded bytecode

  -h, --help  Print help

cast estimate

Estimate the gas cost of a transaction

$ cast estimate --help
Usage: cast estimate [OPTIONS] [TO] [SIG] [ARGS]... [COMMAND]

  --create  Estimate gas cost to deploy a smart contract
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

          The destination of the transaction

          The signature of the function to call

          The arguments of the function to call

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Transaction options:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          Gas limit for the transaction
          [env: ETH_GAS_LIMIT=]

      --gas-price <PRICE>
          Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559
          transactions, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
          [env: ETH_GAS_PRICE=]

      --priority-gas-price <PRICE>
          Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
          [env: ETH_PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE=]

      --value <VALUE>
          Ether to send in the transaction, either specified in wei, or as a
          string with a unit type.
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether

      --nonce <NONCE>
          Nonce for the transaction

          Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.
          This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

          Send a EIP-4844 blob transaction

      --blob-gas-price <BLOB_PRICE>
          Gas price for EIP-4844 blob transaction
          [env: ETH_BLOB_GAS_PRICE=]

      --auth <AUTH>
          EIP-7702 authorization list.
          Can be either a hex-encoded signed authorization or an address.

Ethereum options:
  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast estimate –create

Estimate gas cost to deploy a smart contract

$ cast estimate --create --help
Usage: cast estimate --create [OPTIONS] <CODE> [SIG] [ARGS]...

          The bytecode of contract

          The signature of the constructor

          Constructor arguments

      --value <VALUE>
          Ether to send in the transaction
          Either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit type:
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast etherscan-source

Get the source code of a contract from Etherscan

$ cast etherscan-source --help
Usage: cast etherscan-source [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>

  <ADDRESS>  The contract's address

  -f, --flatten
          Whether to flatten the source code
          The output directory/file to expand source tree into
  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]
  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID [env: CHAIN=]
  -h, --help
          Print help

cast find-block

Get the block number closest to the provided timestamp

$ cast find-block --help
Usage: cast find-block [OPTIONS] <TIMESTAMP>

          The UNIX timestamp to search for, in seconds

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast format-bytes32-string

Formats a string into bytes32 encoding

$ cast format-bytes32-string --help
Usage: cast format-bytes32-string [STRING]

  [STRING]  The string to format

  -h, --help  Print help

cast from-bin

Convert binary data into hex data

$ cast from-bin --help
Usage: cast from-bin

  -h, --help  Print help

cast from-fixed-point

Convert a fixed point number into an integer

$ cast from-fixed-point --help
Usage: cast from-fixed-point [DECIMALS] [VALUE]

  [DECIMALS]  The number of decimals to use
  [VALUE]     The value to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast from-rlp

Decodes RLP hex-encoded data

$ cast from-rlp --help
Usage: cast from-rlp [VALUE]

  [VALUE]  The RLP hex-encoded data

  -h, --help  Print help

cast from-utf8

Convert UTF8 text to hex

$ cast from-utf8 --help
Usage: cast from-utf8 [TEXT]

  [TEXT]  The text to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast from-wei

Convert wei into an ETH amount.

$ cast from-wei --help
Usage: cast from-wei [VALUE] [UNIT]

          The value to convert

          The unit to convert from (ether, gwei, wei)
          [default: eth]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast gas-price

Get the current gas price

$ cast gas-price --help
Usage: cast gas-price [OPTIONS]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast generate-fig-spec

Generate Fig autocompletion spec

$ cast generate-fig-spec --help
Usage: cast generate-fig-spec

  -h, --help  Print help

cast hash-message

Hash a message according to EIP-191

$ cast hash-message --help
Usage: cast hash-message [MESSAGE]

  [MESSAGE]  The message to hash

  -h, --help  Print help

cast hash-zero

Prints the zero hash

$ cast hash-zero --help
Usage: cast hash-zero

  -h, --help  Print help

cast implementation

Fetch the EIP-1967 implementation account

$ cast implementation --help
Usage: cast implementation [OPTIONS] <WHO>

          The address to get the nonce for

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast index

Compute the storage slot for an entry in a mapping

$ cast index --help
Usage: cast index <KEY_TYPE> <KEY> <SLOT_NUMBER>

  <KEY_TYPE>     The mapping key type
  <KEY>          The mapping key
  <SLOT_NUMBER>  The storage slot of the mapping

  -h, --help  Print help

cast index-erc7201

Compute storage slots as specified by ERC-7201: Namespaced Storage Layout

$ cast index-erc7201 --help
Usage: cast index-erc7201 [OPTIONS] [ID]

  [ID]  The arbitrary identifier

      --formula-id <FORMULA_ID>
          The formula ID. Currently the only supported formula is `erc7201`
          [default: erc7201]
  -h, --help
          Print help

cast interface

Generate a Solidity interface from a given ABI.

$ cast interface --help
Usage: cast interface [OPTIONS] <CONTRACT>

          The target contract, which can be one of: - A file path to an ABI JSON
          file. - A contract identifier in the form `<path>:<contractname>` or
          just `<contractname>`. - An Ethereum address, for which the ABI will
          be fetched from Etherscan

  -n, --name <NAME>
          The name to use for the generated interface.
          Only relevant when retrieving the ABI from a file.

  -p, --pragma <VERSION>
          Solidity pragma version
          [default: ^0.8.4]

  -o, --output <PATH>
          The path to the output file.
          If not specified, the interface will be output to stdout.

  -j, --json
          If specified, the interface will be output as JSON rather than

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast keccak

Hash arbitrary data using Keccak-256

$ cast keccak --help
Usage: cast keccak [DATA]

  [DATA]  The data to hash

  -h, --help  Print help

cast logs

Get logs by signature or topic

$ cast logs --help
Usage: cast logs [OPTIONS] [SIG_OR_TOPIC] [TOPICS_OR_ARGS]...

          The signature of the event to filter logs by which will be converted
          to the first topic or a topic to filter on

          If used with a signature, the indexed fields of the event to filter
          by. Otherwise, the remaining topics of the filter

      --from-block <FROM_BLOCK>
          The block height to start query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

      --to-block <TO_BLOCK>
          The block height to stop query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

      --address <ADDRESS>
          The contract address to filter on

          If the RPC type and endpoints supports `eth_subscribe` stream logs
          instead of printing and exiting. Will continue until interrupted or
          TO_BLOCK is reached

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print the logs as JSON.s

Ethereum options:
  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast lookup-address

Perform an ENS reverse lookup

$ cast lookup-address --help
Usage: cast lookup-address [OPTIONS] [WHO]

          The account to perform the lookup for

  -v, --verify
          Perform a normal lookup to verify that the address is correct

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast max-int

Prints the maximum value of the given integer type

$ cast max-int --help
Usage: cast max-int [TYPE]

  [TYPE]  The integer type to get the maximum value of [default: int256]

  -h, --help  Print help

cast max-uint

Prints the maximum value of the given integer type

$ cast max-uint --help
Usage: cast max-uint [TYPE]

  [TYPE]  The unsigned integer type to get the maximum value of [default:

  -h, --help  Print help

cast min-int

Prints the minimum value of the given integer type

$ cast min-int --help
Usage: cast min-int [TYPE]

  [TYPE]  The integer type to get the minimum value of [default: int256]

  -h, --help  Print help

cast mktx

Build and sign a transaction

$ cast mktx --help
Usage: cast mktx [OPTIONS] [TO] [SIG] [ARGS]... [COMMAND]

  --create  Use to deploy raw contract bytecode
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

          The destination of the transaction.
          If not provided, you must use `cast mktx --create`.

          The signature of the function to call

          The arguments of the function to call

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Transaction options:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          Gas limit for the transaction
          [env: ETH_GAS_LIMIT=]

      --gas-price <PRICE>
          Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559
          transactions, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
          [env: ETH_GAS_PRICE=]

      --priority-gas-price <PRICE>
          Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
          [env: ETH_PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE=]

      --value <VALUE>
          Ether to send in the transaction, either specified in wei, or as a
          string with a unit type.
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether

      --nonce <NONCE>
          Nonce for the transaction

          Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.
          This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

          Send a EIP-4844 blob transaction

      --blob-gas-price <BLOB_PRICE>
          Gas price for EIP-4844 blob transaction
          [env: ETH_BLOB_GAS_PRICE=]

      --auth <AUTH>
          EIP-7702 authorization list.
          Can be either a hex-encoded signed authorization or an address.

      --path <BLOB_DATA_PATH>
          The path of blob data to be sent

Ethereum options:
  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast mktx –create

Use to deploy raw contract bytecode

$ cast mktx --create --help
Usage: cast mktx --create <CODE> [SIG] [ARGS]...

  <CODE>     The initialization bytecode of the contract to deploy
  [SIG]      The signature of the constructor
  [ARGS]...  The constructor arguments

  -h, --help  Print help

cast namehash

Calculate the ENS namehash of a name

$ cast namehash --help
Usage: cast namehash [NAME]


  -h, --help  Print help

cast nonce

Get the nonce for an account

$ cast nonce --help
Usage: cast nonce [OPTIONS] <WHO>

          The address to get the nonce for

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast parse-bytes32-address

Parses a checksummed address from bytes32 encoding.

$ cast parse-bytes32-address --help
Usage: cast parse-bytes32-address [BYTES]


  -h, --help  Print help

cast parse-bytes32-string

Parses a string from bytes32 encoding

$ cast parse-bytes32-string --help
Usage: cast parse-bytes32-string [BYTES]

  [BYTES]  The string to parse

  -h, --help  Print help

cast pretty-calldata

Pretty print calldata.

$ cast pretty-calldata --help
Usage: cast pretty-calldata [OPTIONS] [CALLDATA]

          The calldata

  -o, --offline
          Skip the lookup

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast proof

Generate a storage proof for a given storage slot

$ cast proof --help
Usage: cast proof [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS> [SLOTS]...

          The contract address

          The storage slot numbers (hex or decimal)

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast publish

Publish a raw transaction to the network

$ cast publish --help
Usage: cast publish [OPTIONS] <RAW_TX>

          The raw transaction

          Only print the transaction hash and exit immediately
          [env: CAST_ASYNC=]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast receipt

Get the transaction receipt for a transaction

$ cast receipt --help
Usage: cast receipt [OPTIONS] <TX_HASH> [FIELD]

          The transaction hash

          If specified, only get the given field of the transaction

      --confirmations <CONFIRMATIONS>
          The number of confirmations until the receipt is fetched
          [default: 1]

          Exit immediately if the transaction was not found
          [env: CAST_ASYNC=]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print as JSON

cast resolve-name

Perform an ENS lookup

$ cast resolve-name --help
Usage: cast resolve-name [OPTIONS] [WHO]

          The name to lookup

  -v, --verify
          Perform a reverse lookup to verify that the name is correct

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast rpc

Perform a raw JSON-RPC request

$ cast rpc --help
Usage: cast rpc [OPTIONS] <METHOD> [PARAMS]...

          RPC method name

          RPC parameters
          Interpreted as JSON:
          cast rpc eth_getBlockByNumber 0x123 false => {"method":
          "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params": ["0x123", false] ... }

  -w, --raw
          Send raw JSON parameters
          The first param will be interpreted as a raw JSON array of params. If
          no params are given, stdin will be used. For example:
          cast rpc eth_getBlockByNumber '["0x123", false]' --raw => {"method":
          "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params": ["0x123", false] ... }

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast run

Runs a published transaction in a local environment and prints the trace

$ cast run --help
Usage: cast run [OPTIONS] <TX_HASH>

          The transaction hash

  -d, --debug
          Opens the transaction in the debugger

          Whether to identify internal functions in traces

  -t, --trace-printer
          Print out opcode traces

  -q, --quick
          Executes the transaction only with the state from the previous block.
          May result in different results than the live execution!

  -v, --verbose
          Prints the full address of the contract

  -l, --label <LABEL>
          Label addresses in the trace.
          Example: 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045:vitalik.eth

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --evm-version <EVM_VERSION>
          The EVM version to use.
          Overrides the version specified in the config.

      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also,

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          default value: false
          See also,

          [aliases: no-rpc-rate-limit]

          Enables Alphanet features

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast selectors

Extracts function selectors and arguments from bytecode

$ cast selectors --help
Usage: cast selectors [OPTIONS] <BYTECODE>

  <BYTECODE>  The hex encoded bytecode

  -r, --resolve  Resolve the function signatures for the extracted selectors
  -h, --help     Print help

cast send

Sign and publish a transaction

$ cast send --help
Usage: cast send [OPTIONS] [TO] [SIG] [ARGS]... [COMMAND]

  --create  Use to deploy raw contract bytecode
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

          The destination of the transaction.
          If not provided, you must use cast send --create.

          The signature of the function to call

          The arguments of the function to call

          Only print the transaction hash and exit immediately
          [env: CAST_ASYNC=]

      --confirmations <CONFIRMATIONS>
          The number of confirmations until the receipt is fetched
          [default: 1]

          Send via `eth_sendTransaction using the `--from` argument or $ETH_FROM
          as sender

      --timeout <TIMEOUT>
          Timeout for sending the transaction
          [env: ETH_TIMEOUT=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print the transaction receipt as JSON

Transaction options:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          Gas limit for the transaction
          [env: ETH_GAS_LIMIT=]

      --gas-price <PRICE>
          Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559
          transactions, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
          [env: ETH_GAS_PRICE=]

      --priority-gas-price <PRICE>
          Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
          [env: ETH_PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE=]

      --value <VALUE>
          Ether to send in the transaction, either specified in wei, or as a
          string with a unit type.
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether

      --nonce <NONCE>
          Nonce for the transaction

          Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.
          This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

          Send a EIP-4844 blob transaction

      --blob-gas-price <BLOB_PRICE>
          Gas price for EIP-4844 blob transaction
          [env: ETH_BLOB_GAS_PRICE=]

      --auth <AUTH>
          EIP-7702 authorization list.
          Can be either a hex-encoded signed authorization or an address.

      --path <BLOB_DATA_PATH>
          The path of blob data to be sent

Ethereum options:
  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast send –create

Use to deploy raw contract bytecode

$ cast send --create --help
Usage: cast send --create <CODE> [SIG] [ARGS]...

  <CODE>     The bytecode of the contract to deploy
  [SIG]      The signature of the function to call
  [ARGS]...  The arguments of the function to call

  -h, --help  Print help

cast shl

Perform a left shifting operation

$ cast shl --help
Usage: cast shl [OPTIONS] <VALUE> <BITS>

  <VALUE>  The value to shift
  <BITS>   The number of bits to shift

      --base-in <BASE_IN>    The input base
      --base-out <BASE_OUT>  The output base [default: 16]
  -h, --help                 Print help

cast shr

Perform a right shifting operation

$ cast shr --help
Usage: cast shr [OPTIONS] <VALUE> <BITS>

  <VALUE>  The value to shift
  <BITS>   The number of bits to shift

      --base-in <BASE_IN>    The input base,
      --base-out <BASE_OUT>  The output base, [default: 16]
  -h, --help                 Print help

cast sig

Get the selector for a function

$ cast sig --help
Usage: cast sig [SIG] [OPTIMIZE]

  [SIG]       The function signature, e.g. transfer(address,uint256)
  [OPTIMIZE]  Optimize signature to contain provided amount of leading zeroes in

  -h, --help  Print help

cast sig-event

Generate event signatures from event string

$ cast sig-event --help
Usage: cast sig-event [EVENT_STRING]

  [EVENT_STRING]  The event string

  -h, --help  Print help

cast storage

Get the raw value of a contract’s storage slot

$ cast storage --help
Usage: cast storage [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS> [SLOT]

          The contract address

          The storage slot number

  -b, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

cast storage-root

Get the storage root for an account

$ cast storage-root --help
Usage: cast storage-root [OPTIONS] <WHO> [SLOTS]...

          The address to get the storage root for

          The storage slot numbers (hex or decimal)

  -B, --block <BLOCK>
          The block height to query at.
          Can also be the tags earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast to-ascii

Convert hex data to an ASCII string

$ cast to-ascii --help
Usage: cast to-ascii [HEXDATA]

  [HEXDATA]  The hex data to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast to-base

Converts a number of one base to another

$ cast to-base --help
Usage: cast to-base [OPTIONS] [VALUE] [BASE]

  [VALUE]  The value to convert
  [BASE]   The output base

  -i, --base-in <BASE_IN>  The input base
  -h, --help               Print help

cast to-bytes32

Right-pads hex data to 32 bytes

$ cast to-bytes32 --help
Usage: cast to-bytes32 [BYTES]

  [BYTES]  The hex data to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast to-check-sum-address

Convert an address to a checksummed format (EIP-55)

$ cast to-check-sum-address --help
Usage: cast to-check-sum-address [ADDRESS]

  [ADDRESS]  The address to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast to-dec

Converts a number of one base to decimal

$ cast to-dec --help
Usage: cast to-dec [OPTIONS] [VALUE]

  [VALUE]  The value to convert

  -i, --base-in <BASE_IN>  The input base
  -h, --help               Print help

cast to-fixed-point

Convert an integer into a fixed point number

$ cast to-fixed-point --help
Usage: cast to-fixed-point [DECIMALS] [VALUE]

  [DECIMALS]  The number of decimals to use
  [VALUE]     The value to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast to-hex

Converts a number of one base to another

$ cast to-hex --help
Usage: cast to-hex [OPTIONS] [VALUE]

  [VALUE]  The value to convert

  -i, --base-in <BASE_IN>  The input base
  -h, --help               Print help

cast to-hexdata

Normalize the input to lowercase, 0x-prefixed hex.

$ cast to-hexdata --help
Usage: cast to-hexdata [INPUT]

          The input to normalize

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast to-int256

Convert a number to a hex-encoded int256

$ cast to-int256 --help
Usage: cast to-int256 [VALUE]

  [VALUE]  The value to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast to-rlp

RLP encodes hex data, or an array of hex data.

$ cast to-rlp --help
Usage: cast to-rlp [VALUE]

          The value to convert.
          This is a hex-encoded string, or an array of hex-encoded strings. Can
          be arbitrarily recursive.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast to-uint256

Convert a number to a hex-encoded uint256

$ cast to-uint256 --help
Usage: cast to-uint256 [VALUE]

  [VALUE]  The value to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast to-unit

Convert an ETH amount into another unit (ether, gwei or wei).

$ cast to-unit --help
Usage: cast to-unit [VALUE] [UNIT]

          The value to convert

          The unit to convert to (ether, gwei, wei)
          [default: wei]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast to-utf8

Convert hex data to a utf-8 string

$ cast to-utf8 --help
Usage: cast to-utf8 [HEXDATA]

  [HEXDATA]  The hex data to convert

  -h, --help  Print help

cast to-wei

Convert an ETH amount to wei.

$ cast to-wei --help
Usage: cast to-wei [VALUE] [UNIT]

          The value to convert

          The unit to convert from (ether, gwei, wei)
          [default: eth]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast tx

Get information about a transaction

$ cast tx --help
Usage: cast tx [OPTIONS] <TX_HASH> [FIELD]

          The transaction hash

          If specified, only get the given field of the transaction. If "raw",
          the RLP encoded transaction will be printed

          Print the raw RLP encoded transaction

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Display options:
  -j, --json
          Print as JSON

cast upload-signature

Upload the given signatures to

$ cast upload-signature --help
Usage: cast upload-signature [SIGNATURES]...

          The signatures to upload.
          Prefix with 'function', 'event', or 'error'. Defaults to function if
          no prefix given. Can also take paths to contract artifact JSON.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast wallet

Wallet management utilities

$ cast wallet --help
Usage: cast wallet <COMMAND>

  new               Create a new random keypair [aliases: n]
  new-mnemonic      Generates a random BIP39 mnemonic phrase [aliases: nm]
  vanity            Generate a vanity address [aliases: va]
  address           Convert a private key to an address [aliases: a, addr]
  sign              Sign a message or typed data [aliases: s]
  sign-auth         EIP-7702 sign authorization [aliases: sa]
  verify            Verify the signature of a message [aliases: v]
  import            Import a private key into an encrypted keystore [aliases: i]
  list              List all the accounts in the keystore default directory
                    [aliases: ls]
  private-key       Derives private key from mnemonic [aliases: pk]
  decrypt-keystore  Decrypt a keystore file to get the private key [aliases: dk]
  help              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

cast wallet new

Create a new random keypair

$ cast wallet new --help
Usage: cast wallet new [OPTIONS] [PATH]

          If provided, then keypair will be written to an encrypted JSON

  -p, --password
          Triggers a hidden password prompt for the JSON keystore.
          Deprecated: prompting for a hidden password is now the default.

      --unsafe-password <PASSWORD>
          Password for the JSON keystore in cleartext.
          This is UNSAFE to use and we recommend using the --password.
          [env: CAST_PASSWORD=]

  -n, --number <NUMBER>
          Number of wallets to generate
          [default: 1]

  -j, --json
          Output generated wallets as JSON

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast wallet new-mnemonic

Generates a random BIP39 mnemonic phrase

$ cast wallet new-mnemonic --help
Usage: cast wallet new-mnemonic [OPTIONS]

  -w, --words <WORDS>        Number of words for the mnemonic [default: 12]
  -a, --accounts <ACCOUNTS>  Number of accounts to display [default: 1]
  -e, --entropy <ENTROPY>    Entropy to use for the mnemonic
  -h, --help                 Print help

cast wallet vanity

Generate a vanity address

$ cast wallet vanity --help
Usage: cast wallet vanity [OPTIONS]

      --starts-with <PATTERN>
          Prefix regex pattern or hex string

      --ends-with <PATTERN>
          Suffix regex pattern or hex string

      --nonce <NONCE>
          Generate a vanity contract address created by the generated keypair
          with the specified nonce

      --save-path <PATH>
          Path to save the generated vanity contract address to.
          If provided, the generated vanity addresses will appended to a JSON
          array in the specified file.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

cast wallet address

Convert a private key to an address

$ cast wallet address --help
Usage: cast wallet address [OPTIONS] [PRIVATE_KEY]

          If provided, the address will be derived from the specified private

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast wallet sign

Sign a message or typed data

$ cast wallet sign --help
Usage: cast wallet sign [OPTIONS] <MESSAGE>

          The message, typed data, or hash to sign.
          Messages starting with 0x are expected to be hex encoded, which get
          decoded before being signed.
          The message will be prefixed with the Ethereum Signed Message header
          and hashed before signing, unless `--no-hash` is provided.
          Typed data can be provided as a json string or a file name. Use --data
          flag to denote the message is a string of typed data. Use --data
          --from-file to denote the message is a file name containing typed
          data. The data will be combined and hashed using the EIP712
          specification before signing. The data should be formatted as JSON.

          Treat the message as JSON typed data

          Treat the message as a file containing JSON typed data. Requires

          Treat the message as a raw 32-byte hash and sign it directly without
          hashing it again

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast wallet sign-auth

EIP-7702 sign authorization

$ cast wallet sign-auth --help
Usage: cast wallet sign-auth [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>

          Address to sign authorization for

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

      --nonce <NONCE>

      --chain <CHAIN>

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast wallet verify

Verify the signature of a message

$ cast wallet verify --help
Usage: cast wallet verify --address <ADDRESS> <MESSAGE> <SIGNATURE>

  <MESSAGE>    The original message
  <SIGNATURE>  The signature to verify

  -a, --address <ADDRESS>  The address of the message signer
  -h, --help               Print help

cast wallet import

Import a private key into an encrypted keystore

$ cast wallet import --help
Usage: cast wallet import [OPTIONS] <ACCOUNT_NAME>

          The name for the account in the keystore

  -k, --keystore-dir <KEYSTORE_DIR>
          If provided, keystore will be saved here instead of the default
          keystores directory (~/.foundry/keystores)

      --unsafe-password <PASSWORD>
          Password for the JSON keystore in cleartext This is unsafe, we
          recommend using the default hidden password prompt
          [env: CAST_UNSAFE_PASSWORD=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Wallet options - raw:
  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

cast wallet list

List all the accounts in the keystore default directory

$ cast wallet list --help
Usage: cast wallet list [OPTIONS]

      --dir [<DIR>]
          List all the accounts in the keystore directory. Default keystore
          directory is used if no path provided
  -l, --ledger
          List accounts from a Ledger hardware wallet
  -t, --trezor
          List accounts from a Trezor hardware wallet
          List accounts from AWS KMS
          List all configured accounts
  -m, --max-senders <MAX_SENDERS>
          Max number of addresses to display from hardware wallets [default: 3]
  -h, --help
          Print help

cast wallet private-key

Derives private key from mnemonic

$ cast wallet private-key --help

          If provided, the private key will be derived from the specified
          menomonic phrase

          If provided, the private key will be derived using the specified
          mnemonic index (if integer) or derivation path

  -v, --verbose
          Verbose mode, print the address and private key

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Wallet options - raw:
  -f, --from <ADDRESS>
          The sender account
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactive
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path

      --mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-index <INDEX>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Used with --mnemonic-path.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATH>
          Use the keystore in the given folder or file
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]

      --password <PASSWORD>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

cast wallet decrypt-keystore

Decrypt a keystore file to get the private key

$ cast wallet decrypt-keystore --help
Usage: cast wallet decrypt-keystore [OPTIONS] <ACCOUNT_NAME>

  <ACCOUNT_NAME>  The name for the account in the keystore

  -k, --keystore-dir <KEYSTORE_DIR>
          If not provided, keystore will try to be located at the default
          keystores directory (~/.foundry/keystores)
      --unsafe-password <PASSWORD>
          Password for the JSON keystore in cleartext This is unsafe, we
          recommend using the default hidden password prompt [env:
  -h, --help
          Print help


A fast local Ethereum development node

$ anvil --help
Usage: anvil [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  completions        Generate shell completions script [aliases: com]
  generate-fig-spec  Generate Fig autocompletion spec [aliases: fig]
  help               Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -a, --accounts <NUM>
          Number of dev accounts to generate and configure
          [default: 10]

  -b, --block-time <SECONDS>
          Block time in seconds for interval mining
          [aliases: blockTime]

      --balance <NUM>
          The balance of every dev account in Ether
          [default: 10000]

      --config-out <OUT_FILE>
          Writes output of `anvil` as json to user-specified file

      --derivation-path <DERIVATION_PATH>
          Sets the derivation path of the child key to be derived.
          [default: m/44'/60'/0'/0/]

      --dump-state <PATH>
          Dump the state and block environment of chain on exit to the given
          If the value is a directory, the state will be written to

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

      --hardfork <HARDFORK>
          The EVM hardfork to use.
          Choose the hardfork by name, e.g. `shanghai`, `paris`, `london`,
          etc... [default: latest]

      --init <PATH>
          Initialize the genesis block with the given `genesis.json` file

      --ipc [<PATH>]
          Launch an ipc server at the given path or default path =
          [aliases: ipcpath]

      --load-state <PATH>
          Initialize the chain from a previously saved state snapshot

  -m, --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          BIP39 mnemonic phrase used for generating accounts. Cannot be used if
          `mnemonic_random` or `mnemonic_seed` are used

      --max-persisted-states <MAX_PERSISTED_STATES>
          Max number of states to persist on disk.
          Note that `prune_history` will overwrite `max_persisted_states` to 0.

          [aliases: mixed-mining]

      --mnemonic-random [<MNEMONIC_RANDOM>]
          Automatically generates a BIP39 mnemonic phrase, and derives accounts
          from it. Cannot be used with other `mnemonic` options. You can specify
          the number of words you want in the mnemonic. [default: 12]

      --mnemonic-seed-unsafe <MNEMONIC_SEED>
          Generates a BIP39 mnemonic phrase from a given seed Cannot be used
          with other `mnemonic` options.
          CAREFUL: This is NOT SAFE and should only be used for testing. Never
          use the private keys generated in production.

          Disable auto and interval mining, and mine on demand instead
          [aliases: no-mine]

      --order <ORDER>
          How transactions are sorted in the mempool
          [default: fees]

  -p, --port <NUM>
          Port number to listen on
          [default: 8545]

      --prune-history [<PRUNE_HISTORY>]
          Don't keep full chain history. If a number argument is specified, at
          most this number of states is kept in memory.
          If enabled, no state will be persisted on disk, so
          `max_persisted_states` will be 0.

  -s, --state-interval <SECONDS>
          Interval in seconds at which the state and block environment is to be
          dumped to disk.
          See --state and --dump-state

          Don't print anything on startup and don't print logs

      --slots-in-an-epoch <SLOTS_IN_AN_EPOCH>
          Slots in an epoch
          [default: 32]

      --state <PATH>
          This is an alias for both --load-state and --dump-state.
          It initializes the chain with the state and block environment stored
          at the file, if it exists, and dumps the chain's state on exit.

      --timestamp <NUM>
          The timestamp of the genesis block

      --transaction-block-keeper <TRANSACTION_BLOCK_KEEPER>
          Number of blocks with transactions to keep in memory

  -V, --version
          Print version

Server options:
      --allow-origin <ALLOW_ORIGIN>
          The cors `allow_origin` header
          [default: *]

      --host <IP_ADDR>
          The hosts the server will listen on
          [env: ANVIL_IP_ADDR=]

          Disable CORS

          Disable the default request body size limit. At time of writing the
          default limit is 2MB

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, add a block
          number like `http://localhost:8545@1400000` or use the
          `--fork-block-number` argument.
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-chain-id <CHAIN>
          Specify chain id to skip fetching it from remote endpoint. This
          enables offline-start mode.
          You still must pass both `--fork-url` and `--fork-block-number`, and
          already have your required state cached on disk, anything missing
          locally would be fetched from the remote.

      --fork-header <HEADERS>
          Headers to use for the rpc client, e.g. "User-Agent: test-agent"
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-transaction-hash <TRANSACTION>
          Fetch state from a specific transaction hash over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          default value: false
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rpc-rate-limit]

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --retries <retries>
          Number of retry requests for spurious networks (timed out requests)
          Default value 5

      --timeout <timeout>
          Timeout in ms for requests sent to remote JSON-RPC server in forking
          Default value 45000

Environment config:
      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --chain-id <CHAIN_ID>
          The chain ID

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. To disable entirely, use
          `--disable-code-size-limit`. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

          Disable the `call.gas_limit <= block.gas_limit` constraint

          Disable EIP-170: Contract code size limit

      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

EVM options:
          Enable Alphanet features
          [aliases: alphanet]

          Enable autoImpersonate on startup
          [aliases: auto-impersonate]

          Disable printing of `console.log` invocations to stdout
          [aliases: no-console-log]

          Disable the default create2 deployer
          [aliases: no-create2]

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes

          Run an Optimism chain
          [aliases: optimism]

          Enable steps tracing used for debug calls returning geth-style traces
          [aliases: tracing]

anvil completions

Generate shell completions script

$ anvil completions --help
Usage: anvil completions <SHELL>

  <SHELL>  [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

  -h, --help  Print help

anvil generate-fig-spec

Generate Fig autocompletion spec

$ anvil generate-fig-spec --help
Usage: anvil generate-fig-spec

  -h, --help  Print help


Fast, utilitarian, and verbose Solidity REPL

$ chisel --help
Usage: chisel [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  list         List all cached sessions
  load         Load a cached session
  view         View the source of a cached session
  clear-cache  Clear all cached chisel sessions from the cache directory
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

REPL options:
      --prelude <PRELUDE>
          Path to a directory containing Solidity files to import, or path to a
          single Solidity file.
          These files will be evaluated before the top-level of the REPL,
          therefore functioning as a prelude

          Disable the default `Vm` import.
          The import is disabled by default if the Solc version is less than

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of optimizer runs

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

EVM options:
  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retries <RETRIES>
          Number of retries.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --initial-balance <BALANCE>
          The initial balance of deployed test contracts

      --sender <ADDRESS>
          The address which will be executing tests/scripts

          Enable the FFI cheatcode

          Use the create 2 factory in all cases including tests and
          non-broadcasting scripts

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity of the EVM.
          Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
          Verbosity levels:
          - 2: Print logs for all tests
          - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
          - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for
          failing tests
          - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rate-limit]

Executor environment config:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

      --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [aliases: chain-id]

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --tx-origin <ADDRESS>
          The transaction origin

      --block-coinbase <ADDRESS>
          The coinbase of the block

      --block-timestamp <TIMESTAMP>
          The timestamp of the block

      --block-number <BLOCK>
          The block number

      --block-difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          The block difficulty

      --block-prevrandao <PREVRANDAO>
          The block prevrandao value. NOTE: Before merge this field was mix_hash

      --block-gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes. If this limit is
          exceeded, a `MemoryLimitOOG` result is thrown.
          The default is 128MiB.

          Whether to disable the block gas limit checks
          [aliases: no-gas-limit]

          Whether to enable isolation of calls. In isolation mode all top-level
          calls are executed as a separate transaction in a separate EVM
          context, enabling more precise gas accounting and transaction state

          Whether to enable Alphanet features

chisel list

List all cached sessions

$ chisel list --help
Usage: chisel list

  -h, --help  Print help

chisel load

Load a cached session

$ chisel load --help
Usage: chisel load <ID>

  <ID>  The ID of the session to load

  -h, --help  Print help

chisel view

View the source of a cached session

$ chisel view --help
Usage: chisel view <ID>

  <ID>  The ID of the session to load

  -h, --help  Print help

chisel clear-cache

Clear all cached chisel sessions from the cache directory

$ chisel clear-cache --help
Usage: chisel clear-cache

  -h, --help  Print help

forge Commands

General Commands



forge - Build, test, fuzz, debug and deploy Solidity contracts.


forge [options] command [args]
forge [options] --version
forge [options] --help


This program is a set of tools to build, test, fuzz, debug and deploy Solidity smart contracts.


General Commands

forge help
    Display help information about Forge.

forge completions
    Generate shell autocompletions for Forge.

Project Commands

forge init
    Create a new Forge project.

forge clone
    Clone a on-chain verified contract as a Forge project.

forge install
    Install one or multiple dependencies.

forge update
    Update one or multiple dependencies.

forge remove
    Remove one or multiple dependencies.

forge config
    Display the current config.

forge remappings
    Get the automatically inferred remappings for this project.

forge tree
    Display a tree visualization of the project’s dependency graph.

forge geiger     Detects usage of unsafe cheat codes in a foundry project and its dependencies.

Build Commands

forge build
    Build the project’s smart contracts.

forge clean
    Remove the build artifacts and cache directories.

forge inspect
    Get specialized information about a smart contract.

Test Commands

forge test
    Run the project’s tests.

forge snapshot
    Create a snapshot of each test’s gas usage.

forge coverage
    Generate coverage reports.

Deploy Commands

forge create
    Deploy a smart contract.

forge verify-contract
    Verify smart contracts on Etherscan.

forge verify-check
    Check verification status on Etherscan.

forge flatten
    Flatten a source file and all of its imports into one file.

Utility Commands

forge debug
    Debug a single smart contract as a script.

forge bind
    Generate Rust bindings for smart contracts.

forge cache
    Manage the Foundry cache.

forge cache clean
    Cleans cached data from ~/.foundry.

forge cache ls
    Shows cached data from ~/.foundry.

forge script
    Run a smart contract as a script, building transactions that can be sent onchain.

forge upload-selectors
    Uploads abi of given contract to function selector database.

forge doc
    Generate documentation for Solidity source files.


Special Options

    Print version info and exit.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


    Default location for Foundry’s “home” directory where it stores various files.

    Binaries installed using foundryup will be located here.

    Forge’s cache directory, where it stores cached block data and more.

    The global Foundry config.

    The location of the Forge-managed solc binaries.


  1. Create a new Forge project:

    forge init hello_foundry
  2. Build a project:

    forge build
  3. Run a project’s tests:

    forge test


See for issues.

forge help


forge-help - Get help for a Forge command


forge help [subcommand]


Prints a help message for the given command.


  1. Get help for a command:

    forge help build
  2. Help is also available with the --help flag:

    forge build --help



forge completions


forge-completions - Generate shell completions script


forge completions shell


Generates a shell completions script for the given shell.

Supported shells are:

  • bash
  • elvish
  • fish
  • powershell
  • zsh


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Generate shell completions script for zsh:
    forge completions zsh > $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/completions/_forge



Project Commands

forge init


forge-init - Create a new Forge project.


forge init [options] [root]


Create a new Forge project in the directory root (by default the current working directory).

The default template creates the following project layout:

├── foundry.toml
├── lib
│   └── forge-std
│       ├── LICENSE-APACHE
│       ├── LICENSE-MIT
│       ├──
│       ├── foundry.toml
│       ├── package.json
│       ├── scripts
│       ├── src
│       └── test
├── script
│   └── Counter.s.sol
├── src
│   └── Counter.sol
└── test
    └── Counter.t.sol

8 directories, 10 files

However, it is possible to create a project from another using --template.

By default, forge init will also initialize a new git repository, install some submodules and create an initial commit message.

If you do not want this behavior, pass --no-git.


Init Options

    Create the project even if the specified root directory is not empty.

-t template
--template template
    The template to start from.

    Create a .vscode/settings.json file with Solidity settings, and generate a remappings.txt file.

    Do not install dependencies from the network.

VCS Options

    Do not create an initial commit.

    Do not create a git repository.

Display Options

    Do not print any messages.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Create a new project:

    forge init hello_foundry
  2. Create a new project, but do not create a git repository:

    forge init --no-git hello_foundry
  3. Forcibly create a new project in a non-empty directory:

    forge init --force 



forge clone


forge-clone - Clone a on-chain verified contract as a Forge project.


forge clone [options] address [root]


Creates a new Forge project by cloning the source code of an on-chain verified contract in the directory root (by default the current working directory).

By default, forge clone clones contracts from Ethereum mainnet (via Etherscan), but it is also possible to clone from other EVM-compatible blockchains that foundry supports, e.g., BNB Smart Chain (BSC), by specifying chain ID: --chain <ChainID>.

Obtaining data from Etherscan is subject to rate limit. forge clone requires two API calls to Etherscan to collect source code and deployment information, respectively. By default, forge clone will wait for 5 seconds between the two Etherscan invocations to avoid rate limit errors.

Specifying Etherscan API key via --etherscan-api-key <API_KEY> will increase Etherscan API rate limit and avoid the 5-second wait time in forge clone.

Just as forge init, forge clone will by default initialize a new git repository, install some submodules and create an initial commit message.

If you do not want this behavior, pass --no-git.


Clone Options

-c chain_id
--chain chain_id
    Specify the name or EIP-155 ID of the chain to clone contract from.

-e api_key
--etherscan-api-key api_key
    Specify the API key of Etherscan (or equivalent).

    Put remappings inside the foundry.toml configuration file, instead of generating a separate remappings.txt file.

VCS Options

    Do not create an initial commit.

    Do not create a git repository.

Display Options

    Do not print any messages.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Clone UniswapV3Pool contract from Ethereum mainnet:

    forge clone 0x8f8EF111B67C04Eb1641f5ff19EE54Cda062f163 UniswapV3Pool 
  2. Clone a contract, but do not create a git repository:

    forge clone --no-git 0x8f8EF111B67C04Eb1641f5ff19EE54Cda062f163 UniswapV3Pool
  3. Clone a contract from BNB Smart Chain (BSC):

    forge clone --chain bsc 0x7862D9B4bE2156B15d54F41ee4EDE2d5b0b455e4 UniswapV3Pool 


The cloned Forge project comes with an additional .clone.meta metadata file in the root directory. clone.meta is a compact JSON data file that contains the information of the on-chain contract instance. The metadata includes:

  • path: The path to the source file that contains the declaration of contract deployed on chain.
  • targetContract: The name of the on-chain contract in the source file.
  • address: The address of the contract deployed on chain.
  • chainId: EIP-155 ID of the chain where the contract is deployed.
  • creationTransaction: The hash of the transaction that deployed the contract.
  • deployer: The account address who is the sender of the creationTransaction.
  • constructorArguments: The constructor arguments that is used when deploying the contract.
  • storageLayout: The storage layout of the on-chain contract (if the corresponding contract compiler version supports exporting storage layout).



forge install


forge-install - Install one or more dependencies.


forge install [options] [deps…]


Install one or more dependencies.

Dependencies are installed as git submodules. If you do not want this behavior, pass --no-git.

If no arguments are provided, then existing dependencies are installed.

Dependencies can be a raw URL (, an SSH URL (, or the path to a GitHub repository (owner/repo). Additionally, a ref can be added to the dependency path to install a specific version of a dependency.

A ref can be:

  • A branch: owner/repo@master
  • A tag: owner/repo@v1.2.3
  • A commit: owner/repo@8e8128

The ref defaults to master.

You can also choose the name of the folder the dependency will be in. By default, the folder name is the name of the repository. If you want to change the name of the folder, prepend <folder>= to the dependency.


Project Options

--root path
    The project’s root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

VCS Options

    Do not create a commit.

    Install without adding the dependency as a submodule.

Display Options

    Do not print any messages.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Install a dependency:

    forge install transmissions11/solmate
  2. Install a specific version of a dependency:

    forge install transmissions11/solmate@v7
  3. Install multiple dependencies:

    forge install transmissions11/solmate@v7 OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts
  4. Install a dependency without creating a submodule:

    forge install --no-git transmissions11/solmate
  5. Install a dependency in a specific folder:

    forge install soulmate=transmissions11/solmate


forge, forge update, forge remove

forge update


forge-update - Update one or more dependencies.


forge update [options] [dep]


Update one or more dependencies.

The argument dep is a path to the dependency you want to update. Forge will update to the latest version on the ref you specified for the dependency when you ran forge install.

If no argument is provided, then all dependencies are updated.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Update a dependency:

    forge update lib/solmate
  2. Update all dependencies:

    forge update


forge, forge install, forge remove

forge remove


forge-remove - Remove one or multiple dependencies.


forge remove [options] [deps…]


Remove one or multiple dependencies.

Dependencies can be a raw URL (, the path to a GitHub repository (owner/repo) or the path to the dependency in the project tree.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Remove a dependency by path:

    forge remove lib/solmate
  2. Remove a dependency by GitHub repository name:

    forge remove dapphub/solmate


forge, forge install, forge update

forge config


forge-config - Display the current config.


forge config [options]


Display the current config.

This command can be used to create a new basic foundry.toml or to see what values are currently set, taking environment variables and the global configuration file into account.

The command supports almost all flags of the other commands in Forge to allow overriding values in the displayed configuration.


Config Options

    Prints a basic configuration file.

    Attempts to fix any configuration warnings.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Create a new basic config:

    forge config > foundry.toml
  2. Enable FFI in foundry.toml:

    forge config --ffi > foundry.toml



forge remappings


forge-remappings - Get the automatically inferred remappings for the project.


forge remappings [options]


Get the automatically inferred remappings for the project.


Project Options

--root path
    The project’s root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

--lib-path path
    The path to the library folder.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Create a remappings.txt file from the inferred remappings:
    forge remappings > remappings.txt



forge tree


forge-tree - Display a tree visualization of the project’s dependency graph.


forge tree [options]


Display a visualization of the project’s dependency graph.

$ forge tree
src/OpenZeppelinNft.sol =0.8.10
├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol ^0.8.0
│   ├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol ^0.8.0
│   │   └── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/introspection/IERC165.sol ^0.8.0
│   ├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol ^0.8.0
│   ├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/IERC721Metadata.sol ^0.8.0
│   │   └── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol ^0.8.0 (*)
│   ├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Address.sol ^0.8.1
│   ├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Context.sol ^0.8.0
│   ├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol ^0.8.0
│   └── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/introspection/ERC165.sol ^0.8.0
│       └── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/introspection/IERC165.sol ^0.8.0
├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol ^0.8.0
├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/security/PullPayment.sol ^0.8.0
│   └── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/escrow/Escrow.sol ^0.8.0
│       ├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol ^0.8.0
│       │   └── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Context.sol ^0.8.0
│       └── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Address.sol ^0.8.1
└── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol ^0.8.0 (*)
src/SolmateNft.sol =0.8.10
├── lib/solmate/src/tokens/ERC721.sol >=0.8.0
├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol ^0.8.0
├── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/security/PullPayment.sol ^0.8.0 (*)
└── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol ^0.8.0 (*)
test/OpenZeppelinNft.t.sol =0.8.10
├── lib/forge-std/src/Test.sol >=0.6.0, <0.9.0
│   ├── lib/forge-std/src/Script.sol >=0.6.0, <0.9.0
│   │   ├── lib/forge-std/src/Vm.sol >=0.6.0
│   │   ├── lib/forge-std/src/console.sol >=0.4.22, <0.9.0
│   │   └── lib/forge-std/src/console2.sol >=0.4.22, <0.9.0
│   └── lib/forge-std/lib/ds-test/src/test.sol >=0.5.0
├── src/OpenZeppelinNft.sol =0.8.10 (*)
└── lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol ^0.8.0
test/SolmateNft.sol =0.8.10
├── lib/forge-std/src/Test.sol >=0.6.0, <0.9.0 (*)
└── src/SolmateNft.sol =0.8.10 (*)


Flatten Options

--charset charset
    Character set to use in output: utf8, ascii. Default: utf8

    Do not de-duplicate (repeats all shared dependencies)

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

Common Options

    Prints help information.



forge geiger


forge-geiger - Detects usage of unsafe cheat codes in a foundry project and its dependencies.


forge geiger [options] [path]


Detects usage of unsafe cheat codes in a foundry project and its dependencies.


--root path
    The project’s root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

    Run in ‘check’ mode. Exits with 0 if no unsafe cheat codes were found. Exits with 1 if unsafe cheat codes are detected.

    Print a full report of all files even if no unsafe functions are found.

Common Options

    Prints help information.



Build Commands

forge build


forge-build - Build the project’s smart contracts.


forge build or forge b [options]


Build the project’s smart contracts.

The command will try to detect the latest version that can compile your project by looking at the version requirements of all your contracts and dependencies.

You can override this behaviour by passing --no-auto-detect. Alternatively, you can pass --use <SOLC_VERSION>.

If the command detects that the Solidity compiler version it is using to build is not installed, it will download it and install it in ~/.svm. You can disable this behavior by passing --offline.

The build is incremental, and the build cache is saved in cache/ in the project root by default. If you want to clear the cache, pass --force, and if you want to change the cache directory, pass --cache-path <PATH>.

It is possible to choose sources to build by specifying multiple path options (can be paths to source directories or files).

Build Modes

There are three build modes:

  • Just compilation (default): Builds the project and saves the contract artifacts in out/ (or the path specified by --out <PATH>).
  • Size mode (--sizes): Builds the project, displays the size of non-test contracts and exits with code 1 if any of them are above the size limit.
  • Name mode (--names): Builds the project, displays the names of the contracts and exits.

The Optimizer

You can enable the optimizer by passing --optimize, and you can adjust the number of optimizer runs by passing --optimizer-runs <RUNS>.

You can also opt-in to the Solidity IR compilation pipeline by passing --via-ir. Read more about the IR pipeline in the Solidity docs.

By default, the optimizer is enabled and runs for 200 cycles.

Conditional Optimizer Usage

Many projects use the solc optimizer, either through the standard compilation pipeline or the IR pipeline. But in some cases, the optimizer can significantly slow down compilation speeds.

A config file for a project using the optimizer may look like this for regular compilation:

solc-version = "0.8.17"
optimizer = true
optimizer-runs = 10_000_000

Or like this for via-ir:

solc-version = "0.8.17"
via_ir = true

To reduce compilation speeds during development and testing, one approach is to have a lite profile that has the optimizer off and use this for development/testing cycle. The updated config file for regular compilation may look like this:

solc-version = "0.8.17"
optimizer = true
optimizer-runs = 10_000_000

optimizer = false

Or like this for via-ir:

solc-version = "0.8.17"
via_ir = true

optimizerSteps = ''

When setup like this, forge build (or forge test / forge script) still uses the standard profile, so by default a forge script invocation will deploy your contracts with the production setting. Running FOUNDRY_PROFILE=lite forge build (and again, same for the test and script commands) will use the lite profile to reduce compilation times.

There are additional optimizer details you can configure, see the Additional Optimizer Settings section below for more info.


You can add extra output from the Solidity compiler to your artifacts by passing --extra-output <SELECTOR>.

The selector is a path in the Solidity compiler output, which you can read more about in the Solidity docs.

You can also write some of the compiler output to separate files by passing --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>.

Valid selectors for --extra-output-files are:

  • metadata: Written as a metadata.json file in the artifacts directory
  • ir: Written as a .ir file in the artifacts directory
  • irOptimized: Written as a .iropt file in the artifacts directory
  • ewasm: Written as a .ewasm file in the artifacts directory
  • evm.assembly: Written as a .asm file in the artifacts directory

Watch Mode

The command can be run in watch mode by passing --watch [PATH...], which will rebuild every time a watched file or directory is changed. The source directory is watched by default.

Sparse Mode (experimental)

Sparse mode only compiles files that match certain criteria.

By default, this filter applies to files that have not been changed since the last build, but for commands that take file filters (e.g. forge test), sparse mode will only recompile files that match the filter.

Sparse mode is opt-in until the feature is stabilized. To opt-in to sparse mode and try it out, set sparse_mode in your configuration file.

Additional Optimizer Settings

The optimizer can be fine-tuned with additional settings. Simply set the optimizer_details table in your configuration file. For example:

constantOptimizer = true
yul = true

stackAllocation = true
optimizerSteps = 'dhfoDgvulfnTUtnIf'

See the compiler input description documentation for more information on available settings (specifically settings.optimizer.details).

Revert Strings

You can control how revert strings are generated by the compiler. By default, only user supplied revert strings are included in the bytecode, but there are other options:

  • strip: Removes all revert strings (if possible, i.e. if literals are used) keeping side-effects.
  • debug: Injects strings for compiler-generated internal reverts, implemented for ABI encoders V1 and V2 for now.
  • verboseDebug: Appends further information to user-supplied revert strings (not yet implemented).

Additional Model Checker settings

Solidity’s built-in model checker is an opt-in module that can be enabled via the ModelChecker object.

See Compiler Input Description settings.modelChecker and the model checker’s options.

The module is available in solc release binaries for OSX and Linux. The latter requires the z3 library version [4.8.8, 4.8.14] to be installed in the system (SO version 4.8).

Similarly to the optimizer settings above, the model_checker settings must be prefixed with the profile they correspond to: [profile.default.model_checker] belongs to the [profile.default].

## foundry.toml
contracts = { '/path/to/project/src/Contract.sol' = [ 'Contract' ] }
engine = 'chc'
timeout = 10000
targets = [ 'assert' ]

The fields above are recommended when using the model checker. Setting which contract should be verified is extremely important, otherwise all available contracts will be verified which can consume a lot of time. The recommended engine is chc, but bmc and all (runs both) are also accepted. It is also important to set a proper timeout (given in milliseconds), since the default time given to the underlying solvers may not be enough. If no verification targets are given, only assertions will be checked.

The model checker will run when forge build is invoked, and will show findings as warnings if any.


Build Options

--names     Print compiled contract names.

--sizes     Print compiled non-test contract sizes, exiting with code 1 if any of them are above the size limit.

--skip     Skip compilation of non-essential contract directories like test or script (usage --skip test).

[PATHS]...    Build source files from specified paths.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

Watch Options

-w [path...]
--watch [path...]
    Watch specific file(s) or folder(s).

    By default, the project's source directory is watched.

-d delay
--delay delay
    File update debounce delay.

    During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once the delay has passed, is an action taken.
    Note that this does not mean a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.

    Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an integer with the ms suffix may be more convenient.

    When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk overloading disk I/O.

    Do not restart the command while it's running.

    Explicitly re-run the command on all files when a change is made.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Build the project:

    forge build
  2. Build the project with solc 0.6.0:

    forge build --use solc:0.6.0
  3. Build the project with additional artifact output:

    forge build --extra-output evm.assembly
  4. Build the project in watch mode:

    forge build --watch
  5. Build source files from test/invariant directory and test/RegressionTest.sol:

    forge build test/invariant test/RegressionTest.sol


forge, forge clean, forge inspect

forge clean


forge-clean - Remove the build artifacts and cache directories.


forge clean [options]


Remove the build artifacts and cache directories.


Clean Options

--root path
    The project’s root path. Defaults to the current working directory.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Clean artifacts and cache in a project:
    forge clean



forge inspect


forge-inspect - Get specialized information about a smart contract


forge inspect [options] contract_name field


Get specialized information about a smart contract.

The field to inspect (field) can be any of:

  • abi
  • b/bytes/bytecode
  • deployedBytecode/deployed_bytecode/deployed-bytecode/deployedbytecode/deployed
  • assembly/asm
  • asmOptimized/assemblyOptimized/assemblyoptimized/assembly_optimized/asmopt/assembly-optimized/asmo/asm-optimized/asmoptimized/asm_optimized
  • methods/methodidentifiers/methodIdentifiers/method_identifiers/method-identifiers/mi
  • gasEstimates/gas/gas_estimates/gas-estimates/gasestimates
  • storageLayout/storage_layout/storage-layout/storagelayout/storage
  • devdoc/dev-doc/devDoc
  • ir
  • ir-optimized/irOptimized/iroptimized/iro/iropt
  • metadata/meta
  • userdoc/userDoc/user-doc
  • ewasm/e-wasm
  • errors
  • events


    Pretty print the selected field, if supported.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Inspect the bytecode of a contract:

    forge inspect MyContract bytecode
  2. Inspect the storage layout of a contract:

    forge inspect MyContract storage
  3. Inspect the abi of a contract in a pretty format:

    forge inspect --pretty MyContract abi


forge, forge build

Test Commands

forge test


forge-test - Run the project’s tests.


forge test [options]


Run the project’s tests.


It is possible to run the tests in a forked environment by passing --fork-url <URL>.

When the tests are running in a forked environment, you can access all the state of the forked chain as you would if you had deployed the contracts. Cheatcodes are still available.

You can also specify a block number to fork from by passing --fork-block-number <BLOCK>. When forking from a specific block, the chain data is cached to ~/.foundry/cache. If you do not want to cache the chain data, pass --no-storage-caching.

Traces that cannot be decoded by local contracts when running in a forked environment (e.g. calls to contracts that live on mainnet, like tokens) can optionally be decoded using Etherscan. To use Etherscan for trace decoding, set ETHERSCAN_API_KEY or pass --etherscan-api-key <KEY>.


It is possible to run a test in an interactive debugger. To start the debugger, pass --debug <TEST>.

If multiple tests match the specified pattern, you must use other test filters in order to reduce the matching number of tests to exactly 1.

If the test is a unit test, it is immediately opened in the debugger.

If the test is a fuzz test, the fuzz test is run and the debugger is opened on the first failing scenario. If there are no failing scenarios for the fuzz test, the debugger is opened on the last scenario.

More information on the debugger can be found in the debugger chapter.

Gas reports

You can generate a gas report by passing --gas-report.

More information on gas reports can be found in the gas reports chapter.


It is possible to list the tests without running them. You can pass --json to make it easier for outside extensions to parse structured content.


Test Options

-m regex
--match regex
    Only run test functions matching the specified regex pattern.
    Deprecated: See --match-test.

--match-test regex
    Only run test functions matching the specified regex pattern.

--no-match-test regex
    Only run test functions that do not match the specified regex pattern.

--match-contract regex
    Only run tests in contracts matching the specified regex pattern.

--no-match-contract regex
    Only run tests in contracts that do not match the specified regex pattern.

--match-path glob
    Only run tests in source files matching the specified glob pattern.

--no-match-path glob
    Only run tests in source files that do not match the specified glob pattern.

--debug regex
    Run a test in the debugger.

    The argument passed to this flag is the name of the test function you want to run, and it works the same as --match-test.

    If more than one test matches your specified criteria, you must add additional filters until only one test is found (see --match-contract and --match-path).

    The matching test will be opened in the debugger regardless of the outcome of the test.

    If the matching test is a fuzz test, then it will open the debugger on the first failure case. If the fuzz test does not fail, it will open the debugger on the last fuzz case.

    For more fine-grained control of which fuzz case is run, see forge debug.

    Print a gas report.

    Exit with code 0 even if a test fails.

    Stop running tests after the first failure.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key. If set, traces are decoded using Etherscan if --fork-url is also set.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

EVM Options

-f url
--rpc-url url
--fork-url url
    Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty state.

    If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see --fork-block-number.

--fork-block-number block
    Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint. See --fork-url.

--fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
     Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.

    Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.

    All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint. See --fork-url.

    Verbosity of the EVM.

    Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).

    Verbosity levels:
    - 2: Print logs for all tests
    - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
    - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for failing tests
    - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

--sender address
    The address which will be executing tests

--initial-balance balance
    The initial balance of deployed contracts

    Enables the FFI cheatcode

Executor Options

--base-fee <FEE>
--block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
    The base fee in a block (in wei).

--block-coinbase address
    The coinbase of the block.

--block-difficulty difficulty
    The block difficulty.

--block-gas-limit gas_limit
    The block gas limit.

--block-number block
    The block number.

--block-timestamp timestamp
    The timestamp of the block (in seconds).

--chain-id chain_id
    The chain ID.

--gas-limit gas_limit
    The block gas limit.

--gas-price gas_price
    The gas price (in wei).

--tx-origin address
    The transaction origin.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

Watch Options

-w [path...]
--watch [path...]
    Watch specific file(s) or folder(s).

    By default, the project's source directory is watched.

-d delay
--delay delay
    File update debounce delay.

    During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once the delay has passed, is an action taken.
    Note that this does not mean a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.

    Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an integer with the ms suffix may be more convenient.

    When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk overloading disk I/O.

    Do not restart the command while it's running.

    Explicitly re-run the command on all files when a change is made.

Display Options

     Print the deployment information as JSON.

    List tests instead of running them.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Run the tests:

    forge test
  2. Open a test in the debugger:

    forge test --debug testSomething
  3. Generate a gas report:

    forge test --gas-report
  4. Only run tests in test/Contract.t.sol in the BigTest contract that start with testFail:

    forge test --match-path test/Contract.t.sol --match-contract BigTest \
      --match-test "testFail*"
  5. List tests in desired format

    forge test --list
    forge test --list --json
    forge test --list --json --match-test "testFail*" | tail -n 1 | json_pp


forge, forge build, forge snapshot

forge snapshot


forge-snapshot - Create a snapshot of each test’s gas usage.


forge snapshot [options]


Create a snapshot of each test’s gas usage.

The results are written to a file named .gas-snapshot. You can change the name of the file by passing --snap <PATH>.

Fuzz tests are included by default in the snapshot. They use a static seed to achieve deterministic results.

Snapshots can be compared with --diff and --check. The first flag will output a diff, and the second will output a diff and exit with code 1 if the snapshots do not match.


Snapshot Options

Sort results by gas used (ascending).

    Sort results by gas used (descending).

--min min_gas
    Only include tests that used more gas that the given amount.

--max max_gas
    Only include tests that used less gas that the given amount.

--tolerance threshold
    Tolerates gas deviations up to the specified percentage (0-100).

--diff path
    Output a diff against a pre-existing snapshot.

    By default the comparison is done with .gas-snapshot.

--check path
    Compare against a pre-existing snapshot, exiting with code 1 if they do not match.

    Outputs a diff if the snapshots do not match.

    By default the comparison is done with .gas-snapshot.

--snap path
    Output file for the snapshot. Default: .gas-snapshot.

Test Options

-m regex
--match regex
    Only run test functions matching the specified regex pattern.
    Deprecated: See --match-test.

--match-test regex
    Only run test functions matching the specified regex pattern.

--no-match-test regex
    Only run test functions that do not match the specified regex pattern.

--match-contract regex
    Only run tests in contracts matching the specified regex pattern.

--no-match-contract regex
    Only run tests in contracts that do not match the specified regex pattern.

--match-path glob
    Only run tests in source files matching the specified glob pattern.

--no-match-path glob
    Only run tests in source files that do not match the specified glob pattern.

--debug regex
    Run a test in the debugger.

    The argument passed to this flag is the name of the test function you want to run, and it works the same as --match-test.

    If more than one test matches your specified criteria, you must add additional filters until only one test is found (see --match-contract and --match-path).

    The matching test will be opened in the debugger regardless of the outcome of the test.

    If the matching test is a fuzz test, then it will open the debugger on the first failure case. If the fuzz test does not fail, it will open the debugger on the last fuzz case.

    For more fine-grained control of which fuzz case is run, see forge debug.

    Print a gas report.

    Exit with code 0 even if a test fails.

    Stop running tests after the first failure.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key. If set, traces are decoded using Etherscan if --fork-url is also set.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

EVM Options

-f url
--rpc-url url
--fork-url url
    Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty state.

    If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see --fork-block-number.

--fork-block-number block
    Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint. See --fork-url.

--fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
     Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.

    Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.

    All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint. See --fork-url.

    Verbosity of the EVM.

    Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).

    Verbosity levels:
    - 2: Print logs for all tests
    - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
    - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for failing tests
    - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

--sender address
    The address which will be executing tests

--initial-balance balance
    The initial balance of deployed contracts

    Enables the FFI cheatcode

Executor Options

--base-fee <FEE>
--block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
    The base fee in a block (in wei).

--block-coinbase address
    The coinbase of the block.

--block-difficulty difficulty
    The block difficulty.

--block-gas-limit gas_limit
    The block gas limit.

--block-number block
    The block number.

--block-timestamp timestamp
    The timestamp of the block (in seconds).

--chain-id chain_id
    The chain ID.

--gas-limit gas_limit
    The block gas limit.

--gas-price gas_price
    The gas price (in wei).

--tx-origin address
    The transaction origin.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

Display Options

     Print the deployment information as JSON.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Create a snapshot:

    forge snapshot
  2. Generate a diff:

    forge snapshot --diff
  3. Check that the snapshots match:

    forge snapshot --check


forge, forge test

forge coverage


forge-coverage - Displays which parts of your code are covered by tests.


forge coverage [options]


Displays which parts of your code are covered by tests.

Warning ⚠️

The derive function end line feature introduced in lcov 2.0 version (and enabled by default) is not supported, therefore lcov and genhtml should be run with --rc derive_function_end_line=0 option in order to generate coverage report.


Report Options

--report allows you to specify the report type to use for coverage. This flag can be used multiple times.

It has three different options and is set to summary by default.

    Outputs a chart showing what percentage of your code is covered by tests.

    Creates a file containing your coverage data in the root of your project’s directory.

    Outputs lines describing the location of uncovered code.

Common Options

    Prints help information.

Optimization Option

--ir-minimum allows you to run the coverage with via-ir enabled for the “minimum amount of optimization” necessary.


  1. View summarized coverage:

    forge coverage
  2. Create lcov file with coverage data:

    forge coverage --report lcov
  3. Output uncovered code locations:

    forge coverage --report debug


forge, forge test

Deploy Commands

forge create


forge-create - Deploy a smart contract.


forge create [options] contract


Deploy a smart contract.

The path to the contract is in the format <path>:<contract>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Contract.

You can specify constructor arguments with --constructor-args. Alternatively, you can specify a file containing space-separated constructor arguments with --constructor-args-path.

Dynamic linking is not supported: you should predeploy your libraries and manually specify their addresses (see --libraries).

ℹ️ Note

The --constructor-args flag must be positioned last in the command, since it takes multiple values.


Build Options

--constructor-args args…
    The constructor arguments.

--constructor-args-path file
    The path to a file containing the constructor arguments.

    Verify contract after creation. Runs forge verify-contract with the appropriate parameters.

--verifier name
    The verification provider. Available options: etherscan, sourcify & blockscout. Default: etherscan. Note: make sure you add "/api?" to the end of the Blockscout homepage explorer URL.

--verifier-url url
    The optional verifier url for submitting the verification request.
    Environment: VERIFIER_URL

    Send via eth_sendTransaction using the --from argument or $ETH_FROM as sender.

Transaction Options

--gas-limit gas_limit
    Gas limit for the transaction.

--gas-price price
    Gas price for the transaction, or max fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions.

--priority-gas-price price
    Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions.

--value value
    Ether to send in the transaction.

    Either specified as an integer (wei), or as a string with a unit, for example:
    - 1ether
    - 10gwei
    - 0.01ether

--nonce nonce
    Nonce for the transaction.

    Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.

    This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.


--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.


--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.     Environment: ETH_PASSWORD

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

Wallet Options - Remote

-f address
--from address
    Sign the transaction with the specified account on the RPC.
    Environment: ETH_FROM

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

Display Options

     Print the deployment information as JSON.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Deploy a contract with no constructor arguments:

    forge create src/Contract.sol:ContractWithNoConstructor
  2. Deploy a contract with two constructor arguments:

    forge create src/Contract.sol:MyToken --constructor-args "My Token" "MT"


forge, forge build, forge verify-contract

forge verify-contract


forge-verify-contract - Verify smart contracts on a chosen verification provider.


forge verify-contract [options] address contract


Verifies a smart contract on a chosen verification provider.

You must provide:

  • The contract address
  • The contract name or the path to the contract (read below) In case of Etherscan verification, you must also provide:
  • Your Etherscan API key, either by passing it as an argument or setting ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

To find the exact compiler version, run ~/.svm/x.y.z/solc-x.y.z --version and search for the 8 hex digits in the version string here.

The path to the contract is in the format <path>:<contract>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Contract.

By default, smart contracts are verified in a multi-file fashion. If you want to flatten the contract before verifying, pass --flatten.

This command will try to compile the source code of the flattened contract if --flatten is passed before verifying. If you do not want that, pass --force.

You can specify ABI-encoded constructor arguments with --constructor-args. Alternatively, you can specify a file containing space-separated constructor arguments with --constructor-args-path. (Note that cache must be enabled in the config for the latter to work.)


Verify Contract Options

--verifier name
    The verification provider. Available options: etherscan, sourcify & blockscout. Default: etherscan. Note: make sure you add "/api?" to the end of the Blockscout homepage explorer URL.

--verifier-url url
    The optional verifier url for submitting the verification request.
    Environment: VERIFIER_URL

--skip-is-verified-check     Send the verification request even if the contract is already verified.

--compiler-version version
    The compiler version used to build the smart contract.

    To find the exact compiler version, run ~/.svm/x.y.z/solc-x.y.z --version where x and y are major and minor version numbers respectively, then search for the 8 hex digits in the version string here.

--num-of-optimizations num
--optimizer-runs num
    The number of optimization runs used to build the smart contract.

--constructor-args args
    The ABI-encoded constructor arguments. Conflicts with --constructor-args-path.

--constructor-args-path file
    The path to a file containing the constructor arguments. Conflicts with --constructor-args.

--chain-id chain
--chain chain
    The ID or name of the chain the contract is deployed to.
    Default: mainnet

    Flag indicating whether to flatten the source code before verifying.

    If this flag is not provided, the JSON standard input will be used instead.

    Do not compile the flattened smart contract before verifying.

--delay delay
    Optional timeout to apply in between attempts in seconds. Defaults to 3.

--retries retries
    Number of attempts for retrying. Defaults to 15.

    Command outputs JSON suitable for saving to a file and uploading to block explorers for verification.

    Wait for verification result after submission.
    Automatically runs forge verify-check until the verification either fails or succeeds.

--via-ir     Set viaIR to true.     If you compiled using --via-ir when deploying, pass it here too in order to prevent a bytecode mismatch.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Verify a contract with JSON standard input on Etherscan

    forge verify-contract <address> SomeContract --watch
  2. Verify a contract on a custom Sourcify instance

    forge verify-contract --verifier sourcify \
      --verifier-url http://localhost:5000 <address> SomeContract
  3. Verify a flattened contract built with solc v0.8.11+commit.d7f03943:

    forge verify-contract --flatten --watch --compiler-version "v0.8.11+commit.d7f03943" \
      --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(string,string,uint256,uint256)" "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000) \
      <address> MyToken
  4. Verify a flattened contract by specifying constructor arguments in a file:

    forge verify-contract --flatten --watch --compiler-version "v0.8.11+commit.d7f03943" \
      --constructor-args-path constructor-args.txt <address> src/Token.sol:MyToken

    where constructor-args.txt contains the following content:

    ForgeUSD FUSD 18 1000000000000000000000
  5. Verify a contract with Blockscout right after deployment (make sure you add “/api?” to the end of the Blockscout homepage explorer URL):

    forge create --rpc-url <rpc_https_endpoint> --private-key $devTestnetPrivateKey src/Contract.sol:SimpleStorage --verify --verifier blockscout --verifier-url <blockscout_homepage_explorer_url>/api? 
  6. verify a contract with Oklink

    forge verify-contract 0x8CDDE82cFB4555D6ca21B5b28F97630265DA94c4 Counter --verifier oklink --verifier-url  --api-key $OKLINK_API_KEY
  7. verify a contract with Oklink while deploying

    forge create Counter --rpc-url <rpc_https_endpoint> --verify --verifier oklink --verifier-url --etherscan-api-key $OKLINK_API_KEY --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --legacy


forge, forge create, forge flatten, forge verify-check

forge verify-check


forge-verify-check - Check verification status on a chosen verification provider.


forge verify-check [options] id [etherscan_key]

The id is the verification identifier. For Etherscan & Bloxroute - it is the submission GUID, for Sourcify - it’s the contract address.


Check verification status on a chosen verification provider.

For Etherscan, you must provide an Etherscan API key, either by passing it as an argument or setting ETHERSCAN_API_KEY


Verify Contract Options

--verifier name
    The verification provider. Available options: etherscan, sourcify & blockscout. Default: etherscan. Note: make sure you add "/api?" to the end of the Blockscout homepage explorer URL.

--verifier-url url
    The optional verifier url for submitting the verification request.
    Environment: VERIFIER_URL

--chain-id chain_id
    The chain ID the contract is deployed to (either a number or a chain name).
    Default: mainnet

--delay delay
    Optional timeout to apply in between attempts in seconds. Defaults to 3.

--retries retries
    Number of attempts for retrying. Defaults to 15.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


forge, forge create, forge verify-contract

forge flatten


forge-flatten - Flatten a source file and all of its imports into one file.


forge flatten [options] file


Flatten a source file and all of its imports into one file.

If --output <FILE> is not set, then the flattened contract will be output to stdout.


Flatten Options

-o file
--output file
    The path to output the flattened contract. If not specified, the flattened contract will be output to stdout.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Flatten src/Contract.sol:

    forge flatten src/Contract.sol
  2. Flatten src/Contract.sol and write the result to src/Contract.flattened.sol:

    forge flatten --output src/Contract.flattened.sol src/Contract.sol


forge, forge verify-contract

Utility Commands

forge debug


forge-debug - Debug a single smart contract as a script.


forge debug [options] path [args…]


Debugs a single smart contract located in the source file (path) as a script.

If multiple contracts are in the specified source file, you must pass --target-contract to specify what contract you want to run.


After the script is deployed to the internal EVM a call is made to a function with the signature setUp(), if present.

By default, the script is assumed to be contained in a function with the signature run(). If you wish to run a different function, pass --sig <SIGNATURE>.

The signature can be a fragment (<function name>(<types>)), or raw calldata.

If you pass a fragment, and the function has parameters, you can add the call parameters to the end of the command (args).


It is possible to run the script in a forked environment by passing --fork-url <URL>.

When the script is running in a forked environment, you can access all the state of the forked chain as you would if you had deployed the script. Cheatcodes are still available.

You can also specify a block number to fork from by passing --fork-block-number <BLOCK>. When forking from a specific block, the chain data is cached to ~/.foundry/cache. If you do not want to cache the chain data, pass --no-storage-caching.


It is possible to run the script in an interactive debugger. To start the debugger, pass --debug.

More information on the debugger can be found in the debugger chapter.


Debug Options

--target-contract contract_name
    The name of the contract you want to run

-s signature
--sig signature
    The signature of the function you want to call in the contract, or raw calldata. Default: run()

    Open the script in the debugger.

EVM Options

-f url
--rpc-url url
--fork-url url
    Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty state.

    If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see --fork-block-number.

--fork-block-number block
    Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint. See --fork-url.

--fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
     Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.

    Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.

    All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint. See --fork-url.

    Verbosity of the EVM.

    Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).

    Verbosity levels:
    - 2: Print logs for all tests
    - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
    - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for failing tests
    - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

--sender address
    The address which will be executing tests

--initial-balance balance
    The initial balance of deployed contracts

    Enables the FFI cheatcode

Executor Options

--base-fee <FEE>
--block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
    The base fee in a block (in wei).

--block-coinbase address
    The coinbase of the block.

--block-difficulty difficulty
    The block difficulty.

--block-gas-limit gas_limit
    The block gas limit.

--block-number block
    The block number.

--block-timestamp timestamp
    The timestamp of the block (in seconds).

--chain-id chain_id
    The chain ID.

--gas-limit gas_limit
    The block gas limit.

--gas-price gas_price
    The gas price (in wei).

--tx-origin address
    The transaction origin.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Execute the run() function in a contract:

    forge debug src/Contract.sol
  2. Open a script in the debugger:

    forge debug src/Contract.sol --debug
  3. Execute the foo() function in a contract:

    forge debug src/Contract.sol --sig "foo()"
  4. Execute a contract with a function that takes parameters:

    forge debug src/Contract.sol --sig "foo(string,uint256)" "hello" 100
  5. Execute a contract with raw calldata:

    forge debug src/Contract.sol --sig "0x..."


forge, forge test

forge bind


forge-bind - Generate Rust bindings for smart contracts.


forge bind [options]


Generates Rust bindings for smart contracts using ethers-rs.

The bindings are generated from the project’s artifacts, which by default is ./out/. If you want to generate bindings for artifacts in a different directory, pass --bindings-path <PATH>.

There are three output options:

  • Generate bindings in a crate (default)
  • Generate bindings in a module by passing --module
  • Generate bindings in a single file by passing --single-file

By default, the command will check that existing bindings are correct and exit accordingly. You can overwrite the existing bindings by passing --overwrite.


Project Options

-b path
--bindings-path path
    The project’s root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

--crate-name name
    The name of the Rust crate to generate, if you are generating a crate (default).
    This should be a valid crate name.

    Default: foundry-contracts

--crate-version semver
    The version of the Rust crate to generate, if you are generating a crate (default).
    This should be a standard semver version string.

    Default: 0.0.1

    Generate the bindings as a module instead of a crate.

    Generate bindings as a single file.

    Overwrite existing generated bindings. By default, the command will check that the bindings are correct, and then exit.
    If --overwrite is passed, it will instead delete and overwrite the bindings.

--root path
    The project’s root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

    Skip Cargo.toml consistency checks.
    This allows you to manage the ethers version without giving up on consistency checks.
    An example would be if you use additional features of ethers like ws, ipc, or rustls and get an ethers-providers version mismatch.

    Skips running forge build before generating binding.
    This allows you to skip the default forge build step that’s executed first and instead generate bindings using the already existing artifacts.

    By default all contracts ending with Test or Script are excluded. This will explicitly generate bindings for all contracts. Conflicts with --select and --skip.

--select regex+
    Create bindings only for contracts whose names match the specified filter(s). Conflicts with --skip.

--skip regex+
    Create bindings only for contracts whose names do not match the specified filter(s). Conflicts with --select.

Common Options

    Prints help information.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.



forge cache


forge-cache - Manage the Foundry cache.


forge cache [options] command [args]
forge cache [options] --version
forge cache [options] --help


This program is a set of tools to manage the Foundry cache.


forge cache clean
    Cleans cached data from ~/.foundry.

forge cache ls
    Shows cached data from ~/.foundry.


Special Options

    Print version info and exit.

Common Options

    Prints help information.

forge cache clean


forge-cache-clean - Cleans cached data from ~/.foundry.


forge cache clean [options] [] [chains..]


Removes files in the ~/.foundry/cache folder which is used to cache Etherscan verification status and block data.


    One or more block numbers separated by comma with no spaces

--etherscan     A boolean flag that specifies to only remove the block explorer portion of the cache

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Remove the entire cache (also, forge cache clean is an alias for this)

    forge cache clean all
  2. Remove the entire block explorer cache

    forge cache clean all --etherscan
  3. Remove cache data for a specific chain, by name

    forge cache clean rinkeby
  4. Remove cache data for a specific block number on a specific chain. Does not work if chain is all

    forge cache clean rinkeby -b 150000
  5. Remove block explorer cache data for a specific chain. Does not work if --blocks are specified.

    forge cache clean rinkeby --etherscan
  6. Specify multiple chains

    forge cache clean rinkeby mainnet
  7. Specify multiple blocks

    forge cache clean rinkeby --blocks 530000,9000000,9200000


forge, forge cache

forge cache ls


forge-cache-ls - Shows cached data from ~/.foundry.


forge cache ls [chains..]


Lists what is in the ~/.foundry/cache folder currently.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Show the entire cache (also, forge cache ls is an alias for this)

    forge cache ls all
  2. Show cache data for a specific chain, by name

    forge cache ls rinkeby
  3. Specify multiple chains

    forge cache ls rinkeby mainnet


forge, forge cache

forge script


forge-script - Run a smart contract as a script, building transactions that can be sent onchain.


forge script [options] path [args…]


Run a smart contract as a script, building transactions that can be sent onchain.

Scripts can be used to apply state transitions on live contracts, or deploy and initialize a complex set of smart contracts using Solidity.


    Broadcasts the transactions.

    Open the script in the debugger. Takes precedence over broadcast.

--gas-estimate-multiplier multiplier
    Relative percentage by which to multiply all gas estimates. (i.e. set to 200 to double them)     Default: 130

    Output results in JSON format.
    Note: The output is under development and prone to change.

    Use legacy transactions instead of EIP1559 ones. This is auto-enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

    Resumes submitting transactions that failed or timed-out previously.

--sig signature
    The signature of the function you want to call in the contract, or raw calldata.
    Default: run()

    Skips on-chain simulation.

    Skip compilation of non-essential contract directories like test or script (usage --skip test).

    Remove interactive prompts which appear if the contract is near the EIP-170 size limit.

    Makes sure a transaction is sent, only after its previous one has been confirmed and succeeded.

--target-contract contract_name
    The name of the contract you want to run.

    Sets the priority gas price for EIP1559 transactions. Useful for when gas prices are volatile and you want to get your transaction included.

--with-gas-price price
    Sets the gas price for broadcasted legacy transactions, or the max fee for broadcasted EIP1559 transactions.
    Note: To set the gas price in the execution environment of the script use --gas-price instead (see below).

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Verification Options

    If it finds a matching broadcast log, it tries to verify every contract found in the receipts.

--verifier name
    The verification provider. Available options: etherscan, sourcify & blockscout. Default: etherscan. Note: make sure you add "/api?" to the end of the Blockscout homepage explorer URL.

--verifier-url url
    The optional verifier url for submitting the verification request.
    Environment: VERIFIER_URL

--delay delay
    Optional timeout to apply in between attempts in seconds. Defaults to 3.

--retries retries
    Number of attempts for retrying. Defaults to 15.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

Build Options

    Print compiled contract names.

    Print compiled non-test contract sizes, exiting with code 1 if any of them are above the size limit.

Watch Options

-w [path...]
--watch [path...]
    Watch specific file(s) or folder(s).

    By default, the project's source directory is watched.

-d delay
--delay delay
    File update debounce delay.

    During the delay, incoming change events are accumulated and only once the delay has passed, is an action taken.
    Note that this does not mean a command will be started: if --no-restart is given and a command is already running, the outcome of the action will be to do nothing.

    Defaults to 50ms. Parses as decimal seconds by default, but using an integer with the ms suffix may be more convenient.

    When using --poll mode, you'll want a larger duration, or risk overloading disk I/O.

    Do not restart the command while it's running.

    Explicitly re-run the command on all files when a change is made.

Wallet Options - Raw

-i --interactives num
    Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
    Default: 0

--mnemonic-indexes indexes
    Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-path.
    Default: 0

--mnemonic-paths paths
    Use the mnemonic file at the specified path(s).

--private-key raw_private_key
    Use the provided private key.

--private-keys raw_private_keys
    Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystores paths
    Use the keystores in the given folders or files.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.

--password passwords
    The keystore passwords. Used with --keystore.

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

--hd-paths paths
    The derivation paths to use with hardware wallets.

Wallet Options - Remote

-a addresses --froms addresses     Sign the transaction with the specified accounts on the RPC.     Environment: ETH_FROM

EVM Options

-f url
--rpc-url url
--fork-url url
    Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty state.

    If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see --fork-block-number.

--fork-block-number block
    Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint. See --fork-url.

--fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
     Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.

    Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.

    All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint. See --fork-url.

    Verbosity of the EVM.

    Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).

    Verbosity levels:
    - 2: Print logs for all tests
    - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
    - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for failing tests
    - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

--sender address
    The address which will be executing tests

--initial-balance balance
    The initial balance of deployed contracts

    Enables the FFI cheatcode

Executor Options

--base-fee <FEE>
--block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
    The base fee in a block (in wei).

--block-coinbase address
    The coinbase of the block.

--block-difficulty difficulty
    The block difficulty.

--block-gas-limit gas_limit
    The block gas limit.

--block-number block
    The block number.

--block-timestamp timestamp
    The timestamp of the block (in seconds).

--chain-id chain_id
    The chain ID.

--gas-limit gas_limit
    The block gas limit.

--gas-price gas_price
    The gas price (in wei).

--tx-origin address
    The transaction origin.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Run BroadcastTest as a script, broadcasting generated transactions on-chain

    forge script ./test/Broadcast.t.sol --tc BroadcastTest --sig "deploy()" \
        -vvv --fork-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL
  2. Deploy a contract on Polygon (see scripting tutorial for an example script). The verifier url is different for every network.

    forge script script/NFT.s.sol:MyScript --chain-id 137 --rpc-url $RPC_URL \
        --etherscan-api-key $POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY --verifier-url \
        --broadcast --verify -vvvv
  3. Resume a failed script. Using the above as an example, remove --broadcast add --resume

    forge script script/NFT.s.sol:MyScript --chain-id 137 --rpc-url $RPC_URL \
        --etherscan-api-key $POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY --verifier-url \
        --verify -vvvv --resume
  4. Verify contracts that were just deployed with a script

    forge script script/NFT.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --verify --resume

forge upload-selectors


forge-upload-selectors - Uploads abi of given contract to function selector database.


forge upload-selectors [options] contract


Uploads abi of given contract to function selector database.


Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Upload ABI to selector database
    forge upload-selectors LinearVestingVault

forge doc


forge-doc - Generate documentation for Solidity source files.


forge doc [options]


Generates and builds an mdbook from Solidity source files.


--root path
    The project’s root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

--out path     The output path for the generated mdbook. By default, it is the docs/ in project root.

--build     Build the mdbook from generated files.

--serve     Serve the documentation locally.

--hostname hostname     Hostname for serving documentation. Requires --serve.

--port port     Port for serving documentation. Requires --serve.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Generate documentation.

    forge doc
  2. Generate and build documentation with specified output directory.

    forge doc --build --out ./documentation
  3. Generate and serve documentation locally on port 4000.

    forge doc --serve --port 4000


Doc config

cast Commands

General Commands



cast - Perform Ethereum RPC calls from the comfort of your command line.


cast [options] command [args] cast [options] --version cast [options] --help


This program is a set of tools to interact with Ethereum and perform conversions.


General Commands

cast help     Display help information about Cast.

cast completions     Generate shell autocompletions for Cast.

Chain Commands

cast chain-id     Get the Ethereum chain ID.

cast chain     Get the symbolic name of the current chain.

cast client     Get the current client version.

Transaction Commands

cast publish     Publish a raw transaction to the network.

cast receipt     Get the transaction receipt for a transaction.

cast send     Sign and publish a transaction.

cast call     Perform a call on an account without publishing a transaction.

cast rpc      Perform a raw JSON-RPC request [aliases: rp]

cast tx     Get information about a transaction.

cast run     Runs a published transaction in a local environment and prints the trace.

cast estimate     Estimate the gas cost of a transaction.

cast access-list     Create an access list for a transaction.

cast logs     Get logs by signature or topic

Block Commands

cast find-block     Get the block number closest to the provided timestamp.

cast gas-price     Get the current gas price.

cast block-number     Get the latest block number.

cast basefee     Get the basefee of a block.

cast block     Get information about a block.

cast age     Get the timestamp of a block.

Account Commands

cast balance     Get the balance of an account in wei.

cast storage     Get the raw value of a contract’s storage slot.

cast proof     Generate a storage proof for a given storage slot.

cast nonce     Get the nonce for an account.

cast code     Get the bytecode of a contract.

cast codesize     Get the runtime bytecode size of a contract.

ENS Commands

cast lookup-address     Perform an ENS reverse lookup.

cast resolve-name     Perform an ENS lookup.

cast namehash     Calculate the ENS namehash of a name.

Etherscan Commands

cast etherscan-source     Get the source code of a contract from Etherscan.

ABI Commands

cast abi-decode     Decode ABI-encoded input or output data.

cast abi-encode     ABI encode the given function arguments, excluding the selector.

cast 4byte     Get the function signatures for the given selector from

cast 4byte-decode     Decode ABI-encoded calldata using

cast 4byte-event     Get the event signature for a given topic 0 from

cast calldata     ABI-encode a function with arguments.

cast calldata-decode     Decode ABI-encoded input data.

cast pretty-calldata     Pretty print calldata.

cast selectors     Extracts function selectors and arguments from bytecode

cast upload-signature     Upload the given signatures to

Conversion Commands

cast format-bytes32-string     Formats a string into bytes32 encoding.

cast from-bin     Convert binary data into hex data.

cast from-fixed-point     Convert a fixed point number into an integer.

cast from-utf8     Convert UTF8 to hex.

cast from-wei     Convert wei into an ETH amount

cast parse-bytes32-address     Parses a checksummed address from bytes32 encoding.

cast parse-bytes32-string     Parses a string from bytes32 encoding.

cast to-ascii     Convert hex data to an ASCII string.

cast to-base     Convert a number of one base to another.

cast to-bytes32     Right-pads hex data to 32 bytes.

cast to-dec     Converts a number of one base to decimal

cast to-fixed-point     Convert an integer into a fixed point number.

cast to-hex     Converts a number of one base to another

cast to-hexdata     Normalize the input to lowercase, 0x-prefixed hex.

cast to-int256     Convert a number to a hex-encoded int256.

cast to-rlp     RLP encodes hex data, or an array of hex data

cast to-uint256     Convert a number to a hex-encoded uint256.

cast to-unit     Convert an ETH amount into another unit (ether, gwei, wei).

cast to-wei     Convert an ETH amount to wei.

cast shl     Perform a left shifting operation.

cast shr     Perform a right shifting operation.

Utility Commands

cast address-zero     Prints the zero address.

cast sig     Get the selector for a function.

cast sig-event     Generate event signatures from event string.

cast keccak     Hash arbitrary data using keccak-256.

cast compute-address     Compute the contract address from a given nonce and deployer address.

cast create2      Generate a deterministic contract address using CREATE2

cast interface     Generate a Solidity interface from a given ABI.

cast index     Compute the storage slot for an entry in a mapping.

cast concat-hex     Concatenate hex strings.

cast max-int     Get the maximum i256 value.

cast min-int     Get the minimum i256 value.

cast max-uint     Get the maximum u256 value.

cast to-check-sum-address     Convert an address to a checksummed format (EIP-55).

Wallet Commands

cast wallet     Wallet management utilities.

cast wallet new     Create a new random keypair.

cast wallet address     Convert a private key to an address.

cast wallet sign     Sign a message.

cast wallet vanity     Generate a vanity address.

cast wallet verify     Verify the signature of a message.


Special Options

-V --version     Print version info and exit.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Call a function on a contract:

    cast call 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 \
      "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" 0x...
  2. Decode raw calldata:

    cast calldata-decode "transfer(address,uint256)" \
  3. Encode calldata:

    cast calldata "someFunc(address,uint256)" 0x... 1


See for issues.

cast help


cast-help - Get help for a Cast command


cast help [subcommand]


Prints a help message for the given command.


  1. Get help for a command:

    cast help call
  2. Help is also available with the --help flag:

    cast call --help



cast completions


cast-completions - Generate shell completions script


cast completions shell


Generates a shell completions script for the given shell.

Supported shells are:

  • bash
  • elvish
  • fish
  • powershell
  • zsh


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Generate shell completions script for zsh:
    cast completions zsh > $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/completions/_cast



Chain Commands

cast chain-id


cast-chain-id - Get the Ethereum chain ID.


cast chain-id [options]


Get the Ethereum chain ID from the RPC endpoint we are connected to.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the chain ID when talking to $RPC:

    cast chain-id --rpc-url $RPC
  2. Get the chain ID when $ETH_RPC_URL is set:

    cast chain-id


cast, cast chain

cast chain


cast-chain - Get the symbolic name of the current chain.


cast chain [options]


Get the symbolic chain name from the RPC endpoint we are connected to.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the chain name when talking to $RPC:

    cast chain --rpc-url $RPC
  2. Get the chain name when $ETH_RPC_URL is set:

    cast chain


cast, cast chain-id

cast client


cast-client - Get the current client version.


cast client [options]


Get the current client version.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the current client version:
    cast client



Transaction Commands

cast publish


cast-publish - Publish a raw transaction to the network.


cast publish [options] tx


Publish a raw pre-signed transaction to the network.


Publish Options

    Do not wait for a transaction receipt.
    Environment: CAST_ASYNC

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Publish a pre-signed transaction:

    cast publish --rpc-url $RPC $TX
  2. Publish a pre-signed transaction with flashbots.

    cast publish --flashbots $TX


cast, cast call, cast send, cast receipt, cast mktx

cast receipt


cast-receipt - Get the transaction receipt for a transaction.


cast receipt [options] tx_hash [field]


Get the transaction receipt for a transaction.

If field is specified, then only the given field of the receipt is displayed.


Receipt Options

    Do not wait for the transaction receipt if it does not exist yet.
    Environment: CAST_ASYNC

-c confirmations
--confirmations confirmations
    Wait a number of confirmations before exiting. Default: 1.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Display Options

     Print the deployment information as JSON.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get a transaction receipt:

    cast receipt $TX_HASH
  2. Get the block number the transaction was included in:

    cast receipt $TX_HASH blockNumber


cast, cast call, cast send, cast publish

cast send


cast-send - Sign and publish a transaction.


cast send [options] to [sig] [args…]


Sign and publish a transaction.

The destination (to) can be an ENS name or an address.

The signature (sig) can be:

  • A fragment: someFunction(uint256,bytes32)
  • A selector and encoded calldata: 0xcdba2fd40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007a69
  • Only the function name: in this case Cast will try to fetch the function signature from Etherscan


Transaction Options

--gas-limit gas_limit
    Gas limit for the transaction.

--gas-price price
    Gas price for the transaction, or max fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions.

--priority-gas-price price
    Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions.

--value value
    Ether to send in the transaction.

    Either specified as an integer (wei), or as a string with a unit, for example:
    - 1ether
    - 10gwei
    - 0.01ether

--nonce nonce
    Nonce for the transaction.

    Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.

    This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

    Reuse the latest nonce of the sending account.

--create code [sig args…]
    Deploy a contract by specifying raw bytecode, in place of specifying a to address.

Receipt Options

    Do not wait for the transaction receipt if it does not exist yet.
    Environment: CAST_ASYNC

-c confirmations
--confirmations confirmations
    Wait a number of confirmations before exiting. Default: 1.


--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.


--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.     Environment: ETH_PASSWORD

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

Wallet Options - Remote

-f address
--from address
    Sign the transaction with the specified account on the RPC.
    Environment: ETH_FROM

    Send via eth_sendTransaction using the --from argument or $ETH_FROM as sender.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Display Options

     Print the deployment information as JSON.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Send some ether to Vitalik using your Ledger:

    cast send --ledger vitalik.eth --value 0.1ether
  2. Call deposit(address token, uint256 amount) on a contract:

    cast send --ledger 0x... "deposit(address,uint256)" 0x... 1
  3. Call a function that expects a struct:

    contract Test {
        struct MyStruct {
            address addr;
            uint256 amount;
        function myfunction(MyStruct memory t) public pure {}

    Structs are encoded as tuples (see struct encoding)

    cast send 0x... "myfunction((address,uint256))" "(0x...,1)"
  4. Send a transaction with hex data in the input field of the transaction object:

    cast send 0x... 0x68656c6c6f20776f726c64
  5. Sign an EIP-7702 authorization and attach it to a transaction from a different sender:

    cast send $(cast az) --private-key <sender-pk> --auth $(cast wallet sign-auth <address> --private-key <delegator-pk>)
  6. Send an EIP-7702 transaction delegating the sender to <address>:

    cast send $(cast az) --auth <address>


cast, cast call, cast publish, cast receipt, cast mktx, struct encoding

cast mktx


cast-mktx - Build and sign a transaction.


cast mktx [options] to [sig] [args…]


Build and sign a transaction, without publishing it.

The destination (to) can be an ENS name or an address.

The signature (sig) can be:

  • A fragment: someFunction(uint256,bytes32)
  • A selector and encoded calldata: 0xcdba2fd40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007a69
  • Only the function name: in this case Cast will try to fetch the function signature from Etherscan


Transaction Options

--gas-limit gas_limit
    Gas limit for the transaction.

--gas-price price
    Gas price for the transaction, or max fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions.

--priority-gas-price price
    Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions.

--value value
    Ether to send in the transaction.

    Either specified as an integer (wei), or as a string with a unit, for example:
    - 1ether
    - 10gwei
    - 0.01ether

--nonce nonce
    Nonce for the transaction.

    Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.

    This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

--create code [sig args…]
    Deploy a contract by specifying raw bytecode, in place of specifying a to address.


--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.


--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.     Environment: ETH_PASSWORD

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Sign a transaction that sends some ether to Vitalik using your Ledger:

    cast mktx --ledger vitalik.eth --value 0.1ether
  2. Sign a transaction that calls deposit(address token, uint256 amount) on a contract:

    cast mktx --ledger 0x... "deposit(address,uint256)" 0x... 1
  3. Sign a transaction that calls a function that expects a struct:

    contract Test {
        struct MyStruct {
            address addr;
            uint256 amount;
        function myfunction(MyStruct memory t) public pure {}

    Structs are encoded as tuples (see struct encoding)

    cast mktx 0x... "myfunction((address,uint256))" "(0x...,1)"
  4. Sign a transaction with hex data in the input field of the transaction object:

    cast mktx 0x... 0x68656c6c6f20776f726c64


cast, cast publish, cast send, struct encoding

cast call


cast-call - Perform a call on an account without publishing a transaction.


cast call [options] to sig [args…]


Perform a call on an account without publishing a transaction.

The destination (to) can be an ENS name or an address.

The signature (sig) can be:

  • A fragment: someFunction(uint256,bytes32)
  • A selector and encoded calldata: 0xcdba2fd40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007a69
  • Only the function name: in this case Cast will try to fetch the function signature from Etherscan


    Prints traces for the transaction.

    Opens an interactive debugger with the transaction. Needs --trace.

--labels <address:label>
    Labels to apply to the traces, with the format address:label. Needs --trace.

    The EVM version to use. Needs --trace.

--data data
    Allows setting the data field directly without providing sig [args…].
    Data needs to be in hexadecimal format.

Query Options

-B block
--block block
    The block height you want to query at.

    Can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending.


--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.


--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.     Environment: ETH_PASSWORD

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

Wallet Options - Remote

-f address
--from address
    Sign the transaction with the specified account on the RPC.
    Environment: ETH_FROM

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Call balanceOf(address) on the WETH contract:

    cast call 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 \
      "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" 0x...
  2. Call tokenURI(uint256)(string) on the Tubby Cats NFT contract:

    export CONTRACT=0xca7ca7bcc765f77339be2d648ba53ce9c8a262bd
    export TOKEN_ID=19938
    cast call $CONTRACT "tokenURI(uint256)(string)" $TOKEN_ID
  3. Call getAmountsOut(uint,address[]) on the Uniswap v2 router contract:

    cast call 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D \
     "getAmountsOut(uint,address[])" 1 "[0x6b...0f,0xc0...c2]"


cast, cast send, cast publish, cast receipt

cast rpc


cast-rpc - Perform a raw JSON-RPC request


cast rpc [options] METHOD [PARAMS…]


Perform a simple JSON-RPC POST request for the given method and with the params


Query Options

-r url
--rpc-url url
    The URL of the provider

    Pass the “params” as is      If –raw is passed the first PARAM will be taken as the value of “params”. If no params are given, stdin will be used. For example:      rpc eth_getBlockByNumber ‘[“0x123”, false]’ –raw      => {“method”: “eth_getBlockByNumber”, “params”: [“0x123”, false] … }


  1. Get latest eth_getBlockByNumber on localhost:

    cast rpc eth_getBlockByNumber "latest" "false"
  2. Get eth_getTransactionByHash on localhost:

    cast rpc eth_getTransactionByHash 0x2642e960d3150244e298d52b5b0f024782253e6d0b2c9a01dd4858f7b4665a3f
  3. Get latest eth_getBlockByNumber on etherum mainnet:

    cast rpc --rpc-url eth_getBlockByNumber "latest" "false"

cast tx


cast-tx - Get information about a transaction.


cast tx [options] tx_hash [field]


Get information about a transaction.

If field is specified, then only the given field of the transaction is displayed.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Display Options

     Print the deployment information as JSON.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get information about a transaction:

    cast tx $TX_HASH
  2. Get the sender of a transaction:

    cast tx $TX_HASH from


cast, cast receipt

cast run


cast-run - Runs a published transaction in a local environment and prints the trace.


cast run [options] --rpc-url url tx_hash


Runs a published transaction in a local environment and prints the trace.

By default, all transactions in the block prior to the transaction you want to replay are also replayed. If you want a quicker result, you can use --quick, however, results may differ from the live execution.

You can also open the transaction in a debugger by passing --debug.


Run Options

--label label
    Labels an address in the trace.
    The format is <address>:<label>. Can be passed multiple times.

    Executes the transaction only with the state from the previous block.
    May result in different results than the live execution!

    Addresses are fully displayed instead of being truncated.

    Open the script in the debugger.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Replay a transaction (a simple transfer):

    cast run 0xd15e0237413d7b824b784e1bbc3926e52f4726e5e5af30418803b8b327b4f8ca
  2. Replay a transaction, applied on top of the state of the previous block:

    cast run --quick \
  3. Replay a transaction with address labels:

    cast run \
      --label 0xc564ee9f21ed8a2d8e7e76c085740d5e4c5fafbe:sender \
      --label 0x40950267d12e979ad42974be5ac9a7e452f9505e:recipient \
      --label 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2:weth \
  4. Replay a transaction in the debugger:

    cast run --debug \



cast estimate


cast-estimate - Estimate the gas cost of a transaction.


cast estimate [options] to sig [args…]


Estimate the gas cost of a transaction.

The destination (to) can be an ENS name or an address.

The signature (sig) can be:

  • A fragment: someFunction(uint256,bytes32)
  • A selector and encoded calldata: 0xcdba2fd40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007a69
  • Only the function name: in this case Cast will try to fetch the function signature from Etherscan


Transaction Options

--value value
    Ether to send in the transaction.

    Either specified as an integer (wei), or as a string with a unit, for example:
    - 1ether
    - 10gwei
    - 0.01ether

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Estimate the gas cost of calling deposit() on the WETH contract:
    cast estimate 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 \
      --value 0.1ether "deposit()"


cast, cast send, cast publish, cast receipt

cast access-list


cast-access-list - Create an access list for a transaction.


cast access-list [options] to sig [args…]


Create an access list for a transaction.

The destination (to) can be an ENS name or an address.

The signature (sig) can be:

  • A fragment: someFunction(uint256,bytes32)
  • A selector and encoded calldata: 0xcdba2fd40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007a69
  • Only the function name: in this case Cast will try to fetch the function signature from Etherscan


Query Options

-B block
--block block
    The block height you want to query at.

    Can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending.


--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.


--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.     Environment: ETH_PASSWORD

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

Wallet Options - Remote

-f address
--from address
    Sign the transaction with the specified account on the RPC.
    Environment: ETH_FROM

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast send, cast publish, cast call

cast logs


cast logs - Get logs by signature or topic.


cast logs [options] sig_or_topic [topics_or_args…]


Get logs by signature or topic.

The (sig_or_topic) may either be the event signature or its hashed topic (located at topics[0]).

If using a signature, remaining arguments must be in their ordinary form. If using a topic, the arguments must be as they themselves appear as topics.


Query Options

--from-block from_block     The block height to start query at.

    Can also be the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

--to-block to_block     The block height to stop query at.

    Can also be the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest, or pending.

--address address     The contract address to filter on


--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.


--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.     Environment: ETH_PASSWORD

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

Wallet Options - Remote

-f address
--from address
    Sign the transaction with the specified account on the RPC.
    Environment: ETH_FROM

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY


  1. Get logs using a signature:

    cast logs --from-block 15537393 --to-block latest 'Transfer (address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)' 0x2e8ABfE042886E4938201101A63730D04F160A82
  2. Get logs using a topic:

    cast logs --from-block 15537393 --to-block latest 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef 0x0000000000000000000000002e8abfe042886e4938201101a63730d04f160a82



Block Commands

cast find-block


cast-find-block - Get the block number closest to the provided timestamp.


cast find-block [options] timestamp


Get the block number closest to the provided timestamp.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the block number closest to New Years 2021
    cast find-block 1609459200



cast gas-price


cast-gas-price - Get the current gas price.


cast gas-price [options]


Get the current gas price.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the current gas price:
    cast gas-price


cast, cast basefee

cast block-number


cast-block-number - Get the latest block number.


cast block-number [options]


Get the latest block number.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the latest block number:
    cast block-number


cast, cast block

cast basefee


cast-base-fee - Get the basefee of a block.


cast base-fee [options] [block]


Get the basefee of a block.

The specified block can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending. Default to latest.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the basefee of the latest block:

    cast base-fee
  2. Get the basefee of the genesis block:

    cast base-fee 1


cast, cast block, cast age

cast block


cast-block - Get information about a block.


cast block [options] [block]


Get information about a block.

The specified block can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending. Default to latest.


-f field
--field field
     If specified, only get the given field of the block.

Display Options

     Print the deployment information as JSON.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the latest block:

    cast block
  2. Get the finalized block:

    cast block finalized
  3. Get the hash of the latest block:

    cast block latest -f hash


cast, cast basefee, cast age

cast age


cast-age - Get the timestamp of a block.


cast age [options] [block]


Get the timestamp of a block.

The specified block can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending. Default to latest.


RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the timestamp of the latest block:

    cast age
  2. Get the timestamp of the genesis block:

    cast age 1


cast, cast block, cast basefee

Account Commands

cast balance


cast-balance - Get the balance of an account in wei.


cast balance [options] who


Get the balance of an account.

The argument who can be an ENS name or an address.


Query Options

-B block
--block block
    The block height you want to query at.

    Can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending.

-e ether
--ether ether
     If this flag is used then balance will be shown in ether

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the balance of beer.eth

    cast balance beer.eth
  2. Get the ERC20 balance of any address using RPC URL

    # To load the variables in the .env file
    source .env
    # To get the USDT balance of Binance
    cast balance --erc20 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7 0xF977814e90dA44bFA03b6295A0616a897441aceC --rpc-url $MAINNET_RPC_URL


cast, cast nonce

cast storage


cast-storage - Get the raw value of a contract’s storage slot or its full storage layout.


cast storage [options] address slot


Get the raw value of a contract’s storage slot. (Slot locations greater than 18446744073709551615 (u64::MAX) should be given as hex. Use cast index to compute mapping slots.)

Emit the slot number to get the full storage layout (requires contract to be verified on Etherscan with a Solidity version > 0.6.5 or you must be in a Forge project with a local contract matching the deployed bytecode).

The address (address) can be an ENS name or an address.


Query Options

-B block --block block     The block height you want to query at.

    Can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the value of slot 0 on the WETH contract.

    cast storage 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 0
  2. Get the full storage layout of the Milady contract.

    cast storage 0x5Af0D9827E0c53E4799BB226655A1de152A425a5


cast, cast proof

cast proof


cast-proof - Generate a storage proof for a given storage slot.


cast proof [options] address [slots…]


Generate a storage proof for a given storage slot.

The address (address) can be an ENS name or an address.

The displayed output is a JSON object with the following keys:

  • accountProof: Proof for the account itself
  • address: The address of the account
  • balance: The balance of the account
  • codeHash: A hash of the account’s code
  • nonce: The nonce of the account
  • storageHash: A hash of the account’s storage
  • storageProof: An array of storage proofs, one for each requested slot
  • storageProof.key: The slot
  • storageProof.proof: The proof for the slot
  • storageProof.value: The value of the slot


Query Options

-B block
--block block
    The block height you want to query at.

    Can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Display Options

     Print the deployment information as JSON.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the proof for storage slot 0 on the WETH contract:
    cast proof 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 0


cast, cast storage

cast nonce


cast-nonce - Get the nonce for an account.


cast nonce [options] who


Get the nonce of an account.

The argument who can be an ENS name or an address.


Query Options

-B block
--block block
    The block height you want to query at.

    Can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the nonce of beer.eth
    cast nonce beer.eth


cast, cast balance

cast code


cast-code - Get the bytecode of a contract.


cast code [options] address


Get the bytecode of a contract.

The contract (address) can be an ENS name or an address.


Query Options

-B block
--block block
    The block height you want to query at.

    Can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the bytecode of the WETH contract.
    cast code 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2


cast, cast proof

cast codesize


cast-codesize - Get the runtime bytecode size of a contract.


cast codesize [options] address


Get the runtime bytecode size of a contract.

The contract (address) can be an ENS name or an address.


Query Options

-B block
--block block
    The block height you want to query at.

    Can be a block number, or any of the tags: earliest, finalized, safe, latest or pending.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the runtime bytecode size of the WETH contract.
cast codesize 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2


cast, cast code

ENS Commands

cast lookup-address


cast-lookup-address - Perform an ENS reverse lookup.


cast lookup-address [options] who


Perform an ENS reverse lookup.

If --verify is passed, then a normal lookup is performed after the reverse lookup to verify that the address is correct.


Lookup Options

    Perform a normal lookup to verify that the address is correct.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the ENS name for an address.

    cast lookup-address $ADDRESS
  2. Perform both a reverse and a normal lookup:

    cast lookup-address --verify $ADDRESS


cast, cast resolve-name

cast resolve-name


cast-resolve-name - Perform an ENS lookup.


cast resolve-name [options] who


Perform an ENS lookup.

If --verify is passed, then a reverse lookup is performed after the normal lookup to verify that the name is correct.


Lookup Options

    Perform a reverse lookup to verify that the name is correct.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the address for an ENS name.

    cast resolve-name vitalik.eth
  2. Perform both a normal and a reverse lookup:

    cast resolve-name --verify vitalik.eth


cast, cast lookup-address

cast namehash


cast-namehash - Calculate the ENS namehash of a name.


cast namehash [options] name


Calculate the ENS namehash of a name.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Calculate the namehash of an ENS name.
    cast namehash vitalik.eth


cast, cast lookup-address, cast resolve-name

Etherscan Commands

cast etherscan-source


cast-etherscan-source - Get the source code of a contract from Etherscan.


cast etherscan-source [options] address


Get the source code of a contract from Etherscan.

The destination (to) can be an ENS name or an address.


Output Options

-d directory
    The output directory to expand the source tree into.     If not provided, the source will be outputted to stdout.

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the source code of the WETH contract:

    cast etherscan-source 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
  2. Expand the source code of the WETH contract into a directory named weth

    cast etherscan-source -d weth 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2



ABI Commands

cast abi-decode


cast-abi-decode - Decode ABI-encoded input or output data.


cast abi-decode [options] sig calldata


Decode ABI-encoded input or output data.

By default, the command will decode output data. To decode input data, pass --input or use cast calldata-decode.

The signature (sig) is a fragment in the form <function name>(<types...>)(<types...>).


Decoder Options

    Decode input data.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Decode output data for a balanceOf call:

    cast abi-decode "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" \
  2. Decode input data for a transfer call:

    cast abi-decode --input "transfer(address,uint256)" \


cast, cast calldata-decode

cast abi-encode


cast-abi-encode - ABI encode the given function arguments, excluding the selector.


cast abi-encode [options] sig [args…]


ABI encode the given function, excluding the selector.

The signature (sig) is a fragment in the form <function name>(<types...>).


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. ABI-encode the arguments for a call to someFunc(address,uint256):

    cast abi-encode "someFunc(address,uint256)" 0x... 1
  2. For encoding a type with components (as a tuple, or custom struct):

    cast abi-encode "someFunc((string,uint256))" "(myString,1)"


cast, cast calldata

cast 4byte


cast-4byte - Get the function signatures for the given selector from


cast 4byte [options] sig


Get the function signatures for the given selector from


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the function signature for the selector 0x8cc5ce99:
    cast 4byte 0x8cc5ce99


cast, cast 4byte-decode, cast 4byte-event, cast selectors

cast 4byte-decode


cast-4byte-decode - Decode ABI-encoded calldata using


cast 4byte-decode [options] calldata


Decode ABI-encoded calldata using


4byte Options

--id id
    The index of the resolved signature to use. can have multiple possible signatures for a given selector.
    The index can be an integer, or the tags “earliest” and “latest”.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Decode calldata for a transfer call:
    cast 4byte-decode 0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000e78388b4ce79068e89bf8aa7f218ef6b9ab0e9d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000174b37380cea000


cast, cast 4byte, cast 4byte-event

cast 4byte-event


cast-4byte-event - Get the event signature for a given topic 0 from


cast 4byte-event [options] topic_0


Get the event signature for a given topic 0 from


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the event signature for a topic 0 of 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef:
    cast 4byte-event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef


cast, cast 4byte, cast 4byte-decode

cast calldata


cast-calldata - ABI-encode a function with arguments.


cast calldata [options] sig [args…]


ABI-encode a function with arguments.

The signature (sig) is a fragment in the form <function name>(<types...>).


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. ABI-encode the arguments for a call to someFunc(address,uint256):
    cast calldata "someFunc(address,uint256)" 0x... 1


cast, cast abi-encode

cast calldata-decode


cast-calldata-decode - Decode ABI-encoded input data.


cast calldata-decode [options] sig calldata


Decode ABI-encoded input data.

The signature (sig) is a fragment in the form <function name>(<types...>).


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Decode input data for a transfer call:
    cast calldata-decode "transfer(address,uint256)" \


cast, cast abi-decode

cast pretty-calldata


cast-pretty-calldata - Pretty print calldata.


cast pretty-calldata [options] calldata


Pretty print calldata.

Tries to decode the calldata using unless --offline is passed.


4byte Options

    Skip the lookup.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Decode calldata for a transfer call:
    cast pretty-calldata 0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000e78388b4ce79068e89bf8aa7f218ef6b9ab0e9d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000174b37380cea000


cast, cast 4byte-decode

cast selectors


cast-selectors - Extracts function selectors and arguments from bytecode


cast selectors [options] bytecode


Extracts function selectors and arguments from bytecode using the EVMole library


    Resolve the function signatures for the extracted selectors using

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get WETH’s contract function signatures & arguments:
    cast selectors $(cast code 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2)


cast, cast 4byte

cast upload-signature




cast upload-signature [signatures…]


Upload the given signatures to


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Upload signatures
    cast upload-signature 'function approve(address,uint256)' \
    'transfer(uint256)' 'event Transfer(uint256,address)'

Conversion Commands

cast format-bytes32-string


cast-format-bytes32-string - Formats a string into bytes32 encoding.


cast format-bytes32-string [options] string


Formats a string into bytes32 encoding.

Note that this command is for formatting a Solidity string literal into bytes32 only. If you’re looking to pad a byte string, use to-bytes32 instead.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Turn string “hello” into bytes32 hex:
    cast format-bytes32-string "hello"



cast from-bin


cast-from-bin - Convert binary data into hex data.


cast from-bin [options]


Convert binary data into hex data.

The input is taken from stdin.


Common Options

    Prints help information.



cast from-fixed-point


cast-from-fixed-point - Convert a fixed point number into an integer.


cast from-fixed-point [options] decimals value


Convert a fixed point number into an integer.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Convert 10.55 to an integer:
    cast from-fixed-point 2 10.55



cast from-rlp


cast-from-rlp - Decodes RLP-encoded data.


cast from-rlp data


Decodes RLP-encoded data.

The data is a hexadecimal string with optional 0x prefix.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Decode RLP data:
    cast from-rlp 0xc481f181f2
    cast from-rlp c481f181f2

cast from-utf8


cast-from-utf8 - Convert UTF8 text to hex.


cast from-utf8 [options] text


Convert UTF8 text to hex.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Convert UTF8 text to hex:
    cast from-utf8 "hello"



cast from-wei


cast-from-wei - Convert wei into an ETH amount.


cast from-wei [options] value [unit]


Convert wei into an ETH amount.

Consider using cast to-unit.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast calldata

cast parse-bytes32-address


cast-parse-bytes32-address - Parses a checksummed address from bytes32 encoding.


cast parse-bytes32-address [options] bytes


Parses a checksummed address from its bytes32 encoding representation.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Parse the bytes32 encoding of the WETH9 contract address to its address representation:
    cast parse-bytes32-address 0x000000000000000000000000C02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2



cast parse-bytes32-string


cast-parse-bytes32-string - Parses a string from bytes32 encoding.


cast parse-bytes32-string [options] bytes


Parses a Solidity string literal from its bytes32 encoding representation mostly by interpreting bytes as ASCII characters. This command undos the encoding in –format-bytes32-string.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Parse bytes32 string encoding of “hello” back to the string representation:
    cast parse-bytes32-string "0x68656c6c6f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"



cast to-ascii


cast-to-ascii - Convert hex data to an ASCII string.


cast to-ascii [options] text


Convert hex data to an ASCII string.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Convert hex data to an ASCII string:
    cast to-ascii "0x68656c6c6f"



cast to-base


cast-to-base - Convert a number of one base to another.


cast to-base [options] value base


Convert a number of one base to another.


Base Options

--base-in base     The base of the input number. Available options:

    10, d, dec, decimal

    16, h, hex, hexadecimal

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Convert the decimal number 64 to hexadecimal

    cast to-base 64 hex
  2. Convert the hexadecimal number 100 to binary

    cast to-base 0x100 2

Note: The –base-in parameter is not enforced but will be needed if the input is ambiguous.



cast to-bytes32


cast-to-bytes32 - Right-pads hex data to 32 bytes.


cast to-bytes32 [options] bytes


Right-pads hex data to 32 bytes.

Note that this command is for padding a byte string only. If you’re looking to format a Solidity string literal into bytes32, use format-bytes32-string instead.


Common Options

    Prints help information.



cast to-dec


cast-to-dec - Converts a number of one base to decimal


cast to-dec [options] value


Converts a number of one base to decimal


--base-in base_in     The input base.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Convert ff in hexadecimal to decimal
    cast to-dec ff



cast to-fixed-point


cast-to-fixed-point - Convert an integer into a fixed point number.


cast to-fixed-point [options] decimals value


Convert an integer into a fixed point number.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Convert 250 to a fixed point number with 2 decimals:
    cast to-fixed-point 2 250



cast to-hex


cast-to-hex - Converts a number of one base to another


cast to-hex [options] value


Converts a number of one base to another


--base-in base_in     The input base.

Common Options

    Prints help information.



cast to-hexdata


cast-to-hexdata - Normalize the input to lowercase, 0x-prefixed hex.


cast to-hexdata [options] input


Normalize the input to lowercase, 0x-prefixed hex.

The input data (input) can either be:

  • Mixed case hex with or without the 0x prefix.
  • 0x prefixed hex that should be concatenated, separated by :.
  • An absolute path to a file containing hex.
  • A @tag, where the tag is defined in an environment variable.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Add 0x prefix:

    cast to-hexdata deadbeef
  2. Concatenate hex values:

    cast to-hexdata "deadbeef:0xbeef"
  3. Normalize hex value in MY_VAR:

    cast to-hexdata "@MY_VAR"



cast to-int256


cast-to-int256 - Convert a number to a hex-encoded int256.


cast to-int256 [options] value


Convert a number to a hex-encoded int256.


Common Options

    Prints help information.



cast to-rlp


cast-to-rlp - Encodes hex data to RLP.


cast to-rlp array


RLP encodes a hex string or a JSON array of hex strings.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Encoding RLP data:
    cast to-rlp '["0xaa","0xbb","cc"]'
    cast to-rlp f0a9     

cast to-uint256


cast-to-uint256 - Convert a number to a hex-encoded uint256.


cast to-uint256 [options] value


Convert a number to a hex-encoded uint256.


Common Options

    Prints help information.



cast to-unit


cast-to-unit - Convert an eth amount to another unit.


cast to-unit [options] value [unit]


Convert an eth amount to another unit.

The value to convert (value) can be a quantity of eth (in wei), or a number with a unit attached to it.

Valid units are:

  • ether
  • gwei
  • wei


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Convert 1000 wei to gwei

    cast to-unit 1000 gwei
  2. Convert 1 eth to gwei

    cast to-unit 1ether gwei



cast to-wei


cast-to-wei - Convert an eth amount to wei.


cast to-wei [options] value [unit]


Convert an eth amount to wei.

Consider using cast to-unit.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast calldata

cast shl


cast-shl - Perform a left shifting operation.


cast shl [options] value shift


Perform a left shifting operation.


Base Options

--base-in base     The base of the input number. Available options:

    10, d, dec, decimal

    16, h, hex, hexadecimal

--base-out base     The desired base of the output. Available options:

    2, b, bin, binary

    8, o, oct, octal

    10, d, dec, decimal

    16, h, hex, hexadecimal

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Perform a 3 position left bit shift of the number 61
    cast shl --base-in 10 61 3

Note: The –base-in parameter is not enforced but will be needed if the input is ambiguous.


cast, cast shr

cast shr


cast-shr - Perform a right shifting operation.


cast shr [options] value shift


Perform a right shifting operation.


Base Options

--base-in base     The base of the input number. Available options:

    10, d, dec, decimal

    16, h, hex, hexadecimal

--base-out base     The desired base of the output. Available options:

    2, b, bin, binary

    8, o, oct, octal

    10, d, dec, decimal

    16, h, hex, hexadecimal

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Perform a single right bit shift of 0x12
    cast shr --base-in 16 0x12 1

Note: The –base-in parameter is not enforced but will be needed if the input is ambiguous.


cast, cast shl

Utility Commands

cast address-zero


cast address-zero - Prints the zero address.


cast address-zero


Prints the zero address.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast sig


cast-sig - Get the selector for a function.


cast sig [options] sig


Get the selector for a function.

The signature (sig) is a fragment in the form <function name>(<types...>).


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the selector for the function transfer(address,uint256):

    cast sig "transfer(address,uint256)"
  2. Get the selector for a function that expects a struct:

    contract Test {
        struct MyStruct {
            address addr;
            uint256 amount;
        function myfunction(MyStruct memory t) public pure {}

    Structs are encoded as tuples (see struct encoding).

    cast sig "myfunction((address,uint256))"


cast, struct encoding

cast sig-event


cast-sig-event - Generate event signatures from event string.


cast sig-event [options] event_string


Generate event signatures from event string.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the hash for the log Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount):
    cast sig-event "Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount)"



cast keccak


cast-keccak - Hash arbitrary data using keccak-256.


cast keccak [options] data


Hash arbitrary data using keccak-256.


Common Options

    Prints help information.



cast compute-address


cast-compute-address - Compute the contract address from a given nonce and deployer address.


cast compute-address [options] address


Compute the contract address from a given nonce and deployer address.


Compute Options

--nonce nonce
    The nonce of the account. Defaults to the latest nonce, fetched from the RPC.

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast proof, cast create2

cast create2


cast-create2 - Generate a deterministic contract address using CREATE2


cast create2 [options]


Generate a deterministic contract address using CREATE2


--starts-with hex     Prefix for the contract address.

--ends-with hex     Suffix for the contract address

--matching hex     Sequence that the address has to match

--case-sensitive     Case sensitive matching

--deployer address     Address of the contract deployer [default: 0x4e59b44847b379578588920ca78fbf26c0b4956c]

--init-code hex     Init code of the contract to be deployed

--init-code-hash hash     Init code hash of the contract to be deployed

--jobs jobs     Number of threads to use. Defaults to and caps at the number of logical cores

--caller address     Address of the caller. Used for the first 20 bytes of the salt

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Generate a contract address that starts with dead:

    cast create2 --starts-with dead
  2. Generate a contract address that ends with beef:

    cast create2 --ends-with beef
  3. A more complex example:

    cast create2 --starts-with dead --case-sensitive --deployer 0x0000000000FFe8B47B3e2130213B802212439497 --init-code-hash 0x0c591f26891d6443cf08c5be3584c1e6ae10a4c2f07c5c53218741e9755fb9cd


cast, cast compute-address

cast interface


cast-interface - Generate a Solidity interface from a given ABI.


cast interface [options] address_or_path


Generates a Solidity interface from a given ABI.

The argument (address_or_path) can either be the path to a file containing an ABI, or an address.

If an address is provided, then the interface is generated from the ABI of the account, which is fetched from Etherscan.

ℹ️ Note

This command does not currently support ABI encoder v2.


Interface Options

-n name
--name name
    The name to use for the generated interface. The default name is Interface.

-o path
    The path to the output file. If not specified, the interface will be output to stdout.

-p version
--pragma version
    The Solidity pragma version to use in the interface. Default: ^0.8.10.

    Output the contract’s JSON ABI.

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Generate an interface from a file:

    cast interface ./path/to/abi.json
  2. Generate an interface using Etherscan:

    cast interface -o IWETH.sol 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
  3. Generate and name an interface from a file:

    cast interface -n LilENS ./path/to/abi.json
  4. Fetch the JSON ABI of a contract on Etherscan:

    cast interface -o IWETH.sol -j 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2


cast, cast proof

cast index


cast-index - Compute the storage slot location for an entry in a mapping.


cast index key_type key slot


Compute the storage slot location for an entry in a mapping.

Use cast storage to get the value.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


// World.sol

mapping (address => uint256) public mapping1;
mapping (string => string) public mapping2;
  1. Compute the storage slot of an entry (hello) in a mapping of type mapping(string => string), located at slot 1:
    >> cast index string "hello" 1
    >> cast storage [address] 0x3556fc8e3c702d4479a1ab7928dd05d87508462a12f53307b5407c969223d1f8



cast concat-hex


cast-concat-hex - Concatenate hex strings.


cast concat-hex data…


Concatenate hex strings.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Concatenate hex strings:
    cast concat-hex 0xa 0xb 0xc



cast max-int


cast-max-int - Get the maximum i256 value.


cast max-int


Get the maximum i256 value.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast min-int, cast max-uint

cast min-int


cast-min-int - Get the minimum i256 value.


cast min-int


Get the minimum i256 value.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast max-int

cast max-uint


cast-max-uint - Get the maximum uint256 value.


cast max-uint


Get the maximum uint256 value.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast max-int

cast to-check-sum-address


cast-to-check-sum-address - Convert an address to a checksummed format (EIP-55).


cast to-check-sum-address address


Convert an address to a checksummed format (EIP-55).


Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Convert an address to its checksummed format:
    cast to-check-sum-address 0xDf99A0839818B3f120EBAC9B73f82B617Dc6A555



Wallet Commands

cast wallet


cast-wallet - Wallet management utilities.


cast wallet [options] command [args]
cast wallet [options] --version
cast wallet [options] --help


This program is a set of tools to use, create and manage wallets.


cast wallet new
    Create a new random keypair.

cast wallet address
    Convert a private key to an address.

cast wallet sign
    Sign a message.

cast wallet vanity
    Generate a vanity address.

cast wallet verify
    Verify the signature of a message.

cast wallet import
    Import a private key into an encrypted keystore.

cast wallet list
    List all the accounts in the keystore default directory.


Special Options

    Print version info and exit.

Common Options

    Prints help information.

cast wallet new


cast-wallet-new - Create a new random keypair.


cast wallet new [options] [path]


Create a new random keypair.

If path is specified, then the new keypair will be written to a JSON keystore encrypted with a password. (path should be an existing directory.)


Keystore Options

    Triggers a hidden password prompt for the JSON keystore.
    Deprecated: prompting for a hidden password is now the default.

--unsafe-password password
    Password for the JSON keystore in cleartext.

    This is unsafe to use and we recommend using --password instead.
    Environment: CAST_PASSWORD

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Create a new keypair without saving it to a keystore:

    cast wallet new
  2. Create a new keypair and save it in the keystore directory:

    cast wallet new keystore


cast, cast wallet

cast new-mnemonic


cast-wallet-new-mnemonic - Creates a new mnemonic with a set number of words.


cast wallet new-mnemonic [options]


Generates a random BIP39 mnemonic phrase.


New Mnemonic Options

-w --words     The amount of words for the mnemonic. Defaults to 12.

-a --accounts     The number of accounts to display, which are derived from the mnemonic. Defaults to 1.


  1. Create a new mnemonic with 24 words.
    cast wallet new-mnemonic --words 24
Successfully generated a new mnemonic.
decrease where seek crop segment want icon medal sleep social blast provide virus grief pledge soccer stereo trick dry dirt rotate explain into nominee

- Account 0:
Address:     0x34644D4eC92ae1832877cE22AD9bA4b00c7397c8
Private key: 0x832a3784d0a130c8a0ce3cc6dfc336a41ca7801a117eac7a3bfaace52e4d239c



cast wallet address


cast-wallet-address - Convert a private key to an address.


cast wallet address [options]


Convert a private key to an address.


Keystore Options


--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.


--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.     Environment: ETH_PASSWORD

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Get the address of the keypair in keystore.json:
    cast wallet address --keystore keystore.json


cast, cast wallet

cast wallet sign


cast-wallet-sign - Sign a message.


cast wallet sign [options] message


Sign a message.



--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--account account-name
    Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename.


--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.     Environment: ETH_PASSWORD

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Sign a message using a keystore:

    cast wallet sign --keystore keystore.json --interactive "hello"
  2. Sign a message using a raw private key:

    cast wallet sign --private-key $PRIV_KEY "hello"


cast, cast wallet

cast wallet vanity


cast-wallet-vanity - Generate a vanity address.


cast wallet vanity [options]


Generate a vanity address.

If --nonce is specified, then the command will try to generate a vanity contract address. The --save-path option allows specifying a custom file path to save the generated wallet details.


Keystore Options

--starts-with hex
    Prefix for the vanity address.

--ends-with hex
    Suffix for the vanity address.

--nonce nonce
    Generate a vanity contract address created by the generated keypair with the specified nonce.

--save-path path
    Path to save the generated vanity wallet. If provided, the wallet details will be saved in a JSON file at this location.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Create a new keypair that starts with dead:

    cast wallet vanity --starts-with dead
  2. Create a new keypair ends with beef:

    cast wallet vanity --ends-with beef
  3. Create a new keypair that starts with dead and save the details to a specific path:

    cast wallet vanity --starts-with dead --save-path /path/to/save


cast, cast wallet

cast wallet verify


cast-wallet-verify - Verify the signature of a message.


cast wallet verify [options] --address address message signature


Verify the signature of a message.


Signature Options

-a address
--address address
    The address of the message signer.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast wallet

cast wallet import


cast-wallet-import - Import a private key into an encrypted keystore


cast wallet import [options] account_name


Import a private key into an encrypted keystore.

If no keystore-dir is specified, it will be saved in the default ~/.foundry/keystores, so it can be accessed through the --account option in methods like forge script, cast send or any other that requires a private key.


Directory Options


    The path to store the encrypted keystore.
    Defaults to ~/.foundry/keystores.


--interactive <NUM>
     Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key. Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATHS>
     The wallet derivation path. Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

--mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
     Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-paths.
     Defaults to 0.

--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
     Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic.

--mnemonic <PATHS>
     Use the mnemonic phrases or mnemonic files at the specified paths.

--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
     Use the provided private key.

--private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
     Use the provided private keys.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Create a keystore from a private key:

    cast wallet import BOB --interactive
  2. Create a keystore from a mnemonic:

    cast wallet import ALICE --mnemonic "test test test test test test test test test test test test"
  3. Create a keystore from a mnemonic with a specific mnemonic index:

    cast wallet import ALICE --mnemonic "test test test test test test test test test test test test" --mnemonic-index 1


cast, cast wallet

cast wallet list


cast-wallet-list - List all the accounts in the keystore default directory.


cast wallet list


List all the accounts in the keystore default directory ~/.foundry/keystores.


Common Options

    Prints help information.


cast, cast wallet



anvil - Create a local testnet node for deploying and testing smart contracts. It can also be used to fork other EVM compatible networks.


anvil [options]


Create a local testnet node for deploying and testing smart contracts. It can also be used to fork other EVM compatible networks.

This section covers an extensive list of information about Mining Modes, Supported Transport Layers, Supported RPC Methods, Anvil flags and their usages. You can run multiple flags at the same time.

Mining Modes

Mining modes refer to how frequent blocks are mined using Anvil. By default, it automatically generates a new block as soon as a transaction is submitted.

You can change this setting to interval mining if you will, which means that a new block will be generated in a given period of time selected by the user. If you want to go for this type of mining, you can do it by adding the --block-time <block-time-in-seconds> flag, like in the following example.

# Produces a new block every 10 seconds
anvil --block-time 10

There’s also a third mining mode called never. In this case, it disables auto and interval mining, and mine on demand instead. You can do this by typing:

# Enables never mining mode
anvil --no-mining

To speed up the finalization of blocks, you can use the --slots-in-an-epoch flag with a value of 1 for example. This will lead to the block at height N-2 being finalized, where N is the latest block.

Supported Transport Layers

HTTP and Websocket connections are supported. The server listens on port 8545 by default, but it can be changed by running the following command:

anvil --port <PORT>

Default CREATE2 Deployer

Anvil, when used without forking, includes the default CREATE2 deployer proxy at the address 0x4e59b44847b379578588920ca78fbf26c0b4956c.

This allows you to test CREATE2 deployments locally without forking.

Supported RPC Methods

Standard Methods

The standard methods are based on this reference.

  • web3_clientVersion

  • web3_sha3

  • eth_chainId

  • eth_networkId

  • eth_gasPrice

  • eth_accounts

  • eth_blockNumber

  • eth_getBalance

  • eth_getStorageAt

  • eth_getBlockByHash

  • eth_getBlockByNumber

  • eth_getTransactionCount

  • eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash

  • eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber

  • eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash

  • eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber

  • eth_getCode

  • eth_sign

  • eth_signTypedData_v4

  • eth_sendTransaction

  • eth_sendRawTransaction

  • eth_call

  • eth_createAccessList

  • eth_estimateGas

  • eth_getTransactionByHash

  • eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex

  • eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex

  • eth_getTransactionReceipt

  • eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex

  • eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex

  • eth_getLogs

  • eth_newFilter

  • eth_getFilterChanges

  • eth_newBlockFilter

  • eth_newPendingTransactionFilter

  • eth_getFilterLogs

  • eth_uninstallFilter

  • eth_getWork

  • eth_subscribe

  • eth_unsubscribe

  • eth_syncing

  • eth_submitWork

  • eth_submitHashrate

  • eth_feeHistory

  • eth_getProof

  • debug_traceTransaction Use anvil --steps-tracing to get structLogs

  • debug_traceCall Note that non-standard traces are not yet supported. This means you can’t pass any arguments to the trace parameter.

  • trace_transaction

  • trace_block

Custom Methods

The anvil_* namespace is an alias for hardhat. For more info, refer to the Hardhat documentation.

anvil_impersonateAccount Send transactions impersonating an externally owned account or contract.

anvil_stopImpersonatingAccount Stops impersonating an account or contract if previously set with anvil_impersonateAccount.

anvil_autoImpersonateAccount Accepts true to enable auto impersonation of accounts, and false to disable it. When enabled, any transaction’s sender will be automatically impersonated. Same as anvil_impersonateAccount.

anvil_getAutomine Returns true if automatic mining is enabled, and false if it is not.

anvil_mine Mines a series of blocks.

anvil_dropTransaction Removes transactions from the pool.

anvil_reset Reset the fork to a fresh forked state, and optionally update the fork config.

anvil_setRpcUrl Sets the backend RPC URL.

anvil_setBalance Modifies the balance of an account.

anvil_setCode Sets the code of a contract.

anvil_setNonce Sets the nonce of an address.

anvil_setStorageAt Writes a single slot of the account’s storage.

anvil_setCoinbase Sets the coinbase address.

anvil_setLoggingEnabled Enable or disable logging.

anvil_setMinGasPrice Set the minimum gas price for the node.

anvil_setNextBlockBaseFeePerGas Sets the base fee of the next block.

anvil_setChainId Sets the chain ID of the current EVM instance.

anvil_dumpState Returns a hex string representing the complete state of the chain. Can be re-imported into a fresh/restarted instance of Anvil to reattain the same state.

anvil_loadState When given a hex string previously returned by anvil_dumpState, merges the contents into the current chain state. Will overwrite any colliding accounts/storage slots.

anvil_nodeInfo Retrieves the configuration params for the currently running Anvil node.

Special Methods

The special methods come from Ganache. You can take a look at the documentation here.

evm_setAutomine Enables or disables, based on the single boolean argument, the automatic mining of new blocks with each new transaction submitted to the network.

evm_setIntervalMining Sets the mining behavior to interval with the given interval (seconds).

evm_snapshot Snapshot the state of the blockchain at the current block.

evm_revert Revert the state of the blockchain to a previous snapshot. Takes a single parameter, which is the snapshot id to revert to.

evm_increaseTime Jump forward in time by the given amount of time, in seconds.

evm_setNextBlockTimestamp Similar to evm_increaseTime but takes the exact timestamp that you want in the next block.

anvil_setBlockTimestampInterval Similar to evm_increaseTime but sets a block timestamp interval. The timestamp of the next block will be computed as lastBlock_timestamp + interval.

evm_setBlockGasLimit Sets the block gas limit for the following blocks.

anvil_removeBlockTimestampInterval Removes an anvil_setBlockTimestampInterval if it exists.

evm_mine Mine a single block.

anvil_enableTraces Turn on call traces for transactions that are returned to the user when they execute a transaction (instead of just txhash/receipt).

eth_sendUnsignedTransaction Execute a transaction regardless of signature status.

For the next three methods, make sure to read Geth’s documentation.

txpool_status Returns the number of transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next block(s), as well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only.

txpool_inspect Returns a summary of all the transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next block(s), as well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only.

txpool_content Returns the details of all transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next block(s), as well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only.

Otterscan Methods

The ots_* namespace implements the Otterscan specification.

ots_getApiLevel Used by Otterscan to check if it's connecting to a compatible node and display a friendly message if it is not.

ots_getInternalOperations Returns the internal ETH transfers inside a transaction.

ots_hasCode Check if a certain address contains a deployed code.

ots_getTransactionError Extract the transaction raw error output.

ots_traceTransaction Extract all variations of calls, contract creation and self-destructs and returns a call tree.

ots_getBlockDetails Tailor-made and expanded version of eth_getBlock* for block details page in Otterscan.

ots_getBlockTransactions Get paginated transactions for a certain block, And removes some verbose fields such logs.

ots_searchTransactionsBefore Gets paginated inbound/outbound transaction calls for a certain address, and before a given target block.

ots_searchTransactionsAfter Gets paginated inbound/outbound transaction calls for a certain address, and after a given target block.

ots_getTransactionBySenderAndNonce Gets the transaction hash for a certain sender address, given its nonce.

ots_getContractCreator Gets the transaction hash and the address which created a contract.


General Options

-a, --accounts <ACCOUNTS>      Set the number of accounts. [default: 10]

--auto-impersonate      Enable autoImpersonate on startup.

-b, --block-time <block-time>      Block time in seconds for interval mining.

--balance <BALANCE>      Set the balance of the accounts. [default: 10000]

--derivation-path <DERIVATION_PATH>      Set the derivation path of the child key to be derived. [default: m/44’/60’/0’/0/]

-h, --help      Print help information.

--hardfork <HARDFORK>      Choose the EVM hardfork to use e.g. shanghai, paris, london, etc… [default: latest]

--init <PATH>      Initialize the genesis block with the given genesis.json file.

-m, --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>      BIP39 mnemonic phrase used for generating accounts.

--no-mining      Disable auto and interval mining, and mine on demand instead.

--order <ORDER>      How transactions are sorted in the mempool. [default: fees]

-p, --port <PORT>      Port number to listen on. [default: 8545]

--steps-tracing      Enable steps tracing used for debug calls returning geth-style traces. [aliases: tracing]

--ipc [<PATH>]      Starts an IPC endpoint at the given PATH argument or the default path: unix: tmp/anvil.ipc, windows: \\.\pipe\anvil.ipc.

--silent      Don’t print anything on startup.

--timestamp <TIMESTAMP>      Set the timestamp of the genesis block.

-V, --version      Print version information.

--disable-default-create2-deployer      Disables deploying the default CREATE2 factory when running Anvil without forking.

EVM Options

-f, --fork-url <URL>      Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty state.

--fork-block-number <BLOCK>      Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint (Must pass --fork-url in the same command-line).

--fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>      Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.

--fork-transaction-hash <TRANSACTION>      Fetch state from a specific transaction hash over a remote endpoint (Must pass --fork-url in the same command-line).

--retries <retries>      Number of retry requests for spurious networks (timed out requests). [default: 5]

--timeout <timeout>      Timeout in ms for requests sent to remote JSON-RPC server in forking mode. [default: 45000]

--compute-units-per-second <CUPS>      Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this provider. [default: 330]      See also, Alchemy Ratelimits.

--no-rate-limit      Disables rate limiting for this node’s provider. Will always override --compute-units-per-second if present. [default: false]      See also, Alchemy Ratelimits.

--no-storage-caching      Disables RPC caching; all storage slots are read from the endpoint. This flag overrides the project’s configuration file (Must pass –fork-url in the same command-line).

Executor Environment Config

--base-fee <FEE> --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>      The base fee in a block.

--chain-id <CHAIN_ID>      The chain ID. [default: 31337]

--code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>      EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase for tests. [default: 0x6000 (~25kb)]

--gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>      The block gas limit.

--gas-price <GAS_PRICE>      The gas price.

Server Options

--allow-origin <allow-origin>      Set the CORS allow_origin. [default: *]

--no-cors      Disable CORS.

--host <HOST>      The IP address the server will listen on.

--config-out <OUT_FILE>      Writes output of anvil as json to user-specified file.

--prune-history      Don’t keep full chain history.


  1. Set the number of accounts to 15 and their balance to 300 ETH
anvil --accounts 15 --balance 300
  1. Choose the address which will execute the tests
anvil --sender 0xC8479C45EE87E0B437c09d3b8FE8ED14ccDa825E
  1. Change how transactions are sorted in the mempool to FIFO
anvil --order fifo

Shell Completions

anvil completions shell

Generates a shell completions script for the given shell.

Supported shells are:

  • bash
  • elvish
  • fish
  • powershell
  • zsh


  1. Generate shell completions script for zsh:
    anvil completions zsh > $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/completions/_anvil

Usage within Docker

In order to run anvil as a service in Github Actions with the Docker container, where passing arguments to the entrypoint command is not possible, use the ANVIL_IP_ADDR environment variable to set the host’s IP. ANVIL_IP_ADDR= is equivalent to providing the --host <ip> option.

Using genesis.json

The genesis.json file in Anvil serves a similar purpose as in Geth, defining the network’s initial state, consensus rules, and preallocated accounts to ensure all nodes start consistently and maintain network integrity. All values, including balance, gas limit and such, are to be defined as hexadecimals.

  • chainId: Identifier for the blockchain, unique to each network.
  • nonce: A counter used in hashing algorithms to ensure data integrity.
  • timestamp: The creation time of the genesis block in Unix time.
  • extraData: Additional data that can be included by the creator of the genesis block.
  • gasLimit: The maximum amount of gas that can be used in the block.
  • difficulty: A measure of how difficult it is to mine a new block.
  • mixHash: A unique identifier proving a sufficient amount of computation for the block.
  • coinbase: The Ethereum address of the miner who mined this block.
  • stateRoot: The root of the state trie, reflecting the final state after all transactions.
  • alloc: Allows pre-allocating Ether to a set of addresses with predefined balances.
  • number: The block number, with the genesis block being 0.
  • gasUsed: The total gas used in the block.
  • parentHash: The hash of the parent block, all zeros for the genesis block since there is no parent.

A sample for simulating mainnet via genesis can be found here.

  "chainId": "0x2323",
  "nonce": "0x42",
  "timestamp": "0x0",
  "extraData": "0x11bbe8db4e347b4e8c937c1c8370e4b5ed33adb3db69cbdb7a38e1e50b1b82fa",
  "gasLimit": "0x1388",
  "difficulty": "0x400000000",
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "stateRoot": "0xd7f8974fb5ac78d9ac099b9ad5018bedc2ce0a72dad1827a1709da30580f0544",
  "alloc": {
    "000d836201318ec6899a67540690382780743280": {
      "balance": "0xad78ebc5ac6200000"
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"



chisel - Test and receive verbose feedback on Solidity inputs within a REPL environment.


chisel [options]

Subcommands (bin)

  1. chisel list
    • Displays all cached sessions stored in ~/.foundry/cache/chisel.
  2. chisel load <id>
    • If a cached session with id = <id> exists, launches the REPL and loads the corresponding session.
  3. chisel view <id>
    • If a cached session with id = <id> exists, displays the source code of the session’s REPL contract.
  4. chisel clear-cache
    • Deletes all cache files within the ~/.foundry/cache/chisel directory. These sessions are unrecoverable, so use this command with care.


See man chisel or chisel --help for all available environment configuration flags.


Chisel is a Solidity REPL (short for “read-eval-print loop”) that allows developers to write and test Solidity code snippets. It provides an interactive environment for writing and executing Solidity code, as well as a set of built-in commands for working with and debugging your code. This makes it a useful tool for quickly testing and experimenting with Solidity code without having to spin up a sandbox foundry test suite.


To open chisel, simply execute the chisel binary.

From there, input valid Solidity code. There are two kinds of inputs to the chisel prompt apart from commands:

  1. Expressions
    • Expressions are statements that return a value or otherwise can be evaluated on their own. For example, 1 << 8 is an expression that will evaluate to a uint256 with the value 256. Expressions will be evaluated up front, and will not persist in the session state past their evaluation.
    • Examples:
      • address(0).balance
      • abi.encode(256, bytes32(0), "Chisel!")
      • myViewFunc(128)
  2. Statements
    • Statements are snippets of code that are meant to persist in the session’s state. Statements include variable definitions, calls to non-state-mutating functions that return a value, and contract, function, event, error, mapping, or struct definitions. If you would like an expression to be evaluated as a statement, a semi-colon (;) can be appended to the end.
    • Examples:
      • uint256 a = 0xa57b

      • myStateMutatingFunc(128) || myViewFunc(128); <- Notice the ;

      • function hash64(
          bytes32 _a,
          bytes32 _b
        ) internal pure returns (bytes32 _hash) { 
            assembly {
                // Store the 64 bytes we want to hash in scratch space
                mstore(0x00, _a)
                mstore(0x20, _b)
                // Hash the memory in scratch space
                // and assign the result to `_hash`
                _hash := keccak256(0x00, 0x40)
      • event ItHappened(bytes32 indexed hash)

      • struct Complex256 { uint256 re; uint256 im; }

Available Commands

No solidity versions installed! Installing solidity version 0.8.19...
Welcome to Chisel! Type `!help` to show available commands.
⚒️ Chisel help
	!help | !h - Display all commands
	!quit | !q - Quit Chisel
	!exec <command> [args] | !e <command> [args] - Execute a shell command and print the output

	!clear | !c - Clear current session source
	!source | !so - Display the source code of the current session
	!save [id] | !s [id] - Save the current session to cache
	!load <id> | !l <id> - Load a previous session ID from cache
	!list | !ls - List all cached sessions
	!clearcache | !cc - Clear the chisel cache of all stored sessions
	!export | !ex - Export the current session source to a script file
	!fetch <addr> <name> | !fe <addr> <name> - Fetch the interface of a verified contract on Etherscan
	!edit - Open the current session in an editor

	!fork <url> | !f <url> - Fork an RPC for the current session. Supply 0 arguments to return to a local network
	!traces | !t - Enable / disable traces for the current session
	!calldata [data] | !cd [data] - Set calldata (``) for the current session (appended after function selector). Clears it if no argument provided.

	!memdump | !md - Dump the raw memory of the current state
	!stackdump | !sd - Dump the raw stack of the current state
	!rawstack <var> | !rs <var> - Display the raw value of a variable's stack allocation. For variables that are > 32 bytes in length, this will display their memory pointer.


!help | !h

Display all commands.

!quit | !q

Quit Chisel.

!exec <command> [args] | !e <command> [args]

Execute a shell command and print the output.


➜ !e ls


!clear | !c

Clear current session source.

Under the hood, each Chisel session has an underlying contract that is altered as you input statements. This command clears this contract and resets your session to the default state.

!source | !so

Display the source code of the current session.

As mentioned above, each Chisel session has an underlying contract. This command will display the source code of this contract.

!save [id] | !s [id]

Save the current session to cache.

Chisel allows for caching sessions, which can be very useful if you are testing more complex logic in Chisel or if you want to return to a session at a later time. All cached Chisel sessions are stored in ~/.foundry/cache/chisel.

If an id argument is not supplied, Chisel will automatically assign a numerical ID to the session you are saving.

!load <id> | !l <id>

Load a previous session ID from cache.

This command will load a previously cached session from the cache. Along with the session’s source, all environment settings will also be loaded. The id argument must correspond with an existing cached session in the ~/.foundry/cache/chisel directory.

!list | !ls

List all cached sessions.

This command will display all cached chisel sessions within the ~/.foundry/cache/chisel directory.

!clearcache | !cc

Clear the chisel cache of all stored sessions.

Deletes all cache files within the ~/.foundry/cache/chisel directory. These sessions are unrecoverable, so use this command with care.

!export | !ex

Export the current session source to a script file.

If chisel was executed from the root directory of a foundry project, it is possible to export your current session to a foundry script in the scripts dir of your project.

!fetch <addr> <name> | !fe <addr> <name>

Fetch the interface of a verified contract on Etherscan.

This command will attempt to parse the interface of a verified contract @ <addr> from the Etherscan API. If successful, the interface will be inserted into the session source with the name <name>.

At the moment, only interfaces of verified contracts on Ethereum mainnet can be fetched. In the future, Chisel will support fetching interfaces from multiple Etherscan-supported chains.


Open the current session’s run() function in an editor.

chisel will use the editor defined in the $EDITOR environment variable.


!fork <url> | !f <url>

Fork an RPC for the current session. Supply 0 arguments to return to a local network.

Attempts to fork the state of the provided RPC. If no URL is provided, returns to using a blank, local devnet state.

!traces | !t

Enable / disable traces for the current session.

When tracing is enabled, foundry-style call tracing and logs will be printed after each statement is inserted.


!memdump | !md

Dump the raw memory of the current state.

Attempts to dump the raw memory of the machine state after the last instruction of the REPL contract’s run function has finished executing.

!stackdump | !sd

Dump the raw stack of the current state.

Attempts to dump the raw stack of the machine state after the last instruction of the REPL contract’s run function has finished executing.

!rawstack <var> | !rs <var>

Display the raw value of a variable’s stack allocation. For variables that are > 32 bytes in length, this will display their memory pointer.

This command is useful when you want to view the full raw stack allocation for a variable that is less than 32 bytes in length.


➜ address addr
➜ assembly {
    addr := not(0)
➜ addr
Type: address
└ Data: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
➜ !rs addr
Type: bytes32
└ Data: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Config Reference

Config Overview

Foundry’s configuration system allows you to configure its tools.


Configuration can be arbitrarily namespaced into profiles. The default profile is named default, and all other profiles inherit values from this profile. Profiles are defined in the profile map.

To add a profile named local, you would add:


You can select the profile to use by setting the FOUNDRY_PROFILE environment variable.

Global configuration

You can create a foundry.toml file in ~/.foundry folder to configure Foundry globally.

Environment variables

Configuration can be overridden with FOUNDRY_ and DAPP_ prefixed environment variables.

Exceptions are:


Configuration format

Configuration files are written in the TOML format, with simple key-value pairs inside of sections.

This page describes each configuration key in detail. To see the default values, either refer to the specific key in this document, or see the default config.

Configuration keys

This section documents all configuration keys. All configuration keys must live under a profile, such as default.


Configuration related to the project in general.

  • Type: string
  • Default: src
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_SRC or DAPP_SRC

The path to the contract sources relative to the root of the project.

  • Type: string
  • Default: test
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_TEST or DAPP_TEST

The path to the test contract sources relative to the root of the project.

  • Type: string
  • Default: script

The path to the script contract sources relative to the root of the project.

  • Type: string
  • Default: out
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_OUT or DAPP_OUT

The path to put contract artifacts in, relative to the root of the project.

  • Type: array of strings (paths)
  • Default: lib
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_LIBS or DAPP_LIBS

An array of paths that contain libraries, relative to the root of the project.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_CACHE or DAPP_CACHE

Whether or not to enable caching. If enabled, the result of compiling sources, tests, and dependencies, are cached in cache.

  • Type: string
  • Default: cache

The path to the cache, relative to the root of the project.

  • Type: string
  • Default: broadcast

The path to the broadcast transaction logs, relative to the root of the project.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_FORCE or DAPP_FORCE

Whether or not to perform a clean build, discarding the cache.

Solidity compiler

Configuration related to the behavior of the Solidity compiler.



Configuration related to the behavior of the Solidity compiler.

  • Type: array of strings (remappings)
  • Default: none

An array of remappings in the following format: <name>=<target>.

A remapping remaps Solidity imports to different directories. For example, the following remapping


with an import like

import {Context} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol";


import {Context} from "node_modules/@openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Context.sol";
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

If enabled, Foundry will automatically try auto-detect remappings by scanning the libs folder(s).

If set to false, only the remappings in foundry.toml and remappings.txt are used.

  • Type: array of strings (paths)
  • Default: none

Tells solc to allow reading source files from additional directories. This is mainly relevant for complex workspaces managed by pnpm or similar.

See also solc allowed-paths

  • Type: array of strings (paths)
  • Default: none

Make an additional source directory available to the default import callback. Use this option if you want to import contracts whose location is not fixed in relation to your main source tree, e.g. third-party libraries installed using a package manager. Can be used multiple times. Can only be used if base path has a non-empty value.

See also solc path resolution

  • Type: array of strings (libraries)
  • Default: none

An array of libraries to link against in the following format: <file>:<lib>:<address>, for example: src/MyLibrary.sol:MyLibrary:0xfD88CeE74f7D78697775aBDAE53f9Da1559728E4.

  • Type: string (semver)
  • Default: none

If specified, overrides the auto-detection system (more below) and uses a single Solidity compiler version for the project.

Only strict versions are supported (i.e. 0.8.11 is valid, but ^0.8.0 is not).

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

If enabled, Foundry will automatically try to resolve appropriate Solidity compiler versions to compile your project.

This key is ignored if solc_version is set.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If enabled, Foundry will not attempt to download any missing solc versions.

If both offline and auto-detect-solc are set to true, the required version(s) of solc will be auto detected but any missing versions will not be installed.

  • Type: array of strings (file paths)
  • Default: none

An array of file paths from which warnings should be ignored during the compulation process. This is useful when you have a specific directories of files that produce known warning and you wish to suppress these warnings without affecting others.

Each entry in the array should be a path to a directory or a specific file. For Example:

ignored_warnings_from = ["path/to/warnings/file1.sol", "path/to/warnings/file2.sol"]

This configuration will cause the compiler to ignore any warnings that originate from the specified paths.

  • Type: array of integers/strings
  • Default: none for source, SPDX license identifiers and contract size for tests

An array of Solidity compiler error codes to ignore during build, such as warnings.

Valid values are:

  • license: 1878
  • code-size: 5574
  • func-mutability: 2018
  • unused-var: 2072
  • unused-param: 5667
  • unused-return: 9302
  • virtual-interfaces: 5815
  • missing-receive-ether: 3628
  • shadowing: 2519
  • same-varname: 8760
  • unnamed-return: 6321
  • unreachable: 5740
  • pragma-solidity: 3420
  • constructor-visibility: 2462
  • init-code-size: 3860
  • transient-storage: 2394
  • too-many-warnings: 4591
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If enabled, Foundry will treat Solidity compiler warnings as errors, stopping artifacts from being written to disk.

  • Type: string
  • Default: paris

The EVM version to use during tests. The value must be an EVM hardfork name, such as london, byzantium, etc.

  • Type: string
  • Default: default

Possible values are:

  • default does not inject compiler-generated revert strings and keeps user-supplied ones.
  • strip removes all revert strings (if possible, i.e. if literals are used) keeping side-effects.
  • debug injects strings for compiler-generated internal reverts, implemented for ABI encoders V1 and V2 for now.
  • verboseDebug even appends further information to user-supplied revert strings (not yet implemented).
  • Type: array of strings
  • Default: none
  • Environment: N/A

Extra output from the Solidity compiler that should be written to files in the artifacts directory.

Valid values are:

  • metadata: Written as a metadata.json file in the artifacts directory
  • ir: Written as a .ir file in the artifacts directory
  • irOptimized: Written as a .iropt file in the artifacts directory
  • ewasm: Written as a .ewasm file in the artifacts directory
  • evm.assembly: Written as a .asm file in the artifacts directory
  • Type: array of strings
  • Default: see below
  • Environment: N/A

Extra output to include in the contract’s artifact.

The following values are always set, since they’re required by Forge:

extra_output = [

For a list of valid values, see the [Solidity docs][output-desc].

  • Type: string
  • Default: ipfs

Determines the hash method for the metadata hash that is appended to the bytecode.

Valid values are:

  • ipfs (default)
  • bzzr1
  • none
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Enables sparse mode for builds.


Configuration related to the Solidity optimizer.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Whether or not to enable the Solidity optimizer.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 200

The amount of optimizer runs to perform.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_VIA_IR or DAPP_VIA_IR

If set to true, changes compilation pipeline to go through the new IR optimizer.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If set to true, changes compilation to only use literal content and not URLs.


The optimizer details section is used to tweak how the Solidity optimizer behaves. There are several configurable values in this section (each of them are booleans):

  • peephole
  • inliner
  • jumpdestRemover
  • orderLiterals
  • deduplicate
  • cse
  • constantOptimizer
  • yul

Refer to the Solidity compiler input description for the default values.


The Yul details subsection of the optimizer details section is used to tweak how the new IR optimizer behaves. There are two configuration values:

  • stack_allocation: Tries to improve the allocation of stack slots by freeing them up earlier.
  • optimizer_steps: Selects the optimizer steps to be applied.

Refer to the Solidity compiler input description for the default values.

ℹ️ Note If you encounter compiler errors when using via_ir, explicitly enable the legacy optimizer and leave optimizer_steps as an empty string

Model checker

The Solidity model checker is a built-in opt-in module that is available in Solidity compilers for OSX and Linux. Learn more about the model checker in the Solidity compiler documentation

ℹ️ Note The model checker requires z3 version 4.8.8 or 4.8.14 on Linux.

The model checker settings are configured in the [model_checker] section of the configuration.

The model checker will run when forge build is invoked, and any findings will show up as warnings.

These are the recommended settings when using the model checker:

contracts = {'/path/to/project/src/Contract.sol' = ['Contract']}
engine = 'chc'
timeout = 10000
targets = ['assert']

Setting which contract should be verified is extremely important, otherwise all available contracts will be verified which may take a long time.

The recommended engine is chc, but bmc and all (which runs both) are also accepted.

It is also important to set a proper timeout (given in milliseconds), since the default time given to the underlying solver may not be enough.

If no verification targets are given, only assertions will be checked.


The following keys are available in the model checker section.

  • Type: table
  • Default: all
  • Environment: N/A

Specifies what contracts the model checker will analyze.

The key of the table is the path to a source file, and the value is an array of contract names to check.

For example:

contracts = { "src/MyContracts.sol" = ["ContractA", "ContractB"] }
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Environment: N/A

Sets how division and modulo operations should be encoded.

Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information.

  • Type: string (see below)
  • Default: all
  • Environment: N/A

Specifies the model checker engine to run. Valid values are:

  • chc: The constrained horn clauses engine
  • bmc: The bounded model checker engine
  • all: Runs both engines

Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information on the engines.

  • Type: array of strings
  • Default: N/A
  • Environment: N/A

Sets the model checker invariants. Valid values are:

  • contract: Contract Invariants
  • reentrancy: Reentrancy Properties

Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information on the invariants.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Environment: N/A

Whether or not to output all unproved targets.

Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information.

  • Type: array of strings
  • Default: N/A
  • Environment: N/A

Sets the model checker solvers. Valid values are:

  • cvc4
  • eld: introduced in v0.8.18
  • smtlib2
  • z3

Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information.

  • Type: number (milliseconds)
  • Default: N/A
  • Environment: N/A

Sets the timeout for the underlying model checker engines (in milliseconds).

  • Type: array of strings
  • Default: assert
  • Environment: N/A

Sets the model checker targets. Valid values are:

  • assert: Assertions
  • underflow: Arithmetic underflow
  • overflow: Arithmetic overflow
  • divByZero: Division by zero
  • constantCondition: Trivial conditions and unreachable code
  • popEmptyArray: Popping an empty array
  • outOfBounds: Out of bounds array/fixed bytes index access
  • default: All of the above (note: not the default for Forge)


Configuration related to the behavior of forge test.



  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0

The verbosity level to use during tests.

  • Level 2 (-vv): Logs emitted during tests are also displayed.
  • Level 3 (-vvv): Stack traces for failing tests are also displayed.
  • Level 4 (-vvvv): Stack traces for all tests are displayed, and setup traces for failing tests are displayed.
  • Level 5 (-vvvvv): Stack traces and setup traces are always displayed.
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_FFI or DAPP_FFI

Whether or not to enable the ffi cheatcode.

Warning: Enabling this cheatcode has security implications for your project, as it allows tests to execute arbitrary programs on your computer.

  • Type: string (address)
  • Default: 0x1804c8AB1F12E6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38

The value of msg.sender in tests.

  • Type: string (address)
  • Default: 0x1804c8AB1F12E6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38

The value of tx.origin in tests.

  • Type: string (hexadecimal)
  • Default: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff

The initial balance of the test contracts in wei, written in hexadecimal.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 1

The value of block.number in tests.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 31337

The value of the chainid opcode in tests.

  • Type: integer or string
  • Default: 9223372036854775807

The gas limit for each test case.

ℹ️ Note

Due to a limitation in a dependency of Forge, you cannot raise the gas limit beyond the default without changing the value to a string.

In order to use higher gas limits use a string:

gas_limit = "18446744073709551615" # u64::MAX
  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0

The price of gas (in wei) in tests.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0

The base fee per gas (in wei) in tests.

  • Type: string (address)
  • Default: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The value of block.coinbase in tests.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 1

The value of block.timestamp in tests.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0

The value of block.difficulty in tests.

  • Type: array of strings (contract names)
  • Default: [“*”]

The contracts to print gas reports for.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If set to true, then block data from RPC endpoints in tests will not be cached. Otherwise, the data is cached to $HOME/.foundry/cache/<chain id>/<block number>.


The [rpc_storage_caching] block determines what RPC endpoints are cached.

  • Type: string or array of strings (chain names)
  • Default: all
  • Environment: N/A

Determines what chains are cached. By default, all chains are cached.

Valid values are:

  • “all”
  • A list of chain names, e.g. ["optimism", "mainnet"]
  • Type: string or array of regex patterns (to match URLs)
  • Default: remote
  • Environment: N/A

Determines what RPC endpoints are cached. By default, only remote endpoints are cached.

Valid values are:

  • all
  • remote (default)
  • A list of regex patterns, e.g. ["localhost"]
  • Type: string
  • Default: none

The url of the rpc server that should be used for any rpc calls.

  • Type: string
  • Default: none

The etherscan API key for RPC calls.

  • Type: regex
  • Default: none

Only run test methods matching regex. Equivalent to forge test --match-test <TEST_PATTERN>

  • Type: regex
  • Default: none

Only run test methods not matching regex. Equivalent to forge test --no-match-test <TEST_PATTERN_INVERSE>

  • Type: regex
  • Default: none

Only run test methods in contracts matching regex. Equivalent to forge test --match-contract <CONTRACT_PATTERN>

  • Type: regex
  • Default: none

Only run test methods in contracts not matching regex. Equivalent to forge test --no-match-contract <CONTRACT_PATTERN_INVERSE>

  • Type: regex
  • Default: none

Only runs test methods on files matching the path. Equivalent to forge test --match-path <PATH_PATTERN>

  • Type: regex
  • Default: none

Only runs test methods on files not matching the path. Equivalent to forge test --no-match-path <PATH_PATTERN_INVERSE>

  • Type: integer
  • Default: none
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_THREADS

Number of threads to use. Not set or zero specifies the number of logical cores.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to show test execution progress.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: none

The block.gaslimit value during EVM execution.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 33554432

The memory limit of the EVM in bytes.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_NAMES or DAPP_NAMES

Print compiled contract names.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_SIZES or DAPP_SIZES

Print compiled contract sizes.

  • Type: table of RPC endpoints
  • Default: none
  • Environment: none

This section lives outside of profiles and defines a table of RPC endpoints, where the key specifies the RPC endpoints’s name and the value is the RPC endpoint itself.

The value can either be a valid RPC endpoint or a reference to an environment variable (wrapped with in ${}).

These RPC endpoints can be used in tests and Solidity scripts (see vm.rpc).

The following example defines an endpoint named optimism and an endpoint named mainnet that references an environment variable RPC_MAINNET:

optimism = ""
mainnet = "${RPC_MAINNET}"
  • Type: integer
  • Default: 120

The number of seconds to wait before vm.prompt reverts with a timeout.


Configuration values for [fuzz] section.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 256

The amount of fuzz runs to perform for each fuzz test case. Higher values gives more confidence in results at the cost of testing speed.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 65536

The maximum number of combined inputs that may be rejected before the test as a whole aborts. “Global” filters apply to the whole test case. If the test case is rejected, the whole thing is regenerated.

  • Type: string (hexadecimal)
  • Default: none
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_FUZZ_SEED

Optional seed for the fuzzing RNG algorithm.

  • Type: integer (between 0 and 100)
  • Default: 40

The weight of the dictionary. A higher dictionary weight will bias the fuzz inputs towards “interesting” values, e.g. boundary values like type(uint256).max or contract addresses from your environment.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

The flag indicating whether to include values from storage.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

The flag indicating whether to include push bytes values.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

The flag indicates whether to display console logs in fuzz tests or not. Note that in order to enable displaying console logs, you’ll need to set show_logs = true and then use forge test -vv or set verbosity >= 2.


Configuration values for [invariant] section.

ℹ️ Note

Configuration for [invariant] section has the fallback logic for common config entries (runs, seed, dictionary_weight etc).

  • If the entries are not set in either section, then the defaults will be used.
  • If the entries are set in the [fuzz] section, but are not set in the [invariant] section, these values will automatically be set to the values specified in the [fuzz] section.
  • For any profile other than default:
    • If at least one entry is set in the [invariant] (same as [profile.default.invariant]) section, then the values from [invariant] section will be used, including defaults.
    • If no entry is set in the [invariant] section, but there are entries in the [fuzz] (same as [profile.default.fuzz]) section, then the values from the [fuzz] section will be used.
    • If it’s none of the cases described above, then the defaults will be used.
  • Type: integer
  • Default: 256

The number of runs that must execute for each invariant test group. See also fuzz.runs

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 500

The number of calls executed to attempt to break invariants in one run.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Fails the invariant fuzzing if a revert occurs.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Overrides unsafe external calls when running invariant tests, useful for e.g. performing reentrancy checks.

  • Type: integer (between 0 and 100)
  • Default: 80

The weight of the dictionary. See also fuzz.dictionary_weight

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

The flag indicating whether to include values from storage. See also fuzz.include_storage

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

The flag indicating whether to include push bytes values. See also fuzz.include_push_bytes

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 5000

The maximum number of attempts to shrink a failed the sequence. Shrink process is disabled if set to 0.

In-line test configuration

Foundry users are enabled to specify overall test configurations, using a combination of ENV variables and config statements in the foundry.toml. Checkout the Testing reference for a detailed description.

Despite this may work in the general case, some tests may need finer control over their configuration. For such reason Forge provides a way to specify per-test configs for invariant and fuzz testing scenarios.

Users can in-line test config statements directly in Solidity comments. This would affect the behavior of the forge test command for a specific test instance, as illustrated in the example below.

contract MyTest is Test {
  /// forge-config: default.fuzz.runs = 100
  /// forge-config: ci.fuzz.runs = 500
  /// forge-config: = true
  function test_SimpleFuzzTest(uint256 x) public {
    // --- snip ---

What we are asking here is to run our fuzzer 100 and 500 times for the default and ci profiles respectively. The interesting fact is that this would override any fuzz runs setup existing at a global level. All other configs would be inherited from the global context, making this acting as a fallback for all possible configurations.

Block comments

In-line test configurations can also be expressed in block comments, as illustrated in the example.

contract MyTest is Test {
   * forge-config: default.fuzz.runs = 1024
   * forge-config: default.fuzz.max-test-rejects = 500
   * forge-config: = true
  function test_SimpleFuzzTest(uint256 x) public {
    // --- snip ---

In-line fuzz configs

Users can specify the configs described in the table. Each statement must have a prefix of the form forge-config: ${PROFILE}.fuzz.

runsintegerThe amount of fuzz runs to perform for this specific test case. Reference.
max-test-rejectsintegerThe maximum number of combined inputs that may be rejected before the test as a whole aborts. Reference.
show-logsbooleanThe flag indicates whether to display console logs in fuzz tests or not. Works when verbosity >= 2. Reference.

Fuzz config example

contract MyFuzzTest is Test {
  /// forge-config: default.fuzz.runs = 100
  /// forge-config: default.fuzz.max-test-rejects = 2
  /// forge-config: = true
  function test_InlineConfig(uint256 x) public {
    // --- snip ---

In-line invariant configs

Users can specify the configs described in the table. Each statement must have a prefix of the form forge-config: ${PROFILE}.invariant.

runsintegerThe amount of invariant runs to perform for this specific test case. Reference.
depthintegerThe number of calls executed to attempt to break invariant in one run. Reference.
fail-on-revertbooleanFails the invariant fuzzing if a revert occurs. Reference.
call-overridebooleanOverrides unsafe external calls when running invariant test. Reference.

Invariant config example

contract MyInvariantTest is Test {
  /// forge-config: default.invariant.runs = 100
  /// forge-config: default.invariant.depth = 2
  /// forge-config: = false
  /// forge-config: = true
  function invariant_InlineConfig() public {
    // --- snip ---


Configuration related to the behavior of the Forge formatter. Each of these keys live under the [fmt] section.


This allows configuring the style of statement blocks independently of the line length.

The single_line_statement_blocks configuration option in Foundry controls whether statement blocks (code blocks enclosed in { }) will be formatted to a single line or multiple lines.

It has three possible values:

  • "single" - Statement blocks will be formatted to a single line if possible.
  • "multi" - Statement blocks will always be formatted to multiple lines.
  • "preserve" - Keep the existing single/multi line formatting of statement blocks.

For example, with "single":

if (true) { return true; }

With "multi":

if (true) {
  return true;

And with "preserve", it will keep the original formatting of the code.


This allows configuring the formatting of long function headers.

  • Type: string
  • Default: attributes_first

The multiline_func_header configuration option in Foundry controls how function headers (the line containing the function name, parameters, return values etc.) are formatted when they exceed the max line length.

Style of multiline function header in case it doesn’t fit in one line. Valid possible values:

  • "attributes_first" - (default) Write function attributes multiline first
  • "params_first" - Break the function header into multiple lines, with each parameter on its own line. The function name stays on the first line.
  • "all" - If function parameters or attributes are multiline, multiline everything

Style of multiline function header in case it doesn’t fit in one line. Valid values are:

For example, with "params_first":

function myFunction(
    uint256 param1, 
    uint256 param2,
    uint256 param3
) public returns (uint256) {
  // ...

And with "all":

function myFunction(
    uint256 param1,
    uint256 param2, 
    uint256 param3
    returns (uint256) 
  // ...  


helps organize imports and makes it easier to find specific imports quickly.

The sort_imports configuration option in Foundry controls whether import statements are sorted alphabetically within their import groups.

From the code snippets provided:

  • In, sort_imports is a configuration option that can be set to true or false.
  • In, the sort_imports() method is called to sort import statements alphabetically if sort_imports is enabled.
  • It finds import groups separated by blank lines in the source code.
  • Then sorts the import statements within each group alphabetically.

So in summary, enabling sort_imports will reorder solidity import statements alphabetically within their section groups, while preserving the relative ordering of the groups.


Controls the addition of blank lines before and after contract definitions.

The contract_new_lines configuration option in Foundry controls whether empty lines are added before and after contract definitions.

When enabled (contract_new_lines = true):

  • An empty line will be added before the start of a contract definition.
  • An empty line will also be added after the end of a contract definition.

For example, with contract_new_lines enabled:

// Empty line before contract contract MyContract { // ... } // Empty line after contract

This helps visually separate contract definitions and improve readability.

When disabled (contract_new_lines = false), empty lines will not be added around contracts.

So in summary, the contract_new_lines option controls the addition of blank lines before and after contract definitions.


The override_spacing configuration option in Foundry controls whether a space is printed between the override keyword and the parent contracts when overriding a function or modifier.

When override_spacing is enabled:

  • A space will be added after the override keyword.

For example:

contract Child is Parent {
  function foo() override (Parent) public { }

When disabled, there will be no space between override and the parent contracts:

contract Child is Parent {
  function foo() override(Parent) public { } 

Enables configuring the styling of override declarations.

  • override_spacing = true - Print a space after override
  • override_spacing = false - No space after override


  • Type: number
  • Default: 120

Maximum line length where formatter will try to wrap the line.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 4

Number of spaces per indentation level.


  • Type: bool
  • Default: false

Whether or not to print spaces between brackets.


  • Type: string
  • Default: long

Style of uint/int256 types. Valid values are:

  • long (default): Use the explicit uint256 or int256
  • short: Use the implicit uint or int
  • preserve: Use the type defined in the source code


  • Type: string
  • Default: double

Defines the quotation mark style. Valid values are:

  • double (default): Use double quotes where possible (")
  • single: Use single quotes where possible (')
  • preserve: Use quotation mark defined in the source code


  • Type: string
  • Default: preserve

Style of underscores in number literals. Valid values are:

  • preserve (default): Use the underscores defined in the source code
  • thousands: Add an underscore every thousand, if greater than 9999. i.e. 1000 is formatted as 1000 and 10000 as 10_000
  • remove: Remove all underscores


  • Type: bool
  • Default: false

Whether or not to wrap comments on line_length reached.


  • Type: array of strings (patterns)
  • Default: []

List of files to ignore when formatting. This is a comma separated list of glob patterns.

Documentation Generator

Configuration related to the behavior of the Forge documentation generator. These keys are set in [doc] section.

  • Type: string
  • Default: docs
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_DOC_OUT

An output path for generated documentation.

  • Type: string
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_DOC_TITLE

Title for the generated documentation.

  • Type: string
  • Default: ./book.toml
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_DOC_BOOK

Path to user provided book.toml. It will be merged with default settings during doc generation.

  • Type: string

The git repository URL. Used to provide links to git source files. If missing, forge will attempt to look up the current origin url and use its value.

  • Type: array of strings (patterns)
  • Default: []
  • Environment: FOUNDRY_DOC_IGNORE

List of files to ignore when generating documentation. This is a comma separated list of glob patterns.


Configuration related to Etherscan, such as API keys. This configuration is used in various places by Forge.

The [etherscan] section is a mapping of keys to Etherscan configuration tables. The Etherscan configuration tables hold the following keys:

  • key (string) (required): The Etherscan API key for the given network. The value of this property can also point to an environment variable.
  • chain: The chain name or ID of the chain this Etherscan configuration is for.
  • url: The Etherscan API URL.

If the key of the configuration is a chain name, then chain is not required, otherwise it is. url can be used to explicitly set the Etherscan API URL for chains not natively supported by name.

Using TOML inline table syntax, all of these are valid:

mainnet = { key = "${ETHERSCAN_MAINNET_KEY}" }
mainnet2 = { key = "ABCDEFG", chain = "mainnet" }
optimism = { key = "1234567" }
unknown_chain = { key = "ABCDEFG", url = "<etherscan api url for this chain>" }

Cheatcodes Reference

Cheatcodes give you powerful assertions, the ability to alter the state of the EVM, mock data, and more.

Cheatcodes are made available through use of the cheatcode address (0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D).

ℹ️ Note

If you encounter errors for this address when using fuzzed addresses in your tests, you may wish to exclude it from your fuzz tests by using the following line:

vm.assume(address_ != 0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D);

You can also access cheatcodes easily via vm available in Forge Standard Library’s Test contract.

Forge Standard Library Cheatcodes

Forge Std implements wrappers around cheatcodes, which combine multiple standard cheatcodes to improve development experience. These are not technically cheatcodes, but rather compositions of Forge’s cheatcodes.

You can view the list of Forge Standard Library’s cheatcode wrappers in the references section. You can reference the Forge Std source code to learn more about how the wrappers work under the hood.

Cheatcode Types

Below are some subsections for the different Forge cheatcodes.

  • Environment: Cheatcodes that alter the state of the EVM.
  • Assertions: Cheatcodes that are powerful assertions
  • Fuzzer: Cheatcodes that configure the fuzzer
  • External: Cheatcodes that interact with external state (files, commands, …)
  • Utilities: Smaller utility cheatcodes
  • Forking: Forking mode cheatcodes
  • Snapshots: Snapshot cheatcodes
  • RPC: RPC related cheatcodes
  • File: Cheatcodes for working with files

Add a new cheatcode

If you need a new feature, consider contributing to the Foundry’s codebase to add the cheatcode.

Cheatcodes Interface

This is a Solidity interface for all of the cheatcodes present in Forge.

interface CheatCodes {
    // This allows us to getRecordedLogs()
    struct Log {
        bytes32[] topics;
        bytes data;

    // Possible caller modes for readCallers()
    enum CallerMode {

    enum AccountAccessKind {

    struct Wallet {
        address addr;
        uint256 publicKeyX;
        uint256 publicKeyY;
        uint256 privateKey;

    struct ChainInfo {
        uint256 forkId;
        uint256 chainId;

    struct AccountAccess {
        ChainInfo chainInfo;
        AccountAccessKind kind;
        address account;
        address accessor;
        bool initialized;
        uint256 oldBalance;
        uint256 newBalance;
        bytes deployedCode;
        uint256 value;
        bytes data;
        bool reverted;
        StorageAccess[] storageAccesses;

    struct StorageAccess {
        address account;
        bytes32 slot;
        bool isWrite;
        bytes32 previousValue;
        bytes32 newValue;
        bool reverted;

    // Derives a private key from the name, labels the account with that name, and returns the wallet
    function createWallet(string calldata) external returns (Wallet memory);

    // Generates a wallet from the private key and returns the wallet
    function createWallet(uint256) external returns (Wallet memory);

    // Generates a wallet from the private key, labels the account with that name, and returns the wallet
    function createWallet(uint256, string calldata) external returns (Wallet memory);

    // Signs data, (Wallet, digest) => (v, r, s)
    function sign(Wallet calldata, bytes32) external returns (uint8, bytes32, bytes32);

    // Get nonce for a Wallet
    function getNonce(Wallet calldata) external returns (uint64);

    // Set block.timestamp
    function warp(uint256) external;

    // Set block.number
    function roll(uint256) external;

    // Set block.basefee
    function fee(uint256) external;

    // Set block.difficulty
    // Does not work from the Paris hard fork and onwards, and will revert instead.
    function difficulty(uint256) external;
    // Set block.prevrandao
    // Does not work before the Paris hard fork, and will revert instead.
    function prevrandao(bytes32) external;

    // Set block.chainid
    function chainId(uint256) external;

    // Loads a storage slot from an address
    function load(address account, bytes32 slot) external returns (bytes32);

    // Stores a value to an address' storage slot
    function store(address account, bytes32 slot, bytes32 value) external;

    // Signs data
    function sign(uint256 privateKey, bytes32 digest)
        returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s);

    // Computes address for a given private key
    function addr(uint256 privateKey) external returns (address);

    // Derive a private key from a provided mnemonic string,
    // or mnemonic file path, at the derivation path m/44'/60'/0'/0/{index}.
    function deriveKey(string calldata, uint32) external returns (uint256);
    // Derive a private key from a provided mnemonic string, or mnemonic file path,
    // at the derivation path {path}{index}
    function deriveKey(string calldata, string calldata, uint32) external returns (uint256);

    // Gets the nonce of an account
    function getNonce(address account) external returns (uint64);

    // Sets the nonce of an account
    // The new nonce must be higher than the current nonce of the account
    function setNonce(address account, uint64 nonce) external;

    // Performs a foreign function call via terminal
    function ffi(string[] calldata) external returns (bytes memory);

    // Set environment variables, (name, value)
    function setEnv(string calldata, string calldata) external;

    // Read environment variables, (name) => (value)
    function envBool(string calldata) external returns (bool);
    function envUint(string calldata) external returns (uint256);
    function envInt(string calldata) external returns (int256);
    function envAddress(string calldata) external returns (address);
    function envBytes32(string calldata) external returns (bytes32);
    function envString(string calldata) external returns (string memory);
    function envBytes(string calldata) external returns (bytes memory);

    // Read environment variables as arrays, (name, delim) => (value[])
    function envBool(string calldata, string calldata)
        returns (bool[] memory);
    function envUint(string calldata, string calldata)
        returns (uint256[] memory);
    function envInt(string calldata, string calldata)
        returns (int256[] memory);
    function envAddress(string calldata, string calldata)
        returns (address[] memory);
    function envBytes32(string calldata, string calldata)
        returns (bytes32[] memory);
    function envString(string calldata, string calldata)
        returns (string[] memory);
    function envBytes(string calldata, string calldata)
        returns (bytes[] memory);

    // Read environment variables with default value, (name, value) => (value)
    function envOr(string calldata, bool) external returns (bool);
    function envOr(string calldata, uint256) external returns (uint256);
    function envOr(string calldata, int256) external returns (int256);
    function envOr(string calldata, address) external returns (address);
    function envOr(string calldata, bytes32) external returns (bytes32);
    function envOr(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (string memory);
    function envOr(string calldata, bytes calldata) external returns (bytes memory);
    // Read environment variables as arrays with default value, (name, value[]) => (value[])
    function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, bool[] calldata) external returns (bool[] memory);
    function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, uint256[] calldata) external returns (uint256[] memory);
    function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, int256[] calldata) external returns (int256[] memory);
    function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, address[] calldata) external returns (address[] memory);
    function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, bytes32[] calldata) external returns (bytes32[] memory);
    function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, string[] calldata) external returns (string[] memory);
    function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, bytes[] calldata) external returns (bytes[] memory);

    // Convert Solidity types to strings
    function toString(address) external returns(string memory);
    function toString(bytes calldata) external returns(string memory);
    function toString(bytes32) external returns(string memory);
    function toString(bool) external returns(string memory);
    function toString(uint256) external returns(string memory);
    function toString(int256) external returns(string memory);

    // Sets the *next* call's msg.sender to be the input address
    function prank(address) external;

    // Sets all subsequent calls' msg.sender to be the input address
    // until `stopPrank` is called
    function startPrank(address) external;

    // Sets the *next* call's msg.sender to be the input address,
    // and the tx.origin to be the second input
    function prank(address, address) external;

    // Sets all subsequent calls' msg.sender to be the input address until
    // `stopPrank` is called, and the tx.origin to be the second input
    function startPrank(address, address) external;

    // Resets subsequent calls' msg.sender to be `address(this)`
    function stopPrank() external;

    // Reads the current `msg.sender` and `tx.origin` from state and reports if there is any active caller modification
    function readCallers() external returns (CallerMode callerMode, address msgSender, address txOrigin);

    // Sets an address' balance
    function deal(address who, uint256 newBalance) external;
    // Sets an address' code
    function etch(address who, bytes calldata code) external;

    // Marks a test as skipped. Must be called at the top of the test.
    function skip(bool skip) external;

    // Expects an error on next call
    function expectRevert() external;
    function expectRevert(bytes calldata) external;
    function expectRevert(bytes4) external;

    // Record all storage reads and writes
    function record() external;

    // Gets all accessed reads and write slot from a recording session,
    // for a given address
    function accesses(address)
        returns (bytes32[] memory reads, bytes32[] memory writes);
    // Record all account accesses as part of CREATE, CALL or SELFDESTRUCT opcodes in order,
    // along with the context of the calls.
    function startStateDiffRecording() external;

    // Returns an ordered array of all account accesses from a `startStateDiffRecording` session.
    function stopAndReturnStateDiff() external returns (AccountAccess[] memory accesses);

    // Record all the transaction logs
    function recordLogs() external;

    // Gets all the recorded logs
    function getRecordedLogs() external returns (Log[] memory);

    // Prepare an expected log with the signature:
    //   (bool checkTopic1, bool checkTopic2, bool checkTopic3, bool checkData).
    // Call this function, then emit an event, then call a function.
    // Internally after the call, we check if logs were emitted in the expected order
    // with the expected topics and data (as specified by the booleans)
    // The second form also checks supplied address against emitting contract.
    function expectEmit(bool, bool, bool, bool) external;
    function expectEmit(bool, bool, bool, bool, address) external;

    // Mocks a call to an address, returning specified data.
    // Calldata can either be strict or a partial match, e.g. if you only
    // pass a Solidity selector to the expected calldata, then the entire Solidity
    // function will be mocked.
    function mockCall(address, bytes calldata, bytes calldata) external;

    // Reverts a call to an address, returning the specified error
    // Calldata can either be strict or a partial match, e.g. if you only
    // pass a Solidity selector to the expected calldata, then the entire Solidity
    // function will be mocked.
    function mockCallRevert(address where, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata retdata) external;

    /// Whenever a call is made to `callee` with calldata `data`, this cheatcode instead calls
    /// `target` with the same calldata. This functionality is similar to a delegate call made to
    /// `target` contract from `callee`.
    /// Can be used to substitute a call to a function with another implementation that captures
    /// the primary logic of the original function but is easier to reason about.
    /// If calldata is not a strict match then partial match by selector is attempted.
    function mockFunction(address callee, address target, bytes calldata data) external;

    // Clears all mocked and reverted mocked calls
    function clearMockedCalls() external;

    // Expect a call to an address with the specified calldata.
    // Calldata can either be strict or a partial match
    function expectCall(address callee, bytes calldata data) external;
    // Expect a call to an address with the specified
    // calldata and message value.
    // Calldata can either be strict or a partial match
    function expectCall(address callee, uint256, bytes calldata data) external;

    // Gets the _creation_ bytecode from an artifact file. Takes in the relative path to the json file
    function getCode(string calldata) external returns (bytes memory);
    // Gets the _deployed_ bytecode from an artifact file. Takes in the relative path to the json file
    function getDeployedCode(string calldata) external returns (bytes memory);

    // Label an address in test traces
    function label(address addr, string calldata label) external;
    // Retrieve the label of an address
    function getLabel(address addr) external returns (string memory);

    // When fuzzing, generate new inputs if conditional not met
    function assume(bool) external;

    /// Discard this run's fuzz inputs and generate new ones if next call reverted.
    function assumeNoRevert() external;

    // Set block.coinbase (who)
    function coinbase(address) external;

    // Using the address that calls the test contract or the address provided
    // as the sender, has the next call (at this call depth only) create a
    // transaction that can later be signed and sent onchain
    function broadcast() external;
    function broadcast(address) external;

    // Using the address that calls the test contract or the address provided
    // as the sender, has all subsequent calls (at this call depth only) create
    // transactions that can later be signed and sent onchain
    function startBroadcast() external;
    function startBroadcast(address) external;
    function startBroadcast(uint256 privateKey) external;

    // Stops collecting onchain transactions
    function stopBroadcast() external;

    // Reads the entire content of file to string, (path) => (data)
    function readFile(string calldata) external returns (string memory);
    // Get the path of the current project root
    function projectRoot() external returns (string memory);
    // Reads next line of file to string, (path) => (line)
    function readLine(string calldata) external returns (string memory);
    // Writes data to file, creating a file if it does not exist, and entirely replacing its contents if it does.
    // (path, data) => ()
    function writeFile(string calldata, string calldata) external;
    // Writes line to file, creating a file if it does not exist.
    // (path, data) => ()
    function writeLine(string calldata, string calldata) external;
    // Closes file for reading, resetting the offset and allowing to read it from beginning with readLine.
    // (path) => ()
    function closeFile(string calldata) external;
    // Removes file. This cheatcode will revert in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases:
    // - Path points to a directory.
    // - The file doesn't exist.
    // - The user lacks permissions to remove the file.
    // (path) => ()
    function removeFile(string calldata) external;
    // Returns true if the given path points to an existing entity, else returns false
    // (path) => (bool)
    function exists(string calldata) external returns (bool);
    // Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a regular file, else returns false
    // (path) => (bool)
    function isFile(string calldata) external returns (bool);
    // Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a directory, else returns false
    // (path) => (bool)
    function isDir(string calldata) external returns (bool);
    // Return the value(s) that correspond to 'key'
    function parseJson(string memory json, string memory key) external returns (bytes memory);
    // Return the entire json file
    function parseJson(string memory json) external returns (bytes memory);
    // Check if a key exists in a json string
    function keyExists(string memory json, string memory key) external returns (bytes memory);
    // Get list of keys in a json string
    function parseJsonKeys(string memory json, string memory key) external returns (string[] memory);

    // Snapshot the current state of the evm.
    // Returns the id of the snapshot that was created.
    // To revert a snapshot use `revertTo`
    function snapshot() external returns (uint256);
    // Revert the state of the evm to a previous snapshot
    // Takes the snapshot id to revert to.
    // This deletes the snapshot and all snapshots taken after the given snapshot id.
    function revertTo(uint256) external returns (bool);

    // Creates a new fork with the given endpoint and block,
    // and returns the identifier of the fork
    function createFork(string calldata, uint256) external returns (uint256);
    // Creates a new fork with the given endpoint and the _latest_ block,
    // and returns the identifier of the fork
    function createFork(string calldata) external returns (uint256);

    // Creates _and_ also selects a new fork with the given endpoint and block,
    // and returns the identifier of the fork
    function createSelectFork(string calldata, uint256)
        returns (uint256);
    // Creates _and_ also selects a new fork with the given endpoint and the
    // latest block and returns the identifier of the fork
    function createSelectFork(string calldata) external returns (uint256);

    // Takes a fork identifier created by `createFork` and
    // sets the corresponding forked state as active.
    function selectFork(uint256) external;

    // Returns the currently active fork
    // Reverts if no fork is currently active
    function activeFork() external returns (uint256);

    // Updates the currently active fork to given block number
    // This is similar to `roll` but for the currently active fork
    function rollFork(uint256) external;
    // Updates the given fork to given block number
    function rollFork(uint256 forkId, uint256 blockNumber) external;

    // Fetches the given transaction from the active fork and executes it on the current state
    function transact(bytes32) external;
    // Fetches the given transaction from the given fork and executes it on the current state
    function transact(uint256, bytes32) external;

    // Marks that the account(s) should use persistent storage across
    // fork swaps in a multifork setup, meaning, changes made to the state
    // of this account will be kept when switching forks
    function makePersistent(address) external;
    function makePersistent(address, address) external;
    function makePersistent(address, address, address) external;
    function makePersistent(address[] calldata) external;
    // Revokes persistent status from the address, previously added via `makePersistent`
    function revokePersistent(address) external;
    function revokePersistent(address[] calldata) external;
    // Returns true if the account is marked as persistent
    function isPersistent(address) external returns (bool);

    /// Returns the RPC url for the given alias
    function rpcUrl(string calldata) external returns (string memory);
    /// Returns all rpc urls and their aliases `[alias, url][]`
    function rpcUrls() external returns (string[2][] memory);

    /// Utility cheatcode to copy storage of `from` contract to another `to` contract.
    function copyStorage(address from, address to) external;

    /// Utility cheatcode to set arbitrary storage for given target address.
    function setArbitraryStorage(address target) external;




function warp(uint256) external;


Sets block.timestamp.


emit log_uint(block.timestamp); // 1641070800


Forge Standard Library

skip, rewind



function roll(uint256) external;


Sets block.number.


emit log_uint(block.number); // 100




function fee(uint256) external;


Sets block.basefee.


vm.fee(25 gwei);
emit log_uint(block.basefee); // 25000000000



function getBlockTimestamp() external view returns (uint256 timestamp);


Gets the current block.timestamp. This is useful in cases where vm.warp along with --via-ir compilation is used, as block.timestamp is assumed to be a constant during a transaction. This means that on every forge test, multiple calls to block.timestamp would get optimized to just returning a constant value, instead of actually accessing the current block.timestamp. vm.getBlockTimestamp() avoids this optimization and returns the current block.timestamp.


assertEq(vm.getBlockTimestamp(), 1, "timestamp should be 1");
assertEq(vm.getBlockTimestamp(), 10, "warp failed");



function getBlockNumber() external view returns (uint256 timestamp);


Gets the current block.number. This is useful in cases where vm.roll along with --via-ir compilation is used, as block.number is assumed to be a constant during a transaction. This means that on every forge test, multiple calls to block.number would get optimized to just returning a constant value, instead of actually accessing the current block.number. vm.getBlockNumber() avoids this optimization and returns the current block.number.


uint256 height = vm.getBlockNumber();
assertEq(height, uint256(block.number));
assertEq(vm.getBlockNumber(), 10);



function difficulty(uint256) external;


Sets block.difficulty.

If used with a post-merge EVM version (Paris and onwards), it will revert. In that case, use vm.prevrandao instead.


emit log_uint(block.difficulty); // 25



function prevrandao(bytes32) external;


Sets block.prevrandao.

If used with an EVM version previous to the Paris hard fork, it will revert. In that case, use vm.difficulty instead.


emit log_uint(block.prevrandao); // 42



function chainId(uint256) external;


Sets block.chainid.


emit log_uint(block.chainid); // 31337



function store(address account, bytes32 slot, bytes32 value) external;


Stores the value value in storage slot slot on account account.


/// contract LeetContract {
///     uint256 private leet = 1337; // slot 0
/// }, bytes32(uint256(0)), bytes32(uint256(31337)));
bytes32 leet = vm.load(address(leetContract), bytes32(uint256(0)));
emit log_uint(uint256(leet)); // 31337


Forge Standard Library

Std Storage



function load(address account, bytes32 slot) external returns (bytes32);


Loads the value from storage slot slot on account account.


/// contract LeetContract {
///     uint256 private leet = 1337; // slot 0
/// }

bytes32 leet = vm.load(address(leetContract), bytes32(uint256(0)));
emit log_uint(uint256(leet)); // 1337


Forge Standard Library

Std Storage



function etch(address who, bytes calldata code) external;


Sets the bytecode of an address who to code.


bytes memory code = address(awesomeContract).code;
address targetAddr = makeAddr("target");
vm.etch(targetAddr, code);
log_bytes(address(targetAddr).code); // 0x6080604052348015610010...

Using vm.etch for enabling custom precompiles

Some chains, like Blast or Arbitrum, run with custom precompiles. Foundry is operating on vanilla EVM and is not aware of those. If you are encountering reverts due to not available precompile, you can use vm.etch cheatcode to inject mock of the missing precompile to the address it is expected to appear at.

pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

// Firstly, we implement a mock emulating the actual precompile behavior
contract YieldMock {
    address private constant blastContract = 0x4300000000000000000000000000000000000002;

    mapping(address => uint8) public getConfiguration;

    function configure(address contractAddress, uint8 flags) external returns (uint256) {
        require(msg.sender == blastContract);

        getConfiguration[contractAddress] = flags;
        return 0;

    function claim(address, address, uint256) external pure returns (uint256) {
        return 0;

    function getClaimableAmount(address) external pure returns (uint256) {
        return 0;

contract SomeBlastTest is Test {
    function setUp() public {
        // Deploy mock of the precompile
        YieldMock yieldMock = new YieldMock();
        // Set mock bytecode to the expected precompile address
        vm.etch(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000100, address(yieldMock).code);

    function testSomething() public {
        // Now we can interact with Blast contracts without reverts

Injecting mocks of precompiles might be tricky as such mocks will not fully emulate the actual precompile behavior on-chain.

Mock in the case above will not cause the actual yield to be accrued if any yield mode is configured.


Forge Standard Library



function deal(address who, uint256 newBalance) external;


Sets the balance of an address who to newBalance.

If the alternative signature of deal is used (defined in StdCheats.sol), then we can additionally specify ERC20 token address, as well as an option to update totalSupply.


address alice = makeAddr("alice");
emit log_address(alice);, 1 ether);
log_uint256(alice.balance); // 1000000000000000000
address alice = makeAddr("alice");
emit log_address(alice);
deal(address(DAI), alice, 1 ether); // import StdUtils.sol first
log_uint256(address(DAI).balanceOf(alice)); // 1000000000000000000


Forge Standard Library

deal, hoax, startHoax



function prank(address) external;
function prank(address sender, address origin) external;


Sets msg.sender to the specified address for the next call. “The next call” includes static calls as well, but not calls to the cheat code address.

If the alternative signature of prank is used, then tx.origin is set as well for the next call.


/// function withdraw() public {
///     require(msg.sender == owner);

myContract.withdraw(); // [PASS]


Forge Standard Library




function startPrank(address) external;
function startPrank(address sender, address origin) external;


Sets msg.sender for all subsequent calls until stopPrank is called.

If the alternative signature of startPrank is used, then tx.origin is set as well for all subsequent calls.


Forge Standard Library

startHoax, changePrank



function stopPrank() external;


Stops an active prank started by startPrank, resetting msg.sender and tx.origin to the values before startPrank was called.



enum CallerMode {

function readCallers() 
returns (CallerMode callerMode, address msgSender, address txOrigin);


Reads the current CallerMode, msg.sender, and tx.origin.

The CallerMode enum indicates if there is an active caller modification and the type.

  • If there is an active prank:

    • callerMode will be equal to:
      • CallerMode.Prank if the prank has been set with prank.
      • CallerMode.RecurrentPrank if the prank has been set with startPrank.
  • If there is an active broadcast:

    • callerMode will be equal to:
      • CallerMode.Broadcast if the broadcast has been set with broadcast.
      • CallerMode.RecurrentBroadcast if the broadcast has been set with startBroadcast.
  • If no caller modification is active:

    • callerMode will be equal to CallerMode.None.


CallerMode callerMode;
address msgSender;
address txOrigin;

// Example 1
(callerMode, msgSender, txOrigin) = vm.readCallers();
assertEq(callerMode, CallerMode.None);
assertEq(msgSender, defaultSenderAddress);
assertEq(txOrigin, defaultOriginAddress);

// Example 2
(callerMode, msgSender, txOrigin) = vm.readCallers();
assertEq(callerMode, CallerMode.Prank);
assertEq(msgSender, senderPrankAddress);
assertEq(txOrigin, defaultOriginAddress);

// Example 3
vm.prank(senderPrankAddress, originPrankAddress);
(callerMode, msgSender, txOrigin) = vm.readCallers();
assertEq(callerMode, CallerMode.Prank);
assertEq(msgSender, senderPrankAddress);
assertEq(txOrigin, originPrankAddress);

// Example 4
(callerMode, msgSender, txOrigin) = vm.readCallers();
assertEq(callerMode, CallerMode.Broadcast);
assertEq(msgSender, broadcastAddress);
assertEq(txOrigin, broadcastAddress);




function record() external;


Tell the VM to start recording all storage reads and writes. To access the reads and writes, use accesses.

ℹ️ Note

Every write also counts as an additional read.


/// contract NumsContract {
///     uint256 public num1 = 100; // slot 0
///     uint256 public num2 = 200; // slot 1
/// }

(bytes32[] memory reads, bytes32[] memory writes) = vm.accesses(
emit log_uint(uint256(reads[0])); // 1


Forge Standard Library

Std Storage



function accesses(
returns (
  bytes32[] memory reads,
  bytes32[] memory writes


Gets all storage slots that have been read (reads) or written to (writes) on an address.

Note that record must be called first.

ℹ️ Note

Every write also counts as an additional read.


/// contract NumsContract {
///     uint256 public num1 = 100; // slot 0
///     uint256 public num2 = 200; // slot 1
/// }

(bytes32[] memory reads, bytes32[] memory writes) = vm.accesses(
emit log_uint(uint256(reads[0])); // 1



function recordLogs() external;


Tells the VM to start recording all the emitted events. To access them, use getRecordedLogs.


/// event LogCompleted(
///   uint256 indexed topic1,
///   bytes data
/// );


emit LogCompleted(10, "operation completed");

Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();

assertEq(entries.length, 1);
assertEq(entries[0].topics[0], keccak256("LogCompleted(uint256,bytes)"));
assertEq(entries[0].topics[1], bytes32(uint256(10)));
assertEq(abi.decode(entries[0].data, (string)), "operation completed");



struct Log {
  bytes32[] topics;
  bytes data;
  address emitter;

function getRecordedLogs()
returns (
  Log[] memory


Gets the emitted events recorded by recordLogs.

This function will consume the recorded logs when called.


/// event LogTopic1(
///   uint256 indexed topic1,
///   bytes data
/// );

/// event LogTopic12(
///   uint256 indexed topic1,
///   uint256 indexed topic2,
///   bytes data
/// );

/// bytes memory testData0 = "Some data";
/// bytes memory testData1 = "Other data";

// Start the recorder

emit LogTopic1(10, testData0);
emit LogTopic12(20, 30, testData1);

// Notice that your entries are <Interface>.Log[]
// as opposed to <instance>.Log[]
Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();

assertEq(entries.length, 2);

// Recall that topics[0] is the event signature
assertEq(entries[0].topics.length, 2);
assertEq(entries[0].topics[0], keccak256("LogTopic1(uint256,bytes)"));
assertEq(entries[0].topics[1], bytes32(uint256(10)));
// assertEq won't compare bytes variables. Try with strings instead.
assertEq(abi.decode(entries[0].data, (string)), string(testData0));

assertEq(entries[1].topics.length, 3);
assertEq(entries[1].topics[0], keccak256("LogTopic12(uint256,uint256,bytes)"));
assertEq(entries[1].topics[1], bytes32(uint256(20)));
assertEq(entries[1].topics[2], bytes32(uint256(30)));
assertEq(abi.decode(entries[1].data, (string)), string(testData1));

// Emit another event
emit LogTopic1(40, testData0);

// Your last read consumed the recorded logs,
// you will only get the latest emitted even after that call
entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();

assertEq(entries.length, 1);

assertEq(entries[0].topics.length, 2);
assertEq(entries[0].topics[0], keccak256("LogTopic1(uint256,bytes)"));
assertEq(entries[0].topics[1], bytes32(uint256(40)));
assertEq(abi.decode(entries[0].data, (string)), string(testData0));



function setNonce(address account, uint64 nonce) external;


Sets the nonce of the given account.

The new nonce must be higher than the current nonce of the account.


vm.setNonce(address(100), 1234);



function getNonce(address account) external returns (uint64);
function getNonce(Wallet memory wallet) external returns (uint64);


Gets the nonce of the given account or Wallet.



uint256 nonce = vm.getNonce(address(100));
emit log_uint(nonce); // 0


Wallet memory alice = vm.createWallet("alice");
uint256 nonce = vm.getNonce(alice);
emit log_uint(nonce); // 0



function mockCall(address where, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata retdata) external;
function mockCall(
    address where,
    uint256 value,
    bytes calldata data,
    bytes calldata retdata
) external;


Mocks all calls to an address where if the call data either strictly or loosely matches data and returns retdata.

When a call is made to where the call data is first checked to see if it matches in its entirety with data. If not, the call data is checked to see if there is a partial match, with the match starting at the first byte of the call data.

If a match is found, then retdata is returned from the call.

Using the second signature we can mock the calls with a specific msg.value. Calldata match takes precedence over msg.value in case of ambiguity.

Mocked calls are in effect until clearMockedCalls is called.

ℹ️ Note

Calls to mocked addresses may revert if there is no code on the address. This is because Solidity inserts an extcodesize check before some contract calls.

To circumvent this, use the etch cheatcode if the mocked address has no code.

ℹ️ Internal calls

This cheatcode does not currently work on internal calls. See issue #432.


Mocking an exact call:

function testMockCall() public {
        abi.encodeWithSelector(MyToken.balanceOf.selector, address(1)),
    assertEq(IERC20(address(0)).balanceOf(address(1)), 10);

Mocking an entire function:

function testMockCall() public {
    assertEq(IERC20(address(0)).balanceOf(address(1)), 10);
    assertEq(IERC20(address(0)).balanceOf(address(2)), 10);

Mocking a call with a given msg.value:

function testMockCall() public {
    assertEq({value: 10}(1), 1);
    assertEq({value: 1}(2), 2);
    assertEq({value: 10}(1), 99);
    assertEq({value: 1}(2), 2);

Mocking a public variable:

contract Example {
    uint256 public number = 10;

contract ExampleTest is Test {
    Example public example;

    function setUp() public {
        example = new Example();

    function testMockPublicVariable() public {
        assertEq(example.number(), 10);
        assertEq(example.number(), 5);



function mockCallRevert(address where, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata retdata) external;
function mockCallRevert(
    address where,
    uint256 value,
    bytes calldata data,
    bytes calldata retdata
) external;


Reverts all calls to an address where if the call data either strictly or loosely matches data and returns retdata.

retdata can be a raw return message or a custom error.

When a call is made to where the call data is first checked to see if it matches in its entirety with data. If not, the call data is checked to see if there is a partial match, with the match starting at the first byte of the call data.

If a match is found, then the call is reverted and retdata is returned.

Using the second signature we can mock the calls with a specific msg.value. Calldata match takes precedence over msg.value in case of ambiguity.

Reverted mock calls are in effect until clearMockedCalls is called.

ℹ️ Internal calls

This cheatcode does not currently work on internal calls. See issue #432.


Reverting an exact call with a raw error message:

function testMockCallRevert() public {
        abi.encodeWithSelector(MyToken.balanceOf.selector, address(1)),

Reverting a call with a custom error:

function testMockCallRevertWithCustomError() public {
    bytes memory customError = abi.encodeWithSelector(TestError.selector, "ERROR_MESSAGE");
        abi.encodeWithSelector(MyToken.balanceOf.selector, address(1)),

Mocking a call with a given msg.value:

function testMockCallRevertWithValue() public {
    assertEq({value: 10}(1), 1);
    assertEq({value: 1}(2), 2);
    assertEq({value: 1}(2), 2);
    assertEq({value: 10}(1), 99);



function mockFunction(address callee, address target, bytes calldata data) external;


Executes calls to an address callee with bytecode of address target if the call data either strictly or loosely matches data.

When a call is made to callee the call data is first checked to see if it matches in its entirety with data. If not, the call data is checked to see if there is a partial match on function selector.

If a match is found, then call is executed using the bytecode of target address.

ℹ️ Isolated tests

This cheatcode does not currently work if using isolated test mode.


For two contracts (with same storage layout):

contract Counter {
    uint256 public a;

    function count(uint256 x) public {
        a = 321 + x;

contract ModelCounter {
    uint256 public a;

    function count(uint256 x) public {
        a = 123 + x;

Mocking an exact call to count function:

function testMockFunction() public {
        abi.encodeWithSelector(Counter.count.selector, 456)
    assertEq(counter.a(), 123 + 456);
    assertEq(counter.a(), 321 + 567);

Mocking all calls to count function:

function testMockCall() public {
    assertEq(counter.a(), 123 + 678);
    assertEq(counter.a(), 123 + 789);



function clearMockedCalls() external;


Clears all mocked calls.



function coinbase(address) external;


Sets block.coinbase.


emit log_address(block.coinbase); // 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
emit log_address(block.coinbase); // 0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8



function broadcast() external;
function broadcast(address who) external;
function broadcast(uint256 privateKey) external;


Using the address that calls the test contract or the address / private key provided as the sender, has the next call (at this call depth only and excluding cheatcode calls) create a transaction that can later be signed and sent onchain.


function deploy() public {
    Test test = new Test();

    // this won't generate tx to sign
    uint256 b = test.t(4);

    // this will

    // this also will, using a private key from your environment variables




function startBroadcast() external;
function startBroadcast(address who) external;
function startBroadcast(uint256 privateKey) external;


Using the address that calls the test contract or the address / private key provided as the sender, has all subsequent calls (at this call depth only and excluding cheatcode calls) create transactions that can later be signed and sent onchain.


function t(uint256 a) public returns (uint256) {
    uint256 b = 0;
    emit log_string("here");
    return b;

function deployOther() public {
    Test test = new Test();
    // will trigger a transaction

    // broadcast again, this time using a private key from your environment variables




function stopBroadcast() external;


Stops collecting transactions for later on-chain broadcasting.


function deployNoArgs() public {
    // broadcast the next call
    Test test1 = new Test();

    // broadcast all calls between this line and `stopBroadcast`
    Test test2 = new Test();



function pauseGasMetering() external;


Pauses gas metering (i.e. gasleft() does not decrease as operations are executed).

This can be useful for getting a better sense of gas costs, by turning off gas metering for unnecessary code, as well as long-running scripts that would otherwise run out of gas.

ℹ️ Note

pauseGasMetering turns off DoS protections that come from metering gas usage.

Exposing a service that assumes a particular instance of the EVM will complete due to gas usage no longer is true, and a timeout should be enabled in that case.



function resetGasMetering() external;


Resets gas metering to the gas limit of current execution frame (i.e. gasleft() will be restored to initial value).



function resumeGasMetering() external;


Resumes gas metering (i.e. gasleft() will decrease as operations are executed). Gas usage will resume at the same amount at which it was paused.



function txGasPrice(uint256) external;
function txGasPrice(uint256 newGasPrice) external;


Sets tx.gasprice for the rest of the transaction.


We can use this to get accurate gas usage for a transaction.

function testCalculateGas() public {
    uint256 gasStart = gasleft();
    uint256 gasEnd = gasleft();
    uint256 gasUsed = (gasStart - gasEnd) * tx.gasprice; // tx.gasprice is now 2



function startStateDiffRecording()


Records all state changes as part of CREATE, CALL or SELFDESTRUCT opcodes in order, along with the context of the calls. Refer to stopAndReturnStateDiff for more details on how to access and interpret the recorded state changes.



enum AccountAccessKind {

struct ChainInfo {
    uint256 forkId;
    uint256 chainId;

struct AccountAccess {
    ChainInfo chainInfo;
    AccountAccessKind kind;
    address account;
    address accessor;
    bool initialized;
    uint256 oldBalance;
    uint256 newBalance;
    bytes deployedCode;
    uint256 value;
    bytes data;
    bool reverted;
    StorageAccess[] storageAccesses;
    uint64 depth;

struct StorageAccess {
    address account;
    bytes32 slot;
    bool isWrite;
    bytes32 previousValue;
    bytes32 newValue;
    bool reverted;

function stopAndReturnStateDiff() external returns (AccountAccess[] memory accesses);


Retrieves state changes recorded after a call to startStateDiffRecording. This function will consume the recorded state diffs when called and disable state diff recording. One may call startStateDiffRecording to resume recording.

There are two types of state change records; account accesses and storage accesses represented as AccountAccess and StorageAccess.

Account state changes (AccountAccess) are recorded at the start of a new EVM context; i.e. induced by the various CREATE, CALL and SELFDESTRUCT operations. An AccountAccess record contain storage accesses, represented as StorageAccess, that occurred before it was preempted via sub-calls or create operations.

The ordering of AccountAccess records reflect the EVM execution order of their associated operations. An AccountAccess is created whenever an EVM context is created or resumed. If a sub-context is created, a Resume AccountAccess is recorded to indicate that a previous AccountAccess that was pre-empted has been resumed.


The kind of account access that determines the account that was accessed. This is typically designated by the EVM operation that initiated the account’s execution context. If kind is Call, DelegateCall, StaticCall or CallCode, then the account is the callee. If kind is Create, then the account is the newly created account. If kind is SelfDestruct, then the account is the selfdestruct recipient. If kind is a Resume, then account represents an execution context that had resumed.

  • Call - The account was called
  • DelegateCall - The account was called via delegate call
  • CallCode - The account was called via callcode
  • StaticCall - The account was called via staticcall
  • Create - The account was created
  • SelfDestruct - The account was selfdestructed
  • Resume - Indicates that a previously pre-emptyed account access was resumed
  • Balance - The account’s codesize was read
  • Extcodesize - The account’s codesize was read
  • Extcodehash - The account’s codehash was read
  • Extcodecopy - The account’s code was copied


  • chainInfo - The chain and fork the accessed occurred.
  • kind - The kind of account access. This determines how to interpret the AccountAccess
  • account - The account that was accessed. It’s the account created for AccountAccessKind.Create. In the case of an AccountAccessKind.SelfDestruct, it’s the selfdestruct recipient. For all other types of AccountAccessKind, it’s the account of the current EVM context.
  • accessor - What accessed account. That is either the account creator, caller or the account being selfdestructed.
  • initialized - If the account was initialized or empty prior to the access. An account is considered initialized if it has code, a non-zero nonce, or a non-zero balance.
  • oldBalance: The previous balance of the accessed account.
  • newBalance - The potential new balance of the accessed account. That is, all balance changes are recorded here, even if reverts occurred.
  • deployedCode - Code of the account deployed in the case of AccountAccessKind.Create. This field is empty For all other account access kinds.
  • value - The value passed along with the account access.
  • data - Input data provided (i.e. in the case of a CREATE or CALL type access.
  • reverted - If this access reverted in either the current or parent context.
  • storageAccesses - An ordered list of storage accesses made while the account access is non-preemptive.
  • depth - Call depth traversed during the recording of state differences.


The storage accesses made during an AccountAccess. StorageAccess cannot exist without an associated AccountAccess. This means that when state diffs begins on the given context, storage accesses made during that context are not recorded as the context (but not its sub-contexts) isn’t recorded.

StorageAccess contains the following fields:

  • account - A account whose storage was accessed
  • slot - The slot that was accessed
  • isWrite - If the access was a write
  • previousValue - The value of the slot prior to this storage access
  • newValue - The value of the slot after this storage access
  • reverted - If this access was reverted

Resumed AccountAccess

This type of AccountAccess is generated when a sub-context returns to its parent context. It retains the same values as the original context, including accessor, account, initialized, storageAccesses, and reverted. The following control flow table illustrate how Resume AccountAccesses are recorded.

Step in Contract A’s alpha()Step in Contract B’s beta()AccountAccess Records State
Call A.alpha()[]
Access state[[A.access]]
Call B.beta()B.beta() begins[[A.access],]
(Execution Paused)Access state[[A.access],[B.access]]
Resume execution(Return to A.alpha())[[A.access],[B.access]]
Access state[[A.access],[B.access],

ℹ️ Note

A Resumed AccountAccess is created only if storage accesses occurred after a context was resumed.

Example: Recording storage state changes during a CREATE operation

contract Contract {
    uint256 internal _reserved;
    uint256 public data;
    constructor(uint _data) payable { data = _data; }

Contract contract = new Contract{value: 1 ether}(100);
Vm.AccountAccess[] memory records = vm.stopAndReturnStateDiff();

assertEq(records.length, 1);
assertEq(records[0].kind, Vm.AccountAccessKind.Create);
assertEq(records[0].account, address(contract));
assertEq(records[0].accessor, address(this));
assertEq(records[0].initialized, true);
assertEq(records[0].oldBalance, 0);
assertEq(records[0].newBalance, 1 ether);
assertEq(records[0].deployedCode, address(contract).code);
assertEq(records[0].value, 1 ether);
assertEq(records[0].data, abi.encodePacked(type(Contract).creationCode, (uint(100))));
assertEq(records[0].reverted, false);

assertEq(records[0].storageAccesses.length, 1);
assertEq(records[0].storageAccesses[0].account, address(contract));
assertEq(records[0].storageAccesses[0].slot, bytes32(uint256(1)));
assertEq(records[0].storageAccesses[0].isWrite, true);
assertEq(records[0].storageAccesses[0].previousValue, bytes32(uint(0)));
assertEq(records[0].storageAccesses[0].newValue, bytes32(uint(100)));
assertEq(records[0].storageAccesses[0].reverted, false);

Note that there are no Resume account accesses in this example.

Example: Resumed Account Access

contract Foo {
    Bar b;
    uint256 public val;
    constructor(Bar _b) { b = _b; }
    function run() external {
        val = val + 1;;
        val = val + 1;
contract Bar {
    function run() external {}

Bar bar = new Bar();
Foo foo = new Foo(bar);

Vm.AccountAccess[] memory records = vm.stopAndReturnStateDiff();

assertEq(records.length, 3);
Vm.AccountAccess memory fooCall = records[0];
assertEq(fooCall.kind, Vm.AccountAccessKind.Call);
assertEq(fooCall.account, address(foo));
assertEq(fooCall.accessor, address(this));
// foo.val increment
assertEq(fooCall.storageAccesses.length, 2);
assertEq(fooCall.storageAccesses[0].isWrite, false);
assertEq(fooCall.storageAccesses[1].isWrite, true);
assertEq(fooCall.storageAccesses[1].oldValue, bytes32(uint(0)));
assertEq(fooCall.storageAccesses[1].newValue, bytes32(uint(1)));

Vm.AccountAccess memory barCall = records[1];
assertEq(barCall.kind, Vm.AccountAccessKind.Call);
assertEq(barCall.account, address(bar));
assertEq(barCall.accessor, address(foo));

Vm.AccountAccess memory fooResume = records[2];
assertEq(fooResume.kind, Vm.AccountAccessKind.Resume);
// foo.val increment
assertEq(fooResume.storageAccesses.length, 2);
assertEq(fooResume.storageAccesses[0].isWrite, false);
assertEq(fooResume.storageAccesses[1].isWrite, true);
assertEq(fooResume.storageAccesses[1].oldValue, bytes32(uint(1)));
assertEq(fooResume.storageAccesses[1].newValue, bytes32(uint(2)));




function expectRevert() external;
function expectRevert(bytes4 message) external;
function expectRevert(bytes calldata message) external;
function expectPartialRevert(bytes4 message) external;


If the next call does not revert with the expected data message, then expectRevert will.

After calling expectRevert, calls to other cheatcodes before the reverting call are ignored.

This means, for example, we can call prank immediately before the reverting call.

There are 3 signatures for expectRevert:

  • Without parameters: Asserts that the next call reverts, regardless of the message.
  • With bytes4: Asserts that the next call reverts with the specified 4 bytes and exact match of revert data.
  • With bytes: Asserts that the next call reverts with the specified bytes.

and one signature for expectPartialRevert:

  • bytes4: Asserts that the next call reverts and the specified 4 bytes match the first 4 bytes of revert data.

ℹ️ Note:

Custom errors can have arguments that sometimes are difficult to calculate in a testing environment or they may be unrelated to the test at hand (e.g. a value computed in the internal function of a third-party contract). In such cases, expectPartialRevert can be used to ignore arguments and match only on the selector of custom error. For example, testing a function that reverts with WrongNumber(uint256 number) custom error:

function count() public {
    revert WrongNumber(0);

should pass when using expectPartialRevert:


but fails if exact match expected:


⚠️ Gotcha: Usage with low-level calls

Normally, a call that succeeds returns a status of true (along with any return data) and a call that reverts returns false.

The Solidity compiler will insert checks that ensures that the call succeeded, and revert if it did not.

On low level calls, the expectRevert cheatcode works by making the status boolean returned by the low level call correspond to whether the expectRevert succeeded or not, NOT whether or not the low-level call succeeds. Therefore, status being false corresponds to the cheatcode failing.

Apart from this, expectRevert also mangles return data on low level calls, and is not usable.

See the following example. For clarity, status has been renamed to revertsAsExpected:

function testLowLevelCallRevert() public {
    vm.expectRevert(bytes("error message"));
    (bool revertsAsExpected, ) = address(myContract).call(myCalldata);
    assertTrue(revertsAsExpected, "expectRevert: call did not revert");


To use expectRevert with a string, pass it as a string literal.

vm.expectRevert("error message");

To use expectRevert with a custom error type without parameters, use its selector.


To use expectRevert with a custom error type with parameters, ABI encode the error type.

    abi.encodeWithSelector(CustomError.selector, 1, 2)

If you need to assert that a function reverts without a message, you can do so with expectRevert(bytes("")).

function testExpectRevertNoReason() public {
    Reverter reverter = new Reverter();

Message-less reverts happen when there is an EVM error, such as when the transaction consumes more than the block’s gas limit.

If you need to assert that a function reverts a four character message, e.g. AAAA, you can do so with:

function testFourLetterMessage() public {

If used expectRevert("AAAA"), the compiler would throw an error because it wouldn’t know which overload to use.

Finally, you can also have multiple expectRevert() checks in a single test.

function testMultipleExpectReverts() public {
    vault.send(user, 0);

    vault.send(address(0), 200);

To use expectPartialRevert with a custom error type, use its selector.



Forge Standard Library

Std Errors



function expectEmit() external;
function expectEmit(
    bool checkTopic1,
    bool checkTopic2,
    bool checkTopic3,
    bool checkData
) external;
function expectEmit(address emitter) external;
function expectEmit(
    bool checkTopic1,
    bool checkTopic2,
    bool checkTopic3,
    bool checkData,
    address emitter
) external;


Assert a specific log is emitted during the next call.

  1. Call the cheat code, specifying whether we should check the first, second or third topic, and the log data (expectEmit() checks them all). Topic 0 is always checked.
  2. Emit the event we are supposed to see during the next call.
  3. Perform the call.

You can perform steps 1 and 2 multiple times to match a sequence of events in the next call.

If the event is not available in the current scope (e.g. if we are using an interface, or an external smart contract), we can define the event ourselves with an identical event signature.

There are 2 varieties of expectEmit:

  • Without checking the emitter address: Asserts the topics match without checking the emitting address.
  • With address: Asserts the topics match and that the emitting address matches.

ℹ️ Matching sequences

In functions that emit a lot of events, it’s possible to “skip” events and only match a specific sequence, but this sequence must always be in order. As an example, let’s say a function emits events: A, B, C, D, E, F, F, G.

expectEmit will be able to match ranges with and without skipping events in between:

  • [A, B, C] is valid.
  • [B, D, F] is valid.
  • [G] or any other single event combination is valid.
  • [B, A] or similar out-of-order combinations are invalid (events must be in order).
  • [C, F, F] is valid.
  • [F, F, C] is invalid (out of order).


This does not check the emitting address.

event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

function testERC20EmitsTransfer() public {

    // We emit the event we expect to see.
    emit MyToken.Transfer(address(this), address(1), 10);

    // We perform the call.
    myToken.transfer(address(1), 10);

This does check the emitting address.

event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

function testERC20EmitsTransfer() public {
    // We check that the token is the event emitter by passing the address.
    emit MyToken.Transfer(address(this), address(1), 10);

    // We perform the call.
    myToken.transfer(address(1), 10);

We can also assert that multiple events are emitted in a single call.

function testERC20EmitsBatchTransfer() public {
    // We declare multiple expected transfer events
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
        // Here we use the longer signature for demonstration purposes. This call checks
        // topic0 (always checked), topic1 (true), topic2 (true), NOT topic3 (false), and data (true).
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true);
        emit Transfer(address(this), users[i], 10);

    // We also expect a custom `BatchTransfer(uint256 numberOfTransfers)` event.
    vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
    emit BatchTransfer(users.length);

    // We perform the call.
    myToken.batchTransfer(users, 10);

This example fails, as the expected event is not emitted on the next call.

event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

function testERC20EmitsTransfer() public {
    // We check that the token is the event emitter by passing the address as the fifth argument.
    vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true, address(myToken));
    emit MyToken.Transfer(address(this), address(1), 10);

    // We perform an unrelated call that won't emit the intended event,
    // making the cheatcode fail.
    myToken.approve(address(this), 1e18);
    // We perform the call, but it will have no effect as the cheatcode has already failed.
    myToken.transfer(address(1), 10);


function expectCall(address callee, bytes calldata data) external;
function expectCall(address callee, bytes calldata data, uint64 count) external;
function expectCall(
    address callee,
    uint256 value,
    bytes calldata data
) external;
function expectCall(
    address callee,
    uint256 value,
    bytes calldata data,
    uint64 count
) external;


Expects a call to a specified address callee, where the call data either strictly or loosely matches data. The cheatcode can be called in two ways:

  • If no count parameter is specified, the call will be expected to be made at least the amount of times the cheatcode was called. For the same calldata, you cannot call the cheatcode with no count and then pass in a count parameter.
  • If count is specified, the call will be expected to be made strictly count times. For the same calldata, the count value cannot be overwritten with another cheatcode call, nor it can be increment by calling the cheatcode without a count parameter.

count can also be set to 0 to assert that a call is not made.

When a call is made to callee the call data is first checked to see if it matches in its entirety with data. If not, the call data is checked to see if there is a partial match, with the match starting at the first byte of the call data.

Using the second signature we can also check if the call was made with the expected msg.value.

If the test terminates without the call being made, the test fails.

ℹ️ Internal calls

This cheatcode does not currently work on internal calls. See issue #432.


Expect that transfer is called on a token MyToken one time:

address alice = makeAddr("alice");
emit log_address(alice);
  address(token), abi.encodeCall(token.transfer, (alice, 10))
token.transfer(alice, 10);
// [PASS]

Expect that transfer is called on a token MyToken at least two times:

address alice = makeAddr("alice");
emit log_address(alice);
  address(token), abi.encodeCall(token.transfer, (alice, 10))
  address(token), abi.encodeCall(token.transfer, (alice, 10))
token.transfer(alice, 10);
token.transfer(alice, 10);
token.transfer(alice, 10);
// [PASS]

Expect that transfer is not called on a token MyToken:

address alice = makeAddr("alice");
emit log_address(alice);
  address(token), abi.encodeCall(token.transfer, (alice, 10)), 0
token.transferFrom(alice, address(0), 10);
// [PASS]

Expect that transfer with any calldata is called on a token MyToken 2 times:

address alice = makeAddr("alice");
emit log_address(alice);
  address(token), abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector), 2
token.transfer(alice, 10);
token.transfer(alice, 10);
// [PASS]

Expect that pay is called on a Contract with a specific msg.value and calldata:

Contract target = new Contract();
            abi.encodeWithSelector(, 2)
        );{value: 1}(2);
// [PASS]

Expect that pay is called on a Contract with a specific msg.value and calldata 3 times:

Contract target = new Contract();
            abi.encodeWithSelector(, 2),
        );{value: 1}(2);{value: 1}(2);{value: 1}(2);
// [PASS]




function assume(bool) external;


If the boolean expression evaluates to false, the fuzzer will discard the current fuzz inputs and start a new fuzz run.

The assume cheatcode should mainly be used for very narrow checks. Broad checks will slow down tests as it will take a while to find valid values, and the test may fail if you hit the max number of rejects.

You can configure the rejection thresholds by setting fuzz.max_test_rejects in your foundry.toml file.

For broad checks, such as ensuring a uint256 falls within a certain range, you can bound your input with the modulo operator or Forge Standard’s bound method.

More information on filtering via assume can be found here.


// Good example of using assume
function testSomething(uint256 a) public {
    vm.assume(a != 1);
    require(a != 1);
    // [PASS]
// In this case assume is not a great fit, so you should bound inputs manually
function testSomethingElse(uint256 a) public {
    a = bound(a, 100, 1e36);
    require(a >= 100 && a <= 1e36);
    // [PASS]


Forge Standard Library




function assumeNoRevert() external;


The fuzzer will discard the current fuzz inputs and start a new fuzz run if next call reverted.

The test may fail if you hit the max number of rejects.

You can configure the rejection thresholds by setting [fuzz.max_test_rejects][max-test-rejects] in your foundry.toml file.


For a function that requires an amount in certain range:

function doSomething(uint256 amount) public {
    require(amount > 100 ether && amount < 1_000 ether);

reverts are discarded, resulting in test pass (or fail if max number of rejects hit):

function testSomething(uint256 amount) public {
    // [PASS]




// Creates a new fork with the given endpoint and the _latest_ block and returns the identifier of the fork
function createFork(string calldata urlOrAlias) external returns (uint256)
// Creates a new fork with the given endpoint and block and returns the identifier of the fork
function createFork(string calldata urlOrAlias, uint256 block) external returns (uint256);
// Creates a new fork with the given endpoint and at the block the given transaction was mined in, and replays all transaction mined in the block before the transaction
function createFork(string calldata urlOrAlias, bytes32 transaction) external returns (uint256);


Creates a new fork from the given endpoint and returns the identifier of the fork. If a block number is passed as an argument, the fork will begin on that block, otherwise it will begin on the latest block.

If a transaction hash is provided, it will roll the fork to the block the transaction was mined in and replays all previously executed transactions.


Create a new mainnet fork with the latest block number:

uint256 forkId = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);

assertEq(block.number, 15_171_037); // as of time of writing, 2022-07-19 04:55:27 UTC

Create a new mainnet fork with a given block number:

uint256 forkId = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL, 1_337_000);

assertEq(block.number, 1_337_000);




function selectFork(uint256 forkId) external;


Takes a fork identifier created by createFork and sets the corresponding forked state as active.


Select a previously created fork:

uint256 forkId = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);


assertEq(vm.activeFork(), forkId);




function createSelectFork(string calldata urlOrAlias) external returns (uint256);
function createSelectFork(string calldata urlOrAlias, uint256 block) external returns (uint256);
function createSelectFork(string calldata urlOrAlias, bytes32 transaction) external returns (uint256);


Creates and selects a new fork from the given endpoint and returns the identifier of the fork. If a block number is passed as an argument, the fork will begin on that block, otherwise it will begin on the latest block.

If a transaction hash is provided, it will roll the fork to the block the transaction was mined in and replays all previously executed transactions.


Create and select a new mainnet fork with the latest block number:

uint256 forkId = vm.createSelectFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);

assertEq(block.number, 15_171_037); // as of time of writing, 2022-07-19 04:55:27 UTC

Create and select a new mainnet fork with a given block number:

uint256 forkId = vm.createSelectFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL, 1_337_000);

assertEq(block.number, 1_337_000);




function activeFork() external returns (uint256);


Returns the identifier for the currently active fork. Reverts if no fork is currently active.


Get the currently active fork id:

uint256 mainnetForkId = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);
uint256 optimismForkId = vm.createFork(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL);

assert(mainnetForkId != optimismForkId);

assertEq(vm.activeFork(), mainnetForkId);

assertEq(vm.activeFork(), optimismForkId);




// roll the _active_ fork to the given block
function rollFork(uint256 blockNumber) external;
// roll the _active_ fork to the block in which the transaction was mined it and replays all previously executed transactions
function rollFork(bytes32 transaction) external;
// Same as `rollFork(uint256 blockNumber)` but uses the fork corresponding to the `forkId`
function rollFork(uint256 forkId, uint256 blockNumber) external;
// Same as `rollFork(bytes32 transaction)` but uses the fork corresponding to the `forkId`
function rollFork(uint256 forkId, bytes32 transaction) external;


Sets block.number. If a fork identifier is passed as an argument, it will update that fork, otherwise it will update the currently active fork.

If a transaction hash is provided, it will roll the fork to the block the transaction was mined in and replays all previously executed transactions.


Set block.number for the currently active fork:

uint256 forkId = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);

assertEq(block.number, 15_171_037); // as of time of writing, 2022-07-19 04:55:27 UTC


assertEq(block.number, 15_171_057);

Set block.number for the fork identified by the passed forkId argument:

uint256 optimismForkId = vm.createFork(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL);

vm.rollFork(optimismForkId, 1_337_000);


assertEq(block.number, 1_337_000);




function makePersistent(address account) external;
function makePersistent(address account0, address account1) external;
function makePersistent(address account0, address account1, address account2) external;
function makePersistent(address[] calldata accounts) external;


Each fork (createFork) has its own independent storage, which is also replaced when another fork is selected (selectFork). By default, only the test contract account and the caller are persistent across forks, which means that changes to the state of the test contract (variables) are preserved when different forks are selected. This way data can be shared by storing it in the contract’s variables.

However, with this cheatcode, it is possible to mark the specified accounts as persistent, which means that their state is available regardless of which fork is currently active.


Mark a new contract as persistent

contract SimpleStorageContract {
    string public value;

    function set(uint256 _value) public {
        value = _value;

function testMarkPersistent() public {
    // by default the `sender` and the contract itself are persistent

    // select a specific fork
    // create a new contract that's stored in the `mainnetFork` storage
    SimpleStorageContract simple = new SimpleStorageContract();
    // `simple` is not marked as persistent
    // contract can be used
    uint256 expectedValue = 99;
    assertEq(simple.value(), expectedValue);
    // mark as persistent
    // select a different fork
    // ensure contract is still persistent   
    // value is set as expected
    assertEq(simple.value(), expectedValue);




function revokePersistent(address) external;
function revokePersistent(address[] calldata) external;


The counterpart of makePersistent, that makes the given contract not persistent across fork swaps


Revoke a persistent status of a contract

contract SimpleStorageContract {
    string public value;

    function set(uint256 _value) public {
        value = _value;

function testRevokePersistent() public {
    // select a specific fork
    // create a new contract that's stored in the `mainnetFork` storage
    SimpleStorageContract simple = new SimpleStorageContract();
    // `simple` is not marked as persistent
    // make it persistent
    // ensure it is persistent
    // revoke it
    // contract no longer persistent




function isPersistent(address) external returns (bool);


Returns whether an account is marked as persistent (makePersistent).


Check default status of msg.sender and the current test account

// By default the `sender` and the test contract itself are persistent




function allowCheatcodes(address) external;


In forking mode, explicitly grant the given address cheatcode access.

By default, the test contract, and its deployer are allowed to access cheatcodes. In addition to that, cheat code access is granted if the contract was deployed by an address that already has cheatcode access. This will prevent cheatcode access from accounts already deployed on the forked network.

ℹ️ Note

This is only useful for more complex test setups in forking mode.



// Fetches the given transaction from the active fork and executes it on the current state
function transact(bytes32 txHash) external;
// Fetches the given transaction from the given fork and executes it on the current state
function transact(uint256 forkId, bytes32 txHash) external;


In forking mode, fetches the Transaction from the provider and executes it on the current state


Enter forking mode and execute a transaction:

// Enter forking mode at block:
uint256 fork = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL, 15596646);

// a random transfer transaction in the block:
bytes32 tx = 0xaba74f25a17cf0d95d1c6d0085d6c83fb8c5e773ffd2573b99a953256f989c89;

address sender = address(0xa98218cdc4f63aCe91ddDdd24F7A580FD383865b);
address recipient = address(0x0C124046Fa7202f98E4e251B50488e34416Fc306);

assertEq(sender.balance, 5764124000000000);
assertEq(recipient.balance, 3936000000000000);

// transfer amount: 0.003936 Ether
uint256 transferAmount = 3936000000000000;

// expected balance changes once the transaction is executed
uint256 expectedRecipientBalance = recipient.balance + transferAmount;
uint256 expectedSenderBalance = sender.balance - transferAmount;

// execute the transaction

// recipient received transfer
assertEq(recipient.balance, expectedRecipientBalance);

// sender's balance decreased by transferAmount and gas
assert(sender.balance < expectedSenderBalance);





function ffi(string[] calldata) external returns (bytes memory);


Calls an arbitrary command if ffi is enabled.

It is generally advised to use this cheat code as a last resort, and to not enable it by default, as anyone who can change the tests of a project will be able to execute arbitrary commands on devices that run the tests.


  • By default the ffi cheatcode assumes the output of the command is a hex encoded value (e.g. a hex string of an ABI encoded value). If hex decoding fails, it will return the output as UTF8 bytes that you can cast to a string.
  • Make sure that the output does not include a \n newline character. (e.g in Rust use print! vs println!)
  • Remember that the script will be executed from the top-level directory of your project, not inside test
  • Make sure that the inputs array does not have empty elements. They will be handled as inputs by the script, instead of space
  • Use the cheatcode toString to easily convert arbitrary data to strings, so that you can pass them as command-line arguments


ABI encoded output

string[] memory inputs = new string[](3);
inputs[0] = "echo";
inputs[1] = "-n";
// ABI encoded "gm", as a hex string
inputs[2] = "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002676d000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";

bytes memory res = vm.ffi(inputs);
string memory output = abi.decode(res, (string));
assertEq(output, "gm");

UTF8 string output

string[] memory inputs = new string[](3);
inputs[0] = "echo";
inputs[1] = "-n";
inputs[2] = "gm";

bytes memory res = vm.ffi(inputs);
assertEq(string(res), "gm");



function prompt(string calldata promptText) external returns (string memory input);
function promptSecret(string calldata promptText) external returns (string memory input);
function promptSecretUint(string calldata promptText) external returns (uint256);


Display an interactive prompt to the user for inserting arbitrary data.

vm.prompt displays an interactive input, while vm.promptSecret & vm.promptSecretUint display a hidden input, used for passwords and other secret information that should not leak to the terminal.

ℹ️ Note

This cheatcode is meant to be used in scripts ― not tests. It is also advised to follow the best practices below for testing scripts that use vm.prompt and handling timeouts, since scripts might otherwise hang or revert. This cheatcode reverts when running in a non-interactive shell.


In order to prevent unwanted hangups, vm.prompt has a timeout configuration.

In your foundry.toml:

prompt_timeout = 120

Default value is 120 and values are in seconds.

Best practices

Testing scripts that use vm.prompt

When testing scripts containing vm.prompt it is recommended to use the following pattern:

contract Script {
    function run() public {
        uint256 myUint = vm.parseUint(vm.prompt("enter uint"));

    function run(uint256 myUint) public {
        // actual logic

That way, we are keeping the UX gain (don’t have to provide --sig argument when running the script), but tests can set any value to myUint and not just a hardcoded default.

Handling timeouts

When a user fails to provide an input before the timeout expires, the vm.prompt cheatcode reverts. If you’d like, timeouts can be handled by using try/catch:

string memory input;

try vm.prompt("Username") returns (string memory res) {
    input = res;
catch (bytes memory) {
    input = "Anonymous";


Choose RPC endpoint

Provide an option to choose the RPC/chain to run on.

In your foundry.toml file:

mainnet = ""
polygon = ""

In your script:

string memory rpcEndpoint = vm.prompt("RPC endpoint");

Parse user input into native types

We can use the string parsing cheatcodes to parse the responses from users:

uint privateKey = vm.promptSecretUint("Private key");
address to = vm.parseAddress(vm.prompt("Send to"));
uint amount = vm.parseUint(vm.prompt("Amount (wei)"));



function projectRoot() external returns (string memory);


Returns the root directory of the current Foundry project.



function getCode(string calldata) external returns (bytes memory);


Returns the creation bytecode for a contract in the project given the path to the contract.

The calldata parameter can either be in the form ContractFile.sol (if the filename and contract name are the same), ContractFile.sol:ContractName, or the path to an artifact, relative to the root of your project.

ℹ️ Note

getCode requires read permission for the output directory, see file cheatcodes.

To grant read access set fs_permissions = [{ access = "read", path = "./out"}] in your foundry.toml.


MyContract myContract = new MyContract(arg1, arg2);

// Let's do the same thing with `getCode`
bytes memory args = abi.encode(arg1, arg2);
bytes memory bytecode = abi.encodePacked(vm.getCode("MyContract.sol:MyContract"), args);
address anotherAddress;
assembly {
    anotherAddress := create(0, add(bytecode, 0x20), mload(bytecode))

assertEq0(address(myContract).code, anotherAddress.code); // [PASS]

Deploy a contract to an arbitrary address by combining getCode and etch

// Deploy
bytes memory args = abi.encode(arg1, arg2);
bytes memory bytecode = abi.encodePacked(vm.getCode("MyContract.sol:MyContract"), args);
address deployed;
assembly {
    deployed := create(0, add(bytecode, 0x20), mload(bytecode))

// Set the bytecode of an arbitrary address
vm.etch(targetAddr, deployed.code);

Supported formats

You can fetch artifacts by either contract path or contract name. Fetching artifacts for a specific version is also supported. If not provided, cheatcode will default to the version of a test being executed or the only version artifact was compiled with.



getDeployedCode eth

Forge Standard Library

deployCode deployCodeTo



function getDeployedCode(string calldata) external returns (bytes memory);


This cheatcode works similar to getCode but only returns the deployed bytecode (aka runtime bytecode) for a contract in the project given the path to the contract.

The main use case for this cheat code is as a shortcut to deploy stateless contracts to arbitrary addresses.

The calldata parameter can either be in the form ContractFile.sol (if the filename and contract name are the same) , ContractFile.sol:ContractName, or the path to an artifact, relative to the root of your project.

ℹ️ Note

getDeployedCode requires read permission for the output directory, see file cheatcodes.

To grant read access set fs_permissions = [{ access = "read", path = "./out"}] in your foundry.toml.


Deploy a stateless contract at an arbitrary address using getDeployedCode and etch.

// A stateless contract that we want deployed at a specific address
contract Override {
    event Payload(address sender, address target, bytes data);

    function emitPayload(
        address target, bytes calldata message
    ) external payable returns (uint256) {
        emit Payload(msg.sender, target, message);
        return 0;

// get the **deployedBytecode**
bytes memory code = vm.getDeployedCode("Override.sol:Override");

// set the code of an arbitrary address
address overrideAddress = address(64);
vm.etch(overrideAddress, code);
assertEq(overrideAddress.code, code);

Supported formats

You can fetch artifacts by either contract path or contract name. Fetching artifacts for a specific version is also supported. If not provided, cheatcode will default to the version of a test being executed or the only version artifact was compiled with.



Forge Standard Library

getCode etch



function sleep(uint256 milliseconds) external;


Sleeps for a given amount of milliseconds.


vm.sleep(10_000); // Halts execution for 10 seconds



function unixTime() external returns (uint milliseconds);


Returns the time since unix epoch in milliseconds.


uint start = vm.unixTime();
vm.sleep(10_000); // Halts execution for 10 seconds
uint end = vm.unixTime();
assertEq(end - start, 10_000);



function setEnv(string calldata key, string calldata value) external;


Set an environment variable key=value.

ℹ️ Note

Environment variables set by a process are only accessible by itself and its child processes. Thus, calling setEnv will only modify environment variables of the currently running forge process, and won’t affect the shell (forge’s parent process), i.e., the they won’t persist after the forge process exit.


  • The environment variable key can’t be empty.
  • The environment variable key can’t contain the equal sign = or the NUL character \0.
  • The environment variable value can’t contain the NUL character \0.


string memory key = "hello";
string memory val = "world";
cheats.setEnv(key, val);



function envOr(string calldata key, bool defaultValue) external returns (bool value);
function envOr(string calldata key, uint256 defaultValue) external returns (uint256 value);
function envOr(string calldata key, int256 defaultValue) external returns (int256 value);
function envOr(string calldata key, address defaultValue) external returns (address value);
function envOr(string calldata key, bytes32 defaultValue) external returns (bytes32 value);
function envOr(string calldata key, string calldata defaultValue) external returns (string memory value);
function envOr(string calldata key, bytes calldata defaultValue) external returns (bytes memory value);
function envOr(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter, bool[] calldata defaultValue) external returns (bool[] memory value);
function envOr(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter, uint256[] calldata defaultValue) external returns (uint256[] memory value);
function envOr(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter, int256[] calldata defaultValue) external returns (int256[] memory value);
function envOr(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter, address[] calldata defaultValue) external returns (address[] memory value);
function envOr(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter, bytes32[] calldata defaultValue) external returns (bytes32[] memory value);
function envOr(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter, string[] calldata defaultValue) external returns (string[] memory value);
function envOr(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter, bytes[] calldata defaultValue) external returns (bytes[] memory value);


A non-failing way to read an environment variable of any type: if the requested environment key does not exist, envOr() will return a default value instead of reverting (works with arrays too).

The returned type is determined by the type of defaultValue parameter passed.


  • Use envOr(key, defaultValue) to read a single value
  • Use envOr(key, delimiter, defaultValue[]) to read an array with delimiter
  • The parsing of the environment variable will be done according to the type of defaultValue (e.g. if the default value type is uint - the environment variable will be also parsed as uint)
  • Use explicit casting for literals to specify type of default variable: uint(69) will return an uint but int(69) will return an int
  • Same with: string("") and bytes("") - these will return string and bytes accordingly
  • Use dynamic arrays (bool[]) instead of fixed-size arrays (bool[4]) when providing default values (only dynamic arrays are supported)


Single Value

If the environment variable FORK is not set, you can specify it to be false by default:

bool fork = vm.envOr("FORK", false);


address owner;

function setUp() {
  owner = vm.envOr("OWNER", address(this));


If the environment variable BAD_TOKENS is not set, you can specify the default to be an empty array:

address[] badTokens;

function envBadTokens() public {
  badTokens = vm.envOr("BAD_TOKENS", ",", badTokens);


function envBadTokens() public {
  address[] memory defaultBadTokens = new address[](0);
  address[] memory badTokens = vm.envOr("BAD_TOKENS", ",", defaultBadTokens);



function envBool(string calldata key) external returns (bool value);
function envBool(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter) external returns (bool[] memory values);


Read an environment variable as bool or bool[].


  • For true, use either “true” or “True” for the environment variable value.
  • For false, use either “false” or “False” for the environment variable value.
  • For arrays, you can specify the delimiter used to separate the values with the delimiter parameter.


Single Value

With environment variable BOOL_VALUE=true,

string memory key = "BOOL_VALUE";
bool expected = true;
bool output = cheats.envBool(key);
assert(output == expected);


With environment variable BOOL_VALUES=true,false,True,False,

string memory key = "BOOL_VALUES";
string memory delimiter = ",";
bool[4] memory expected = [true, false, true, false];
bool[] memory output = cheats.envBool(key, delimiter);
assert(keccak256(abi.encodePacked((output))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked((expected))));



function envUint(string calldata key) external returns (uint256 value);
function envUint(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter) external returns (uint256[] memory values);


Read an environment variable as uint256 or uint256[].


  • If the value starts with 0x, it will be interpreted as a hex value, otherwise, it will be treated as a decimal number.
  • For arrays, you can specify the delimiter used to separate the values with the delimiter parameter.


Single Value

With environment variable UINT_VALUE=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935,

string memory key = "UINT_VALUE";
uint256 expected = type(uint256).max;
uint256 output = cheats.envUint(key);
assert(output == expected);


With environment variable UINT_VALUES=0,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,

string memory key = "UINT_VALUES";
string memory delimiter = ",";
uint256[2] memory expected = [type(uint256).min, type(uint256).min];
uint256[] memory output = cheats.envUint(key, delimiter);
assert(keccak256(abi.encodePacked((output))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked((expected))));



function envInt(string calldata key) external returns (int256 value);
function envInt(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter) external returns (int256[] memory values);


Read an environment variable as int256 or int256[].


  • If the value starts with 0x, -0x or +0x, it will be interpreted as a hex value, otherwise, it will be treated as a decimal number.
  • For arrays, you can specify the delimiter used to separate the values with the delimiter parameter.


Single Value

With environment variable INT_VALUE=-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968,

string memory key = "INT_VALUE";
int256 expected = type(int256).min;
int256 output = cheats.envInt(key);
assert(output == expected);


With environment variable INT_VALUES=-0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,+0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,

string memory key = "INT_VALUES";
string memory delimiter = ",";
int256[2] memory expected = [type(int256).min, type(int256).max];
int256[] memory output = cheats.envInt(key, delimiter);
assert(keccak256(abi.encodePacked((output))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked((expected))));



function envAddress(string calldata key) external returns (address value);
function envAddress(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter) external returns (address[] memory values);


Read an environment variable as address or address[].


  • For arrays, you can specify the delimiter used to separate the values with the delimiter parameter.


Single Value

With environment variable ADDRESS_VALUE=0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D,

string memory key = "ADDRESS_VALUE";
address expected = 0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D;
address output = vm.envAddress(key);
assert(output == expected);


With environment variable ADDRESS_VALUES=0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000,

string memory key = "ADDRESS_VALUES";
string memory delimiter = ",";
address[2] memory expected = [
address[] memory output = vm.envAddress(key, delimiter);
assert(keccak256(abi.encodePacked((output))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked((expected))));



function envBytes32(string calldata key) external returns (bytes32 value);
function envBytes32(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter) external returns (bytes32[] memory values);


Read an environment variable as bytes32 or address[].


  • For arrays, you can specify the delimiter used to separate the values with the delimiter parameter.


Single Value

With environment variable BYTES32_VALUE=0x00,

string memory key = "BYTES32_VALUE";
bytes32 expected = bytes32(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000);
bytes32 output = cheats.envBytes32(key);
assert(output == expected);


With environment variable BYTES32_VALUES=0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D,0x00,

string memory key = "BYTES32_VALUES";
string memory delimiter = ",";
bytes32[2] memory expected = [
bytes32[] memory output = cheats.envBytes32(key, delimiter);
assert(keccak256(abi.encodePacked((output))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked((expected))));



function envString(string calldata key) external returns (string value);
function envString(string calldata key, string calldata delimiter) external returns (string[] memory values);


Read an environment variable as string or string[]. In case the environment variable is not defined, Forge will fail with the following error message:

[FAIL. Reason: Failed to get environment variable FOO as type string: environment variable not found]


  • You can put your environment variables in a .env file. Forge will automatically load them when running forge test.
  • For arrays, you can specify the delimiter used to separate the values with the delimiter parameter.
  • Choose a delimiter that doesn’t appear in the string values, so that they can be correctly separated.


Single Value

With environment variable STRING_VALUE=hello, world!,

string memory key = "STRING_VALUE";
string memory expected = "hello, world!";
string memory output = vm.envString(key);
assertEq(output, expected);


With environment variable STRING_VALUES=hello, world!|0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D;

string memory key = "STRING_VALUES";
string memory delimiter = "|";
string[2] memory expected = [
    "hello, world!",
string[] memory output = vm.envString(key, delimiter);
for (uint i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
    assert(keccak256(abi.encodePacked((output[i]))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked((expected[i]))));



function envBytes(bytes calldata key) external returns (bytes value);
function envBytes(bytes calldata key, bytes calldata delimiter) external returns (bytes[] memory values);


Read an environment variable as bytes or bytes[].


  • For arrays, you can specify the delimiter used to separate the values with the delimiter parameter.


Single Value

With environment variable BYTES_VALUE=0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D;

bytes memory key = "BYTES_VALUE";
bytes expected = hex"7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D";
bytes output = cheats.envBytes(key);
assertEq(output, expected);


With environment variable BYTES_VALUE=0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D,0x00;

bytes memory key = "BYTES_VALUES";
bytes memory delimiter = ",";
bytes[] memory expected = new bytes[](2);
expected[0] = hex"7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D";
expected[1] = hex"00";
bytes[] memory output = cheats.envBytes(key, delimiter);
for (uint i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
    assert(keccak256(abi.encodePacked((output[i]))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked((expected[i]))));



keyExists is being deprecated in favor of keyExistsJson. It will be removed in future versions.


// Check if a key exists in a JSON string.
vm.keyExists(string memory json, string memory key) returns (bool)


Checks if a key exists in a JSON string.


string memory path = "./path/to/jsonfile.json";
string memory json = vm.readFile(path);
bool exists = vm.keyExists(json, ".key");



// Check if a key exists in a JSON string.
vm.keyExistsJson(string memory json, string memory key) returns (bool)


Checks if a key exists in a JSON string.


string memory path = "./path/to/jsonfile.json";
string memory json = vm.readFile(path);
bool exists = vm.keyExistsJson(json, ".key");



// Check if a key exists in a TOML table.
vm.keyExistsToml(string memory toml, string memory key) returns (bool)


Checks if a key exists in a TOML table.


string memory path = "./path/to/tomlfile.toml";
string memory toml = vm.readFile(path);
bool exists = vm.keyExistsToml(toml, ".key");



// Return the value(s) that correspond to 'key'
vm.parseJson(string memory json, string memory key)
// Return the entire JSON file
vm.parseJson(string memory json);


These cheatcodes are used to parse JSON files in the form of strings. Usually, it’s coupled with vm.readFile() which returns an entire file in the form of a string.

You can use stdJson from forge-std, as a helper library for better UX.

The cheatcode accepts either a key to search for a specific value in the JSON, or no key to return the entire JSON. It returns the value as an abi-encoded bytes array. That means that you will have to abi.decode() to the appropriate type for it to function properly, else it will revert.

JSONpath Key

parseJson uses a syntax called JSONpath to form arbitrary keys for arbitrary JSON files. The same syntax (or rather a dialect) is used by the tool jq.

To read more about the syntax, you can visit the README of the rust library that we use under the hood to implement the feature. That way you can be certain that you are using the correct dialect of jsonPath.

JSON Encoding Rules

We use the terms number, string, object, array, boolean, null as they are defined in the JSON spec.

Encoding Rules

  • null is encoded as bytes32(0)
  • Numbers >= 0 are encoded as uint256
  • Negative numbers are encoded as int256
  • Floating point numbers with decimal digitals are not allowed.
  • Floating point numbers using the scientific notation can be uint256 or int256 depending on the value.
  • A string that can be decoded into a type of H160 and starts with 0x is encoded as an address. In other words, if it can be decoded into an address, it’s probably an address
  • A string that starts with 0x is encoded as bytes32 if it has a length of 66 or else to bytes
  • A string that is neither an address, a bytes32 or bytes, is encoded as a string
  • An array is encoded as a dynamic array of the type of its first element
  • An object ({}) is encoded as a tuple

Type Coercion

As described above, parseJson needs to deduce the type of JSON value and that has some inherent limitations. For that reason, there is a sub-family of parseJson* cheatcodes that coerce the type of the returned value.

For example vm.parseJsonUint(json, key) will coerce the value to a uint256. That means that it can parse all the following values and return them as a uint256. That includes a number as type number, a stringified number as a string and of course it’s hex representation.

  "hexUint": "0x12C980",
  "stringUint": "115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935",
  "numberUint": 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935

Similarly, there are cheatcodes for all types (including bytes and bytes32) and their arrays (vm.parseJsonUintArray).

Decoding JSON objects into Solidity structs

JSON objects are encoded as tuples, and can be decoded via tuples or structs. That means that you can define a struct in Solidity and it will decode the entire JSON object into that struct.

For example:

The following JSON:

  "a": 43,
  "b": "sigma"

will be decoded into:

struct Json {
    uint256 a;
    string b;

As the values are returned as an abi-encoded tuple, the exact name of the attributes of the struct don’t need to match the names of the keys in the JSON. The above json file could also be decoded as:

struct Json {
    uint256 apple;
    string pineapple;

What matters is the alphabetical order. As the JSON object is an unordered data structure but the tuple is an ordered one, we had to somehow give order to the JSON. The easiest way was to order the keys by alphabetical order. That means that in order to decode the JSON object correctly, you will need to define attributes of the struct with types that correspond to the values of the alphabetical order of the keys of the JSON.

  • The struct is interpreted serially. That means that the tuple’s first item will be decoded based on the first item of the struct definition (no alphabetical order).
  • The JSON will parsed alphabetically, not serially.
  • Note that this parsing uses Rust’s BTreeMap crate under the hood, meaning that uppercase and lowercase strings are treated differently. Uppercase characters precede lowercase in this lexicographical ordering, ie “Zebra” would precede “apple”.

Thus, the first (in alphabetical order) value of the JSON, will be abi-encoded and then tried to be abi-decoded, based on the type of the first attribute of the struct.

The above JSON would not be able to be decoded with the struct below:

struct Json {
    uint256 b;
    uint256 a;

The reason is that it would try to decode the string "sigma" as a uint. To be exact, it would be decoded, but it would result to a wrong number, since it would interpret the bytes incorrectly.

Another example, given the following JSON:

    "apples": [
            "sweetness": 7,
            "sourness": 3,
            "color": "Red"
            "sweetness": 5,
            "sourness": 5,
            "color": "Green"
            "sweetness": 9,
            "sourness": 1,
            "color": "Yellow"
    "name": "Fresh Fruit"

And Solidity structs defined as follows:

struct Apple {
    string color;
    uint8 sourness;
    uint8 sweetness;

struct FruitStall {
    Apple[] apples;
    string name;

One would decode the JSON as follows:

string memory root = vm.projectRoot();
string memory path = string.concat(root, "/src/test/fixtures/fruitstall.json");
string memory json = vm.readFile(path);
bytes memory data = vm.parseJson(json);
FruitStall memory fruitstall = abi.decode(data, (FruitStall));

// Logs: Welcome to Fresh Fruit
console2.log("Welcome to",;

for (uint256 i = 0; i < fruitstall.apples.length; i++) {
    Apple memory apple = fruitstall.apples[i];

    // Logs:
    // Color: Red, Sourness: 3, Sweetness: 7
    // Color: Green, Sourness: 5, Sweetness: 5
    // Color: Yellow, Sourness: 1, Sweetness: 9
        "Color: %s, Sourness: %d, Sweetness: %d",

Decoding JSON Objects, a tip

If your JSON object has hex numbers, they will be encoded as bytes. The way to decode them as uint for better UX, is to define two struct, one intermediary with the definition of these values as bytes and then a final struct that will be consumed by the user.

  1. Decode the JSON into the intermediary struct
  2. Convert the intermediary struct to the final one, by converting the bytes to uint. We have a helper function in forge-std to do this
  3. Give the final struct to the user for consumption

How to use StdJson

  1. Import the library import {stdJson} from "forge-std/StdJson.sol";
  2. Define its usage with string: using stdJson for string;
  3. If you want to parse simple values (numbers, address, etc.) use the helper functions
  4. If you want to parse entire JSON objects:
    1. Define the struct in Solidity. Make sure to follow the alphabetical order – it’s hard to debug
    2. Use the parseRaw() helper function to return abi-encoded bytes and then decode them to your struct
string memory root = vm.projectRoot();
string memory path = string.concat(root, "/src/test/fixtures/broadcast.log.json");
string memory json = vm.readFile(path);
bytes memory transactionDetails = json.parseRaw(".transactions[0].tx");
RawTx1559Detail memory rawTxDetail = abi.decode(transactionDetails, (RawTx1559Detail));

Forge script artifacts

We have gone ahead and created a handful of helper struct and functions to read the artifacts from broadcasting a forge script.

Currently, we only support artifacts produced by EIP1559-compatible chains and we don’t support yet the parsing of the entire broadcast.json artifact. You will need to parse for individual values such as the transactions, the receipts, etc.

To read the transactions, it’s as easy as doing:

function testReadEIP1559Transactions() public {
    string memory root = vm.projectRoot();
    string memory path = string.concat(root, "/src/test/fixtures/broadcast.log.json");
    Tx1559[] memory transactions = readTx1559s(path);

and then you can access their various fields in these structs:

struct Tx1559 {
    string[] arguments;
    address contractAddress;
    string contractName;
    string functionSig;
    bytes32 hash;
    Tx1559Detail txDetail;
    string opcode;

struct Tx1559Detail {
    AccessList[] accessList;
    bytes data;
    address from;
    uint256 gas;
    uint256 nonce;
    address to;
    uint256 txType;
    uint256 value;


Cannot read file

FAIL. Reason: The path <file-path> is not allowed to be accessed for read operations

If you receive this error, make sure that you enable read permissions in foundry.toml using the fs_permissions key




// Return the value(s) that correspond to 'key'
vm.parseToml(string memory toml, string memory key)
// Return the entire TOML file
vm.parseToml(string memory toml);


These cheatcodes are used to parse TOML files in the form of strings after converting to JSON. Usually, it’s coupled with vm.readFile() which returns an entire file in the form of a string.

You can use stdToml from forge-std, as a helper library for better UX.

The cheatcode accepts either a key to search for a specific value in the TOML, or no key to return the entire TOML. It returns the value as an abi-encoded bytes array. That means that you will have to abi.decode() to the appropriate type for it to function properly, else it will revert.

JSONpath Key

parseToml uses a syntax called JSONpath to form arbitrary keys for arbitrary JSON files. The same syntax (or rather a dialect) is used by the tool jq.

To read more about the syntax, you can visit the README of the rust library that we use under the hood to implement the feature. That way you can be certain that you are using the correct dialect of jsonPath.

Encoding Rules

We use the terms string, integer, float, boolean, array, datetime, inline-table as they are defined in the TOML spec.

We use the terms number, string, object, array, boolean, null as they are defined in the JSON spec.

TOML Encoding Rules

  • float is limited to 32 bits (i.e. +1.5). It is recommended to use strings to prevent precision loss
  • integer is limited to 64 bits (i.e. 9223372036854775807). It is recommended to use strings to encode large values
  • Array values cannot have mixed types (i.e. [256, "b"], only [256, 512] or ["a", "b"])
  • datetime is encoded as a string upon conversion
  • float is encoded as a number upon conversion
  • integer is encoded as a number upon conversion
  • inline-table (or table) is encoded as object upon conversion
  • null is encoded as a "null" string

JSON Encoding Rules

  • null is encoded as bytes32(0) or ""
  • Numbers >= 0 are encoded as uint256
  • Negative numbers are encoded as int256
  • Floating point numbers with decimal digits are not allowed
  • Floating point numbers using the scientific notation can be uint256 or int256 depending on the value
  • A string that can be decoded into a type of H160 and starts with 0x is encoded as an address. In other words, if it can be decoded into an address, it’s probably an address
  • A string that starts with 0x is encoded as bytes32 if it has a length of 66 or else to bytes
  • A string that is neither an address, a bytes32 or bytes, is encoded as a string
  • An array is encoded as a dynamic array of the type of its first element
  • An object ({}) is encoded as a tuple

Type Coercion

As described above, parseToml needs to deduce the type of TOML value and that has some inherent limitations. For that reason, there is a sub-family of parseToml* cheatcodes that coerce the type of the returned value.

For example vm.parseTomlUint(toml, key) will coerce the value to a uint256. That means that it can parse all the following values and return them as a uint256. That includes a number as type number, a stringified number as a string and of course it’s hex representation.

hexUint = "0x12C980"
stringUint = "115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935"
numberUint = 9223372036854775807 # TOML is limited to 64-bit integers

Similarly, there are cheatcodes for all types (including bytes and bytes32) and their arrays (vm.parseTomlUintArray).

Decoding TOML tables into Solidity structs

TOML tables are converted to JSON objects. JSON objects are encoded as tuples, and can be decoded via tuples or structs. That means that you can define a struct in Solidity and it will decode the entire JSON object into that struct.

For example:

The following TOML:

a = 43
b = "sigma"

will be converted into the following JSON:

  "a": 43,
  "b": "sigma"

will be decoded into:

struct Json {
    uint256 a;
    string b;

As the values are returned as an abi-encoded tuple, the exact name of the attributes of the struct don’t need to match the names of the keys in the JSON. The above json file could also be decoded as:

struct Json {
    uint256 apple;
    string pineapple;

What matters is the alphabetical order. As the JSON object is an unordered data structure but the tuple is an ordered one, we had to somehow give order to the JSON. The easiest way was to order the keys by alphabetical order. That means that in order to decode the JSON object correctly, you will need to define attributes of the struct with types that correspond to the values of the alphabetical order of the keys of the JSON.

  • The struct is interpreted serially. That means that the tuple’s first item will be decoded based on the first item of the struct definition (no alphabetical order).
  • The JSON will parsed alphabetically, not serially.
  • Note that this parsing uses Rust’s BTreeMap crate under the hood, meaning that uppercase and lowercase strings are treated differently. Uppercase characters precede lowercase in this lexicographical ordering, ie “Zebra” would precede “apple”.

Thus, the first (in alphabetical order) value of the JSON, will be abi-encoded and then tried to be abi-decoded, based on the type of the first attribute of the struct.

The above TOML would not be able to be decoded with the struct below:

struct Json {
    uint256 b;
    uint256 a;

The reason is that it would try to decode the string "sigma" as a uint. To be exact, it would be decoded, but it would result to a wrong number, since it would interpret the bytes incorrectly.

Another example, given the following TOML:

name = "Fresh Fruit"

sweetness = 7
sourness = 3
color = "Red"

sweetness = 5
sourness = 5
color = "Green"

sweetness = 9
sourness = 1
color = "Yellow"

will be converted into the following JSON:

    "apples": [
            "sweetness": 7,
            "sourness": 3,
            "color": "Red"
            "sweetness": 5,
            "sourness": 5,
            "color": "Green"
            "sweetness": 9,
            "sourness": 1,
            "color": "Yellow"
    "name": "Fresh Fruit"

And Solidity structs defined as follows:

struct Apple {
    string color;
    uint8 sourness;
    uint8 sweetness;

struct FruitStall {
    Apple[] apples;
    string name;

One would decode the TOML as follows:

string memory root = vm.projectRoot();
string memory path = string.concat(root, "/src/test/fixtures/fruitstall.toml");
string memory toml = vm.readFile(path);
bytes memory data = vm.parseToml(toml);
FruitStall memory fruitstall = abi.decode(data, (FruitStall));

// Logs: Welcome to Fresh Fruit
console2.log("Welcome to",;

for (uint256 i = 0; i < fruitstall.apples.length; i++) {
    Apple memory apple = fruitstall.apples[i];

    // Logs:
    // Color: Red, Sourness: 3, Sweetness: 7
    // Color: Green, Sourness: 5, Sweetness: 5
    // Color: Yellow, Sourness: 1, Sweetness: 9
        "Color: %s, Sourness: %d, Sweetness: %d",

How to use StdToml

  1. Import the library import {stdToml} from "forge-std/StdToml.sol";
  2. Define its usage with string: using stdToml for string;
  3. If you want to parse simple values (numbers, address, etc.) use the helper functions
  4. If you want to parse entire TOML tables:
    1. Define the struct in Solidity. Make sure to follow the alphabetical order – it’s hard to debug
    2. Use the parseRaw() helper function to return abi-encoded bytes and then decode them to your struct
string memory root = vm.projectRoot();
string memory path = string.concat(root, "/src/test/fixtures/config.toml");
string memory toml = vm.readFile(path);
bytes memory data = toml.parseRaw(".");
Config memory config = abi.decode(data, (Config))


Cannot read file

FAIL. Reason: The path <file-path> is not allowed to be accessed for read operations

If you receive this error, make sure that you enable read permissions in foundry.toml using the fs_permissions key




// Get list of keys present in a JSON string
function parseJsonKeys(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (string[] memory keys);


Gets list of keys present in a JSON string


string memory json = '{"key": {"a": 1, "b": 2}}';
string[] memory keys = vm.parseJsonKeys(json, ".key"); // ["a", "b"]
string memory json = '{"key": "something"}';
string[] memory keys = vm.parseJsonKeys(json, "$"); // ["key"]
string memory json = '{"root_key": [{"a": 1, "b": 2}]}';
string[] memory keys = vm.parseJsonKeys(json, ".root_key[0]"); // ["a", "b"]



// Get list of keys present in a TOML string
function parseTomlKeys(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (string[] memory keys);


Gets list of keys present in a TOML string


// [key]
// a = 1
// b = 2

string memory toml = '[key]\n a = 1\n b = 2';
string[] memory keys = vm.parseTomlKeys(toml, ".key"); // ["a", "b"]
// key = "something"

string memory toml = 'key = \"something\"';
string[] memory keys = vm.parseTomlKeys(toml, "$"); // ["key"]
// [[root_key]]
// a = 1
// b = 2

string memory toml = '[[root_key]]\n a = 1\n b = 2';
string[] memory keys = vm.parseTomlKeys(toml, ".root_key.0"); // ["a", "b"]



function serializeJson(string calldata objectKey, string calldata value)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeBool(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bool value)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeUint(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, uint256 value)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeInt(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, int256 value)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeAddress(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, address value)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeBytes32(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bytes32 value)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeString(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, string calldata value)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeBytes(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bytes calldata value)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeBool(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bool[] calldata values)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeUint(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, uint256[] calldata values)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeInt(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, int256[] calldata values)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeAddress(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, address[] calldata values)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeBytes32(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bytes32[] calldata values)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeString(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, string[] calldata values)
    returns (string memory json);

function serializeBytes(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bytes[] calldata values)
    returns (string memory json);


Serializes values as a stringified JSON object.

How it works

The idea is that the user serializes the values of the JSON file and finally writes that object to a file. The user needs to pass:

  • A key for the object to which the value should be serialized to. This enables the user to serialize multiple objects in parallel
  • A key for the value which will be its key in the JSON file
  • The value to be serialized

An exception to this is the serializeJson function, which only receives an objectKey and a json string value. This allows the user to serialize an existing json object and directly assign it to the provided objectKey. If the objectKey is already in use, the whole serialized json is overwritten.

The keys do not need to be of some specific form. They are of type string to enable for intuitive human interpretation. Semantically, they are not important other than to be used as keys.

The cheatcodes return the JSON object that is being serialized up to that point. That way the user can serialize inner JSON objects and then serialize them in bigger JSON objects, enabling the user to create arbitrary JSON objects.

Finally, the user writes the JSON object to a JSON file by using writeJson. Alternatively, the user can write the JSON object to TOML file by using writeToml.

Remember: The file path needs to be in the allowed paths. Read more in File cheatcodes.


Let’s assume we want to write the following JSON to a file:

{ “boolean”: true, “number”: 342, “object”: { “title”: “finally json serialization” } }

string memory obj1 = "some key";
vm.serializeBool(obj1, "boolean", true);
vm.serializeUint(obj1, "number", uint256(342));

string memory obj2 = "some other key";
string memory output = vm.serializeString(obj2, "title", "finally json serialization");

// IMPORTANT: This works because `serializeString` first tries to interpret `output` as
//   a stringified JSON object. If the parsing fails, then it treats it as a normal
//   string instead.
//   For instance, an `output` equal to '{ "ok": "asd" }' will produce an object, but
//   an output equal to '"ok": "asd" }' will just produce a normal string.
string memory finalJson = vm.serializeString(obj1, "object", output);

vm.writeJson(finalJson, "./output/example.json");




function writeJson(string calldata json, string calldata path) external;

function writeJson(string calldata json, string calldata path, string calldata valueKey) external;


Writes a serialized JSON object to a file.

The argument json must be a JSON object in stringified form. For example:

{ "boolean": true, "number": 342, "object": { "title": "finally json serialization" } }

This is usually built through serializeJson.

The argument path is the path of the JSON file to write to.

If no valueKey is provided, then the JSON object will be written to a new file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

If a valueKey is provided, then the file must already exist and be a valid JSON file. The object in that file will be updated by replacing the value at the JSON path valueKey with the JSON object json.

This is useful to replace some values in a JSON file without having to first parse and then reserialize it. Note that the JSON path must indicate an existing key, so it’s not possible to add new keys this way.

Remember: The file path path needs to be in the allowed paths. Read more in File cheatcodes.

JSON Paths

Let’s consider the following JSON object:

  "boolean": true,
  "number": 342,
  "obj1": {
    "aNumber": 123,
    "obj2": {
      "aNumber": 123,
      "obj3": {
        "veryDeep": 13371337

The root object is always assumed, so we can refer to one of its children by starting the path with a dot (.). For instance, .boolean, .number, and .obj1. We can go as deep as we want: .obj1.aNumber, or .obj1.obj2.aNumber. We can even search for a key in a subtree: .obj1..veryDeep, or just ..veryDeep since there’s no ambiguity.

See the examples to see this in action.


A simple example

string memory jsonObj = '{ "boolean": true, "number": 342, "myObject": { "title": "finally json serialization" } }';
vm.writeJson(jsonObj, "./output/example.json");

// replaces the value of `myObject` with a new object
string memory newJsonObj = '{ "aNumber": 123, "aString": "asd" }';
vm.writeJson(newJsonObj, "./output/example.json", ".myObject");

// replaces the value of `aString` in the new object
vm.writeJson("my new string", "./output/example.json", ".myObject.aString");

// Here's example.json:
// {
//   "boolean": true,
//   "number": 342,
//   "myObject": {
//     "aNumber": 123,
//     "aString": "my new string"
//   }
// }

A more complex example

string memory jsonObj = '{ "boolean": true, "number": 342, "obj1": { "foo": "bar" } }';
vm.writeJson(jsonObj, "./output/example2.json");

string memory jsonObj2 = '{ "aNumber": 123, "obj2": {} }';
vm.writeJson(jsonObj2, "./output/example2.json", ".obj1");

string memory jsonObj3 = '{ "aNumber": 123, "obj3": { "veryDeep": 3 } }';
vm.writeJson(jsonObj3, "./output/example2.json", ".obj1.obj2");

// Here's example2.json so far:
// {
//   "boolean": true,
//   "number": 342,
//   "obj1": {
//     "aNumber": 123,
//     "obj2": {
//       "aNumber": 123,
//       "obj3": {
//         "veryDeep": 3
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }

// Note that the JSON object is just the value 13371337 in this case.
vm.writeJson("13371337", "./output/example2.json", "..veryDeep");

// Here's the final example2.json:
// {
//   "boolean": true,
//   "number": 342,
//   "obj1": {
//     "aNumber": 123,
//     "obj2": {
//       "aNumber": 123,
//       "obj3": {
//         "veryDeep": 13371337
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }




function writeToml(string calldata json, string calldata path) external;

function writeToml(string calldata json, string calldata path, string calldata valueKey) external;


Writes a serialized JSON object to a TOML file after conversion.

The argument json must be a JSON object in stringified form. For example:

{ "boolean": true, "number": 342, "object": { "title": "finally json serialization" } }

This is usually built through serializeJson.

The argument path is the path of the TOML file to write to.

If no valueKey is provided, then the TOML object will be written to a new file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

If a valueKey is provided, then the file must already exist and be a valid TOML file. The object in that file will be updated by replacing the value at the JSON path valueKey with the JSON object json after TOML conversion.

This is useful to replace some values in a TOML file without having to first parse and then reserialize it. Note that the TOML path must indicate an existing key, so it’s not possible to add new keys this way.

Remember: The file path path needs to be in the allowed paths. Read more in File cheatcodes.

JSON Paths

Let’s consider the following JSON object:

  "boolean": true,
  "number": 342,
  "obj1": {
    "aNumber": 123,
    "obj2": {
      "aNumber": 123,
      "obj3": {
        "veryDeep": 13371337

The root object is always assumed, so we can refer to one of its children by starting the path with a dot (.). For instance, .boolean, .number, and .obj1. We can go as deep as we want: .obj1.aNumber, or .obj1.obj2.aNumber. We can even search for a key in a subtree: .obj1..veryDeep, or just ..veryDeep since there’s no ambiguity.

See the examples to see this in action.


A simple example

string memory jsonObj = '{ "boolean": true, "number": 342, "myObject": { "title": "finally json serialization" } }';
vm.writeToml(jsonObj, "./output/example.toml");

// replaces the value of `myObject` with a new object
string memory newJsonObj = '{ "aNumber": 123, "aString": "asd" }';
vm.writeToml(newJsonObj, "./output/example.toml", ".myObject");

// replaces the value of `aString` in the new object
vm.writeToml("my new string", "./output/example.toml", ".myObject.aString");

// Here's example.toml:
// boolean = true
// number = 342

// [myObject]
// aNumber = 123
// aString = "my new string"

A more complex example

string memory jsonObj = '{ "boolean": true, "number": 342, "obj1": { "foo": "bar" } }';
vm.writeToml(jsonObj, "./output/example2.toml");

string memory jsonObj2 = '{ "aNumber": 123, "obj2": {} }';
vm.writeToml(jsonObj2, "./output/example2.toml", ".obj1");

string memory jsonObj3 = '{ "aNumber": 123, "obj3": { "veryDeep": 3 } }';
vm.writeToml(jsonObj3, "./output/example2.toml", ".obj1.obj2");

// Here's example2.toml so far:
// boolean = true
// number = 342
// [obj1]
// aNumber = 123
// [obj1.obj2]
// aNumber = 123
// [obj1.obj2.obj3]
// veryDeep = 3

// Note that the JSON object is just the value 13371337 in this case.
vm.writeToml("13371337", "./output/example2.toml", "..veryDeep");

// Here's the final example2.toml:
// boolean = true
// number = 342
// [obj1]
// aNumber = 123
// [obj1.obj2]
// aNumber = 123
// [obj1.obj2.obj3]
// veryDeep = 13371337





function addr(uint256 privateKey) external returns (address);


Computes the address for a given private key.


address alice = vm.addr(1);
emit log_address(alice); // 0x7e5f4552091a69125d5dfcb7b8c2659029395bdf



function sign(uint256 privateKey, bytes32 digest) external returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s);
function sign(Wallet memory wallet, bytes32 digest) external returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s);


Signs a digest digest with private key privateKey or Wallet wallet, returning (v, r, s).

This is useful for testing functions that take signed data and perform an ecrecover to verify the signer.


(address alice, uint256 alicePk) = makeAddrAndKey("alice");
emit log_address(alice);
bytes32 hash = keccak256("Signed by Alice");
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(alicePk, hash);
address signer = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);
assertEq(alice, signer); // [PASS]

This is useful for testing functions that require a signature:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import { ECDSA } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/cryptography/ECDSA.sol";

contract SigningExample is Ownable {
    using ECDSA for bytes32;

    address public systemAddress;

    function setSystemAddress(address _address) external onlyOwner {
        systemAddress = _address;

    function purchase(uint256 _amount, string calldata _nonce, bytes calldata _signature) external payable {
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, _amount, _nonce)),
            ), "Invalid Signature"

        // mint tokens

    function isValidSignature(address _systemAddress, bytes32 hash, bytes memory signature) internal view returns (bool) {
        require(_systemAddress != address(0), "Missing System Address");

        bytes32 signedHash = hash.toEthSignedMessageHash();
        return signedHash.recover(signature) == _systemAddress;


contract SigningExampleTest is Test {
    using ECDSA for bytes32;

    SigningExample public signingExample;

    uint256 internal userPrivateKey;
    uint256 internal signerPrivateKey;

    function setUp() public {
        signingExample = new SigningExample();

        userPrivateKey = 0xa11ce;
        signerPrivateKey = 0xabc123;

        address signer = vm.addr(signerPrivateKey);

    function testPurchase() public {
        address user = vm.addr(userPrivateKey);
        address signer = vm.addr(signerPrivateKey);

        uint256 amount = 2;
        string memory nonce = 'QSfd8gQE4WYzO29';

        bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(user, amount, nonce)).toEthSignedMessageHash();
        (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(signerPrivateKey, digest);
        bytes memory signature = abi.encodePacked(r, s, v); // note the order here is different from line above.

        // Give the user some ETH, just for good measure, 1 ether);



The Wallet overload is a simple wrapper that uses the wallet’s private key to sign the digest

Wallet memory alice = vm.createWallet("alice");
bytes32 hash = keccak256("Signed by Alice");
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(alice, hash);
address signer = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);
assertEq(alice.addr, signer); // [PASS]



function skip(bool skip) external;


Marks a test as skipped, conditionally. It must be called at the top of the test to ensure it is skipped without any execution.

If skip is called with a false boolean, it will not skip the test.

Tests marked as skipped will appear with a [SKIPPED] label on the test runner and on the summary, to easily identify skipped tests.


function testSkip() public {
    /// This revert will not be reached as this test will be skipped.
    revert("Should not reach this revert");

function testNotSkip() public {
    /// This revert will be reached as this test will not be skipped, and the test will fail.
    revert("Should reach this revert");



function label(address addr, string calldata label) external;


Sets a label label for addr in test traces.

If an address is labelled, the label will show up in test traces instead of the address.



function getLabel(address) external returns (string memory);


Retrieves the label for an address if it was previously labeled. If not, it returns the address prefixed with unlabeled:.



function deriveKey(
  string calldata mnemonic,
  uint32 index
) external returns (uint256);
function deriveKey(
  string calldata mnemonic,
  string calldata path,
  uint32 index
) external returns (uint256);


Derive a private key from a given mnemonic or mnemonic file path.

The first signature derives at the derivation path m/44'/60'/0'/0/{index}. The second signature allows you to specify the derivation path as the second parameter.


Derive the private key from the test mnemonic at path m/44'/60'/0'/0/0:

string memory mnemonic = "test test test test test test test test test test test junk";
uint256 privateKey = vm.deriveKey(mnemonic, 0);

Derive the private key from the test mnemonic at path m/44'/60'/0'/1/0:

string memory mnemonic = "test test test test test test test test test test test junk";
uint256 privateKey = vm.deriveKey(mnemonic, "m/44'/60'/0'/1/", 0);


Forge Standard Library:



function parseBytes(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (bytes memory parsedValue);


Parses the value of string into bytes


string memory bytesAsString = "0x00000000000000000000000000000000";
bytes memory stringToBytes = vm.parseBytes(bytesAsString); // 0x00000000000000000000000000000000



function parseAddress(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (address parsedValue);


Parses the value of string into address


string memory addressAsString = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
address stringToAddress = vm.parseAddress(addressAsString); // 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000



function parseUint(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (uint256 parsedValue);


Parses the value of string into uint256


string memory uintAsString = "12345";
uint256 stringToUint = vm.parseUint(uintAsString); // 12345



function parseInt(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (int256 parsedValue);


Parses the value of string into int256


string memory intAsString = "-12345";
int256 stringToInt = vm.parseInt(intAsString); // -12345



function parseBytes32(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (bytes32 parsedValue);


Parses the value of string into bytes32


string memory bytes32AsString = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
bytes32 stringToBytes32 = vm.parseBytes32(bytes32AsString); // 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000



function parseBool(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (bool parsedValue);


Parses the value of string into bool


string memory boolAsString = "false";
bool stringToBool = vm.parseBool(boolAsString); // false



function rememberKey(uint256 privateKey) external returns (address);


Stores a private key in forge’s local wallet and returns the corresponding address which can later be used for broadcasting.


Derive the private key from the test mnemonic at path m/44'/60'/0'/0/0, remember it in forge’s wallet and use it to start broadcasting transactions:

string memory mnemonic = "test test test test test test test test test test test junk";
uint256 privateKey = vm.deriveKey(mnemonic, 0);
address deployer = vm.rememberKey(privateKey);


Load a private key from the PRIVATE_KEY environment variable and use it to start broadcasting transactions:

address deployer = vm.rememberKey(vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY"));



Forge Standard Library:



function toString(address) external returns (string memory);
function toString(bool) external returns (string memory);
function toString(uint256) external returns (string memory);
function toString(int256) external returns (string memory);
function toString(bytes32) external returns (string memory);
function toString(bytes) external returns (string memory);


Convert any type to its string version. Very useful for operations that demand strings, such as the cheatcode ffi.

Bytes are converted to a string of their hex representation with 0x at the start, signifying that they are encoded in hex.


uint256 number = 420;
string memory stringNumber = vm.toString(number);
vm.assertEq(stringNumber, "420");
bytes memory testBytes = hex"7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D";
string memory stringBytes = cheats.toString(testBytes);
assertEq("0x7109709ecfa91a80626ff3989d68f67f5b1dd12d", stringBytes);
address testAddress =  0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D;
string memory stringAddress = cheats.toString(testAddress);
assertEq("0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D", stringAddress);



function breakpoint(string) external;
function breakpoint(string, bool) external;


Places a breakpoint to jump to in the debugger view.

Calling vm.breakpoint('<char>, true) is equivalent to vm.breakpoint('<char>), but calling vm.breakpoint('<char>, false) will erase the breakpoint at '<char>.

If the char is overwritten, only the last one that was visited in the execution steps is considered.


function testBreakpoint() public {

Opening up the debugger in a test environment and pressing 'a will then place the debugger step at the place where the breakpoint cheatcode was called.

breakpoint a





  struct Wallet {
      address addr;
      uint256 publicKeyX;
      uint256 publicKeyY;
      uint256 privateKey;
  function createWallet(string calldata) external returns (Wallet memory);
  function createWallet(uint256) external returns (Wallet memory);
  function createWallet(uint256, string calldata) external returns (Wallet memory);


Creates a new Wallet struct when given a parameter to derive the private key from.


sign() and getNonce() both have supported function overloads for the Wallet struct as well.



Wallet memory wallet = vm.createWallet(uint256(keccak256(bytes("1"))));

emit log_uint(wallet.privateKey); // uint256(keccak256(bytes("1")))

emit log_address(wallet.addr); // vm.addr(wallet.privateKey)

emit log_address(
                keccak256(abi.encode(wallet.publicKeyX, wallet.publicKeyY))
); // wallet.addr

emit log_string(vm.getLabel(wallet.addr)); // ""


Wallet memory wallet = vm.createWallet("bob's wallet");

emit log_uint(wallet.privateKey); // uint256(keccak256(bytes("bob's wallet")))

emit log_address(wallet.addr); // vm.addr(wallet.privateKey)

emit log_address(
                keccak256(abi.encode(wallet.publicKeyX, wallet.publicKeyY))
); // wallet.addr

emit log_string(vm.getLabel(wallet.addr)); // "bob's wallet"

uint256 and string

Wallet memory wallet = vm.createWallet(uint256(keccak256(bytes("1"))), "bob's wallet");

emit log_uint(wallet.privateKey); // uint256(keccak256(bytes("1")))

emit log_address(wallet.addr); // vm.addr(wallet.privateKey)

emit log_address(
                keccak256(abi.encode(wallet.publicKeyX, wallet.publicKeyY))
); // wallet.addr

emit log_string(vm.getLabel(wallet.addr)); // "bob's wallet"



function copyStorage(address from, address to) external;


Utility cheatcode to copy storage of from contract to another to contract. Cheatcode is not allowed if the target address has arbitrary storage set.


Given a contract

contract Counter {
    uint256 public count;

    function setCount(uint256 x) public {
        count = x;

using copyStorage cheatcode copies the storage set on an instance to another address:

function testCopyStorage() public {
    Counter original = new Counter();
    Counter copy = new Counter();
    // Check initial count on copy.
    assertEq(copy.count(), 1);

    vm.copyStorage(address(original), address(copy));
    // Value is copied from first contract to copy.
    assertEq(copy.count(), 1000);



function setArbitraryStorage(address target) external;


Utility cheatcode to make the storage of the given address fully symbolic. Any subsequent SLOAD to target storage reads an arbitrary value which is memorized and returned if the same slot is loaded again. If the storage slot is explicitly written (before or after first load), then the written value is returned.


For a contract with following storage layout:

contract Counter {
    address[] public owners;

    function getOwner(uint256 pos) public view returns (address) {
        return owners[pos];

    function setOwner(uint256 pos, address owner) public {
        owners[pos] = owner;

using setArbitraryStorage cheatcode ensures that arbitrary values are returned:

contract ArbitraryStorageTest is Test {
    function testArbitraryStorage() public {
        Counter counter = new Counter();
        // Next call would fail with array out of bounds without arbitrary storage
        address owner = counter.getOwner(55);
        // Subsequent calls to same slot returns same value
        assertEq(counter.getOwner(55), owner);
        // The new value is returned if explicitly written
        counter.setOwner(55, address(111));
        assertEq(counter.getOwner(55), address(111));

snapshot cheatcodes


// Snapshot the current state of the evm.
// Returns the id of the snapshot that was created.
// To revert a snapshot use `revertTo`
function snapshot() external returns(uint256);
// Revert the state of the evm to a previous snapshot
// Takes the snapshot id to revert to.
// This deletes the snapshot and all snapshots taken after the given snapshot id.
function revertTo(uint256) external returns(bool);


snapshot takes a snapshot of the state of the blockchain and returns the identifier of the created snapshot

revertTo reverts the state of the blockchain to the given snapshot. This deletes the given snapshot, as well as any snapshots taken after (e.g.: reverting to id 2 will delete snapshots with ids 2, 3, 4, etc.)


struct Storage {
    uint slot0;
    uint slot1;

contract SnapshotTest is Test {
    Storage store;
    uint256 timestamp;

    function setUp() public {
        store.slot0 = 10;
        store.slot1 = 20;, 5 ether);        // balance = 5 ether
        timestamp = block.timestamp;

    function testSnapshot() public {
        uint256 snapshot = vm.snapshot();       // saves the state

        // let's change the state
        store.slot0 = 300;
        store.slot1 = 400;, 500 ether);
        vm.warp(12345);                         // block.timestamp = 12345

        assertEq(store.slot0, 300);
        assertEq(store.slot1, 400);
        assertEq(address(this).balance, 500 ether);
        assertEq(block.timestamp, 12345);

        vm.revertTo(snapshot);                  // restores the state

        assertEq(store.slot0, 10, "snapshot revert for slot 0 unsuccessful");
        assertEq(store.slot1, 20, "snapshot revert for slot 1 unsuccessful");
        assertEq(address(this).balance, 5 ether, "snapshot revert for balance unsuccessful");
        assertEq(block.timestamp, timestamp, "snapshot revert for timestamp unsuccessful");


// Returns the URL for a configured alias
function rpcUrl(string calldata alias) external returns (string memory);
// Returns all configured (alias, URL) pairs
function rpcUrls() external returns(string[2][] memory);
/// Performs an Ethereum JSON-RPC request to the current fork URL.
function rpc(string calldata method, string calldata params) external returns (bytes memory data);


Provides cheatcodes to access all RPC endpoints configured in the rpc_endpoints object of the foundry.toml, and the ability to make rpc calls using the configured fork URL.


The following rpc_endpoints in foundry.toml registers two RPC aliases:

  • optimism references the URL directly
  • mainnet references the RPC_MAINNET environment value that is expected to contain the actual URL

Env variables need to be wrapped in ${}

# --snip--
optimism = ""
mainnet = "${RPC_MAINNET}" 
string memory url = vm.rpcUrl("optimism");
assertEq(url, "");

If a ENV var is missing, rpcUrl() will revert:

vm.expectRevert("Failed to resolve env var `${RPC_MAINNET}` in `RPC_MAINNET`: environment variable not found");
string memory url = vm.rpcUrl("mainnet");

Retrieve all available alias -> URL pairs

string[2][] memory allUrls = vm.rpcUrls();
assertEq(allUrls.length, 2);

string[2] memory val = allUrls[0];
assertEq(val[0], "optimism");

string[2] memory env = allUrls[1];
assertEq(env[0], "mainnet");

Make an RPC call to eth_getBalance

// balance at block <>
bytes memory result = vm.rpc("eth_getBalance", "[\"0x8D97689C9818892B700e27F316cc3E41e17fBeb9\", \"0x117BC09\"]")
assertEq(hex"10b7c11bcb51e6", result);


Forge Config

Config Reference

File cheat codes


// Reads the entire content of file to string, (path) => (data)
function readFile(string calldata) external returns (string memory);
/// Reads the entire content of file as binary. `path` is relative to the project root.
function readFileBinary(string calldata path) external view returns (bytes memory data);
/// Reads the directory at the given path recursively, up to `maxDepth`.
/// `maxDepth` defaults to 1, meaning only the direct children of the given directory will be returned.
/// Follows symbolic links if `followLinks` is true.
function readDir(string calldata path) external view returns (DirEntry[] memory entries);
// Reads next line of file to string, (path) => (line)
function readLine(string calldata) external returns (string memory);
/// Reads a symbolic link, returning the path that the link points to.
/// This cheatcode will revert in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases:
/// - `path` is not a symbolic link.
/// - `path` does not exist.
function readLink(string calldata linkPath) external view returns (string memory targetPath);
// Writes data to file, creating a file if it does not exist, and entirely replacing its contents if it does.
// (path, data) => ()
function writeFile(string calldata, string calldata) external;
// Writes line to file, creating a file if it does not exist.
// (path, data) => ()
function writeLine(string calldata, string calldata) external;
// Closes file for reading, resetting the offset and allowing to read it from beginning with readLine.
// (path) => ()
function closeFile(string calldata) external;
// Removes file. This cheatcode will revert in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases:
// - Path points to a directory.
// - The file doesn't exist.
// - The user lacks permissions to remove the file.
// (path) => ()
function removeFile(string calldata) external;
// Returns true if the given path points to an existing entity, else returns false
// (path) => (bool)
function exists(string calldata) external returns (bool);
// Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a regular file, else returns false
// (path) => (bool)
function isFile(string calldata) external returns (bool);
// Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a directory, else returns false
// (path) => (bool)
function isDir(string calldata) external returns (bool);


These cheatcodes provided by forge-std can be used for filesystem manipulation operations.

By default, filesystem access is disallowed and requires the fs_permission setting in foundry.toml:

# Configures permissions for cheatcodes that touch the filesystem like `vm.writeFile`
# `access` restricts how the `path` can be accessed via cheatcodes
#    `read-write` | `true`   => `read` + `write` access allowed (`vm.readFile` + `vm.writeFile`)
#    `none`| `false` => no access
#    `read` => only read access (`vm.readFile`)
#    `write` => only write access (`vm.writeFile`)
# The `allowed_paths` further lists the paths that are considered, e.g. `./` represents the project root directory
# By default _no_ fs access permission is granted, and _no_ paths are allowed
# following example enables read access for the project dir _only_:
#       `fs_permissions = [{ access = "read", path = "./"}]`
fs_permissions = [] # default: all file cheat codes are disabled


Append a line to a file, this will create the file if it does not exist yet

This requires read access to the file / project root

fs_permissions = [{ access = "read", path = "./"}]
string memory path = "output.txt";

string memory line1 = "first line";
vm.writeLine(path, line1);

string memory line2 = "second line";
vm.writeLine(path, line2);

Write to and read from a file

This requires read-write access to file / project root:

fs_permissions = [{ access = "read-write", path = "./"}]
string memory path = "file.txt";
string memory data = "hello world";
vm.writeFile(path, data);

assertEq(vm.readFile(path), data);

Remove a file

This requires write access to file / project root:

fs_permissions = [{ access = "write", path = "./"}]
string memory path = "file.txt";


Verify that a filesystem path is valid

// Verify that path 'foo/files/bar.txt' exists
string memory validPath = "foo/files/bar.txt";

Verify that a filesystem path points to a file or directory

// Verify that path 'foo/file/bar.txt' points to a file
string memory validFilePath = "foo/files/bar.txt";

// Verify that 'foo/file' points to a directory
string memory validDirPath = "foo/files";

Forge Standard Library Reference

Forge Standard Library (Forge Std for short) is a collection of helpful contracts that make writing tests easier, faster, and more user-friendly.

Using Forge Std is the preferred way of writing tests with Foundry.

What’s included:

  • Vm.sol: Up-to-date cheatcodes interface

    import {Vm} from "forge-std/Vm.sol";
  • console.sol and console2.sol: Hardhat-style logging functionality

    import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";

    Note: console2.sol contains patches to console.sol that allow Forge to decode traces for calls to the console, but it is not compatible with Hardhat.

    import {console2} from "forge-std/console2.sol";
  • Script.sol: Basic utilities for Solidity scripting

    import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
  • Test.sol: The complete Forge Std experience (more details below)

    import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

Forge Std’s Test

The Test contract in Test.sol provides all the essential functionality you need to get started writing tests.

Simply import Test.sol and inherit from Test in your test contract:

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract ContractTest is Test { ...

What’s included:

  • Std Libraries

    • Std Logs: Expand upon the logging events from the DSTest library.
    • Std Assertions: Expand upon the assertion functions from the DSTest library.
    • Std Cheats: Wrappers around Forge cheatcodes for improved safety and DX.
    • Std Errors: Wrappers around common internal Solidity errors and reverts.
    • Std Storage: Utilities for storage manipulation.
    • Std Math: Useful mathematical functions.
    • Script Utils: Utility functions which can be accessed in tests and scripts.
    • Console Logging: Console logging functions.
  • A cheatcodes instance vm, from which you invoke Forge cheatcodes (see Cheatcodes Reference)

  • All Hardhat console functions for logging (see Console Logging)

    console.log(alice.balance); // or `console2`
  • All Dappsys Test functions for asserting and logging (see Dappsys Test reference)

    assertEq(dai.balanceOf(alice), 10000e18);
  • Utility functions also included in Script.sol (see Script Utils)

    // Compute the address a contract will be deployed at for a given deployer address and nonce
    address futureContract = computeCreateAddress(alice, 1);

Std Logs

Std Logs expand upon the logging events from the DSTest library.


event log_array(uint256[] val);
event log_array(int256[] val);
event log_named_array(string key, uint256[] val);
event log_named_array(string key, int256[] val);


This section provides usage examples.


event log_array(<type>[] val);

Where <type> can be int256, uint256, address.

// Assuming storage
// uint256[] data = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; 

emit log_array(data);


event log_named_array(string key, <type>[] val);

Where <type> can be int256, uint256, address.

// Assuming storage
// uint256[] data = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; 

emit log_named_array("Data", data);

Std Assertions



function fail(string memory err) internal virtual;


Fail a test with a message if a certain branch or execution point is hit.


function test() external {
    for(uint256 place; place < 10; ++i){
        if(game.leaderboard(place) == address(this)) return;
    fail("Not in the top 10.");



function assertTrue(bool data) internal;
function assertTrue(bool data, string memory err) internal;


Asserts data is true.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.


bool success =;




function assertFalse(bool data) internal;
function assertFalse(bool data, string memory err) internal;


Asserts data is false.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.


bool failure =;





function assertEq(bool left, bool right) internal;
function assertEq(bool left, bool right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(uint256 left, uint256 right) internal;
function assertEq(uint256 left, uint256 right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(int256 left, int256 right) internal;
function assertEq(int256 left, int256 right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(address left, address right) internal;
function assertEq(address left, address right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(bytes32 left, bytes32 right) internal;
function assertEq(bytes32 left, bytes32 right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(string memory left, string memory right) internal;
function assertEq(string memory left, string memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(bytes memory left, bytes memory right) internal;
function assertEq(bytes memory left, bytes memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(bool[] memory left, bool[] memory right) internal;
function assertEq(bool[] memory left, bool[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(uint256[] memory left, uint256[] memory right) internal;
function assertEq(uint256[] memory left, uint256[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(int256[] memory left, int256[] memory right) internal;
function assertEq(int256[] memory left, int256[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(address[] memory left, address[] memory right) internal;
function assertEq(address[] memory left, address[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(bytes32[] memory left, bytes32[] memory right) internal;
function assertEq(bytes32[] memory left, bytes32[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(string[] memory left, string[] memory right) internal;
function assertEq(string[] memory left, string[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertEq(bytes[] memory left, bytes[] memory right) internal;
function assertEq(bytes[] memory left, bytes[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


// legacy helper for asserting two uints shorter than 256 bits: `assertEqUint(uint8(1), uint128(1));`
function assertEqUint(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal;
function assertEq32(bytes32 left, bytes32 right) internal;
function assertEq32(bytes32 left, bytes32 right, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is equal to right.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertEqDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) internal
function assertEqDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertEqDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertEqDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is equal to right.

left and right are formatted with decimals in the revert string.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.





function assertNotEq(bool left, bool right) internal;
function assertNotEq(bool left, bool right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(uint256 left, uint256 right) internal;
function assertNotEq(uint256 left, uint256 right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(int256 left, int256 right) internal;
function assertNotEq(int256 left, int256 right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(address left, address right) internal;
function assertNotEq(address left, address right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(bytes32 left, bytes32 right) internal;
function assertNotEq(bytes32 left, bytes32 right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(string memory left, string memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(string memory left, string memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(bytes memory left, bytes memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(bytes memory left, bytes memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(bool[] memory left, bool[] memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(bool[] memory left, bool[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(uint256[] memory left, uint256[] memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(uint256[] memory left, uint256[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(int256[] memory left, int256[] memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(int256[] memory left, int256[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(address[] memory left, address[] memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(address[] memory left, address[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(bytes32[] memory left, bytes32[] memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(bytes32[] memory left, bytes32[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(string[] memory left, string[] memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(string[] memory left, string[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq(bytes[] memory left, bytes[] memory right) internal;
function assertNotEq(bytes[] memory left, bytes[] memory right, string memory err) internal;


function assertNotEq32(bytes32 left, bytes32 right) internal;
function assertNotEq32(bytes32 left, bytes32 right, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is not equal to right.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertNotEqDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) internal
function assertNotEqDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertNotEqDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertNotEqDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is not equal to right.

left and right are formatted with decimals in the revert string.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertLt(uint256 left, uint256 right) internal;
function assertLt(uint256 left, uint256 right, string memory err) internal;
function assertLt(int256 left, int256 right) internal;
function assertLt(int256 left, int256 right, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is strictly less than right.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertLtDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) internal
function assertLtDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertLtDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertLtDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is strictly less than right.

left and right are formatted with decimals in the revert string.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertGt(uint256 left, uint256 right) internal;
function assertGt(uint256 left, uint256 right, string memory err) internal;
function assertGt(int256 left, int256 right) internal;
function assertGt(int256 left, int256 right, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is strictly greater than right.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertGtDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) internal
function assertGtDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertGtDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertGtDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is strictly greater than right.

left and right are formatted with decimals in the revert string.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertLe(uint256 left, uint256 right) internal;
function assertLe(uint256 left, uint256 right, string memory err) internal;
function assertLe(int256 left, int256 right) internal;
function assertLe(int256 left, int256 right, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is less than or equal to right.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertLeDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) internal
function assertLeDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertLeDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertLeDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is less than or equal to right.

left and right are formatted with decimals in the revert string.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertGe(uint256 left, uint256 right) internal;
function assertGe(uint256 left, uint256 right, string memory err) internal;
function assertGe(int256 left, int256 right) internal;
function assertGe(int256 left, int256 right, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is greater than or equal to right.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertGeDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) internal
function assertGeDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertGeDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertGeDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is greater than or equal to right.

left and right are formatted with decimals in the revert string.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxDelta) internal;
function assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxDelta, string memory err) internal;
function assertApproxEqAbs(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxDelta) internal;
function assertApproxEqAbs(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxDelta, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is approximately equal to right with delta in absolute value.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.


function testFail() external {
    uint256 a = 100;
    uint256 b = 200;

    assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, 90);
[PASS] testFail() (gas: 23169)
  Error: a ~= b not satisfied [uint]
    Expected: 200
      Actual: 100
   Max Delta: 90
       Delta: 100




function assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is approximately equal to right with delta in absolute value.

left and right are formatted with decimals in the revert string.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.




function assertApproxEqRel(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta) internal;
function assertApproxEqRel(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, string memory err) internal;
function assertApproxEqRel(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta) internal;
function assertApproxEqRel(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is approximately equal to right with delta in percentage, where 1e18 is 100%.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.


function testFail () external {
    uint256 a = 100;
    uint256 b = 200;
    assertApproxEqRel(a, b, 0.4e18);
[PASS] testFail() (gas: 23884)
  Error: a ~= b not satisfied [uint]
      Expected: 200
        Actual: 100
   Max % Delta: 0.400000000000000000
       % Delta: 0.500000000000000000




function assertApproxEqRelDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertApproxEqRelDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertApproxEqRelDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals) internal;
function assertApproxEqRelDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals, string memory err) internal;


Asserts left is approximately equal to right with delta in percentage, where 1e18 is 100%.

left and right are formatted with decimals in the revert string.

Optionally includes an error message in the revert string.


Std Cheats



function skip(uint256 time) public;


Skips forward block.timestamp by the specified number of seconds.


assertEq(block.timestamp, 0);
assertEq(block.timestamp, 3600);



function rewind(uint256 time) public;


Rewinds block.timestamp by the specified number of seconds.


assertEq(block.timestamp, 3600);
assertEq(block.timestamp, 0);



function hoax(address who) public;
function hoax(address who, uint256 give) public;
function hoax(address who, address origin) public;
function hoax(address who, address origin, uint256 give) public;


Sets up a prank from an address that has some ether.

If the balance is not specified, it will be set to 2^128 wei.



function startHoax(address who) public;
function startHoax(address who, uint256 give) public;
function startHoax(address who, address origin) public;
function startHoax(address who, address origin, uint256 give) public;


Start a perpetual prank from an address that has some ether.

If the balance is not specified, it will be set to 2^128 wei.



function deal(address to, uint256 give) public;
function deal(address token, address to, uint256 give) public;
function deal(address token, address to, uint256 give, bool adjust) public;


A wrapper around the deal cheatcode that also works for most ERC-20 tokens.

If the alternative signature of deal is used, adjusts the token’s total supply after setting the balance.


deal(address(dai), alice, 10000e18);
assertEq(dai.balanceOf(alice), 10000e18);



function deployCode(string memory what) public returns (address);
function deployCode(string memory what, bytes memory args) public returns (address);
function deployCode(string memory what, uint256 val) public returns (address);
function deployCode(string memory what, bytes memory args, uint256 val) public returns (address);


Deploys a contract by fetching the contract bytecode from the artifacts directory.

The calldata parameter can either be in the form ContractFile.sol (if the filename and contract name are the same), ContractFile.sol:ContractName, or the path to an artifact, relative to the root of your project.

Values can also be passed by using the val parameter. This is necessary if you need to send ETH on construction.


address deployment = deployCode("MyContract.sol", abi.encode(arg1, arg2));


Forge Standard Library



function deployCodeTo(string memory what, address where) internal virtual;
function deployCodeTo(string memory what, bytes memory args, address where) internal virtual;
function deployCodeTo(string memory what, bytes memory args, uint256 value, address where) internal virtual;


Pseudo-deploys a contract to an arbitrary address by fetching the contract bytecode from the artifacts directory. This can be used to recreate the production environment.

The calldata parameter can either be in the form ContractFile.sol (if the filename and contract name are the same), ContractFile.sol:ContractName, or the path to an artifact, relative to the root of your project.

Values can also be passed by using the value parameter. This is necessary if you need to send ETH on construction.


deployCodeTo("MyContract.sol", abi.encode(arg1, arg2), arbitraryAddr);


Forge Standard Library



function bound(uint256 x, uint256 min, uint256 max) public returns (uint256 result);


A mathematical function for wrapping inputs of fuzz tests into a certain range.

You can use it instead of the assume cheatcode to get better performance in some cases. Read more here.


input = bound(input, 99, 101);

Returns 99 for input 0.
Returns 100 for input 1.
Returns 101 for input 2.
Returns 99 for input 3.
And so on.



changePrank is deprecated.


function changePrank(address who) internal;


Stops the active prank with stopPrank and passes address to startPrank.

Useful for starting a global prank in the setUp function and deactivating it in certain tests.



function makeAddr(string memory name) internal returns(address addr);


Creates an address derived from the provided name.

A label is created for the derived address with the provided name used as the label value.


address alice = makeAddr("alice");
emit log_address(alice); // 0x328809bc894f92807417d2dad6b7c998c1afdac6



function makeAddrAndKey(string memory name) internal returns(address addr, uint256 privateKey);


Creates an address and private key derived from the provided name.

A label is created for the derived address with the provided name used as the label value.


(address alice, uint256 key) = makeAddrAndKey("alice");
emit log_address(alice); // 0x328809bc894f92807417d2dad6b7c998c1afdac6
emit log_uint(key); // 70564938991660933374592024341600875602376452319261984317470407481576058979585



modifier noGasMetering();


A function modifier that turns off gas metering for the life of the function.

Note, there is some gas associated with calling the cheatcode, so you will see some gas usage (albeit small) when using this modifier.


function addInLoop() internal returns (uint256) {
    uint256 b;
    for (uint256 i; i < 10000; i++) {
        b + i;
    return b;

function addInLoopNoGas() internal noGasMetering returns (uint256) {
    return addInLoop();

function testFunc() external {
  uint256 gas_start = gasleft();
  uint256 gas_used = gas_start - gasleft();

  uint256 gas_start_no_metering = gasleft();
  uint256 gas_used_no_metering = gas_start_no_metering - gasleft();

  emit log_named_uint("Gas Metering", gas_used);
  emit log_named_uint("No Gas Metering", gas_used_no_metering);
[PASS] testFunc() (gas: 1887191)
  Gas Metering: 1880082
  No Gas Metering: 3024



function assumeNotPrecompile(address addr) public;
function assumeNotPrecompile(address addr, uint256 chainid) public;


Uses assume to filter precompile addresses from the fuzz tests.

Optionally, a chainid may be specified to filter known precompiles on the respective chain.


These are all the precompile addresses known to the assumeNotPrecompile functions.

Chain IDAddressName
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000016L2ToL1MessagePasser
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000002DeployerWhitelist
10, 4200xDeadDeAddeAddEAddeadDEaDDEAdDeaDDeAD0000LegacyERC20ETH
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006WETH9
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000007L2CrossDomainMessenger
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000010L2StandardBridge
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000011SequencerFeeVault
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000012OptimismMintableERC20Factory
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000013L1BlockNumber
10, 4200x420000000000000000000000000000000000000FGasPriceOracle
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000015L1Block
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042GovernanceToken
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000000LegacyMessagePasser
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000014L2ERC721Bridge
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000017OptimismMintableERC721Factory
10, 4200x4200000000000000000000000000000000000018ProxyAdmin
42161, 4216130x0000000000000000000000000000000000000064ArbSys
42161, 4216130x000000000000000000000000000000000000006EArbRetryableTx
42161, 4216130x000000000000000000000000000000000000006CArbGasInfo
42161, 4216130x0000000000000000000000000000000000000066ArbAddressTable
42161, 4216130x000000000000000000000000000000000000006FArbStatistics
42161, 4216130x00000000000000000000000000000000000000C8NodeInterface
42161, 4216130x0000000000000000000000000000000000000067ArbBLS
42161, 4216130x0000000000000000000000000000000000000065ArbInfo
42161, 4216130x000000000000000000000000000000000000006DArbAggregator
42161, 4216130x0000000000000000000000000000000000000068ArbFunctionTable
433114, 431130x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000ContractDeployerAllowListAddress
433114, 431130x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001ContractNativeMinterAddress
433114, 431130x0200000000000000000000000000000000000002TxAllowListAddress
433114, 431130x0200000000000000000000000000000000000003FeeConfigManagerAddress
ALL0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C(Foundry) Create2Deployer
ALL0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D(Foundry) VM
ALL0x000000000000000000636F6e736F6c652e6c6f67(Foundry) Console

Reserved Ranges

Some chains also include reserved ranges for precompile contracts.

Chain IDStartStop
433114, 431130x01000000000000000000000000000000000000000x01000000000000000000000000000000000000ff
433114, 431130x02000000000000000000000000000000000000000x02000000000000000000000000000000000000ff
433114, 431130x03000000000000000000000000000000000000000x03000000000000000000000000000000000000ff



function assumePayable(address addr) public;


Uses assume to filter addresses that reject Ether transfers.

This makes an external call to the specified addr with a no calldata and checks assume against the success of the call.

Std Errors





The internal Solidity error when an assert fails.





The internal Solidity error when an arithmetic operation fails, e.g. underflow and overflow.


Assume we have a basic vault contract that can store some token (wmdToken):

contract BasicVault {

    IERC20 public immutable wmdToken;   
    mapping(address => uint) public balances;

    event Deposited(address indexed from, uint amount);
    event Withdrawal(address indexed from, uint amount);

    constructor(IERC20 wmdToken_){
        wmdToken = wmdToken_;

    function deposit(uint amount) external {    
        balances[msg.sender] += amount;
        bool success = wmdToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        require(success, "Deposit failed!"); 
        emit Deposited(msg.sender, amount);

    function withdraw(uint amount) external {      
        balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
        bool success = wmdToken.transfer(msg.sender, amount);
        require(success, "Withdrawal failed!");
        emit Withdrawal(msg.sender, amount);

We have a test function to ensure that a user is unable to withdraw tokens in excess of his deposit, like so:

function testUserCannotWithdrawExcessOfDeposit() public {
    vault.withdraw(userTokens + 100*10**18);
  1. User has tokens of amount userTokens deposited in a Vault contract.
  2. User attempts to withdraw tokens of amount in excess of his deposits.
  3. This leads to an underflow error, resulting from: balances[msg.sender] -= amount; as it would evaluate into a negative value.

To catch the error “Arithmetic over/underflow”, we insert vm.expectRevert(stdError.arithmeticError) just before the function call that is expected to result in an underflow.





The internal Solidity error when a division fails, e.g. division by zero.





The internal Solidity error when trying to convert a number to a variant of an enum, if the number is larger than the number of variants in the enum (counting from 0).





The internal Solidity error when trying to access data in storage that is corrupted. Data cannot be corrupted unless assembly had been used.





The internal Solidity error when trying to pop an element off of an empty array.





The internal Solidity error when trying to access an element of an array that is out of bounds.

Will not work for empty arrays in external contracts. For those, use expectRevert without any arguments.





The internal Solidity error when trying to allocate a dynamic memory array with more than 2^64-1 items.





The internal Solidity error when trying to call a function via a function pointer that has not been initialized.

Std Storage

Std Storage is a library that makes manipulating storage easy.

To use Std Storage, import the following in your test contract:

import {stdStorage, StdStorage} from "forge-std/Test.sol";              

Add the following line in your test contract:

using stdStorage for StdStorage;

Then, access Std Storage via the stdstore instance.


Query functions:

  • target: Set the address of the target contract
  • sig: Set the 4-byte selector of the function to static call
  • with_key: Pass an argument to the function (can be used multiple times)
  • depth: Set the position of the value in the tuple (e.g. inside a struct)

Terminator functions:

  • find: Return the slot number
  • checked_write: Set the data to be written to the storage slot(s)
  • read_<type>: Read the value from the storage slot as <type>


playerToCharacter tracks info about players’ characters.

// MetaRPG.sol

struct Character {
    string name;
    uint256 level;

mapping (address => Character) public playerToCharacter;

Let’s say we want to set the level of our character to 120.

// MetaRPG.t.sol



  • Accessing packed slots is not supported

Known issues

  • Slot(s) may not be found if the tuple contains types shorter than 32 bytes



function target(StdStorage storage self, address _target) internal returns (StdStorage storage);


Sets the address of the contract.

Default value: address(0)



function sig(StdStorage storage self, bytes4 _sig) internal returns (StdStorage storage);
function sig(StdStorage storage self, string memory _sig) internal returns (StdStorage storage);


Sets the 4-byte selector of the function to static call.

Default value: hex"00000000"


uint256 slot = stdstore
uint256 slot = stdstore



function with_key(StdStorage storage self, address who) internal returns (StdStorage storage);
function with_key(StdStorage storage self, uint256 amt) internal returns (StdStorage storage);
function with_key(StdStorage storage self, bytes32 key) internal returns (StdStorage storage);


Passes an argument to the function.

Can be used multiple times to pass multiple arguments. The order matters.


uint256 slot = stdstore



function depth(StdStorage storage self, uint256 _depth) internal returns (StdStorage storage);


Sets the position of the value in the tuple (e.g. inside a struct).

Default value: uint256(0)



function checked_write(StdStorage storage self, address who) internal;
function checked_write(StdStorage storage self, uint256 amt) internal;
function checked_write(StdStorage storage self, bool write) internal;
function checked_write(StdStorage storage self, bytes32 set) internal;
function checked_write_int(StdStorage storage self, int256 val) internal;


Sets the data to be written to the storage slot(s).

Reverts with a message if unsuccessful.



function find(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (uint256);


Finds an arbitrary storage slot given target, sig, with_key(s), and depth.

Reverts with a message if unsuccessful.



function read_bytes32(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (bytes32);
function read_bool(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (bool);
function read_address(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (address);
function read_uint(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (uint256);
function read_int(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (int256);


Reads the value from the storage slot as bytes32, bool, address, uint256, or int256.

Reverts with a message if unsuccessful.

Std Math



function abs(int256 a) internal pure returns (uint256)


Returns the absolute value of a number.


uint256 ten = stdMath.abs(-10);



function delta(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256)
function delta(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (uint256)


Returns the difference between two numbers in absolute value.


uint256 four =, 3);



function percentDelta(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256)
function percentDelta(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (uint256)


Returns the difference between two numbers in percentage, where 1e18 is 100%. More precisely, percentDelta(a, b) computes abs((a-b) / b) * 1e18.


uint256 percent150 = stdMath.percentDelta(uint256(125), 50);
uint256 percent60 = stdMath.percentDelta(uint256(50), 125);

Script Utils



function computeCreateAddress(address deployer, uint256 nonce) internal pure returns (address)


Compute the address a contract will be deployed at for a given deployer address and nonce. Useful to precalculate the address a contract will be deployed at.


address governanceAddress = computeCreateAddress(0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266, 1);

// this contract requires a governance contract which hasn't been deployed yet
Contract contract = new Contract(governanceAddress);
// now we deploy it
Governance governance = new Governance(contract);

// assuming `contract` has a `governance()` accessor
assertEq(governanceAddress, address(governance)); // [PASS]



function deriveRememberKey(string memory mnemonic, uint32 index) internal returns (address who, uint256 privateKey)


Derive a private key from a mnemonic and also store it in forge’s local wallet. Returns the address and private key.


Get a private key and address from the test mnemonic at path m/44'/60'/0'/0/0. Use them to sign some data and start broadcasting transactions:

string memory mnemonic = "test test test test test test test test test test test junk";

(address deployer, uint256 privateKey) = deriveRememberKey(mnemonic, 0);

bytes32 hash = keccak256("Signed by deployer");
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(privateKey, hash);


Get an address from the test mnemonic at path m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 to start broadcasting transactions:

string memory mnemonic = "test test test test test test test test test test test junk";

(address deployer, ) = deriveRememberKey(mnemonic, 0);




Console Logging

  • Similar to Hardhat’s console functions.
  • You can use it in calls and transactions. It also works with view and pure functions.
  • It always works, regardless of the call or transaction failing or being successful.
  • To use it you need import it:
    • import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
  • You can call console.log with up to 4 parameters in any order of following types:
    • uint
    • string
    • bool
    • address
  • There’s also the single parameter API for the types above, and additionally bytes, bytes1… up to bytes32:
    • console.logInt(int i)
    • console.logUint(uint i)
    • console.logString(string memory s)
    • console.logBool(bool b)
    • console.logAddress(address a)
    • console.logBytes(bytes memory b)
    • console.logBytes1(bytes1 b)
    • console.logBytes2(bytes2 b)
    • console.logBytes32(bytes32 b)
  • console.log implements the same formatting options that can be found in Hardhat’s console.log.
    • Example: console.log("Changing owner from %s to %s", currentOwner, newOwner)
  • console.log is implemented in standard Solidity and it is compatible Anvil and Hardhat Networks.
  • console.log calls can run in other networks, like mainnet, kovan, ropsten, etc. They do nothing in those networks, but do spend a minimal amount of gas.


The console.log() method prints a formatted string using the first argument as a printf-like format string which can contain zero or more format specifiers. Each specifier is replaced with the converted value from the corresponding argument. Supported specifiers are:

  • %s: String will be used to convert all values to a human-readable string. uint256, int256 and bytes values are converted to their 0x hex encoded values.
  • %d: Number will be used to convert all values to a human-readable string. This is identical to %s.
  • %i: Works the same way as %d.
  • %e: The exponential representation of a number. For uint256 and int256 types.
  • %x: The hexadecimal representation of a number. For uint256 and int256 types.
  • %o: Object. A string representation of an object with generic JavaScript-styled object formatting. For solidity types, this basically surround the string representation of the value in single-quotes.
  • %%: single percent sign (‘%’). This does not consume an argument.
  • Returns: <string> The formatted string

If a specifier does not have a corresponding argument, it is not replaced:

console.log("%s:%s", "foo");
// Returns: "foo:%s"

Values that are not part of the format string are formatted using as a human-readable string representation.

If there are more arguments passed to the console.log() method than the number of specifiers, the extra arguments are concatenated to the returned string, separated by spaces:

console.log("%s:%s", "foo", "bar", "baz");
// Returns: "foo:bar baz"

If only one argument is passed to console.log(), it is returned as it is without any formatting:

console.log("%% %s");
// Returns: "%% %s"

The String format specifier (%s) should be used in most cases unless specific functionality is needed from other format specifiers.

DSTest Reference

Dappsys Test (DSTest for short) provides basic logging and assertion functionality. It is included in the Forge Standard Library.

To get access to the functions, import forge-std/Test.sol and inherit from Test in your test contract:

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract ContractTest is Test {
    // ... tests ...


This is a complete overview of all the available logging events. For detailed descriptions and example usage, see below.

event log                    (string);
event logs                   (bytes);

event log_address            (address);
event log_bytes32            (bytes32);
event log_int                (int);
event log_uint               (uint);
event log_bytes              (bytes);
event log_string             (string);

event log_named_address      (string key, address val);
event log_named_bytes32      (string key, bytes32 val);
event log_named_decimal_int  (string key, int val, uint decimals);
event log_named_decimal_uint (string key, uint val, uint decimals);
event log_named_int          (string key, int val);
event log_named_uint         (string key, uint val);
event log_named_bytes        (string key, bytes val);
event log_named_string       (string key, string val);

Logging events

This section documents all events for logging and provides usage examples.


event log(string);
emit log("here");
// here


event logs(bytes);
emit logs(bytes("abcd"));
// 0x6162636400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


event log_<type>(<type>);

Where <type> can be address, bytes32, int, uint, bytes, string

uint256 amount = 1 ether;
emit log_uint(amount);
// 1000000000000000000


event log_named_<type>(string key, <type> val);

Where <type> can be address, bytes32, int, uint, bytes, string

uint256 amount = 1 ether;
emit log_named_uint("Amount", amount);
// amount: 1000000000000000000


event log_named_decimal_<type>(string key, <type> val, uint decimals);

Where <type> can be int, uint

uint256 amount = 1 ether;
emit log_named_decimal_uint("Amount", amount, 18);
// amount: 1.000000000000000000


This is a complete overview of all the available assertion functions. For detailed descriptions and example usage, see below.

// Assert the `condition` is true
function assertTrue(bool condition) internal;
function assertTrue(bool condition, string memory err) internal;

// Assert `a` is equal to `b`
function assertEq(address a, address b) internal;
function assertEq(address a, address b, string memory err) internal;
function assertEq(bytes32 a, bytes32 b) internal;
function assertEq(bytes32 a, bytes32 b, string memory err) internal;
function assertEq(int a, int b) internal;
function assertEq(int a, int b, string memory err) internal;
function assertEq(uint a, uint b) internal;
function assertEq(uint a, uint b, string memory err) internal;
function assertEqDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertEqDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertEqDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertEqDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertEq(string memory a, string memory b) internal;
function assertEq(string memory a, string memory b, string memory err) internal;
function assertEq32(bytes32 a, bytes32 b) internal;
function assertEq32(bytes32 a, bytes32 b, string memory err) internal;
function assertEq0(bytes memory a, bytes memory b) internal;
function assertEq0(bytes memory a, bytes memory b, string memory err) internal;

// Assert  `a` is greater than `b`
function assertGt(uint a, uint b) internal;
function assertGt(uint a, uint b, string memory err) internal;
function assertGt(int a, int b) internal;
function assertGt(int a, int b, string memory err) internal;
function assertGtDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertGtDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertGtDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertGtDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;

// Assert  `a` is greater than or equal to `b`
function assertGe(uint a, uint b) internal;
function assertGe(uint a, uint b, string memory err) internal;
function assertGe(int a, int b) internal;
function assertGe(int a, int b, string memory err) internal;
function assertGeDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertGeDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertGeDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertGeDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;

// Assert  `a` is lesser than `b`
function assertLt(uint a, uint b) internal;
function assertLt(uint a, uint b, string memory err) internal;
function assertLt(int a, int b) internal;
function assertLt(int a, int b, string memory err) internal;
function assertLtDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertLtDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertLtDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertLtDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;

// Assert  `a` is lesser than or equal to `b`
function assertLe(uint a, uint b) internal;
function assertLe(uint a, uint b, string memory err) internal;
function assertLe(int a, int b) internal;
function assertLe(int a, int b, string memory err) internal;
function assertLeDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertLeDecimal(int a, int b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;
function assertLeDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals) internal;
function assertLeDecimal(uint a, uint b, uint decimals, string memory err) internal;

// Asserts `a` is approximately equal to `b` with delta in absolute value.
function assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta) internal;
function assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, string memory err) internal;

// Asserts `a` is approximately equal to `b` with delta in percentage, where `1e18` is 100%.
function assertApproxEqRel(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta) internal;
function assertApproxEqRel(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, string memory err) internal;

Assertion functions

This section documents all functions for asserting and provides usage examples.


function assertTrue(bool condition) internal;

Asserts the condition is true.

bool success =;


function assertEq(<type> a, <type> b) internal;

Where <type> can be address, bytes32, int, uint

Asserts a is equal to b.

uint256 a = 1 ether;
uint256 b = 1e18 wei;
assertEq(a, b);


function assertEqDecimal(<type> a, <type> b, uint decimals) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is equal to b.

uint256 a = 1 ether;
uint256 b = 1e18 wei;
assertEqDecimal(a, b, 18);


function assertEq32(bytes32 a, bytes32 b) internal;

Asserts a is equal to b.

assertEq(bytes32("abcd"), 0x6162636400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000);


function assertEq0(bytes a, bytes b) internal;

Asserts a is equal to b.

string memory name1 = "Alice";
string memory name2 = "Bob";
assertEq0(bytes(name1), bytes(name2)); // [FAIL]


function assertGt(<type> a, <type> b) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is greater than b.

uint256 a = 2 ether;
uint256 b = 1e18 wei;
assertGt(a, b);


function assertGtDecimal(<type> a, <type> b, uint decimals) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is greater than b.

uint256 a = 2 ether;
uint256 b = 1e18 wei;
assertGtDecimal(a, b, 18);


function assertGe(<type> a, <type> b) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is greater than or equal to b.

uint256 a = 1 ether;
uint256 b = 1e18 wei;
assertGe(a, b);


function assertGeDecimal(<type> a, <type> b, uint decimals) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is greater than or equal to b.

uint256 a = 1 ether;
uint256 b = 1e18 wei;
assertGeDecimal(a, b, 18);


function assertLt(<type> a, <type> b) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is lesser than b.

uint256 a = 1 ether;
uint256 b = 2e18 wei;
assertLt(a, b);


function assertLtDecimal(<type> a, <type> b, uint decimals) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is lesser than b.

uint256 a = 1 ether;
uint256 b = 2e18 wei;
assertLtDecimal(a, b, 18);


function assertLe(<type> a, <type> b) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is lesser than or equal to b.

uint256 a = 1 ether;
uint256 b = 1e18 wei;
assertLe(a, b);


function assertLeDecimal(<type> a, <type> b, uint decimals) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is lesser than or equal to b.

uint256 a = 1 ether;
uint256 b = 1e18 wei;
assertLeDecimal(a, b, 18);


function assertApproxEqAbs(<type> a, <type> b, uint256 maxDelta) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is approximately equal to b with delta in absolute value.

function testFail () external {
    uint256 a = 100;
    uint256 b = 200;

    assertApproxEqAbs(a, b, 90);


function assertApproxEqRel(<type> a, <type> b, uint256 maxPercentDelta) internal;

Where <type> can be int, uint

Asserts a is approximately equal to b with delta in percentage, where 1e18 is 100%.

function testFail () external {
    uint256 a = 100;
    uint256 b = 200;
    assertApproxEqRel(a, b, 0.4e18);

ℹ️ Information

You can pass a custom error message to the above functions by providing an additional parameter string err.


Struct Encoding

Structs are user defined types that can group several variables:

struct MyStruct {
    address addr;
    uint256 amount;

Only the new ABI coder v2 can encode and decode arbitrarily nested arrays and structs. Since Solidity 0.8.0 it is activated by default, prior to that it needs to be activated via pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2.

Solidity structs map to the ABI type “tuple”. For more information on how Solidity types map to ABI types see Mapping Solidity to ABI types in the Solidity documentation.

Structs are therefore encoded and decoded as tuples. So the struct we defined above, MyStruct, maps to the tuple (address,uint256) in terms of the ABI.

Let’s see how this works in a contract:

pragma solidity =0.8.15;

contract Test {
    struct MyStruct {
        address addr;
        uint256 amount;
    function f(MyStruct memory t) public pure {}

The ABI of the f function in this contract is:

	"inputs": [
			"components": [
					"internalType": "address",
					"name": "addr",
					"type": "address"
					"internalType": "uint256",
					"name": "amount",
					"type": "uint256"
			"internalType": "struct Test.MyStruct",
			"name": "t",
			"type": "tuple"
	"name": "f",
	"outputs": [],
	"stateMutability": "pure",
	"type": "function"

which reads: The function f takes 1 input of type tuple with two components of type address and uint256.

Nested Struct Encoding: Here’s a more complex example with nested structs:

pragma solidity 0.8.21;

contract Test {
    struct nestedStruct {
        address addr;
        uint256 amount;

    struct MyStruct {
        string nestedStructName;
        uint256 nestedStructCount;
        nestedStruct _nestedStruct;

    function f(MyStruct memory t) public pure {}

The ABI of the f function in this contract is:

    "inputs": [
            "name": "t",
            "type": "tuple",
            "internalType": "struct Test.MyStruct",
            "components": [
                    "name": "nestedStructName",
                    "type": "string",
                    "internalType": "string"
                    "name": "nestedStructCount",
                    "type": "uint256",
                    "internalType": "uint256"
                    "name": "_nestedStruct",
                    "type": "tuple",
                    "internalType": "struct Test.nestedStruct",
                    "components": [
                            "name": "addr",
                            "type": "address",
                            "internalType": "address"
                            "name": "amount",
                            "type": "uint256",
                            "internalType": "uint256"
    "name": "f",
    "outputs": [],
    "stateMutability": "pure",
    "type": "function"

which reads: The function f takes 1 input of type tuple with three components: a string, a uint256, and another tuple representing the nested struct with components addr of type address and amount of type uint256.

To encode MyStruct to pass it as a parameter to the function f:

cast abi-encode "f((string,uint256,(address,uint256)))" "(example,1,(0x...,1))"

To deploy a contract accepting MyStruct as an argument:

forge create src/Test.sol:Test --constructor-args "(example,1,(0x...,1))"